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aloha and Where can I find maps of the Vezelay Route?

aloha and aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii: I am planning to walk from Vezelay to O'Cebreiro where I will split off from there and backtrack on the Northern Route back towards Bilbao to meet my wife and then bus back to VillaFranca del Bierzo and walk in to Santiago de Compostela. I am having trouble finding maps or guidebooks that cover the Vezelay Route or places to stay or...fishing...anyone out there ever went trout fishing? Fishing is secondary to figuring out which way to walk so... Got any tips or the maps or where I could get the route maps?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I used "Itineraire du Pelerin de Saint-Jacques Voie Historique de Vezelay" by Chasain. Try the CSJ shop.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Hi Jeffrey,

The guide Chassain does not exist anymore, it's a pity because it was the best pilgrimage guide ever.
The information it was containing is now divided in a lot of different places.

The start point is, as mentionned by Falcon269, the web of the Voie de VĂ©zelay.

VĂ©zelay to Eguzon: http://www.vezelay-compostelle.eu/
Eguzon to La Coquille: missing...
La Coquille to Port-Sainte-Foy: http://www.compostelle-limousin-perigord.fr/
Port-Sainte-Foy to Captieux: http://www.saint-jacques-aquitaine.com/voie_vezelay.php
Captieux to Hagetmau: http://www.compostelle-landes.org/index.php?p=vezelay&lng=en
Hagetmau to St-Jean-Pied-de-Port: http://www.aucoeurduchemin.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique382

I have walk this way in 2007 and have kept the GPS tracks and can provide them.
I was using the guide Chassain. Since them, I have follow the situation on the Voie and very few have changed.

If you need more info, ask....

Buen Camino, Jacques-D.
Being a trout fisherman I noted in one of Hemmingway's books of the enjoyment he got from trout fishing in the Basque area. As I walked the Way I several times saw signs directing locals to fishing spots. Indeed, with a bit of patience, you can see them in the streams.
Baked trout is a favourite dish on cafe menus in the area.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hi Jeffrey,

The guide Chassain does not exist anymore, it's a pity because it was the best pilgrimage guide ever.
The information it was containing is now divided in a lot of different places.

The start point is, as mentionned by Falcon269, the web of the Voie de VĂ©zelay.

VĂ©zelay to Eguzon: http://www.vezelay-compostelle.eu/
Eguzon to La Coquille: missing...
La Coquille to Port-Sainte-Foy: http://www.compostelle-limousin-perigord.fr/
Port-Sainte-Foy to Captieux: http://www.saint-jacques-aquitaine.com/voie_vezelay.php
Captieux to Hagetmau: http://www.compostelle-landes.org/index.php?p=vezelay&lng=en
Hagetmau to St-Jean-Pied-de-Port: http://www.aucoeurduchemin.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique382

I have walk this way in 2007 and have kept the GPS tracks and can provide them.
I was using the guide Chassain. Since them, I have follow the situation on the Voie and very few have changed.

If you need more info, ask....

Buen Camino, Jacques-D.
Mahalos for the information. I plan to keep in touch as my planning proceeds. Must run. Ohana grandkid twins coming over while mom and dad move in down the street.
Hi Jeffrey,

The guide Chassain does not exist anymore, it's a pity because it was the best pilgrimage guide ever.
The information it was containing is now divided in a lot of different places.

The start point is, as mentionned by Falcon269, the web of the Voie de VĂ©zelay.

VĂ©zelay to Eguzon: http://www.vezelay-compostelle.eu/
Eguzon to La Coquille: missing...
La Coquille to Port-Sainte-Foy: http://www.compostelle-limousin-perigord.fr/
Port-Sainte-Foy to Captieux: http://www.saint-jacques-aquitaine.com/voie_vezelay.php
Captieux to Hagetmau: http://www.compostelle-landes.org/index.php?p=vezelay&lng=en
Hagetmau to St-Jean-Pied-de-Port: http://www.aucoeurduchemin.org/spip/spip.php?rubrique382

I have walk this way in 2007 and have kept the GPS tracks and can provide them.
I was using the guide Chassain. Since them, I have follow the situation on the Voie and very few have changed.

If you need more info, ask....

Buen Camino, Jacques-D.

aloha: Kathy Jo and I have swam in the Thunersee. Cold but beautiful. I have some questions and am thankful
you are willing to share your knowledge. When you say that you have "kept the GPS tracks" , what type of
device would I need to access the positions? I will look at all the sites listed in your note. Thanks again.
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