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Joyce Rupp's - Walk in a Relaxed Manner


Crazy Chicken Lady with the Camino on my Mind!
Time of past OR future Camino
Apr-Jun 2009 - I solo walked from Roncesvalles to Santiago. I hope to return as a hospitalera in 2016.
I am working my way through Joyce Rupp's "Walk in a Relaxed Manner". For those interested in the spiritual side and the life lessons the Camino de Santiago may offer, this is an excellent read. This is NOT a "how to" book nor a history. It is about one woman's experience. While Rupp is a Catholic sister (from Des Moines, Iowa), the book is not defined by her religious beliefs. I suspect many pilgrims will find the book appealing and helpful. Those who have completed the walk will also find moments in the novel when they will nod their head in agreement as they relve some of the lessons that emerge from such an endeavor.

Well, I am heading off to sit outdoors in the fine autumn weather to continue my read of this book. Happy reading to all!

Life is good...

In Sunny Santa Fe
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Ginn - at camino workshops I always suggest Joyce Rupp's book as required reading. It is a warts and all account of the difficulties of some of the paths, the vagaries of other pilgrims, state of some of the albergues, but every negative is balanced by a positive. I still refer to it from time to time and love the 'lessons learned'.
My in-laws recently read the Rupp book and I believe their respect for me has grown (because of Rupp's discussions of some of the more harsh realities of pilgrim life). During their last visit they grilled me on aspects of the book and my answers put them at rest. I think this is the first time they really listened when I talked about my challenges in Peace Corps (Ukraine), travels in Turkey and remote areas of Malawi, service in AmeriCorps*VISTA (vows of poverty), as well as the lessons learned from being a MSgt in the military...

Incidentally, I am originally from Iowa (Rupp's home state), so I find many of Rupp's comments very typical of the local population - midwesterners often have a wonderful gift for understatement!

Well off to freshen my morning coffee...

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