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Search 69,459 Camino Questions

Spiritual Way

Pawel Szelhaus

New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
September 2023
Hello, good morning from Poland !
I plan to make the last part of Camino Portuguese in the second half of September 2023. The weather should be still good for walking, I hope ?
I would like to start in Redondela and follow a Spiritual Way.
However, I am not sure if the 28 km boat trip is included in the entire route necessary for the pilgrimage to be considered “valid”?

If yes, I can begin in Redondela as the distance will be 94 km by foot + 28 km by boat, total 122 km. If not, I have to start from Vigo and add 16 km to the walking route to have total 94 + 16 = 100 km by foot + 28 km by boat.
May I ask for the confirmation, please ?
Is the Spiritual Way well marked compared to the main itinerary Pontevedra – Caldas de Reis – Padron ?

Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
"However, I am not sure if the 28 km boat trip is included in the entire route necessary for the pilgrimage to be considered “valid”?"
What does this mean ? "Valid" from which point of view ? Who decides what pilgrimage is "valid" or not ? What do you expect from the Camino ? It will bring you what you need. Don't be concerned by other things: all the remnant is between you and God.
Hello, good morning from Poland !
I plan to make the last part of Camino Portuguese in the second half of September 2023. The weather should be still good for walking, I hope ?
I would like to start in Redondela and follow a Spiritual Way.
However, I am not sure if the 28 km boat trip is included in the entire route necessary for the pilgrimage to be considered “valid”?

If yes, I can begin in Redondela as the distance will be 94 km by foot + 28 km by boat, total 122 km. If not, I have to start from Vigo and add 16 km to the walking route to have total 94 + 16 = 100 km by foot + 28 km by boat.
May I ask for the confirmation, please ?
Is the Spiritual Way well marked compared to the main itinerary Pontevedra – Caldas de Reis – Padron ?

If you want to obtain a "Compostela" when you arrive in Santiago and include the Spiritual Variant, you need to start walking from either Vigo or Tui (or O Porriño) to make sure you've walked the required 100 km. Redondela doesn't give you enough km.
And yes, the Spiritual Way is sufficiently marked, although not as well as if you continued on the main itinerary.
Weather is hard to predict. Rain is possible that time of year. Good luck!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
As indicated above, start in Tui or Vigo (both are good routes). We just walked the VE in April and found it very well marked. It’s well worth your efforts to go this way, but do start out far enough to qualify for your Compostela. Having walked both routes, personally, I really enjoyed the stage of Vigo to Redondela. Personal preference.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
As indicated above, start in Tui or Vigo (both are good routes). We just walked the VE in April and found it very well marked. It’s well worth your efforts to go this way, but do start out far enough to qualify for your Compostela. Having walked both routes, personally, I really enjoyed the stage of Vigo to Redondela. Personal preference.
Welcome to the Forum Pawel Szelhaus !!!!!

Hi! I too enjoyed Vigo to Redondela like Grousedoctor and yeah Vigo or Tui for Compostela if you take the boat plus two stamps a day!
I walked from Porto to Santiago along the Coastal and Variant Espiritual from Sept 20th till 13 October 2021!
Average temp after a cool start was between 20 and 27 C with one day of heavy rain near Redondela! (temp was 22C)
The 27 degree day was on the 12th October in Santiago.

I hope it's as good for you when you walk :)
Buen Camino
Last edited:
Many thanks for all the comments. However I'm a little bit confused because I got a different opinion...

If you want to obtain a "Compostela" when you arrive in Santiago and include the Spiritual Variant, you need to start walking from either Vigo or Tui (or O Porriño) to make sure you've walked the required 100 km. Redondela doesn't give you enough km.
on the other hand
I can answer regarding the boat trip. It is awesome and is included to receive a compostela.
So, where is the truth :) ?

Maybe I didn't write it enough clearly ?
I'm rather old man with serious health problems. But I decided to start, to realized my dreams for the years. However, due of my health, I'm not able to make more than minimum to get the compostela.

