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Hi! I'm Sara I'm going to have a 100 days walk!


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Past: Camino Francés (2006, 2008)
Future: Milan-Finisterre (May-August 2014)
Hello everybody!
I've been reading your beautiful forum for a while and I finally decided to introduce myself. I'm Sara, nearly 30, I live in Milan (Italy) and I am an archaeologist and a pilgrim. I've walked the Camino Francés twice: the first time, in 2006, with my mother, we crossed the Pyrenees in Roncesvalles and we continued our walk from Leon to Santiago. The second time, in 2008, I left with a friend of mine and we walked from SJPP to Santiago. After nearly 6 years, I will start walking again, but this time I will walk alone from my city to Finisterre.
I will walk part of the Via Francigena, from Milan to the Montgenevre, then, the Via Domitia to Arles, from where I've planned a personalized path across Camargue to reach Carcassonne. In Carcassonne I will start following the Camino du Piémont Pyrénéen to SJPP, where I will reach the Camino Francés once again.
I've collected a lot of information about these paths and I would be happy to share them with you and with all those who wish to walk them. Currently, most of the documentation is in Italian, but I'm working on the translation... so, keep in touch!
If you'd like to know something more about me and my Camino, here is my website: www.100daysontheway.com. I will also be happy to receive your comments and suggestions!
Buen Camino everybody!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Hello everybody!
I've been reading your beautiful forum for a while and I finally decided to introduce myself. I'm Sara, nearly 30, I live in Milan (Italy) and I am an archaeologist and a pilgrim. I've walked the Camino Francés twice: the first time, in 2006, with my mother, we crossed the Pyrenees in Roncesvalles and we continued our walk from Leon to Santiago. The second time, in 2008, I left with a friend of mine and we walked from SJPP to Santiago. After nearly 6 years, I will start walking again, but this time I will walk alone from my city to Finisterre.
I will walk part of the Via Francigena, from Milan to the Montgenevre, then, the Via Domitia to Arles, from where I've planned a personalized path across Camargue to reach Carcassonne. In Carcassonne I will start following the Camino du Piémont Pyrénéen to SJPP, where I will reach the Camino Francés once again.
I've collected a lot of information about these paths and I would be happy to share them with you and with all those who wish to walk them. Currently, most of the documentation is in Italian, but I'm working on the translation... so, keep in touch!
If you'd like to know something more about me and my Camino, here is my website: www.100daysontheway.com. I will also be happy to receive your comments and suggestions!
Buen Camino everybody!

:eek: Way to go milady!
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
I really hope it will be! It's always hard to face such a long walk, but I'm really enthusiastic at the present moment! And I don't even mention that the Via Domitia and the Camino du Piémont are really rich of archaeological treasures!
I really hope it will be! It's always hard to face such a long walk, but I'm really enthusiastic at the present moment! And I don't even mention that the Via Domitia and the Camino du Piémont are really rich of archaeological treasures!

This sounds amazing! It would be lovely to have the opportunity to start a pilgrimage from our doorstep. Alas, living in Houston, TX doesn't offer that option! :(

I'm curious - have you considered routes other than the Frances (since you've already walked it) once you get to Spain?
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I'm curious - have you considered routes other than the Frances (since you've already walked it) once you get to Spain?
I think this will be a sort of goodbye to the Francés: the original plan was to walk it for the first (and last) time with my husband, but he doesn't have enough vacation this summer... so he will meet me in O Cebreiro and we'll go to Fisterra together...The ancient route for Italian pilgrims was via Toulouse and through the Somport Pass, in the Middle Age, but when it was up to me... well, I'm fond of the Pyrenees and I wanted to go to Lourdes and once again to Roncesvalles. That is the place where I've left my heart... and this will be the last time on the Francés: I promise ;)

