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  1. fraluchi

    Best transportation from Santiago to Lisbon?

    You can take an ALSA bus (Alsa.es) from Santiago to Lisbon, which passes through Fatima. Book at a travel agency in Santiago or go to the ALSA counter at the central bus station.
  2. fraluchi

    I love this forum because ...

    You gave words to my thoughts!:)
  3. fraluchi

    Starting mt first camino in SJPP on 30/9/15

    Welcome to the Forum and enjoy your preprations for the Camino. :) Mak sure you have proper footwear for hilly tracks under all sorts of weather conditions (October can be be very nice, but don't take it for granted). Proper clothing for sunny walks and chilly evenings, and also rainy spells...
  4. fraluchi

    Once more with feeling....

    Two years ago I walked back from Santiago to Sarria. The only time I really enjoyed the path was when I got lost and well off track:(. It's amazing the variety of people one crosses, something one doesn't realize when going with the flow.:rolleyes:
  5. fraluchi

    Once more with feeling....

    Harvey, just go for it. The number of people who started from SJPP, Roncesvalles and/or Pamplona during the months from May to October have not really varied much in the past. Nor did many join the paths as one gets on towards Santiago (October). EXCEPT for the last 100 kms from Sarria. If you...
  6. fraluchi

    Robyn and Kanga

    Ultreya et suseya;)
  7. fraluchi

    First Camino, September - October 2015

    A good time in the year to enjoy the oncoming autumn. The atmosphere is usually stable, the colours warm, the fruit delectable.:) Ultreya!
  8. fraluchi

    Class of 2015

    That seems to be bad luck for those dates so far ahead. What could be the reason? Are there particular functions going on those dates and in those places? Did you use google.com, bookings.com, hotels.com, expedia.com or any other of the myriad internet sites?:mad: It has happened to me that...
  9. fraluchi

    Class of 2014

    Watch the weather forecasts and listen to advice from locals. Ultreya!
  10. fraluchi

    Class of 2014

    You will inevitably meet crowds: Pamplona, as always with S. Fermin, is solidly booked out and so are the nearby accommodation facilities in villages. So the best way on your pilgrimage is to stay in an albergue well before Pamplona, cross the town by public service (bus, taxi, bus) past Cizur...
  11. fraluchi

    Hi! I'm Sara I'm going to have a 100 days walk!

    Ciao Sara,welcome to a Forum with seasoned and well-versed pilgrims! You certainly are undertaking a very interesting Camino next month. Perhaps you should consider a few more "rest" days in your itinerary. Sometimes it is worthwhile to visit off-track sites, where in the past the Camino...
  12. fraluchi

    Starting from sarria on the 18th of April

    Difficult to predict the volume of people, particularly the Spaniards, walking from Sarria to Santiago (4 to 5 days) from Good Friday onwards. At the moment the weather forecast for the coming weekend and early next week looks good. This may entice many to do the walk and visit Santiago during...
  13. fraluchi

    Class of 2014

    I have the distinct impression that many oversea people do not realize that the climate in the North of Spain is NOT Mediterranean and can be very different in areas between Roncesvalles and Santiago. Pamplona has different influences from the Northeast (San Sebastian corridor) than Burgos or...
  14. fraluchi

    The Next Little Step--Hello

    Welcome and keep it up:) We did the same, and with similar feelings, before we started our first Camino in 2007. We walked once every year since. Unique is an understatement;) Have fun reading up in this Forum and enjoy yourself with the excitement.:)
  15. fraluchi

    3 Days Before I Start!

    Don't worry, join the pack! During your first days you'll quickly adjust, meet many fellow "peregrinos" and soon forgot what you were worried about! Ultreya!
  16. fraluchi


    You should be able to wing it during October:D
  17. fraluchi


    ...in the North of Spain (Pamplona, etc.) and there are very few pilgrims walking until April. You should consider staying in hostals or hotels (HR*) since many albergues will not be open. Check them out for central heating and a good supply of blankets (mantas). It's a budget rather than a "can...
  18. fraluchi

    May accomodation on Camino

    Yak :mrgreen: Try to avoid the "classical" stops on the Francés. You can also call ahead to private albergues and find out about the expected occupancy. Very often hospitaleros can help you out. At worst you'll find a hostal at reasonable prices in the area. :)
  19. fraluchi


    Allora, buon camino :lol:
  20. fraluchi

    New member getting set to go

    You may want to check this link http://www.csj.org.uk/diabetics.htm as well as previous postings on the subject in this Forum (using the search facility). Enjoy your "Camino" :wink:

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