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Camino to Fisterra



Approximately 6,000 pilgrims walked the Camino to Fisterra last year, according to Tourgalicia. This is one of the less traveled roads, the only one that departs from Compostela, as it's a continuation of other Caminos and pilgrims do it to end their Road experience on a refreshing note, resting in Fisterra for a day or two. 85 - 90 percent of pilgrims that walk this Camino are foreigners. This changes in the summetime, when the majority are Spaniards. This Camino consists of 120 km that could well be done in 5 days. According to tradition the walk reaches the ocean in Fisterra where pilgrims collect the well-known shell. It is a most magical road (my own thought :!: ). Best, xm 8)

La ruta alcanzó el año pasado una afluencia de 6.000 peregrinos

La voz de galicia | santiago

En torno a 6.000 personas realizaron el año pasado el Camino a Fisterra, según dio a conocer la empresa pública Turgalicia.

Esta ruta es una de la que menos afluencia tiene. De hecho, es la única que parte desde Santiago, ya que es una continuación de los otros caminos, y normalmente se convierte en el epílogo de los que peregrinan a Santiago y desean tener unos días más de descanso.

Según los hosteleros de la Costa da Morte, a lo largo del año «o 85 ou 90% son estranxeiros», según el hostelero de la Costa da Morte y portavoz del grupo Iacobus Xesús Trillo. Éste añade que en los meses de verano la situación da la vuelta y la mayoría de los peregrinos que se desplazan hacia Fisterra son españoles.

Son 120 kilómetros que se suelen realizar en cinco etapas, que incluyen el paso por Negreira, Cee, Corcubión, Fisterra y Muxía. La tradición manda llegar hasta las aguas de Fisterra y recoger una concha.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
It's only just dawned on me that I've overbooked my time off work! I've at least a week longer than I expected... I think I'll rest a couple of days on Santiago then head off to Finisterre. Is there a bus that'll take you back to Santiago afterwards, do you know?
Is there a bus that'll take you back to Santiago afterwards, do you know?

Affirmative. There's a bus stop right around the albergue.

Buen Camino,

xm 8)
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I've at least a week longer than I expected...head off to Finisterre...

You may want to check out the Fisterra-Muxia camino. It's beautiful, historic, has a brand new albergue, +there r buses to Santiago from there.

Buen Camino,

Muy buen! Don't quite know what's happened there. I booked 6 weeks off and expect to do it in about 32 days, which (if my pack doesn't go missing again, like it did last year!!) means I've a further 10 days in my pocket. Assuming all is well, I've got a few days to go to Finisterre, if not, I've backed myself up with an earlier flight back to London five days before my other ticket, which has cost me very, very, very, very little!

Who knows what obstacles we face!
post subject


Bus sked for 2006 Fisterra to Santiago......

Mon-Fri... 0750 & 1100 am
Sun....1600 & 1800 Les.
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...Don't quite know what's happened...10 a few days to go to Finisterre...

Nothing to it, buen hombre, you're being "set up" by Santiago, he wants u to stick around longer.


xm 8)
minkey, how about WALKING to finisterre, most people do it in 3 days, i took 4. It was fabulous. I was going to walk to muxia, however Finisterre is so beautiful i decided to stay there an extra day.
when are you going?
the walk to finisterre, and then on to Muxia is, in my opinion, the most beautifull part of the Camino. Not only that but Finisterre itself is a very powerfull place that feels like a proper end to a multi-week walk...a feeling i didn't have when i arrived in Santiago....

if you have the time to do it it is not to be missed
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Dawn of a New Day, I wasn't suggesting getting a bus to Finisterre, was thinking about the bus back! Although I may have enough time to walk back... Hmm... That'd be a bit different!
I'd rather walk to Fisterra & on to Muxia, than take the bus to either one. But then u can make all sorts of combinations, for example, take the bus to Muxia and walk the Camino backwards to Santiago via Fisterra (does sound crazy but I know of people that have done it). Also, once u finish the Santiago-Fisterra road, you can get their version of the Compostela, the Fisterrana, a really nice, colorful, remembrance, of the experience. Best, xm 8)
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).

I read in some guide that it's only about 75 km from Santiago to Fisterre, and on that basis I decided that we should bike there if we get to Santiago with enough time to spare (which we should). It would be a great end to the trip, I think!
I recall my German friend, Tobias saying that some of the way marks were disputable, any thoughts on this? He has some gruesome photos of the path to Finisterre since a lot of it had been burnt in the fires :(
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
it was hard finding the markers out of Santiago, after that easy. it is almost 90km. i walked it in 4 days. it is an amazing walk, and watching the sunset was magnificant.
i am not sure about the scenery due to the fires, this was one of the best parts of the trail for me.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Ur right about the Camino to Fisterra being hard to find in Compostela. If it wouldn't have been for a friend that showed me the way the day before I left, it would have taken me forever to find it :!: Best, xm 8)

I was lucky enough to chat to a Belgium chap on the square outside the Cathederal just before I was leaving and he was happy to show me the start of the Finnisterra route, which if you have your back to the cathederal is over in the right hand corner exit and it took me 3 days.

I found the scenery very beautiful, yes some burnt trees and land along the way but I felt it added to the atmosphere and energy and when you get to see the sea over the horizon.............

It was magic, also that last way marker near the light house :D
Geoff, through the archway you come through that's next to the Cathedral or the road that goes down past the right hand side of the Parador?
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
roland in answer to your question about albergues in route.
i stopped at Negreira, 2nd day Oliveroa, then instead of another 33km day i stayed at Corcubion (hostel on way out of town) then onto finisterre.
if you have time, it is nice to take 4 days.
enjoy, leaving tomorrow for another holiday walking.
hugs to all,
buen camino, see you on the way.,
stayed at Corcubion (hostel on way out of town) then onto finisterre.

Hi dawn, could that have been the albergue run by AGACS at Corcubion? It's also way up a hill, out of town...Best, xm 8)
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
That albergue is run by AGACS: the Asociacion Galega de Amigos del Camino de Santiago. Along with the CSJ, AGACS was a recipient of the Elias Valiño Prize. Nice, clean, quiet, albergue. Highly recommend it on the way to Fisterra. Best, xm 8)

Can one get a map of this route, e.g. in Santiago before heading out? We want to bike to Finisterre and Muxia and then back to Santiago, but I don't know how long that may take us... Or does anybody know of any information on line with a map, towns to pass through, etc.? Thanks.
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