Anniesantiago: I hope my blog will be useful for you, if you'll decide to follow my steps! Buen Camino!:)
Sara, aren't you the person who is also involved in the Cami Santu Jacu in Sardinia?
We are going to walk part of it this June. Ciao! Anne
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Anna! Yeah, I'm the one! I've walked the Cammino di Santu Jacu in Sardinia in Sulcis in November! Enjoy your Camino!!! Buen Camino!
Hello everybody!
I've been reading your beautiful forum for a while and I finally decided to introduce myself. I'm Sara, nearly 30, I live in Milan (Italy) and I am an archaeologist and a pilgrim. I've walked the Camino Francés twice: the first time, in 2006, with my mother, we crossed the Pyrenees in Roncesvalles and we continued our walk from Leon to Santiago. The second time, in 2008, I left with a friend of mine and we walked from SJPP to Santiago. After nearly 6 years, I will start walking again, but this time I will walk alone from my city to Finisterre.
I will walk part of the Via Francigena, from Milan to the Montgenevre, then, the Via Domitia to Arles, from where I've planned a personalized path across Camargue to reach Carcassonne. In Carcassonne I will start following the Camino du Piémont Pyrénéen to SJPP, where I will reach the Camino Francés once again.
I've collected a lot of information about these paths and I would be happy to share them with you and with all those who wish to walk them. Currently, most of the documentation is in Italian, but I'm working on the translation... so, keep in touch!
If you'd like to know something more about me and my Camino, here is my website: www.100daysontheway.com. I will also be happy to receive your comments and suggestions!
Buen Camino everybody!

Hello Sara! So you really are one of the veteran walkers! I think you have a lot to offer us and perhaps don't need our advice. Thank you for joining us. It would be nice to hear your experienced thoughts from time to time.
You're wrong about me not needing your advice: every suggestion is always welcome! I'm translating in English the small guide I've rewritten for the Italian part (there is only one Italian guide for the Francigena from the Montgenevre and it is intended only for those who go to Rome): today a friend of mine wrote me about a better detour to exit from Turin that I didn't know at all! All help is welcome and needed and I feel very excited but also a bit frightened dealing with such a long way! Also if there is anybody who live along my path, it would be so nice to share some kilometers!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Ciao Sara,welcome to a Forum with seasoned and well-versed pilgrims!
You certainly are undertaking a very interesting Camino next month. Perhaps you should consider a few more "rest" days in your itinerary. Sometimes it is worthwhile to visit off-track sites, where in the past the Camino followed a historically different path.
We'll keep following you when you start. Ultreya :)
Hi Sara, I just joined your Blog. We, husband Adriaan and I (fraluchi) will be very near you when you start out, as during those days we will be traveling between Lugano and Aosta, before flying to Sardinia on the 19th, to start our Cami de Santu Jacu. I don't think we will have time to meet up and walk with you for a day, as we will be busy meeting up with old friends and also the grandchildren. Haven't been to that part of the world for years, as we have always been walking the Camino in Spain! Buon Camino! Anna
Perhaps you should consider a few more "rest" days in your itinerary. Sometimes it is worthwhile to visit off-track sites, where in the past the Camino followed a historically different path.
We'll keep following you when you start. Ultreya :)
Hello Fraluchi (and hello also to Annakappa, even if we have already chatted a little bit in another place!): sorry for the delay... I've been a bit busy preparing the last things! I only have 12 days to go!!!
Yeah, I've considered the problem of rest days, so I've kept 2 spare days in the first 10, from Milan to the Mongenevre, and 3 more for the Caminos in France. While in Spain I don't really have a program... I've kept around 6 more free days from Saint-Jean to Finisterre: I will spend some of them in Santiago and on the Ocean, of course, but I hope this will be enough... anyway: I'm not really bound to the timetable... I'm going to see how to work (or walk) it out while I will be there. I've made a list of places where I'd like to sleep mainly because I'd like to be prepared, but I'm not going to feel upset if I'll change my mind. I will bring along the whole lists of the Associations des Amis du Chemin.
Ultreya everybody!
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Hello everybody!
I've been reading your beautiful forum for a while and I finally decided to introduce myself. I'm Sara, nearly 30, I live in Milan (Italy) and I am an archaeologist and a pilgrim. I've walked the Camino Francés twice: the first time, in 2006, with my mother, we crossed the Pyrenees in Roncesvalles and we continued our walk from Leon to Santiago. The second time, in 2008, I left with a friend of mine and we walked from SJPP to Santiago. After nearly 6 years, I will start walking again, but this time I will walk alone from my city to Finisterre.
I will walk part of the Via Francigena, from Milan to the Montgenevre, then, the Via Domitia to Arles, from where I've planned a personalized path across Camargue to reach Carcassonne. In Carcassonne I will start following the Camino du Piémont Pyrénéen to SJPP, where I will reach the Camino Francés once again.
I've collected a lot of information about these paths and I would be happy to share them with you and with all those who wish to walk them. Currently, most of the documentation is in Italian, but I'm working on the translation... so, keep in touch!
If you'd like to know something more about me and my Camino, here is my website: www.100daysontheway.com. I will also be happy to receive your comments and suggestions!
Buen Camino everybody!
Ciao Sara sono Stefano da Milano, ma quando parti? Io comincerò il mio mini-cammino da Burgos il 27 giugno. .. salutami la mia sacra di san Michele quando passi di là. ... io sono di quelle parti.:) ultreya!
Ciao Stefano! Parto giovedì da Milano. Sarò alla Sacra verso il 23 maggio, più o meno: te la saluterò volentieri! Buon Cammino anche a te... Mi raccomando: a Burgos vai a trovare el Cid ;)
Ciao Stefano! Parto giovedì da Milano. Sarò alla Sacra verso il 23 maggio, più o meno: te la saluterò volentieri! Buon Cammino anche a te... Mi raccomando: a Burgos vai a trovare el Cid ;)
Non mancherò. Ultreya!
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
Hello everybody!
I've been reading your beautiful forum for a while and I finally decided to introduce myself. I'm Sara, nearly 30, I live in Milan (Italy) and I am an archaeologist and a pilgrim. I've walked the Camino Francés twice: the first time, in 2006, with my mother, we crossed the Pyrenees in Roncesvalles and we continued our walk from Leon to Santiago. The second time, in 2008, I left with a friend of mine and we walked from SJPP to Santiago. After nearly 6 years, I will start walking again, but this time I will walk alone from my city to Finisterre.
I will walk part of the Via Francigena, from Milan to the Montgenevre, then, the Via Domitia to Arles, from where I've planned a personalized path across Camargue to reach Carcassonne. In Carcassonne I will start following the Camino du Piémont Pyrénéen to SJPP, where I will reach the Camino Francés once again.
I've collected a lot of information about these paths and I would be happy to share them with you and with all those who wish to walk them. Currently, most of the documentation is in Italian, but I'm working on the translation... so, keep in touch!
If you'd like to know something more about me and my Camino, here is my website: www.100daysontheway.com. I will also be happy to receive your comments and suggestions!
Buen Camino everybody!

