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Search 69,459 Camino Questions

Class of 2014

As time gets closer, I find that time isn't passing quickly enough. I am having dreams about my Camino experiences (they are a little creepy and scary ones though....one was where I missed my plane by ONE WHOLE DAY! Yikes!:confused:). My friends are tired of hearing about this trip and are probably wishing for time to pass just so I'll shut up! :p Come on May 25th!!
I am so ready my friends and family wish I was leaving before >>>>April 5th.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I leave for SJPdP Wednesday next week, and start walking Thursday, there are also a few others starting a day or a couple of days after me. Maybe we'll meet :)

I am suffering from a temporary (I hope!) Fatigue right now, from my sudden transition from couch potato to walking 10-12 km 4 days/week with an 8 kg pack. I'm not just tired, I'm completely washed out. So I will take it really easy the first week or two. After I get to Roncesvalles, that is...

Hola Ullamae,

wow how exciting to read you will be starting your Camino next week! :D
Maybe it's best you rest in your last week before you start walking? Do your regular stretches and core strengthening exercises... But then again I have never walked the Camino or walked 20 plus kms a day... I've read that after the first couple of weeks, your body adapts so I'm sure you will be fine.
In any case, I wish you well and am excited you start your journey next week.

Buen Camino! :)
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.

I leave Washington State the same day you leave Sweden. It just takes me lots longer to get to St Jean. I will be so jet/travel lagged! You will be in Roncevalle before I leave St Jean. Buen Camino and I hope to see you somewhere.
The way I'm feeling right now we'll probably meet pretty soon. I'm not as tired today, though, so hoping for the best :)

Your body will appreciate the effort you have put in to get in shape before starting even though you have fatigue now. Also, I find that once I am on a trail and not also doing the thousand and one other little things that creep into any day at home and I can just focus on walking, things are better. I wish I had done more training before this Camino but it has not been as I would have liked. Still, I will begin and step by step I will go. So will you.
Hello :)
I am pretty sure I posted on this thread months ago when I was tired of lurking in silence, reading everything I could through other's experiences, lists, questions, advice and love in general. I love to read all of your posts as I get ever closer to the date of my departure from North Carolina (USA) - 14 May '14. Thanks for sharing your anticipation, joy & fear - it helps me to feel like I've begun my journey a little bit already.

Buen Camino~
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Hello :)
I am pretty sure I posted on this thread months ago when I was tired of lurking in silence, reading everything I could through other's experiences, lists, questions, advice and love in general. I love to read all of your posts as I get ever closer to the date of my departure from North Carolina (USA) - 14 May '14. Thanks for sharing your anticipation, joy & fear - it helps me to feel like I've begun my journey a little bit already.

Buen Camino~
All right a person from one of my favorite states. I lived there for 4 years and my son was born there. Buen Camino!
hi need some suggestions comments advise - walking the Camino in September - will be in Santiago on Thursday September 04 - have about 5 days before we take a flight from here to Bacelona. (flight is out Friday September 12 from Santiago)
Suggestions have come up about taking a detour to Portugal - that sounds sounds interesting !
Open to hearing any insight or suggestions on where to go for 4-5 days in Portugal...

for instance fly to or bus to ? is there a city or area we can visit that will not cost alot and is worth seeing in Portugal ?
Is the food and accomdations similar to Spain (as we will need to budget)

My suggestion. Take the bus to Porto. There are hostels there. The one I stayed in is "Poet's Hostel", but there are others. Porto is a beautiful city. Be sure to visit the Port Lodges on the south shore of the river. And while in Porto, take a day, or maybe two to go up the Duoro river valley to see the vineyards. Early September will be just before harvest. There are trains that go up the valley, or you might rent a car for a day.

There are also trains that go between Santiago and Porto, but they are a bit tedious. You have to take a train from Santiago to Vigo, then transfer to a Portuguese train that runs between Porto and Vigo. The Portuguese train only runs early in the morning and late in the evening. But that type of a schedule might suit you, depending on how you want to use your time. If I recall, the bus leaves Santiago at 11:00 AM, so it uses up most of a day.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I met Karenfromcali in this forum several months ago. She started walking a week after my wife and I did. Today in Astorga I saw a pilgrim at a plaza, I approached her to say Buen Camino and it was Karen! In person! Wow, it was like finding a really old friend. Very happy to finally meet her in person.
Just in case you haven't/don't see it - for everyone else also heading to SJPdP to start soon, apparently there's been a land slip over the train tracks, so trains are being replaced by buses...see thread by peter robins called traveling to/from Camino for more info/link. Sorry, I tried to copy it here, but I always have issues with copy/cut/paste on my tablet!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Buenas Dias,

