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Miam Miam Dodo for Camino Le Puy

Florida Bill

Time of past OR future Camino
2014 did Frances and plan to Le Puy in 2023
Can someone tell me which specific publication and edition (latest) of the Miam Miam Dodo for the Camino Le Puy (Le Puy to SJPDP) I should purchase?
Thank you
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Obviously you would want the latest edition.
I do not speak French...but found that that did not cause any problem with using the French edition (actually the only one available when I walked from Le Puy).
The information is in a format that does not need translation for the most part.

Current information is the critical data as there have been many changes due to the Covid chaos.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
I would suggest that you would buy the Miam Miam Dodo app ( or the e-book version,if available now). I had the app in 2020 but the information in it was expired when I could walk it after Covid. So I bought the books. I liked the app much more. (Possibilities to zoom in on maps, finding out where you are at a specific moment and so on) The books looked good, but on Camino they were not very useful to me. There are so many maps that it was many times hard to trace where you were. ( The moments of doubt were rare anyway, the markings are very good and sites like Gronze give more than enough information on possible problems of routefinding, accomodation (including reviews) I gave my Miam Miam's to another pilgrim
I did the Le Puy to Saint Jean camino in September just gone and most pilgrims were using the Miam Miam Do Do guide, which was much better than mine. It’s easy to follow, even if your French is limited and the illustrations of the stages and routes are terrific. It also lists accommodation. You’ll enjoy that Camino. It takes you through some amazing places. Agree with the comment above, Gronze app is very useful and by the way, the route is very well marked and easy to follow…. Just look for the G65 signs and the red and white markers, you won’t get lost.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Can someone tell me which specific publication and edition (latest) of the Miam Miam Dodo for the Camino Le Puy (Le Puy to SJPDP) I should purchase?
Thank you
I will be receiving the two guides probably on Tuesday, the first on the Camino from Arles to St Jean Pied de Port, the second one on the Camino from Saint Jean to Santiago. Just bought in from Le Vieux Crayon on the Internet.
Just look for the G65 signs and the red and white markers, you won’t get lost.
Some more info is useful for the various alternatives.

And beware of GR crossings: in Varaire, you may shift to GR36 if you don't pay attention :oops:
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Can someone tell me which specific publication and edition (latest) of the Miam Miam Dodo for the Camino Le Puy (Le Puy to SJPDP) I should purchase?
Thank you
Thé 2023 version (or the latest) when it comes out if you’re hiking this year coming up. Things change and open and close and it’s nice to have it up to date. Buen Camino!
Some more info is useful for the various alternatives.

And beware of GR crossings: in Varaire, you may shift to GR36 if you don't pay attention :oops:
Also true when exiting from St Côme d'Olt: you have to turn right to follow the GR65 and the Lot and not the other GR.
There is a small museum and restaurant/bar (Le Camino) next to the cathedral, which sells the Miam Miam Dodo guides in the museum store. You can get section guides (Le Puy to Cahors, for instance). They also hold a service in the evening and are very helpful people, with a nice terrace facing a garden. I had a glass of wine there and thumbed through my new guide…
A selection of Camino Jewellery
It is out now--it comes out in early December https://www.levieuxcrayon.com/
Thé 2023 version (or the latest) when it comes out if you’re hiking this year coming up. Things change and open and close and it’s nice to have it up to date. Buen Camino!
As mentioned earlier, I ordered a Miam Miam Dodo for VOIE D’ARLES and another for Saint Jean Pied de Port to Santiago. They arrived today and first impression, are full of details but if you wish to walk light, you might want to consider that they weigh 320 grammes.

The VIEUX CRAYON, company that sells these books, mention that they also have these books in e-books for sale. Check out the link, www.levieuxcrayon.com.

I would suggest that you look at Ivar’s shop.
As mentioned earlier, I ordered a Miam Miam Dodo for VOIE D’ARLES and another for Saint Jean Pied de Port to Santiago. They arrived today and first impression, are full of details but if you wish to walk light, you might want to consider that they weigh 320 grammes.

The VIEUX CRAYON, company that sells these books, mention that they also have these books in e-books for sale. Check out the link, www.levieuxcrayon.com.

I would suggest that you look at Ivar’s shop.
Thanks for your response. Im a little confused by the use of various French titles to Miam Dodo publications. Do I have two purchase Miam Miam Dodo in two sections or two separate publications to cover walk from Le Puy to SJPDP or is there one publication that covers Le Puy to SJPDP? If there’s just one publication please tell me the title.
Buen Camino
Thanks for your response. Im a little confused by the use of various French titles to Miam Dodo publications. Do I have two purchase Miam Miam Dodo in two sections or two separate publications to cover walk from Le Puy to SJPDP or is there one publication that covers Le Puy to SJPDP? If there’s just one publication please tell me the title.
Buen Camino
You need to buy two--Le Puy-en-Velay to Cahors and then Cahors to SJPP/Roncevaux. There is even a 3rd volume should you wish to leave the GR65 to walk to Rocamadour (and then rejoin it) or do the Célé Valley variant.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Im a little confused by the use of various French titles to Miam Dodo publications. Do I have two purchase Miam Miam Dodo in two sections or two separate publications to cover walk from Le Puy to SJPDP or is there one publication that covers Le Puy to SJPDP? If there’s just one publication please tell me the title.

There used to be a single book for the Le Puy-SJPP stages. I guess the content has extended, leading to two separate volumes, as mentioned by Jouffroy47.

