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The time has come at last... THis month.


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Time of past OR future Camino
Madrid to San Salvador to Norte
In 30 days (April 30), I'll leave Australia to fly to Madrid to begin my Camino on May 3rd. After 6 months of planning, revising, and re-re-vising many times, I have a plan. I'll walk the Camino Madrid to Sahagun, then head off-track to Aguilar de Campoo, where I'll pick up the Olvidado and back to La Robla. There, I'll join the San Salvador to Oviedo. From Oviedo, I'll take the section north to Norte and around the top until I reach the Camino dos Faros and down to Finisterre.
I know, in some eyes, I'm a 'tourist' and not a pilgrim. I'm not concerned with titles... I call myself a Caminante (Wanderer), anyway. All I'll say about my journey is that I believe the Camino has decided my journey. Without boring details... each step in my planning has been an exercise in accepting what was pushed to me. Choices made that didn't fit the way became difficult while those that have led me became easy. Signs and omens (in which I believe) helped me choose.
I'm not meant to go to Santiago. I felt that, almost from the start. I AM meant to go to Muxia. Places that have no foundation in a 'Camino', such as Uruana (Villa del Libros) have become important to me... not simply as sight-seeing attractions. I'm meant to go there.
Other decisions have been made that I can't explain. From the first, I've known that I'll take no photos or write any posts during my journey. I don't know why, but that is what I'm meant to do. I've studied the route, but will not use an app or gps. If my route contains unexpected 'detours', they will be for a reason and I'll look for those reasons, along the way.
The other thing of which I have believed from the beginning is that something will happen for me along my journey. That feeling has not waivered.
So, Que comience la jornada.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
In 30 days (April 30), I'll leave Australia to fly to Madrid to begin my Camino on May 3rd. After 6 months of planning, revising, and re-re-vising many times, I have a plan. I'll walk the Camino Madrid to Sahagun, then head off-track to Aguilar de Campoo, where I'll pick up the Olvidado and back to La Robla. There, I'll join the San Salvador to Oviedo. From Oviedo, I'll take the section north to Norte and around the top until I reach the Camino dos Faros and down to Finisterre.
I know, in some eyes, I'm a 'tourist' and not a pilgrim. I'm not concerned with titles... I call myself a Caminante (Wanderer), anyway. All I'll say about my journey is that I believe the Camino has decided my journey. Without boring details... each step in my planning has been an exercise in accepting what was pushed to me. Choices made that didn't fit the way became difficult while those that have led me became easy. Signs and omens (in which I believe) helped me choose.
I'm not meant to go to Santiago. I felt that, almost from the start. I AM meant to go to Muxia. Places that have no foundation in a 'Camino', such as Uruana (Villa del Libros) have become important to me... not simply as sight-seeing attractions. I'm meant to go there.
Other decisions have been made that I can't explain. From the first, I've known that I'll take no photos or write any posts during my journey. I don't know why, but that is what I'm meant to do. I've studied the route, but will not use an app or gps. If my route contains unexpected 'detours', they will be for a reason and I'll look for those reasons, along the way.
The other thing of which I have believed from the beginning is that something will happen for me along my journey. That feeling has not waivered.
So, Que comience la jornada.
Well done! Walk soft and stay safe. Via con Dios.

With all the mundane tasks completed, decisions made about packs and poles, boots and shirts... I fill my days preparing. Every day, I walk to train my body. And, also to train my mind. The thing that will carry me through the hard yards is my imagination.
About a kilometer from my front gate is a place where I stop and take a photo. At exactly the same spot every day. Then, I not only think about what I'm looking at, but what I'm seeing.
What is it that's different today from tomorrow?
As I pause and ponder, bits of poetry come.., or lines from a song... or a scene from a well-liked movie.
Today it was this:

As I stood, the lines of a poem came to me... Robert Frost- Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Earlier in the week, I took another photo... of a moth in the road:


When I saw that moth, I knew I was ready to walk Spain... all the parts of the Camino... the good parts and the 'bad'. I knew I'd find the beauty and magic in all the journey.
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