I will be undertaking my 4th Camino leaving home Aug. 4th and starting el camino frances from Pamplona on 6 Aug. I have walked the frances in 08 and 09 and did the del Norte in 2011. This year I will seek to make the frances a new experience by taking "alternativo's" where possible and continuing past Santiago on foot to Finisterre (I took the bus in 09). A flight from Canada will take me to Madrid (7 hours) where I will take a bus from the airport with connections to Pamplona (5 hours). I will arrive in Pamplona at about 6 pm and will stay in a hotel near the cathedral for two nights departing in the wee hours of 6 Aug. This will serve two purposes the first being to recharge after a long travel itinerary and secondly will provide me with a free day to explore Pamplona.

My plan includes a visit to Eunate and a possible stay at the refugio there if it is not full. If it is I will continue to Puente la Reina for the overnight.

Thats as far as I have planned and I am now just going through archived resources. I remembered this forum and how valuable it was over the course of my previous planning stages. Nice to be back...
I actually did miss my plane by a whole day! arrived at Heathrow to fly to A Coruna to find flight overbooked. Flew Stanstead to Santiago next morning, then caught bus to A Coruna so ended up having less than 24 hours there instead of 48!
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
My plan includes a visit to Eunate and a possible stay at the refugio there if it is not full. If it is I will continue to Puente la Reina for the overnight....


Welcome back to the Forum!

Unfortunately the albergue at Eunate has been closed for the past year. The church Santa Maria de Eunate is part of the Parroquia de San Esteban (MURUZABAL (VALDIZARBE). It is closed on Mondays but open Tuesday through Sunday 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 18:30 . See this web for further info.

Buen Camino,

Margaret Meredith
Buenas Dias,

I will be undertaking my 4th Camino leaving home Aug. 4th and starting el camino frances from Pamplona on 6 Aug. I have walked the frances in 08 and 09 and did the del Norte in 2011. This year I will seek to make the frances a new experience by taking "alternativo's" where possible and continuing past Santiago on foot to Finisterre (I took the bus in 09). A flight from Canada will take me to Madrid (7 hours) where I will take a bus from the airport with connections to Pamplona (5 hours). I will arrive in Pamplona at about 6 pm and will stay in a hotel near the cathedral for two nights departing in the wee hours of 6 Aug. This will serve two purposes the first being to recharge after a long travel itinerary and secondly will provide me with a free day to explore Pamplona.

My plan includes a visit to Eunate and a possible stay at the refugio there if it is not full. If it is I will continue to Puente la Reina for the overnight.

Thats as far as I have planned and I am now just going through archived resources. I remembered this forum and how valuable it was over the course of my previous planning stages. Nice to be back...

Hello Jacobus,

Eunate Church open or not is well worth a visit, you might consider stopping the night at Cizor Menor instead of Pamplona. Reserve a place there and still spend plenty of time in Pamplona.
Next day visit Eunate and continue on to Puente la Reina, plenty of time.
I'll be walking my first Camino late August through September 2014. I'm not sure if I'll start in SJPdP or in Roncesvalles. I'll play it by ear. I have lots of flexibility because I have friends to stay with in Madrid before and after the actual Camino. Could stay on the Camino until Oct 8, easily if I want/need to. So, when is everyone else going?

Buen Camino a todos!

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Try the albergue at Zariquiegui. It puts you right at the foot of the climb to Alto del Perdon and gives you lots of time for Eunate. Last I heard Eunate was closed on Mondays. Yes, no prizes for guessing what day it was when I went there last year. :oops:
Sandi, look at the Camino Calendar.
After spending the last four months quietly reading all the great information in this forum I am excited to officially announce my 2014 Camino! I will be leaving the frigid Alaska wilderness (aka the city of Anchorage with its 300,000 people) and headed for Paris on May 31st, 2014. I am planning on taking the train down to Bayonne on June 1st and then head to SJPdP on the 2nd. If all goes as planned I will begin the Camino Frances on June 3rd. I am going solo but I can't wait meet some amazing people and make amazing memories. The heat is also something I am looking forward to. :p
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I'll be walking my first Camino late August through September 2014. I'm not sure if I'll start in SJPdP or in Roncesvalles. I'll play it by ear. I have lots of flexibility because I have friends to stay with in Madrid before and after the actual Camino. Could stay on the Camino until Oct 8, easily if I want/need to. So, when is everyone else going?

Buen Camino a todos!

