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    • MilenaS
      Hi all. I’m sitting in the sun on this spectacular day in the Pyrenees at the statue of Mary and Jesus. A glorious day. Thank you to all the weather Gods. Perhaps June / July are the best walking months - at least this year. There are people...
    • MilenaS
      MilenaS reacted to ivar's post in the thread Forum Introduction with Love Love.
      Hi and Welcome! This discussion board is meant to be a forum where past visitors (pilgrims?) and future visitors can meet and share their experiences related to Santiago de Compostela. There are mainly two groups of people that travel to...
    • MilenaS
      MilenaS reacted to ivar's post in the thread The forum, 20 years on. with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      Thank you for this... and to all of you that makes this a good place to be. I always say that it is all of you that make this forum what it is... Here is my first post on the forum from October 2004. I was user #1, all alone... it was a forum...
    • MilenaS
      MilenaS reacted to Kirkie's post in the thread The forum, 20 years on. with Love - Red heart Love - Red heart.
      I can imagine that Ivar might wonder how the years have galloped by since he devised the project that 20 years ago became the Forum. It is of course a tribute to original values and ensuing adaptations that the standards have been maintained and...
    • MilenaS
      MilenaS reacted to trecile's post in the thread If you need "hiker's" wool in León with Like Like.
      I stopped in the pilgrim store Armería Castro.Deportes y Tienda del peregrino today, and they carry bags of wool to use on your feet. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Zb8fM4AK2qyCuGYt6?g_st=ac
    • MilenaS
      We have walked many Camino routes, including the Norte, and only occasionally seen cows on the trail (luckily none have been threatening). Here is the advice given by our regional park district. (I also have seen signs showing cow's blind spots...
    • MilenaS
      I have a fresh thread here somewhere about the Norte (I am on my flight back). I had no problem booking ahead a day or not booking at all up until Arzua. Stayed mostly in hostels and albergues, and occasionally in a private room. Buen Camino
    • MilenaS
      I just completed my first Camino on the Camino Frances. I am one of those who started at Sarria (I also walked on to Finisterre). I did this walk partially with my daughter and partially solo, after a knee surgery, and suffering from arthritis...
    • MilenaS
      MilenaS reacted to maestropaolo's post in the thread Ciao, Paolo at his first Camino Frances with Buen Camino! Buen Camino!.
      Ciao everyone, just a quick introduction. I'll be starting my Camino from SJPP on June 6th 2024 I've always been curious and for now I'm taking it with a grain of salt and cautious optimism...but ready to listen to my body and abandon if needed...
    • MilenaS
      Both times last year I felt ... empty. Not ready to finish. I just wanted to keep walking. Each day I'm in Santiago I find myself drawn back to the square and I just sit, my back against those old stones, and watch. Sooner or later I always seem...
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