There r at least a couple of places in the old section that I like, about 7 euros.
I'll never forget the place in my beloved Sanguesa (Camino Aragones), (the sculptures around the door of Sta Maria de Sanguesa (one fell down due to rains) r awesome, (there's a unique one of Judas Iscariot, 2), + the church of Santiago + the nuns' albergue + + +..., where this guy charged me 30 euros for cutting/fixing my hair/beard.
Granted, I was a mess...but 30e?
Since I don't handle euros normally, at times it is diff to figure out how much to pay for what, though I carry a conversion chart & they're easier to handle than pesetas.
I guess I was in a zombie-like state at the time from walking.
Anyways...el jefe appeared to me in a dream and told me: "idiota, u paid 2 much!" (they don't call him the "son of thunder" for nothin').
So, I went to the comisaria, reported the guy, filed a claim, visited him with a cop, everyone very nice, but did not get my money back.
Next time I will check the sign stating services + charges, which he was supposed to have acc to law, but didn't.
xm 8)