I'll be walking my first Camino late August through September 2014. I'm not sure if I'll start in SJPdP or in Roncesvalles. I'll play it by ear. I have lots of flexibility because I have friends to stay with in Madrid before and after the actual Camino. Could stay on the Camino until Oct 8, easily if I want/need to. So, when is everyone else going?

Buen Camino a todos!

My wife and I will be starting our Camino in mid September. We are starting in SJPP. From all that I have read walking the Pyrenees is exciting and uplifting. Besides when will you have a chance to walk a mountain range with that much history? My question if I were you is do I spend the night in Orisson or do I go on. That all being said the Camino is a personal private experience. It is your Camino, only you can make the right choice for you.
Buen Camino.
Three days to wait! As fortune would have it, I am working as a substitute teacher 4 days this week and I have plenty to do. Glad I bought a lighter pack after I picked up 6 weeks worth of prescriptions today; that is a bunch of pills:). Saturday can't come quick enough and my wife just got invited to go to London with her sister so I can drop the guilt of doing the Camino without her:) Looking forward to meeting several Camino members early on.
Hello Everyone,
I'll be starting my Camino in May. I'm flying into Madrid on May 6th and should be in Roncesvalles by the 7th. After thinking about it, planning, and reading everything I could I can't believe I'm leaving in just a few weeks! I'm both nervous and excited to be going alone.

This is my first time posting in this forum but I have been lurking for a bit and just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading reading everyone's comments, and how helpful I've found all the advice.

Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Hello Everyone,
I'll be starting my Camino in May. I'm flying into Madrid on May 6th and should be in Roncesvalles by the 7th. After thinking about it, planning, and reading everything I could I can't believe I'm leaving in just a few weeks! I'm both nervous and excited to be going alone.

This is my first time posting in this forum but I have been lurking for a bit and just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading reading everyone's comments, and how helpful I've found all the advice.

Wonderful folks here. I am a rookie and I am leaving in a few days but I have already felt the support and encouragement from the experienced hands. Buen Camino!
Emonty your enthusiastic approach has been a very helpful boost every time. 3 days & a wake up !!
And I will meet you somewhere around Roncevalles! It's been great to have you to talk about the details with, including various ailments:). We start soon, and then the Camino will be what it is, but I am betting it's GREAT! You have the point, and LoneStar the rear guard but we three WILL get together for that beer, or two. Packing and treating a sore tendon, but I am ready.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
We are arriving from Calgary to SJPP on April 27th to walk the Camino Frances and just received our credentials in the mail today from the Canadian Company of Pilgrims. As they say in Calgary YA HOO!!!
The more Canucks the better. We are from Ontario on plan to get to Santiago on Good Thursday. We are hoping to meet there with another couple from Calgary, Karen and Dave. We met them before Burgos.
Come on down....eh
We are arriving from Calgary to SJPP on April 27th to walk the Camino Frances and just received our credentials in the mail today from the Canadian Company of Pilgrims. As they say in Calgary YA HOO!!!
Hi Jannie, I'm originally from Calgary but now live in Minnesota. I'm leaving for SJPP on May 15. As a fellow Calgarian, I just wanted to wish you a Buen Camino. Pennie
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I'm starting the camino on 3rd August this year, my first one. Anyone else heading there at this time? Will it be very busy?

Where are you starting your walk, Lucy? If from SJPDP or Roncesvalles it should not be too busy.
August is the hottest and driest month. Keep that in mind when thinking about your gear. You are unlikely to need much. I'd take an umbrella, both for shade and as an alternative to sweltering in rain gear. I find the albergues can be very hot at night (especially when the windows are not opened).
Last night my retired pastor hosted a gathering of people for a send off and a blessing. Today the Spanish teacher sent home a paper signed by some students and staff at my old school wishing me luck and asking me to carry it to Santiago for them. A favorite cousin-in-law called. Tonight my pastor offered mass for me and a blessing. My children are checking in. The Camino provides before I have even left, and I am grateful. Tomorrow!
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Last night my retired pastor hosted a gathering of people for a send off and a blessing. Today the Spanish teacher sent home a paper signed by some students and staff at my old school wishing me luck and asking me to carry it to Santiago for them. A favorite cousin-in-law called. Tonight my pastor offered mass for me and a blessing. My children are checking in. The Camino provides before I have even left, and I am grateful. Tomorrow!
Buen Camino Emonty, Godspeed from Huskerland!
Last night my retired pastor hosted a gathering of people for a send off and a blessing. Today the Spanish teacher sent home a paper signed by some students and staff at my old school wishing me luck and asking me to carry it to Santiago for them. A favorite cousin-in-law called. Tonight my pastor offered mass for me and a blessing. My children are checking in. The Camino provides before I have even left, and I am grateful. Tomorrow!
Buen Camino! I'm right behind you!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
At Bayonne train station now - getting ready to start tomorrow! I got on the bus at Bilbao this morning and saw a woman with hiking poles at the bus station. When I got on the bus it turned out we were seated next to each other. I asked her if she was also walking the Camino...of course she was. She is here from Germany to walk for a few weeks in her Easter holiday. When we got off the bus in Bayonne we were the only two left. And the just over the river to the train station was slightly more complicated than that. Of course, she had a map and directions, and we walked together. She should be arriving in SJPdP soon, to start walking today, whereas I catch the later bus. But the Camino is already providing! :)
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
150 days juicing, 2000 miles walking. Balancing life ... mind, body and soul.

