On the Valcarlos way, above Gainekoleta the way follows the valley and then starts to get seriously steep. Up there, the moss is glorious. Frances March 2015
Camino Frances, Valcarlos route
photo taken October 15, 2014
At Arnéguy on the French/Spanish border this stelle depicting chevaliers/ caballeros framed a nearby sign pointing to the Spanish continuation of the CF towards...
The painting is in
this museum. Here is a screenshot!!
Here is the reply from the museum
Enviados: Domingo, 13 de Marzo 2022 17:18:44
Buenas tardes,
La obra a la que usted se refiere corresponde a Ventura Álvarez Sala (Gijón 1869 -...
Maybe, Portugues. Maybe in a village on Ribera Sacra...
I know that @mspath found the gallery this painting is in. I just loved the way the artist caught the character of the woman. a detail from the whole painting.
Camino Frances
towards Valcarlos, arrow
photo taken February 6, 2007
Just after dawn in a cold mist I set off alone thrilled to be moving towards new adventures on this 3rd CF but my first in winter. As always I would follow the Valcarlos...
I took the following photo in Le Puy as I started on the Via Podiensis in May 2022 ...
I was a little disappointed. I thought I could make out that it was a scallop shell that basically indicated the transition from the city of Le Puy, into...
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