Therefore if the 28 km by boat is included in 100 km formally needed for compostela then I can start from Redondela and will use Spiritual Way. In total it will be 94 km by foot + 28 km by boat. Of course, 94 km is not enough but after adding 28 km, the sum is 122 km :)

But if the boat is not included then I definitevely have to start from Vigo and use a "main" trail through Caldas de Reis which is a little bit shorter in distance and requires 1 day less walking. In this case total will be 104 km, enough.

Are my thoughts logical :) ? What do you think ?


Pawel, I understand your confusion. Yes, you do definitely need to start from Vigo (or Tui or O Porrino) in order to get a compostela. The boat trip 'counts' in that if you go on it, your 100km of walking is still accepted. It's a very beautiful route.
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
I am sorry if I have confused you. I started my Camino in Porto, turning on to the Espiritual Variant in spring 2019. I recall that there were some forum posts around that that time about if the boat ride qualified to receive a compostela. The consensus was that the policy of the Pilgrim office was accepting it as part of the final 100k.
One of the moderators should be able to share a link on this.
I was not interested in a compostela this time, so worry about the boat ride was of no concern.
Many thanks for all the comments. However I'm a little bit confused because I got a different opinion...

on the other hand

So, where is the truth :) ?

Maybe I didn't write it enough clearly ?
I'm rather old man with serious health problems. But I decided to start, to realized my dreams for the years. However, due of my health, I'm not able to make more than minimum to get the compostela.

Therefore if the 28 km by boat is included in 100 km formally needed for compostela then I can start from Redondela and will use Spiritual Way. In total it will be 94 km by foot + 28 km by boat. Of course, 94 km is not enough but after adding 28 km, the sum is 122 km :)

But if the boat is not included then I definitevely have to start from Vigo and use a "main" trail through Caldas de Reis which is a little bit shorter in distance and requires 1 day less walking. In this case total will be 104 km, enough.

Are my thoughts logical :) ? What do you think ?


Hi Pawel, Having started in Porto, mileage wasn’t an issue for us with or without the boat ride. It’s my understanding that the boat distance isn’t used against you as long as you have enough walking kilometers. Therefore, starting in Redondela wouldn’t be far enough. Vigo or Tui would be your starting points. From your description of yourself, let me say that the uphill stretch between Combarro and Armenteira demands a pretty good effort on the hiker’s part. The day out of Pontevedra is pretty strenuous compared to staying on the Central Route. With that said, the stage out of Tui is quite long (about 33 km). We wisely broke it up with an overnight in O Porriño. So, you have several options, but I believe that you do have to walk at least 100 kms.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
OK, clear :) Thanks a lot !
Yes, compostela is very important but I would like to be honest with myself...
So, I will start from Vigo. My (adult) son will help me with a luggage, so I will take my camera only...
I will menage it ! No other way...

Last questions are:
1. Where may I have credential in Porto or Vigo ?

2. I will come to Vigo early afternoon and plan to go straight to the trail, without accomodation.
a) where may I ask for the first stamp in credential ?
b) where may I find a sign of camino ? Which street should I follow to leave Vigo towards Redondela ?
Hello, good morning from Poland !
I plan to make the last part of Camino Portuguese in the second half of September 2023. The weather should be still good for walking, I hope ?
I would like to start in Redondela and follow a Spiritual Way.
However, I am not sure if the 28 km boat trip is included in the entire route necessary for the pilgrimage to be considered “valid”?

If yes, I can begin in Redondela as the distance will be 94 km by foot + 28 km by boat, total 122 km. If not, I have to start from Vigo and add 16 km to the walking route to have total 94 + 16 = 100 km by foot + 28 km by boat.
May I ask for the confirmation, please ?
Is the Spiritual Way well marked compared to the main itinerary Pontevedra – Caldas de Reis – Padron ?

We walked a few months ago, starting in mid-September. The weather was perfect along the coast. I understand there can be rain, but we didn't encounter any till our last day walking into Santiago. And yes...the boat trip does not preclude you from earning your compostela, but do start at least in Valenca/Tui...and get your stamps! When we arrived in Santiago, while I had earlier forsworn repeatedly that I had no desire for yet another compostela, I decided to get one since the wait time was unexpectedly brief. The dude behind the counter checked my credencial meticulously...as he should.
OK, clear :) Thanks a lot !
Yes, compostela is very important but I would like to be honest with myself...
So, I will start from Vigo. My (adult) son will help me with a luggage, so I will take my camera only...
I will menage it ! No other way...