Tims Reboot with Joe

My preparation is well underway and going to plan. My exercise, nutrition intake, rest, mindful practices are all as they should be. I now feel more in balance than I have for a long while. Each moment is refreshing my idea of myself ... opening new windows on who I really am. It's a great journey ...

In a small glimpse forward, early on the 6th June, I will be flying from Stansted Airport in the UK to Biaritz in the south of France. Then I will take a train to St Jean Pied de Port, a small village on the French side of the Pyrenees. After my last comfy bed sleep for at least two months my BIG walk will start in earnest the following day.

I hope to cross the high Pyrenean terrain in one day to reach the Spanish side of these magnificent mountains by the 8th June.

In the 60 or so days I have left beforehand I will continue to fuel myself on nothing but the best form of nutrition from freshly made organic veggie and fruit juices. I will also continue to walk up to 15 miles a day in preparation and test kit / clothing that I will use while away. This will include regular use of my manual juicer.

Watch this space for more updates soon .....

[...]Does anyone have insight into weather Sep 10-Oct 20? Rain? Temps? [...]
I have the distinct impression that many oversea people do not realize that the climate in the North of Spain is NOT Mediterranean and can be very different in areas between Roncesvalles and Santiago. Pamplona has different influences from the Northeast (San Sebastian corridor) than Burgos or Leon, Sw and SE from the "Picos de Europa". Galicia is influenced by the NW winds and proximity to the sea. It is possible to check past weather patterns on the Spanish website www.aemet.es, though you'll need to really understand the expressions used and know about physical locations (provinces, municipalities, etc.).
Ergo, weather conditions at any time of the year can be very different from those in various other locations along the Camino(s). Even so, September - October are months with a generally more stable weather pattern than spring time in most areas along the pilgrimage.
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Made it to Roncesvalles! Bit worried how I'll go to Santiago and Finisterre/muxia, as I'm having a few issues with splitting heels at the moment. Fingers crossed all will somehow work out.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Made it to Roncesvalles! Bit worried how I'll go to Santiago and Finisterre/muxia, as I'm having a few issues with splitting heels at the moment. Fingers crossed all will somehow work out.
Miss Pixy,
What an accomplishment! That is one of the hardest parts from my understanding ( I am leaving SJPP May 18th). I have trouble with heal cracks and use Gerlach's Extra foot cream (German brand) and after bathing feet use a heal file to get rid of dead skin and then apply the foot cream. If this sounds like something you want to try see if you can get something on this order and use it daily (when washing and at the start of walking each day).
Buen Camino!
As time gets closer, I find that time isn't passing quickly enough. I am having dreams about my Camino experiences (they are a little creepy and scary ones though....one was where I missed my plane by ONE WHOLE DAY! Yikes!:confused:). My friends are tired of hearing about this trip and are probably wishing for time to pass just so I'll shut up! :p Come on May 25th!!

For the last two nights I have dreamt about not finding a bed on the Camino! Tossed and turned all night long. I think we are being told to trust more and believe that we will be looked after. For me it means not to plan so much to let things unfold more. Sriyantra
Just bought my flight tickets, "I'm going!". I arrive in Madrid Sept. 17 @ 11:00 but sure if I should stay one night there or take the train to Pamplona and spend the night there. Want to start my walk on the 19th, all the rest I leave to the Camino.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Just bought my flight tickets, "I'm going!". I arrive in Madrid Sept. 17 @ 11:00 but sure if I should stay one night there or take the train to Pamplona and spend the night there. Want to start my walk on the 19th, all the rest I leave to the Camino.