And one more for the Célé valley and Rocamadour alternatives.
I would suggest that you would buy the Miam Miam Dodo app ( or the e-book version,if available now). I had the app in 2020 but the information in it was expired when I could walk it after Covid. So I bought the books. I liked the app much more. (Possibilities to zoom in on maps, finding out where you are at a specific moment and so on) The books looked good, but on Camino they were not very useful to me. There are so many maps that it was many times hard to trace where you were. ( The moments of doubt were rare anyway, the markings are very good and sites like Gronze give more than enough information on possible problems of routefinding, accomodation (including reviews) I gave my Miam Miam's to another pilgrim
I would suggest that you would buy the Miam Miam Dodo app ( or the e-book version,if available now). I had the app in 2020 but the information in it was expired when I could walk it after Covid. So I bought the books. I liked the app much more. (Possibilities to zoom in on maps, finding out where you are at a specific moment and so on) The books looked good, but on Camino they were not very useful to me. There are so many maps that it was many times hard to trace where you were. ( The moments of doubt were rare anyway, the markings are very good and sites like Gronze give more than enough information on possible problems of routefinding, accomodation (including reviews) I gave my Miam Miam's to another pilgrim
Thank you for your response. I’ve never used ebooks, but interested in using it for access to Miam Miam Dodo books. What ebook app did you use to obtain Miam Miam Miam Dodo books?
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Thank you for your response. I’ve never used ebooks, but interested in using it for access to Miam Miam Dodo books. What ebook app did you use to obtain Miam Miam Miam Dodo books?
It was an app on its own
Thank you for your response. I’ve never used ebooks, but interested in using it for access to Miam Miam Dodo books. What ebook app did you use to obtain Miam Miam Miam Dodo books?
It was a separate app. I did not have an ebook. I heard that an ebook would be published after I had bought the paperguides
@Florida Bill

There are quite a few e readers. I use the Kindle app which I can then access on my phone or iPad. The app is free.

The Miam Miam Dodo and the Cicerone guides for the Le Puy Way are available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle version for download to kindle app.

Hope that helps 😎
@Florida Bill

There are quite a few e readers. I use the Kindle app which I can then access on my phone or iPad. The app is free.

The Miam Miam Dodo and the Cicerone guides for the Le Puy Way are available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle version for download to kindle app.

Hope that helps 😎
@Florida Bill

There are quite a few e readers. I use the Kindle app which I can then access on my phone or iPad. The app is free.

The Miam Miam Dodo and the Cicerone guides for the Le Puy Way are available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle version for download to kindle app.

Hope that helps 😎
It was an app on its own

It was a separate app. I did not have an ebook. I heard that an ebook would be published after I had bought the paperguides
Thanks for your response. Thanks your response. I tried copying the Miam Miam Dodo book titles for Section 1 and Section 2 for the Csmino Le Puy and pasting them for my search in my App Store and unsuccessful. Can tell me the specific name of the app to use in the search at the App Store?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
@Florida Bill I know you did not ask this question of me but in case it’s helpful …. the only camino Le Puy App I’m aware of is the Wise Pilgrim app. Note the Camino Le Puy is also known as the Via Podiensis, as is the case with the wise pilgrim app.

As per my post earlier, both the Miam Miam Dodo and Cicerone e-guidebooks are available from Amazon and can be downloaded to and read on the free Kindle app - I’m pretty sure the kindle app is available for both iPhones / IPads and android devices.
@Florida Bill
As per my post earlier, both the Miam Miam Dodo and Cicerone e-guidebooks are available from Amazon and can be downloaded to and read on the free Kindle app - I’m pretty sure the kindle app is available for both iPhones / IPads and android devices.

A bit of caution, from the "Vieux Crayon" site :

E-books : https://www.levieuxcrayon.com/11-nos-e-books : "Aucun produit disponible pour le moment"
= "No product available right now" (i.e. 2023 issue not yet available).

Kindle, from FAQs : https://www.levieuxcrayon.com/17-faq-e-books "Nos ebooks ne sont pour le moment pas encore compatibles avec les liseuses Kindle, Kobo et autres. Ils sont accessibles uniquement via PC/Mac, tablette et smartphone."
= "So far, our e-books are not yet compatible with Kindle, Kobo and other readers. They can be accessed with PC/Mac, tablet and smartphone only."
I haven’t bought anything online through Le Vieux Crayon. It was someone else who mentioned that site. My experience with the e-books is with buying on Amazon and other sites and downloading to a kindle app.
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Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Thanks for your response. Thanks your response. I tried copying the Miam Miam Dodo book titles for Section 1 and Section 2 for the Csmino Le Puy and pasting them for my search in my App Store and unsuccessful. Can tell me the specific name of the app to use in the search at the App Store?
I don't know the specific name in the app store. I just looked for Miam Miam Dodo app 2022 and found something there. I don't know any specifics, for instance if it is available for Apple. (Last year they did not have an app)
I don't know the specific name in the app store. I just looked for Miam Miam Dodo app 2022 and found something there. I don't know any specifics, for instance if it is available for Apple. (Last year they did not have an app)
"Vieux Crayon" FAQs : "Chaque eBook est millésimé, tout comme nos guides Miam Miam Dodo papier. Si vous achetez une édition 2022 d'un ebook, il ne se mettra pas automatiquement à jour en 2023 avec les nouvelles informations des hébergements et services."
= Each eBook has a year of issue, just as our paper guides. If you purchase a 2022 issue of an e-book, it will not be automatically updated in 2023 with the new accommodation and services information.

And, in my understanding, it looks like the application (not the e-books), as put on the market in 2018, is no longer available nor updated : refer to the warning in yellow at the top of this page : https://chemindecompostelle.com/Application/index.html
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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).

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