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Proetry and photos: The Walk to Santiago


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You can look through, comment on and/or buy "The Walk to Santiago" at http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/900061

Reviewers´ comments:

"An incandescent account of one man´s spiritual journey along the route to Santiago de Compostela. It effortlessly opens up the reader to see the majesty of their own soul. The writer’s gift is his generosity to show us that it is our humanity, are perceived failures, our history, our love, our fears and our desires for the future that make us the unique, yet ultimately connected souls that we are. All of us are on our own journey to self actualisation. All of us will eventually come face to face with ourselves and our God. Highly recommended."

"Far more than a travelogue, this is also a poem that takes me on a metaphysical journey through spiritual landscapes. Reading it, I am confronted with my own demons, my own endless worries about past sins and potential disasters in the future. The book is not so much about Santiago, and I am reminded that the walk through life itself is my destination. If only for the few hours I spend reading the book, I arrive with every new page. I recommend this book to everyone!"
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