Lucky you, Holly. As to whether to stay in Madrid or Pamplona, Madrid is a big city with everything that goes with that. I love it and it has wonderful things to see but if your focus is the Camino, you may be better just catching the train straight to Pamplona. It is certainly a smaller easier place, and very pilgrim friendly. And it also has it's share of sights.
Miss Pixy,
What an accomplishment! That is one of the hardest parts from my understanding ( I am leaving SJPP May 18th). I have trouble with heal cracks and use Gerlach's Extra foot cream (German brand) and after bathing feet use a heal file to get rid of dead skin and then apply the foot cream. If this sounds like something you want to try see if you can get something on this order and use it daily (when washing and at the start of walking each day).
Buen Camino!
Thank stephania...I found a foot file in a farmacia in villava, and have been using that and some paw paw ointment (from Australia). So far, so good. Also...st jean pied de port to Roncesvalles, in two days, was hard, but I personally at no point (except in the morning before I had started from st jean) felt that I couldn't make it. And it was so beautiful! I have been exceptionally lucky with the weather so far, including those two days though. Buen Camino! I expect I will still be walking when you start...I'll just be at the other end. If you have a chance to stay at the convent albergue at arre, and/or the albergue de Marisa Isabel roncal (?) in cizur menor they are both lovely places to stay, with beautiful gardens. :)
Thank stephania...I found a foot file in a farmacia in villava, and have been using that and some paw paw ointment (from Australia). So far, so good. Also...st jean pied de port to Roncesvalles, in two days, was hard, but I personally at no point (except in the morning before I had started from st jean) felt that I couldn't make it. And it was so beautiful! I have been exceptionally lucky with the weather so far, including those two days though. Buen Camino! I expect I will still be walking when you start...I'll just be at the other end. If you have a chance to stay at the convent albergue at arre, and/or the albergue de Marisa Isabel roncal (?) in cizur menor they are both lovely places to stay, with beautiful gardens. :)
Thanks Miss Pixie!
So glad to hear things are going better with your feet. I am taking 2 days to Ronsevalles as you did. My understanding of courage is having fear and moving forward anyway. You are courageous : ) Hope the good weather holds out for you. I will put the names of places to stay in my notes (you never know where you will want to stop for the night).
Buen Camino
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Just bought my flight tickets, "I'm going!". I arrive in Madrid Sept. 17 @ 11:00 but sure if I should stay one night there or take the train to Pamplona and spend the night there. Want to start my walk on the 19th, all the rest I leave to the Camino.
I agree with Kanga and I plan to stay the night in Pamplona. However, if you are really into paintings/art you might want to consider Madrid. It would take your entire day (and could take more time if you had it available).
So whatever floats your boat!
I got another story: a couple of days ago just before Portomarin I tripped over a branch and fell hard on rock. Got a nice gash on the forehead and of course lots of blood. While I was bleeding and my wife was trying to stop the blood 2 or 3 adult pilgrims went by totally ignoring us. They walked within a metre so they had to see what was happening. Very disappointing.
It was not until four 15 year old girls arrived that we got any help. So beware not all pilgrims are full of love for their fellow walkers.

My wife and the girls managed to stop the blood and patch me enough that I could walk another 2 km to the next hamlet and from there we got a taxi to Portomarin' clinic. A couple of stitches and an afternoon of rest and I am on my feet again. My face is black and blue but little pain and now we are in Melide; after 700 km and only 50 km to go and nothing is going to stop us now.
I got another story: a couple of days ago just before Portomarin I tripped over a branch and fell hard on rock. Got a nice gash on the forehead and of course lots of blood. While I was bleeding and my wife was trying to stop the blood 2 or 3 adult pilgrims went by totally ignoring us. They walked within a metre so they had to see what was happening. Very disappointing.
It was not until four 15 year old girls arrived that we got any help. So beware not all pilgrims are full of love for their fellow walkers.

My wife and the girls managed to stop the blood and patch me enough that I could walk another 2 km to the next hamlet and from there we got a taxi to Portomarin' clinic. A couple of stitches and an afternoon of rest and I am on my feet again. My face is black and blue but little pain and now we are in Melide; after 700 km and only 50 km to go and nothing is going to stop us now.

Keep it up Gil! Glad to hear your still at it! More prayers heading your way!

Buen Camino!

Fr. Moses
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Thank you Fr. Moses
Hello, my wife and I are looking forward to join the class of 2014 in September. We already began to train and get in shape, hope to meet some great people, and have a positive experience. This is a great forum !

Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
I also plan to do Camino Frances I think for my fourth time, I plan on starting in Mauleon France probably around June 5th of 2014. Buen Camino on everyone and hope somewhere along the way I make your acquaintances.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
In Santiago de Compostela.!!

So happy you made it. Hope the gash on the head is healing nicely, you are reconnecting with others you met along the way and celebrating.

