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How to get to San Pedro de la Nave


Staff member
Since I have about a month before departure for my second try on the Vdlp, my mind keeps returning to all things Camino. I'm wondering if anyone has visited the 7th century San Pedro de la Nave, located about 23 km outside Zamora, to the northwest.

I will be taking a rest day there (knock on wood) and would like to visit it. It's in the town of El Campillo -- I've read the church was moved there in 1930 when a dam was built. But I can't find any bus service from Zamora to Campillo, and it looks very remote.

I know I can get a taxi there, but something a bit cheaper would be nice. And yes, I know I can take a 43 km stroll out and back, but no thanks.

Thanks, Laurie
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Go by train from Zamora to Medina del Campo in less than an hour (one-way tourist-class is 16 Eur.) from there it is about 10-15 km to El Campillo. From Medina del Campo it is an easy (and cheaper) taxi-ride....

See the Renfe-site:

Jan Brilleman
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
that's a different Campillo! San Pedro is nowhere near Medina del Campo.

The Zamora ayuntamiento site shows there is a bus service, but only 'martes y viernes'; the timings are probably geared to people going shopping in Zamora rather than someone going the other way. ... rurbanos02

I'm afraid San Pedro de Nave is in the middle of nowhere. It is on the Braganca route though, some 27km from Zamora. Perhaps add that to your list of routes to walk :)
Thanks Peter, for keeping me from going astray. I guess we're back to the taxi option. I've read on this board that the average out of town taxi price is around one euro a km in Spain, so we're talking a pretty hefty 46 euro charge for out and back, plus probably some fee for the waiting. Does that sound right to the experts?

Thanks, Laurie
Well, I have gotten some more information from the tourist office in Zamora. On the off chance that anyone else might be interested someday, I thought I'd put the information out there.

There is bus service, but....

Buses go Monday and Fridays leaving Zamora at 9:30 am and 4:00 pm. Return from El Campillo is 10:00 am or 4:30 p.m.

If you go, you should let the bus company know, because if there are no travelers to or from El Campillo, they don't make the trip. (Castaño e hijos, Teléfono: 606 308 519)

Of course, the church is closed on Mondays, meaning that the public transportation option is only available on Fridays for people wanting to visit the church. Seems that the most logical thing to do would be to take the bus out at 9:30, visit the church, and then walk back the 23 km to Zamora. So much for a "rest day", but then I find that I'm frequently getting antsy to walk on a rest day anyway. I would also not be surprised to find that it was relatively easy to hitch a ride back to Zamora.

Hours to visit the church: 10-1, and 5-8 pm.

€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Thanks again, Peter. You're right, there is conflicting information. So, I pulled out my trusty calling card and called the Castano e Hijos bus company directly. The very nice woman who answered told me that the company listed on the Ayuntamiento site as going to Campillo (Turab) is no longer in business. And Castano e Hijos has taken over the route.

And yes, there are two trips on Mondays and Fridays. But since nearly all of their passengers go from Campillo to Zamora in the morning and from Zamora to Campillo in the evening, if I want to go "against the flow", I have to notify the bus company so that the driver will swing by the bus station before driving out to Campillo.

But Peter, your terrific maps, coupled with this information about buses, suggests another possibility:

I could walk from Zamora out to Campillo, visit the church, and take the bus back from El Campillo to Zamora at 4 pm.

Peter, do you know if the route from Zamora to Campillo is really likely to be marked? I see that it doesn't follow the road, which would be a real advantage. But if it's not marked, I am pretty hopeless when it comes to having a sense of direction, so I would be unlikely to venture off the road route.

Now, Jan, if you will only come walk with me, I would be willing to risk the off-road route, since you could find your way with your eyes closed, I'm sure.

Thanks! Laurie
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
well, there's dedication - I was thinking you would double-check when you got to Zamora!

ISTM the problem with walking out to Campillo is the timing. If the church takes a siesta 1-5 you would have to start out pretty early to get there in time to have a good look around before it closes. (Then again, the church is pretty small.)

The route is supposed to be well marked
Online guide at
Hi, Peter,
Yes, I had realized last night about the problem with the timing. Given the bus schedule and the church schedule, the only way to walk one way seems to be to take the bus out in the morning and walk back. I'm trying to find out whether the path is well marked, and if so, maybe I can try walking backwards to Zamora. Or the other possibility would be to walk on the main roads, which don't seem like they would be too heavily traveled.

I've written to both the walking group and the parroquia and will hope they have some information.

Looks like I may be back to the expensive taxi option anyway, sigh.

But thanks much for all your help, Laurie
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Just a quick post from Zamora to say that I have just walked back from San Pedro de la Nave, and it is an amazing church. The carvings inside are in nearly perfect condition, there are scenes of Daniel in the Lions' den, many beautiful vegetal carvings, some geometric carvings, some beautiful arches. It is a must see stop if you are in Zamora and like old churches.

I got a ride out to the church with the hospitalero from the albergue, then walked back, following the arrows in reverse. For someone who has trouble following arrows when I'm going in the same direction as the arrows, it was a challenge. But I basically did it, and it was an uncomplicated, easy 24 kms.

If you get a chance to visit this church, do not pass it up, I hope to be able to post some pictures on my return, but --- WOW!
My last visit to Zamora.............Una JOYA.-


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