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Burgos entry


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Hello all,

When I walked the Camino in 2007 I was given some very helpful advice on how to enter the city, which I successfully followed. In 2005 I entered through all the heavy traffic etc, but in 2007 it was a different story altogether, walking along the river was a very pleasant mornings stroll. The directions below are a copy of what I sent to a friend at the time (and I also later sent to John Briely - I don't know if he checked it out and has included it in his latest edition). I hope some of you going itno the city find this useful. Buen Camino Janet

When you get to the A1 highway (you will recognize it for all the noise it makes!) cross over the bridge. About a 100 metres from there is a big white housing development (used to be a former army barracks). There is a dirt road going down the side / front of it. If you look carefully there is an arrow pointing you down - follow it, and then follow the road back the way you came for about a 100 metres. The road then runs parallel to the freeway for a while - across paddocks, with the occasional arrow painted on rocks on the ground. You will be headed for a big "smelter" type place (belching smoke probably) and ultimately the village of Castañeres. Cross the road and have a drink and a toilet stop at the bar El Descanso.

Now this is where you may have to make a decision if you are going away from the waymarks. I did, very successfully, but I think it may depend on what day of the week you will be coming through – because of roadworks. If you are doubtful just follow the signs - which go through the suburbs along a very noisy road. Here is what I did.

I turned left at the next street and walked along in front of a playground and headed towards where I thought the river would be. I worked my around a "stone crushing" plant (I think that is what it was) and then crossed over a blue footbridge, turned right and went along to the concrete path and followed that towards the city (or you could take the dirt path you see just before then). This path runs parallel to the river - sort of - into the city. I walked on a Saturday and so there were no road works, but when I crossed under a bridge where they were working I noticed a pedestrian crossed out – which I think may have meant not to walk there, but the cyclists were riding through and so I decided that if they could so could I! After that the path turns into a linear park and goes right into the city. I think I took the third footbridge across after the railway line, but I wished that I had gone on at least one and maybe 2 more.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Thanks jl,
This is the route that we want to do this year and I had already printed out a sequence of google maps from Cardañuela, Orbaneja and then heading towards the river. I could easily follow your description on Google. Yes, I would definately carry on along the river until you reach the foot bridge only a stone's throw from the cathedral. I think that this route must be so much more pleasant instead of going through all that industrial zone and hitting the hot and hard tarmac too. I wonder why this is not the "official" way in?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
jl said:
....When you get to the A1 highway (you will recognize it for all the noise it makes!) cross over the bridge.
Is that the AP-1 before the airport or the A1 after the airport.
Couldn't quite follow it on google maps.
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
It's the highway before the airport. I remember seeing this yellow arrow indicating to turn left in there, but because other people were ignoring it and, according to my directions indicating to go straight on, that's what we did. However, shortly after we came to the airport perimeter fence , where there was what seemed to be a deviation due to the road works, so we decided to follow the perimiter fence (in deep mud) and finally came out at Castañares. Here we walked a while, missed our way and finally took the bus into Burgos (the only time we "cheated"!
Now I know how to approach Burgos in a more pleasant way, not wanting to go through the industrial zone, I wish there was an alternative route to approach Leon - this because the approach is highly dangerous and booring too.
Hi Col, I don't have access to luxuries like google maps because of my slow internet speed. The map I was using was the map that is in Brierley's guide book and the road is only called A1. Now - 18months later, I actually have no recollection of seeing the airport so have no idea of its relationship to that. However in the guide book the A1 is very close to a little village called Orbaneja (I would think maybe 500 - 800 metres away, but time might have dimmed the distance recollection! From the bridge crossing the road (which is just before you turn left) you can clearly see the railway line and I think, from memory, the village - really a suburb - of Villafria. Hope that clarifies things. regards, Janet
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hi Janet,
It's curious to read what people have around the world. Here in "3rd world" Costa Rica, we (or at least our village) has high speed internet, hence I can use Google maps and check off the route. We have to rely on internet, because with only 26 people coming from Costa Rica having completed the Camino in 2009, of course there is absolutely no demand for the luxury of Camino guide books!
For our Camino last year I downloaded and printed out a file in booklet form, and have done the same for our preparation for this year, from a Spanish site The site is being continually up-dated and they have a very good description of the albergues too. Now that I have my pages printed out, I add by hand any additional information that I pick up from various sites.
Hello Anne, I too have relied heavily on the internet in the past, but as there are more and more things becoming available (such as Google maps etc) I am finding it more difficult because of the speed of the internet required. I live very close to the capital city of South Australia, but just happen to be on the end of what is called a "paired line" - whatever that means (very, very slow internet!) There are more people here in Sth Aust. who are interested in walking the Camino, but it still does not warrant stores hoarding quantities of guide books etc, and so we all tend to order our guide books from the internet (or cadge off friends who are travelling in the right corners of the word)

I plan, in minute detail, each of my Caminos. Listing all the villages that I will walk through and the places to visit in those towns, what festivals, church services etc are likely to be occurring. Because, like you, we have to work out how long we are likely to take and therefore when to book our journey to and from the Camino I note down all the distances, where the albergues are etc (indeed, this time I have colourcoded the towns with different colours depending what tyrpe of accomodation is available - black means there is nothing availbable - at this stage).

Some are surprised at the detail I go to, but I find that it all helps in my understanding of what I am seeing and experiencing, and it also means that with this kind of information I am much more free to pick and choose and change my mind. For example, I can see at a glance how far I will have to walk till I can get somewhere to stay if I were to walk on past my proposed stop, although I very often stay where I decided because there is some reason - eg a special place to stay, a church service I wish to attend a choir I want to hear etc. Anyway, my preparation is coming to a close as I will be leaving now in less than 3 months. I am starting to get excited, and nervous as I will be much more alone than on previous Caminos (I am starting from North of Vezealy and then taking the Camino del Norte)

Kind regards, Janet

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