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Credential in Sevilla


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Time of past OR future Camino
In Spain, France, Portugal, Germany since 2003
Can anyone help me with this question: We will walk Via de la Plata from the end of April. Earlier years, walking Camino France, we have brought our credentials with us from home (Norway). I think I have read somewhere that there is a special credential for Via de la Plata, and I also think I read somewhere that one can get this credentials from Asosiacion de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Sevilla, and that you can get it in advance.
We have tryed by e-post and by letter, but have not succeeded. So now I wonder: Can we go without a credential to Sevilla and be sure to get one there, or will we end up without a credential? Is the cathedral the right place? I have read some journals on the net, and may be we can have a problem. I want to be sure that I have a credential when I start. Bjørg
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
We got ours by post via the Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Sevilla
but that was some time ago the latest news I can find is.

From the CSJ
“Amigos office in Seville: Their office in Calle San Jacinto 25 is now reported open Mon, Wed, Fri (not Tues and Fri). Email address without the .es”

From Rosina Blaroli on Gocamino
“Hello you all,
You can get the pilgrims' credential in Sevilla at the Cathedral,
which is not always easy to do. Except for Saint Peter's in Rome
the Seville Cathedral is the largest, anywhere, and getting around
it may be daunting. The office that dispenses the credentials is
located by one of the six "main" doors and it has a tiny medieval-
type door which can be easily missed. Further, its hours of operation
are pretty much subject to Andalucian ways.... which means that
maybe it will be open at the posted hours, or maybe it will not.

But.... not to worry: You can get the credential at the "Taberna Miami "
in Triana which is always open during the daytime and until
midnight or so every day. The Association of Friends of the Camino
in Sevilla is located by, and ancillary to, the tavern. (Yup!....
that's Sevillians for you). To get to the Tavern all you need do is
walk over the lovely Triana bridge (ask anyone) and keep walking; the
bar is located half-way down the first commercial block on
the left-hand side. It has a big sign over the sidewalk that says

Furthermore, at the Cathedral you will get the regular accordion-
style credential, with the walking staff and the gourd in front and
Camino maps behind, which is produced in Santiago and distributed
throughout Spain; while that credential is very pretty, practical and
informative, the credential that you will get at the Miami Bar is
uncommonly handsome: it is laminated and with colourful illustrations
of the main points throughout the Via. If Manuel, the owner
of the bar, who also founded and is president of the Seville Camino
Friends Association, is there, you will also get wine and beer to go
with the credential.

This super-typical Sevillian, is something else. He is colourfully
short, pudgy, energetic, has quite an eye for the ladies and always
wears a hat covered with Santiago shells and other Camino
memorabilia. In 2004 he went on the Santiago pilgrimage on horseback,
for the umpteenth time, alone, except for his mount and a
spare horse, to commemorate, among other things, his 77th (seventy-
seventh birthday). If he is not at the bar, the bartenders will do
the credential honors. While none speaks anything but Spanish, if you
can say "Santiago", "peregrino" and "credencial" (remembering to
smile and pointing to yourself) you should have no trouble whatever.

very useful information this. I was planning to get my credencial at the cathedral, but this Bar sounds like a much better option :)
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Thank you!

Thank you very much. My reading gave me some signals which told me I might have a problem getting a credential during my short time in Sevilla. But now I have a perfect answer! There are always somebody knowing what you want to now on this forum. Exelent! Again: Thank you very much! Bjørg :D :D
micbook said:
Does anyone know if this information is still relevant? I'll be walking the Via de la Plata this Spring 2012 and am hoping to get my credential in Seville. Many thanks in advance!

Yes and no :)

There is no "special" credencial for the Via de la Plata. The Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Sevilla provide sellos from their office at:

C/ Castilla nº 82, Local. 41010 SEVILLA
Teléfono y Fax: 954.33.52.74
Móvil: 696.600.602 (Horario de 11:00 a 14:00 y de 18:00 a 21:00)

There is a map of the location on the website.

The Amigos also supply official credenciales through the Hotel Simon which is just a few steps from the cathedral in Seville.

The cathedral used to provide credenciales but there have been reports that this is no longer the case. The cathedral will provide a sello if you wish but sellos are also available in many other places.

Buen camino

Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
What about credentials along the way on Via de la Plata? I will start in Cadiz this time and bring a credential with me from Norway. It takes 24 stamps. Walking to Finisterre, I will need more credentials along the way. I will stay ay Hotel Simon in Sevilla, and wonder if I shoud ask for a credential there, or are there many places along the route where I can gwet a new one? I remember we got one in A Gudiña ones. Bjorg
Hi Bjorg, Just a tip for people living in Norway. When starting on a long Camino I have often asked Eivind for two credencials. Then you just get the new one stamped at the nearest church/cathedral/refugio when the old one is filled up. Alternatively, take your Norwegian credencial and then get a new one in the refugio in Salamanca or Ourense. I saw people just starting getting them at these two places.

Med hilsen,

Another option for a long Camino is to photocopy and sellotape extra pages in your credential,rather than having two. This way you can add on as much extra space for sellos as you want.
Sandra :arrow:
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
I got a credential from the amigos in Sevilla when I was there in April last year, although I did not start using it until I had filled my previous credential from an earlier camino. It was specific to the VdlP in that when you spread it out, on the side opposite to the spaces where the sellos are put is a coloutful map of the the VdlP. It shows the major cities on the route and other routes that feed on to it such as from Huelve, Cadiz, Malaga. Grenada, Ubeda etc. It shows the route from Valencia joining at Zamora and the options for the VdlP other than continuing on to Astorga and joining the Frances. For the record I took the route through Orense, which I loved.


Be brave. Life is joyous.
Thanks, everyone! So if I get a credential in Seville, will it last me all the way to Santiago and, possibly, to Finisterre? Anyone knows how many pages there are in that credential?

I'm also considering starting in there a place to get a credential there, too?

Any comments on the best way to get to Cadiz, transportation-wise?

Many thanks!
Transportation to Cadiz depends on: From where? I will start there soon, and I am going by bus or train from Malaga. If there is a bus (I am not quite sure) it goes to Cadiz. Takes 4-5 hours. If I take the train, it goes to Sevilla. From Sevilla to Cadiz there are frequent bus conection. Takes about 1 1/2 hour. Bjørg
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
The credential from the Amigos in Madrid has spaces for 40 sellos.


Be brave. Life is joyous.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
micbook said:
Thanks, Alan. I'm guessing that the credential from Seville will have much more space, given the much greater distance?


Sorry michal, I meant to write that the credential from SEVILLE has 40 spaces :oops: Yes, it is barely enough, and another credential would probably be necessary.


Be brave. Life is joyous.
Hola - just get two in Seville before you go or from the Peterborough Pilgrims - clck the link at the bottom on the page. Or just add a couple of pages to whatever credencial you use.

No problem!
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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say that I am in Seville and tried all the methods listed above for getting a credencial and nothing worked. I finally found someone at the Cathedral who told me where to go. It´s in a hotel near the cathedral called the Hotel Simon. I have listed all the details in the post below.

This is current as of 6 February 2013


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