Church of Santiago (where the camino from A Coruna starts) has the following opening hours if it helps in any way?
Source :
It's getting lost in the discussion, but I think it's relevant that people can both reserve a day or two ahead for some locations and just turn up for others. It's not an all-or-nothing proposition. I personally prefer to call ahead for large...
There are different risks associated with accommodations, and different ways of mitigating them.
People who book ahead manage the risk of not having a place to sleep in their chosen town because they arrived too late to find one. They do that by...
I am a retired systems analyst cursed with an engineering technologist's brain that insists on analyzing and thoroughly understanding problems, especially those pertaining to processes and systems. Those who don't share this affliction should...
This thread is in the Vía Serrana forum, for what it's worth. I don't know if it's there by accident, but if not, it's not a camino I'd expect Follow the Camino or other agencies to cover. I could be wrong though!
I don't know what route you're planning, or when you're planning to do it, but my advice, after reading your message, would be to leave your husband at home!
I use French Army boots, and the pair I currently have I bought in 2013.
They are not ideal, but they have lasted a 1,000K year of prep for my 2014, the 1,000K of that 2014, uncounted hundreds of K between, then about 1,700K this year, though...
Yes. And it is quite remarkable just how many people are incapable of doing that; especially in the early days of Camino. The turn-off that Tim refers to is frequently missed by people powering along the road with their eyes on the prize.
Welcome to the Forum John.
You sound like you are well and truly 'hooked'.
As a bit of a "Caminoholic" and over planner myself, a word of caution.
Movies, books and research are great. And this Forum is a wonderful knowledge base too. If not...
If you want to reserve your bed (and send your suitcases ahead), call a hotel or a privately owned place. Pilgrim albergues are for pilgrims, people who fly free, carry their own burdens, and let the road provide for them. Some of us are...
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