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Anyone going the end of May?

susan johnson

New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm planning on the Camino this coming May. Is anyone planning to go around that time? I was just reading about a woman getting robbed because she was travelling alone. I'm not usually fearfull. I live in a rather tough neighborhood in Boston, Mass. But, reading that gave me second thoughts about being alone.

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I travelled the vdlp last may and it was an ideal time to travel.Only one rainy afternoon after over 30 days fo walking. I read about a girl robbed on the way but everyone was surprised and shocked-It never crossed my mind and I never felt vulnerable-in fact one of my enduring recollections is 'where is everyone'. Many towns/villages were virtually empty. I strongly recommend the vdlp-the French way seems to be grossly overcrowded. One of the people in met said a friend of theirs walking the french way gave up when she encountered up to 300 people waiting for a bed at the end of the day.
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To the individual asking is anyone going at end of May? Well I would like to go but have a previous engagement to teach English in Madrid area. Neverthetheless I would like to go, my volunteering ends June 20th. It would be preferable for me at the begining of May. I am also new at this a classmate of mine much younger is going with his brother but evasive to having me accompanying them so that is where I am.

I am a third year mature divinity student at the Toronto school of Theology, with St Michaels University College as my home college. So let me know guys would be interested in a few companions on this pilgrimage.

Peace and joy.

niel capasso
Why not just start out on your own? You are likely to meet other people-if not during the day then at the alberques/refugios. There is a lot to be said for walking on your own-it accentuates the solitude/peace and quiet and allows more time for contemplation.
susan johnson said:
I'm not usually fearfull. I live in a rather tough neighborhood in Boston, Mass. But, reading that gave me second thoughts about being alone.

You shouldn't let one incident deter you from going alone. For a time, I walked with a German woman and her 18-year-old daughter. The daughter was faster than us, and took off ahead. She kept in touch with her mother by cell phone, and they eventually reunited down the line.

I saw many other women alone on the Way, of all ages. Pilgrims look out for each other, so you can always hook up with some folks in areas where you feel uneasy. And the Spanish tend to treat pilgrims with some respect (although I would work on learning some Spanish to encourage them along those lines - they like it when you at least try to speak their lingo).

Bottom line, don't let the "what ifs?" discourage you from something that is an awesome experience... :arrow:
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Hi Susan, I am planning my Camino for the end of May. To be more precise, leaving Rio on May 28th, arriving in Paris next day and taking a train from CDG to Beaulieu/SjPP. From there on, I will be walking alone but not feeling lonely, I hope. It will be lovely to meet people and to have company, however, I must be prepared to walk alone sometimes, especially because I will be trying out my first Camino and myt first long term walking. So, who knows, maybe we'll meet and walk together for part of the Camino...Regards, Sumachado.
Sumachado said:
leaving Rio on May 28th

When I was on the Way this summer, I and some Germans I was with saw five Brazilian women walking together. One day, they each wore an identical yellow shirt with a Camino-oriented design on the front. That was pretty unique, so we nicknamed them "The Honeybees." They were pretty nice as well. :)
Good replies all - people are good. And that is it really Susan, most people are good. Every group has a predator but they are rare on the Camino - and you will find that you only become alone because you choose to - every day at a starting point of the pilgrimage, St. Jean for instance, a group of people are sort of thrown together and these you will most likely travel with the whole way. If you choose to drop back and walk alone you will meet them later, if you zoom on ahead they will meet you later. Take a day off and you will be provided with a completely different group of companions.

Susan, this Camino that you are so looking forward to - there is nothing like it, nothing (as far as I know).

And, hey! you walk through risky areas of Boston and know how to deal with all that? Let muggers be afraid! (And you can buy and carry the equivalent of Mace legally in France). Just use the sense we all have - don't like that stand of trees? Wait for the next pilgrims. Walking through a strange town at night? Walk by the curb away from shop entrances - you know all this already. I knew a French woman once who hitched around France. She wore trousers and a jacket and pulled her hair up under a big hat. She copied how men stand and stood like that. Her thing was - the only people that stopped were people who gave lifts, not people who were looking for vulnerable females - she never had any trouble.

But ..... think about this .. if you knew EVERYTHING that was going to happen .. where the experience? where the learning? where the tears? where the joy?

You are going to have so much fun!
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Br. David said:
But ..... think about this .. if you knew EVERYTHING that was going to happen .. where the experience? where the learning? where the tears? where the joy?

I second that - if we spend too much time worrying about possible negatives, we'll never step out of our comfort zone to experience a potentially excellent reality. Risk is - well, risky. But the Camino is a pretty safe (and cool) place to take a chance...and the payoffs are certainly worth it. :arrow:

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