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Late April Camino del Salvador in 8 days

sun is shining

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(Soon-) Live from the Camino del Salvador - starting end of April 24.

We are currently on the Camino de Invierno around 43km before reaching Santiago - from there we will catch a bus to Leon to start the Camino del Salvador on Thursday. Luckily we have a very generous schedule with a planned arrival in Oviedo on the 2nd of May.

Here’s a rough plan:

Day 1: Leon to Cabanillas
Day 2: Cabanillas to La Robla
Day 3: La Robla to Buiza
Day 4: Buiza to Poladura
Day 5: Poladura to Pajares
Day 6: Pajares to Benduenos
Day 7: Benduenos to El Rollu
Day 8: El Rollu to Oviedo

Any advice, personal favourites, afternoon detour ideas are much appreciated! I’ll start the „live“ posting on Thursday 🥾 Thank you!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
If you like ancient churches, Santa Cristina de Lena is about a 5 minute ascent off camino and it is stunning. The señora used to come up whenever you called her, but things have been regularized now, and there are defined opening hours. It doesn’t open till 11, which might be inconvenient since you are starting that day from Bendueños, and it’s under 2 hours from there. Since you are going to El Rollu that day, it might make for a very late arrival if you stop at Santa Cristina. But it is beautiful, a highly regarded example of Asturian pre-Romanesque.

If you could arrange another breakfast meeting in Campomanes, it would work out great! 😊
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
(Soon-) Live from the Camino del Salvador - starting end of April 24.

We are currently on the Camino de Invierno around 43km before reaching Santiago - from there we will catch a bus to Leon to start the Camino del Salvador on Thursday. Luckily we have a very generous schedule with a planned arrival in Oviedo on the 2nd of May.

Here’s a rough plan:

Day 1: Leon to Cabanillas
Day 2: Cabanillas to La Robla
Day 3: La Robla to Buiza
Day 4: Buiza to Poladura
Day 5: Poladura to Pajares
Day 6: Pajares to Benduenos
Day 7: Benduenos to El Rollu
Day 8: El Rollu to Oviedo

Any advice, personal favourites, afternoon detour ideas are much appreciated! I’ll start the „live“ posting on Thursday 🥾 Thank you!
Hi! We will be trying a similar route from April 29. So enthusiastically I will be waiting for your news ! Buen Camino!
"We" are also starting from Leon on Thurs! and staying in Cabanillas... then Buiza.
The Sun is not shining at the moment and the Temps are set to drop very low.
Looking forward so much to this Camino which includes the Primitivo.
I'm hoping to see the Santa Cristina church and have no issues with having a Breakfast meeting or two as the chances to stop are so seldom. I'm hoping also to keep My pace slow as I'm prone to foot issues. Also my companion has been known to take deviations to see lovely churches and wait for "opening time".
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
If you like ancient churches, Santa Cristina de Lena is about a 5 minute ascent off camino and it is stunning. The señora used to come up whenever you called her, but things have been regularized now, and there are defined opening hours. It doesn’t open till 11, which might be inconvenient since you are starting that day from Bendueños, and it’s under 2 hours from there. Since you are going to El Rollu that day, it might make for a very late arrival if you stop at Santa Cristina. But it is beautiful, a highly regarded example of Asturian pre-Romanesque.

If you could arrange another breakfast meeting in Campomanes, it would work out great! 😊
Santa Cristina de Lena looks wonderful - thanks for the tip! Our plans are pretty fluid so hopefully we manage a detour to visit it.
Santa Cristina de Lena looks wonderful
We have a couple of rest days in Oviedo
Also check out the other Visigothic churches in Oviedo: two in Naranco up the hill from downtown Oviedo, as well as the one in town. Marvelous. The ones in Naranco are closed for restoration but wonderful even from the outside. The one in town has imited hours, I think 10-11AM.

Here's a thread for you to peruse at your leisure:
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Thank you all for the help and advice. Unfortunately it looks like my Salvador will be delayed or cancelled. Currently holed up in a hotel in Leon with fever, tonsillitis and no voice. We‘ll see what happens over the next few days or if we just fly home.

So sorry to hear this. Fingers crossed you get better quickly and it’s a case of a short delay rather than cancellation
Sorry to hear that.. we’re here in Cabanillas and can only say you will walk this path some day soon, it’s spectacular. Will keep reports up.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Get better soon.
I’ll hit León next week.
Do you already know when you are starting the San Salvador? Looks like the antibiotics are working so we have a tentative first walking day set for the third of May.

If you speak some Spanish definitely pay the Amigos del Camino in Leon a visit. We bought our Salvador Credencials there and got all the info you could need for the route. Super friendly people and incredibly passionate about the San Salvador.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Do you already know when you are starting the San Salvador? Looks like the antibiotics are working so we have a tentative first walking day set for the third of May.

If you speak some Spanish definitely pay the Amigos del Camino in Leon a visit. We bought our Salvador Credencials there and got all the info you could need for the route. Super friendly people and incredibly passionate about the San Salvador.
Good to know for next time. Where are they located? Last time I just got my credencial in the Benedictine albergue.
Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de León

AACS León «Pulchra Leonina»
Av Independencia, nº 2, 5º izq.
24001 León.

(Non-descript building, take elevator to the 5th floor, office is to your left)

Lunes a viernes (excepto festivos)
Mañanas, de 11 a 13 h.
Tardes, de 18 a 20 h.

They are definitely worth a visit. Incredibly welcoming and we left with a wealth of information about the San Salvador - the volunteer even helped us plan our stages given that I won’t be 100% fit when we start walking.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
I’ll be at the Hospedería Pax.
It’s the Camino - I haven’t set on a leaving time but my pace might be faster/ slower than yours?
PM me if you want to meet up prior.
Also check out the other Visigothic churches in Oviedo: two in Naranco up the hill from downtown Oviedo
And if you go to Naranco be sure to carry on to the top for the amazing Christ the Redeemer type statue which overlooks the whole of Oviedo.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.

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