Far too many Caminos over the years. A small silver lining is that they were not consecutive nights. :cool: Cheap flights from the UK to Spain often leave very late at night or early in the morning. I live in west Wales and it takes me at least...
I've used this flight three times. Despite some people's views of Ryanair, I found them reliable and cheap. This flight gets you to SJPdP early enough to enjoy the place before setting off the next day or walking to Orisson the same day.
Although no one in particular comes to mind, I think I'd prefer to walk with someone who is still alive. I don't think I'd manage carrying a dead body around and a backpack as well.
I have walked 11 Caminos with my sister! She is now 84 and we are hoping to leave from Astorga at the end of April.
No fantasy figure would beat would beat having her for another walk! I cherish the time together.
Benny Rothman, the jailed leader of the 1932 Kinder Scout mass trespass in the (U.K.) Derbyshire Peak District. But for his bravery the Right to Roam movement would not have gained the (still limited) ground it has.
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