You are right that not all pilgrims are helpful - we get a bit carried away sometimes about the loooove that is splashed around on Camino but, after all is said and done, pilgrims (or walkers, whatever) are just a chunk of society. Self selected so hopefully well motivated, but still just people.
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Hi to all the class of 2014,

I am planning to walk in September 2014 leaving SJPD around the 5th, this will be my second walk as I walked it in Sept. 2013 hope to meet many smiling faces.

Trevor from Oz
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Thank you Kanga. Yes, I amuch better, the stitches are off and even the black eyes are not as obvious.
To be fair must of the people we have met along the Camino are wonderful. Pilgrims and locals alike.
Made it to Roncesvalles! Bit worried how I'll go to Santiago and Finisterre/muxia, as I'm having a few issues with splitting heels at the moment. Fingers crossed all will somehow work out.
In Australia a cream called Calmurid is fantastic for splits in the heels. I have used it for 40 years ! Sriyantra
Hi to all the class of 2014,

I am planning to walk in September 2014 leaving SJPD around the 5th, this will be my second walk as I walked it in Sept. 2013 hope to meet many smiling faces.

Trevor from Oz
Hi Trevor, We will also be starting from SJPD on the 5th September. Look for the Aussie flag on our backpack and the smiles on our faces. Sriyantra
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Only ten more days until I arrive in SJPP to start my Camino. I'm very, very excited and can't wait to meet some of the lovely people on this forum along the way. At the moment I'm preparing myself by watching some great Camino documentaries and films and they all bring a huge smile across my face. Feeling very lucky to have the chance to make this journey.
I leave one week from tomorrow. I'm nervous. Second guessing myself. What if my body gives out physically? What if I get food poisoning? Lost? Homesick? Is €350 enough to get my train tickets from Paris to SJPP and food and lodging for a week or two?

On the other hand, what if I have the time of my life?

It's final, I'm going. Just so many unknowns.

I think we all feel like that sometimes :/
First....I can't get there fast enough.
Second.....should I back out while I still can?

I'm very conflicted, so many unknowns....but happily moving forward!
This forum is helping calm my fears :)
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Who's gonna walk The Camino on july?
I'll start from Burgos on 27 june to Santiago (20 days/500 kmo_O)
Hope to meet you all on The Way!:)

My name' Stefano 45 years old, from Milan Italy
Buen camino!
my blog http://ultreya2014.blogspot.it/
Misspixy we met a few days back in Zubri I hope your camino has been positive.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Hi Trevor, We will also be starting from SJPD on the 5th September. Look for the Aussie flag on our backpack and the smiles on our faces. Sriyantra
Look forward to see you on the way, I am staying at Orisson as it was a great night a a very nice way to meet people that you will cross paths with. I will have no Aussie flag as I believe we are all one. Its good to hear from Cane Toads as I grew up in Qld and my son goes to Uni on the Sunshine Coast. If you have any questions just ask as I maybe able to help.
Hi Trevor, We will also be starting from SJPD on the 5th September. Look for the Aussie flag on our backpack and the smiles on our faces. Sriyantra
Look forward to see you on the way, I am staying at Orisson as it was a great night a a very nice way to meet people that you will cross paths with. I will have no Aussie flag as I believe we are all one. Its good to hear from Cane Toads as I grew up in Qld and my son goes to Uni on the Sunshine Coast. If you have any questions just ask as I maybe able to help.
Also do not worry about finding a bed, in fact dont worry just take the first then the second step the Way will look after you as it did me last year.
Hi to all the class of 2014,

I am planning to walk in September 2014 leaving SJPD around the 5th, this will be my second walk as I walked it in Sept. 2013 hope to meet many smiling faces.

Trevor from Oz
You will be ahead of my wife and I, we start our journey on September 16 from SJPP. Also spending the first night in Orrison. Hope to see you all along the way.
Buen Camino
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Buenas Dias,

I will be undertaking my 4th Camino leaving home Aug. 4th and starting el camino frances from Pamplona on 6 Aug. I have walked the frances in 08 and 09 and did the del Norte in 2011. This year I will seek to make the frances a new experience by taking "alternativo's" where possible and continuing past Santiago on foot to Finisterre (I took the bus in 09). A flight from Canada will take me to Madrid (7 hours) where I will take a bus from the airport with connections to Pamplona (5 hours). I will arrive in Pamplona at about 6 pm and will stay in a hotel near the cathedral for two nights departing in the wee hours of 6 Aug. This will serve two purposes the first being to recharge after a long travel itinerary and secondly will provide me with a free day to explore Pamplona.

My plan includes a visit to Eunate and a possible stay at the refugio there if it is not full. If it is I will continue to Puente la Reina for the overnight.