Last questions are:
1. Where may I have credential in Porto or Vigo ?

2. I will come to Vigo early afternoon and plan to go straight to the trail, without accomodation.
a) where may I ask for the first stamp in credential ?
b) where may I find a sign of camino ? Which street should I follow to leave Vigo towards Redondela ?
If you have time, please consider starting in Valenca/Tui. Both are delightful and historic. Stay in Valenca, since so many start in Tui and its crowded with tour groups. I then suggest you do what we did: walk along the Minho River to the coast. There is beautiful scenery the entire way. A Guarda on the coast was our destination, and it proved to be a wonderful stop. The coastal walk from there is a joy with Baiona the jewel. Vigo is a big city in a lovely setting, but without the charm of Baiona. Buen Camino!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I have time but, as I have written above, I'm only able to walk a 100 km. That is why Vigo will be my starting point..
Last questions are:
1. Where may I have credential in Porto or Vigo ?

2. I will come to Vigo early afternoon and plan to go straight to the trail, without accomodation.
a) where may I ask for the first stamp in credential ?
b) where may I find a sign of camino ? Which street should I follow to leave Vigo towards Redondela ?
OK, clear :) Thanks a lot !
Yes, compostela is very important but I would like to be honest with myself...
So, I will start from Vigo. My (adult) son will help me with a luggage, so I will take my camera only...
I will menage it ! No other way...

Last questions are:
1. Where may I have credential in Porto or Vigo ?

2. I will come to Vigo early afternoon and plan to go straight to the trail, without accomodation.
a) where may I ask for the first stamp in credential ?
b) where may I find a sign of camino ? Which street should I follow to leave Vigo towards Redondela ?
If you’re going to be in Porto, you can pick up your credential at the cathedral. Stamps are available almost everywhere in Portugal and Spain: cafes, restaurants, albergues/hotels, tourist offices, historical spots, etc. I love collecting the stamps and get well over the minimum two required each day. Finding Camino signs in the city is a bit more difficult than once you’re in the route. However, I use the app Mapy.cz. If you open the map app up to Vigo, you’ll see the Camino route in blue. It was quite easy following it out of the city.
If you’re going to be in Porto, you can pick up your credential at the cathedral. Stamps are available almost everywhere in Portugal and Spain: cafes, restaurants, albergues/hotels, tourist offices, historical spots, etc. I love collecting the stamps and get well over the minimum two required each day. Finding Camino signs in the city is a bit more difficult than once you’re in the route. However, I use the app Mapy.cz. If you open the map app up to Vigo, you’ll see the Camino route in blue. It was quite easy following it out of the city.
While we relied on google, all the young people were glued to their caminoninja app. They swore it was the best. https://camino.ninja/app
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
While we relied on google, all the young people were glued to their caminoninja app. They swore it was the best. https://camino.ninja/app
Camino Ninja isn't available from the app store any longer. I loaded the Wise Pilgrim app for the CP earlier this year, and used it in conjunction with OSMAnd+, Gronze and Google maps when in towns.
OK, clear :) Thanks a lot !
Yes, compostela is very important but I would like to be honest with myself...
So, I will start from Vigo. My (adult) son will help me with a luggage, so I will take my camera only...
I will menage it ! No other way...

Last questions are:
1. Where may I have credential in Porto or Vigo ?

2. I will come to Vigo early afternoon and plan to go straight to the trail, without accomodation.
a) where may I ask for the first stamp in credential ?
b) where may I find a sign of camino ? Which street should I follow to leave Vigo towards Redondela ?
In Porto, I believe you can get a credencial in the cathedral; I'm not sure about Vigo. You might want to consider getting the credencial in advance. You may be able to get one through your national pilgrim association. Or, if you buy a guide book from the Forum Store, Ivar often throws in a credencial.

I would go to a church in Vigo for your first stamp.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Hi Pawel:

Here is a shot of the Camino Portuguese, it shows the route for Variante Espiritual. There is also, an explanatory note (in Spanish) that to obtain a Compostela, as a minimum, it must start at Vigo or Porriño.

As David Tallan suggests, you can get your Credential at Forum Store.


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