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    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 reacted to alexwalker's post in the thread Alternatives to Sarria with Like Like.
      I have walked many CFs. I will never walk from Sarria again. Go to the train station in Sarria and get a train to Zamora/Pueble de Sanabria, then walk the Sanabres into Santiago. Easy and peaceful. Peace.
    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 reacted to DoughnutANZ's post in the thread Alternatives to Sarria with Like Like.
      There is a bus that goes from Sarria to Tui (Portugués camino) and you can then walk the last 100klm from Tui I did this in 2023.
    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 reacted to Pafayac's post in the thread Burgos Cathedral with Like Like.
      Immaculate Conception (of Mary Mother of God), according to catholic theology, means that she had escaped from the "original sin". When married people conceive a child, they do not do a sin, at least according to my understanding of what a sin is.
    • MichaelB10398
      I have been to the cathedral and prayed at the remains of the saint, but I go to mass at the Pilgrim office (so that I can avoid the gawkers in the cathedral who won't respect the private nature of mass and insist of filming, snapping photos etc).
    • MichaelB10398
      In 2011 you were still allowed to enter with your backpack. A very moving moment. A month ago I was able to participate twice in the Pilgrim's Mass at 7.30 pm. Both times the Botafumeiro was in action. I appreciated how they announced this...
    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 replied to the thread Trail Angels?.
      Some individuals that walk the Camino come with an understanding of not leaving a trace of their passing. Others that walk do not have this same understanding and consequently, you can trace wherever they have walked by the trash and litter they...
    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 reacted to David Tallan's post in the thread Abandoned elderly pilgrims with Like Like.
      I've walked Caminos alone and with family members. Both can be extremely rewarding. I have a tendency to push back against the "it's my Camino" rhetoric by responding "it is our Camino". None of us walks the Camino alone, even when we walk in...
    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 replied to the thread Abandoned elderly pilgrims.
      It is an opinion. There is no need to consistently voice a contrary opinion, which has been done. My humble opinion is for groups to simply be both thoughtful and kind to one another, and this includes personal sacrifice and/or enjoyment, and...
    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 reacted to JenCook's post in the thread Abandoned elderly pilgrims with Like Like.
      There is a rule when you go bush walking/ hiking in a group that you go as fast as the slowest walker, a bit like the rule when you walk on the road that you should walk facing the oncoming traffic !
    • MichaelB10398
      MichaelB10398 reacted to Sue127's post in the thread Abandoned elderly pilgrims with Like Like.
      totally agree. Walking for 2 weeks with my 15 year old grandson in 2022, from SJPP to Burgos was a pleasure. I don't class myself as a 'old' granny, but he is much fitter. After Pamplona, and getting used to çamino walking, I told him to walk...
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