Thats as far as I have planned and I am now just going through archived resources. I remembered this forum and how valuable it was over the course of my previous planning stages. Nice to be back...
When I read that people like you have walked more then one Camino I get very excited. I have not yet walked my first Camino (September 16, 2014) I sit here at home planning my travel and my packing list. I have been working on this for over a year. I am already talking to my wife about our 2nd Camino. I feel the need to do this now. I don't know why but something is going on inside me.
Buen Camino
Jabaldo, as the saying goes "You ain't seen nothing yet". The excitement and trepidation before the first acmino is followed by the daily longing after it's completion - to go again (and again, and again...)! :)
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
Misspixy we met a few days back in Zubri I hope your camino has been positive.
Hi Keith - I'm glad you messaged - I couldn't remember what you said your screen name was. Tried to find you, and thought this might be you, but wasn't sure. I also thought I maybe saw you going into the church in navarrete last night? I'm in najera tonight - all is going well...have got through a few days when I didn't feel like walking, and all good now :). Hope all is well with your Camino! :)
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Good job after all u goy it!!!!:)
Thank you guys. It was a long 41 days but unbelievable and unforgettable. I really was surprised that we finished. In my 70 years I had never done anything like this pilgrimage. I could never have finished if my wife was not there to pick me up a take me to emergency for medical assistance 3 times. She is the real pilgrim and my guardian angel. (And she is only 62)
Our plane leaves tonight! We will be spending some time in Netherlands and Paris before starting our Camino at SJPdP on 1 May. I can't believe this day has finally arrived. Very exciting (and scary)!

I really just wanted to say thank you to Ivar and to all those who have generously shared their wisdom on this amazing forum which has been critical to our preparations and is so valuable for all us newbies. Thank you all.

Who knows how we'll go but we're going, and that is amazing!
Buen Camino a todos.
Our plane leaves tonight! We will be spending some time in Netherlands and Paris before starting our Camino at SJPdP on 1 May. I can't believe this day has finally arrived. Very exciting (and scary)!

I really just wanted to say thank you to Ivar and to all those who have generously shared their wisdom on this amazing forum which has been critical to our preparations and is so valuable for all us newbies. Thank you all.

Who knows how we'll go but we're going, and that is amazing!
Buen Camino a todos.

Helen, have a wonderful journey and a safe return. My first Camino started on 1 May - for me a most auspicious day!
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Our plane leaves tonight! We will be spending some time in Netherlands and Paris before starting our Camino at SJPdP on 1 May. I can't believe this day has finally arrived. Very exciting (and scary)!

I really just wanted to say thank you to Ivar and to all those who have generously shared their wisdom on this amazing forum which has been critical to our preparations and is so valuable for all us newbies. Thank you all.

Who knows how we'll go but we're going, and that is amazing!
Buen Camino a todos.
We also leaveSJPdP on May 1st, but don't fly out for another week. Hopefully meet you, Helen, on the way .
Thanks to this forum I have managed to seriously reduce the weight I will be carrying and will be setting off with more realistic expectations of what we may encounter. Thank you all for the information and entertainment.
Hi all,
Having walked from Cádiz to Seville over the last two weeks, I am wimping out and getting the bus from Sevilla to Guillena to make up for lost time relaxing in Sevilla, enjoying the Semana Santa celebrations and too many tapas.
I will be leaving Guillena on Sunday morning.
I plan to do an English translation (of sorts) of the Spanish Via Augusta (Cádiz to Sevilla) guide, with my notes added, for anyone who is interested. I will post information here once it is done, hopefully within a week.
Well done Gil A and Brenda.
I last saw you on 7th March taking a rest by that woodpile on what was probably your first day.
Best wishes,
Thank you Graham. Talking to my wife we remember you well. I hope you had a Buen Camino
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Look forward to see you on the way, I am staying at Orisson as it was a great night a a very nice way to meet people that you will cross paths with. I will have no Aussie flag as I believe we are all one. Its good to hear from Cane Toads as I grew up in Qld and my son goes to Uni on the Sunshine Coast. If you have any questions just ask as I maybe able to help.
Thank you. Can you tell me if Acebo and Holly are the same place? My husband might have some physical limitions so we have to do some thinking about where we might stay. He had major back reconstruction in September last year - I call him "Miracle Man". He couldn't walk and an amazing surgeon in Brisbane operated and after A$44,000 of titanium inserts he is pain free and mobile again. He is currently doing two walks a week of 15ks up and down the few hills we have around Hervey Bay. We usually do another 15km flat walk during the week. The Camino will be a walk of gratitude because we thought I would be doing it alone and we really see his recovery as a gift. After 45 years of marriage we are still meant to walk together. Hope to meet up with you out there. I thought your comment about being one was thought provoking. I totally agree with you and hadn't considered that aspect of carrying a flag at all. Thanks again Sriyantra
In case u need this quickly. Rebekah Scott answered this to someone else recently. Acebo and holly are the same. Acebo is Spanish for Holly.
Thank you so much. Now I understand. I was watching a DVD on the Camino yesterday and the presenter was speaking Spanish. I kept wondering why he kept saying "alo (ali)" when he saw someone instead of "hola (ola)", then this morning in a book on "Easy Learning Spanish" it said that "alo" is hello in Latin America! Learning all the time.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
The 16th May is coming faster and faster - time to start relaxing and getting mentally prepared for the walk - does anyone have a thought on how many songs I should have on my iPod - I guess working on 8 hours a day for 40 days us a little rude as I assume I will need to talk to people :)