Augurri, Sara!

Sorry to respond to your thread so late but only today I did saw it. Your plan seems very similar for most parts as Camino taken by my fellow citizen from Slovenia. I don't know for sure but think that she is a historian specialized in medieval age. You can find her blog here:
and she's also member of this forum under nickname "caminka".

Hope that will be of some help for you. And, BTW, Camargue is very beautiful if you haven't been there, which I doubt ;)

Sara dove sei arrivata? Io parto tra 48 ore!!!! Buen Camino:)
Sono a Carcassonne: domani inizio il Cammino del Piemonte Pirenaico (GR78)... Sono molto contenta: sto bene e l'emozione dell'avvicinamento ai Pirenei è grande! Buon Cammino per la tua partenza, Stefano!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Augurri, Sara!

Sorry to respond to your thread so late but only today I did saw it. Your plan seems very similar for most parts as Camino taken by my fellow citizen from Slovenia. I don't know for sure but think that she is a historian specialized in medieval age. You can find her blog here:
and she's also member of this forum under nickname "caminka".

Hope that will be of some help for you. And, BTW, Camargue is very beautiful if you haven't been there, which I doubt ;)

Kinky, I'm sorry: I've read your comment only now! Thank you for your link! There also are 3 Slovenian pilgrims on the Pyrenees these days: they're a week before me!
Sono a Carcassonne: domani inizio il Cammino del Piemonte Pirenaico (GR78)... Sono molto contenta: sto bene e l'emozione dell'avvicinamento ai Pirenei è grande! Buon Cammino per la tua partenza, Stefano!
Sarà banale ma sei un mito!
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