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Open Churches and Mass along the way


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Time of past OR future Camino
We have alwasys had problems finding the many churches along the way open....and Mass times have always eluded us.
Is there a resource that would list the open times and daily Mass available?
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Mass times vary by the town and city you visit.

May I suggest you take a look at the Pilgrim FAQ for key postings.

That said, most towns I visited had a daily Mass at either Sunrise (so folks could go to work) or 0800. Wednesdays seemed to be a Noon (1200) Mass. Some had both a sunrise and Noon Mass.

Depending on the size of the town...if they had a Cathedral there were several Masses...including a Pilgrim Mass..usually about Noon.

God Bless and Keep you

Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Actually, that link only brought up the Santiago area as far a I could tell.

I don't really expect that there is a source....but is was kind of disappointing to find the churches closed from about Pamplona on. The larger towns were pretty easy to determine but no even all of them.

I'm caught trying to be all things to my fellow peregrinos:

Consider this: We as peregrinos(a), are focused on where we are and where we want to be. That said, we are seldom in the "real time" of a village or a larger town.

We are up at dawn, more concerned with getting a bed at the end of the day that praising the Lord at its beginning.

If you truly, and I'm with you here, are wanting to begin each day with a celebration of the Eucharist, take a look at where you there a Mass in that location at the time you desire to set out?

Does the town/city you are heading for offer a Pilgrims Mass? If so, at what time.

I passed through many towns before or just after the "scheduled" Mass was proclaimed. In that situation, I sought out the Pastor and asked for an may have been as simple as reconciliation or a moment of reflection. In any case, I came away with a connection with Our Lord that was both satisfying and needful.

Buen "trust in God" Camino
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The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
Hello Grayland!

The reason that Mass times have eluded you: except on Sundays, morning masses are not as common in Spain as they are in other countries. During the week, Masses here tend to be in the evening almost everywhere. Also, in larger towns and villages along the Camino there may be parishes that have daily Mass, but in many of the smaller villages along the Camino, there is often only a Sunday Mass and one or two sometime during the week. The clergy in rural areas along the Camino (the meseta for example, or the Bierzo region) are stretched pretty thin and often have responsibility for as many as four or five villages spread out over a rather large area, so this means that they tend to do a circuit, offering Mass in one village one evening, another the next and so forth.

The following link will help you with finding Masses along the Camino: This webpage lists Mass times in churches throughout Spain. It won't help with every village or town along the way because not every parish is listed, but it's a start.

At the top of the page, you have to enter the name of the village or city (localidad), the day of week (cualquiera=any day of the week, festivo is a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation, vispera is vespers, the evening before a Sunday or Holy Day feast, and laborable is a weekday) and the time that you are interested in finding a Mass. I experimented with it a bit, entering Navarrete (in La Rioja), Castrojeriz (in Burgos) Hornillos del Camino (Burgos), Cacabelos (in the Bierzo) and Portomarín (Galicia). I got info for Castrojeriz, Cacabelos and Portomarín, but nothing for Navarrete other than the name, address and telephone number of the parish, and nothing at all for Hornillos del Camino. Not really a surprise with the last one.

As for the churches being open along the way, they generally are not. The main reason is for security. Many of them, even in quite rural and out-of-the-way places, still contain valuable works of art in their Baroque tryptichs, and are kept locked to prevent theft or vandalism. It's an ongoing problem in Spain where art thieves have cleaned out rural churches of some very valuable images to such an extent that the Guardia Civil even has a unit specializing in the investigation of such crimes! That, plus the danger of the profanation of the Blessed Sacrament, which does not happen often, but has on occasion when churches have been left unlocked and unattended.

If the parish priest is not resident in the village, the key is often left with a parishioner who looks after the church, but this person obviously also has their daily tasks to attend to and cannot always be around to open the church and keep an eye on things, so the church stays locked for security.

Hope this info is helpful! God bless!
It could have been a reasonable suggestion to just "walk in France" had it not been for the fact that you have to enter Spain at SOME point if you are to reach Santiago de Compostela last time i checked :) and thus, for Catholics travelling to Compostela, your suggestion seems ill conceived? *wink*

Great advice from both Navarricano and Arn though :) Glad to see some people at least offering sound and practical advice from experience :)
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Thank you Navarricano for the link and explanation. I had thought this was the case but was not certain. I had received the explanation of locked churches from local people along the way.

I recall in 2009 that the church in Portomarin was not open for mass on Easter. We were told by locals that the Easter Mass would be held in another town nearby. I can't recall where.
I was very surprised as Portomarin is really not a real small town.

In 2010 I seemed to always be in the wrong village/town at the wrong time.

I have no idea how accurate this site is, but it shows a lot of churches in Spain:

When I was on the VDLP this past November, most churches had Mass at 7:30 p.m. on weekdays. Good luck!

Hi Melanie,

The address that I posted in my reply above is the Spanish version of the site and is maintained from Spain. I have found it more useful than the one you posted, which is based in the US. It is very good, but it is less useful because the information it contains on overseas masses is more limited, particularly in smaller and more "off-the-beaten- track" places outside the major cities (if any place on the well-travelled Camino Francés can be considered off the beaten track at this point! :wink: ).
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
My experience has been that mass would be at 8.00 p.m on weekdays. But one has to ask where the church is. Best to ask a woman over sixty! The bell is usually rung at about 7.50 so listen out for it and follow the sound.

It has been my experience that it was possible to get mass every evening in Navarre. and the further west one went the more difficult it was.

Tria castella was the only village church I found open during the day. and this was because the parish priest spends his whole time waiting around to be of help to pilgrims. The mass there is also the exception , in that it is at 7.30.p.m Wonderful experience.!
In almost every pueblo I visited, Masses were offered in the village churches most evenings-- not so in France where a priest often had to serve 6-10 churches-- and those days are now coming to Spain. When there were no notices about times, there was usually a notice directing one to a place where the key was available-- others have referred to the real problem of theft of artifacts. In several places, local church treasures have been gathered into diocesan or local museums for security reasons as well as preservation.

There is a political and social division in Spain about churchgoing, so your interlocutor in a café may honestly have no idea when there are services, even if they have lived there for a half century. But they will usually be able to direct you do somebody who does know. In places with tourist offices, they usually had the information at hand or were able to get it fairly easily.

The curious reader may find this site ( ... index.html) with its idiosycratic view of Spanish church life, to be of some interest.

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