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It's my (life) Camino


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I was driving down the freeway the other day and a big truck came weaving through traffic at a much higher rate of speed. I started thinking of an adverse opinion of him, then it occurred to me that he must be in a hurry to get to wherever he is going and let it go. That rattled around my brain as I continued going down the road about people being in their bubble, doing whatever they want to do at that moment and although his behavior may intersect with my trip, it is only momentary and he was on his way.

I started thinking about the Camino. It is rarely too far from my thoughts from hearing about it years ago, dreaming about it, prepping for it and finally walking it in 2018. I am no saint as I am human and I measure and compare other’s actions at times as well. In my idyllic life, and a life I imagine at peace with myself and others I would eliminate that, but there is good moments and bad, if I take a minute though I know what line of thinking leaves me feeling better.

The Camino when you get your compestella, they ask you your reason for walking it. That’s a microcosm of our life. How did we live it, what made us happy, what drives us, how do we find joy. It certainly is not the same for everyone and it’s right only for the one living it. You don’t find joy in living someone else’s life.

On the Camino some people use travel agencies, every room is booked, meals can be scheduled, transport service for luggage or backpacks, you can ride a horse, walk, ride a bike, skip portions by taxi or bus. It’s your Camino. There are some pilgrims that get defensive if someone makes remark that however the methods they used to walk the Camino is judged in a way they may not like and they're some who judge various actions other pilgrims took in walking the Camino. In the movie “The Way” a similar discussion is had around the campfire, what is an authentic Camino. I don’t like crowds in any way or form and I walked my Camino solo, and avoided Camino families, or groups, but most seem to like it, and for many that’s what made their Camino. If I am fortunate to be able to walk the Camino again, in my dreams of walking it in total faith I will make no reservations, and if things are full I will sleep wherever, a bench, a door step, under an awning or in a field, but that would be my Camino. My reason for walking was purely spiritual and the scenery, the history, the atmosphere were just unexpected pluses. To feel the energy of those that walked before me over all those years, their pains, joys. To listen to my footsteps crunching as I had the alone time with God, under the stars predawn, watching the sunrise, the emptiness of the meseta were what made mine so life changing. I made concessions on my last walk as I made some reservations as I was peopled out and needed some alone time, but like driving down the highway of life everyone has their reasons, it’s their journey, their Camino and if it makes them happy that’s what works for them. I need to keep this in mind in my everyday life and in those doing their Camino. We are all different, different is good, and all are ok. Buen Camino
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I hear you and it seems you had a blessed Camino and that you will probably have more.

then it occurred to me that he must be in a hurry to get to wherever he is going

but like driving down the highway of life everyone has their reasons, it’s their journey, their Camino and if it makes them happy that’s what works for them.

Personally, I’m not sure that I like the expression “it’s my Camino” so much. I’d rather think that “it’s our Camino”. We are all travelling down that road together (whether we like it or not) and if we show consideration to each other, I believe that journey could be more pleasant.

I say this because, years ago, I had a (near fatal) encounter with a truck that was in an extreme hurry to get to wherever it was going. If we focus too much on our own desires and ourselves, we may lose consideration for others.
Personally, I’m not sure that I like the expression “it’s my Camino” so much. I’d rather think that “it’s our Camino”. We are all travelling down that road together (whether we like it or not) and if we show consideration to each other, I believe that journey could be more pleasant.

@Turga Your comment made me think.
‘I’ and ‘Our’ suggest some ownership. For me its always been ‘the Camino’ - a spirit being all of its own. We approach it from a range of perspectives.
The Camino joins with me in the same way as a friend or loved one, to help me discover how it will be walked. But the Camino is never mine.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
It is one of the major highlights of my life to have found and walked the Camino. I am so very grateful that I had this very special experience 8 times now. It has never concerned me why or how other people make their journey and I have learned in almost 70 years that judging others is a fools errand. As stated in the original post 'different is good' and so it is, and if we allow and appreciate difference in our lives, then imo life is so much better and richer.
Buen Camino to all, in life and on the Way.
@Turga Your comment made me think.
‘I’ and ‘Our’ suggest some ownership. For me its always been ‘the Camino’ - a spirit being all of its own. We approach it from a range of perspectives.
The Camino joins with me in the same way as a friend or loved one, to help me discover how it will be walked. But the Camino is never mine.
I tend to think of the Camino as a river (or a network of rivers) and myself as a small rivulet that joins it.
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