Sent from my iPhone using Camino de Santiago Forum mobile app
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
It finally hit me today that I leave in exactly 3 weeks! I arrive in Madrid on May 6th, and will start from Roncessvalles on the 8th. I'm starting to feel under prepared!
Sarah, it's natural to feel apprehensive at this point - I know I did just before we did the route last year (2013). You will not only have an amazing time, meet so many wonderful people, and see so much more than you could ever visualize, once you get back home, you will be wanting to turn around and start all over again! Be aware that at times you will wonder what you are doing, want to give up, and even find yourself crying (not only with the joy, but also the pain at times). But, as so many others have said before me, you will be totally changed by your experience. And reaching Santiago is a very moving experience. I have to admit to feeling quite nostalgic as I read of everybody preparing to make the trip this year - we hope to go back to Spain next year, but it will be for the Camino de Norte. Then we hope to walk the Camino de Frances in 2016, although we aren't getting any younger (hubby is 73 and I am 66). Ever onwards :)
Mid September thru October for me. In a little less than five months I will begin. Really looking forward to it.

Buen Camino!
We will be on the way with you. We leave SJPP September 16,2014. So looking forward to it. I have been reading preparing now for about a year. Can't wait so excited.
Buen Camino
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
As I read these posts I can see the magic of the Camino has already started.

My partner and I plan to start walking the Camino Frances in mid-April 2014 just after my retirement. I want an opportunity to "reset" and reflect on what will be the next phase of my life. My partner is looking at this as an opportunity for us to reconnect as a couple as we begin this phase (she has been retired for 7 years).

What is amazing is that it has already given us focus. I am 56 and she is 62 and we have never been particularly active. Having a goal has inspired us. We are looking for opportunities to walk (our goal this summer is 15 km comfortably - we will add packs next summer) and exploring exercise programs to maintain our fitness over the winter (we are Canadian). We're going to try yoga first and then aquafitness. And then maybe both. And we'll take Spanish lessons this winter as well.

So, even if for some reason we can't do it, the Camino will still have had a positive impact on our lives.
Hi SherreeLynn
I just read you post and it is Easter morning my wife is still sleeping so this is my quite time. I hope that you are on your Camino. I hope that your Easter is giving you what you are looking for. I too just retired a few months back and I too am looking for my next act, or chapter in my life. This Camino to me which I will start this September is my turning point. I totally understand what you are saying. May God bless you
Buen Camino
Larry & IPOD,

Guess I'm lucky--my IPOD quit working. Was planning to use it to learn Spanish. Planning on humping my ruck out of SJPDP May 16. Re-packing it again! Putting the Travel Iron back in as I just watched the Youtube vid of guy carrying 50% of his weight while his wife carries her pack and their baby. They made it. Also a youtube vid that mentions the girl from OZ who walks 5 miles; rests for 3 days; walks 5 miles; etc--now that is THE WAY to walk the Camino!
The 16th May is coming faster and faster - time to start relaxing and getting mentally prepared for the walk - does anyone have a thought on how many songs I should have on my iPod - I guess working on 8 hours a day for 40 days us a little rude as I assume I will need to talk to people :)

Sent from my iPhone using Camino de Santiago Forum mobile app
I think you should have as many songs as possible on your i-Pod. I also think you need playlists for different purposes. You need one playlist of VERY upbeat songs to get you down the road another couple of miles at the end of the day. You need a playlist of relaxing music. You need a playlist of Camino reminiscent or inspired songs. You need a plethora of playlists. Or, perhaps I should have written that, "I NEED". lol I better get busy because I leave May 15. What for me dancing along the flat parts of the Way. :)
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.

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