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  1. diterry

    Has the Camino lost its way?

  2. diterry

    Albergue idea - group snorers together, away from non-snorers

    “Ambien or earplugs,” said Joost.
  3. diterry

    Rest day Siena, Italy ... Via Francigena

    Grazie. Beautiful pics. Hope to walk in your footsteps one day soon.
  4. diterry

    Movie "The Camino Voyage" on Amazon Prime

    Thanks for the tip. Wonderful documentary. PS it’s on Freevee in US.
  5. diterry

    Where to stay the night before Santiago....?

    We chose to stay in a pension in O Pedrouzo the night before walking into Santiago. It was too hot to sleep so we departed at 4 am, headlamps on and through the forest. Needless to say the forest was thick with moths and insects attracted to the light from our headlamps……next came the bats! We...
  6. diterry

    Merino fleece or synthetic puffy for October/early November?

    Puffy all the way.
  7. diterry

    Footwear on the plane

    Former ER nurse here……..vascular surgeons recommend Ted socks or compression socks for flights over 4 hrs. They are light weight, easy to wash and store, and can be valuable for any related foot, ankle, shin swelling along the way. It’s a simple solution, but whatever you wear remember to stand...
  8. diterry

    Best place to exchange dollars for euros?

    Trecile’s post re Charles Schwab is priceless. The other advice we received before 2017 and 2019 camino is to only use bank associated ATMs , e.g. Santander. Good counsel. Buen Camino.
  9. diterry

    Roncesvalles Reservation - with or without dinner and/or breakfast?

    I had my first slice of warm tortilla Español in Burguete. Worth the wait and walk. Salud!
  10. diterry

    Best Unique and Comfortable Albergues on the Camino Francés with Communal Experiences

    Shout out to Albergue Camino y Leyenda in Trabadelo. Sweet private rooms, shared sunlight library, delightful meal.
  11. diterry

    Private room recommendations between Carrion de los Condes and Leon on the Meseta

    If your journey takes you through the sweet village of Reliegos the Vive Tu Camino albergue has lovely private rooms, a comforting pilgrim's meal, garden and welcoming family ownership. It's a welcome respite before Leon. Buen Camino.
  12. diterry

    Transport between SdC and Porto

    We traveled on FLIX bus from SdC to Porto in 2019. It was economical, comfortable and scenic.
  13. diterry

    “The worst footprint of the pilgrims”

    In 2017 walking our first CF, we had the joy of walking several days with an 84 yr old Spaniard who was taking advantage of May holidays and clear blue skies. He was proud, charming, and patient with my struggling Spanish. Yet every time we walked by man made rock cairns, which was often, he...
  14. diterry

    My Camino regret!

    In April/May 2017 walking our first camino from SJPP my husband encountered a bad clam in an otherwise delicious paella in Castrojeriz. Weak, dehydrated and humiliated he trudged over the mule killer to Fromista. From Fromista we took the bus to Palencia, train to Leon believing medical care in...
  15. diterry

    Winter Camino Francés video (arrived January 6th, 2021)

    David, we chromecast your video to the big screen last evening and it was akin to being in a church, quiet, meditative snowy footsteps. Great production and direction, with many more steps than credited due to setting up shots with the GoPro. You were smartly and appropriately outfitted for your...
  16. Confraternity


    Plaza major, Sauhagún. September 3019.
  17. diterry

    American Discovery Trail - Through Delaware and Eastern Maryland

    Following you from sea to shining sea Dave. Be well and know you are lifted up by many. Sorry you missed the scrapple 😉
  18. diterry

    If You Only Had Time To Spend In One City: Porto vs. Lisbon

    From a Pacific NW friend. We spent 5 days in Porto in October after rewalking the Meseta. 2017, 2019. The food, tiles, architecture are fabulous, and did I mention the food? We took the metro to Matosinhos for the day and the ocean is magnificent. We saw many pilgrims on their way. Enjoy!
  19. diterry

    Advice on skipping Meseta

    2 years ago my husband had a bad mussel in Castrojeriz forcing us to leave the Camino in Fromista for Leon and medical care. After 4 days we were able to continue walking to Santiago. We return to Spain on 9/21 to walk from Fromista to Leon. The meseta beckons!
  20. diterry

    Doors on the Camino Frances

    Pleas add to my joy.

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