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Joining two Routes


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This is not at all urgent but I am starting to think about returning to Spain and doing something different than I did last year. I was thinking of starting in Barcelona and walking until I met the Camino France and continuing along the Camino France to Santiago and then maybe on to Finisterre.

I am curious if others have done this and how it went. APROXIMATELY how long does it take?


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johnBCCanada said:
I am curious if others have done this and how it went. APROXIMATELY how long does it take?

I have done that, starting in Barcelona, three years ago.

The Catalan is a very lonesome track with few pilgrim accommodations but otherwise well equipped.

Montserrat is very impressive and the monks offer free beds to pilgrims.

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I walked out of Montserrat 2 years ago, and it took me about seven weeks to get to Santiago. I took the northern route (Huesca-Jaca-Monreal-Puente la Reina-- this gives you more detail http://www.csj.org.uk/route-cami-de-sant-jaume.htm) rather than going up the Ebro and joining the Camino Francese at Logrono. The second route is perhaps the one with better pilgrim facilities.

You will not meet a lot of other pilgrims. Aside from two cycling priests from Austria, I saw no other pilgrims between Montserrat and Jaca. There were two Québécois a few days ahead of me, but I never did meet them. People were very helpful along the way but you need to keep an eye on your water.
thank you all for your information. I would like to do this but it is not likely before 2011. This year I am allowing an ankle to heal from surgery. Next year I understand is a holy year and I think the CF will be quite busy so the folllowing year sounds good. In the meantime I will heal and learn some Spanish and do some dreaming and then planning.

Soething to look forward to.

I am curious if others have done this and how it went. APROXIMATELY how long does it take?

Others have done it. I did Barcelona to Finesterre in 43 days (4 rest days) 2011, for someone who has done 5000+ kilometers. It went well, truly unforgettable! Used a tent (Barcelona-Logrono).

Depending on your route some advice (southern ebro) here pilgrim-introductions/topic12122.html

The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
sillydoll said:
You could start at Barcelona
The Camino Catalán (480km) starts from Montserrat and goes to Logrono or up to the Aragones route with a split at Tarrega: -
Then 612km to Santiago and another approx. 90km to Finisterre.

About 1192km at 25km per day is around 47 days.

Add the distance between Montserrat and Barcelona approx. 62 km = 1254 km.
Also allow for resupply and some "other" detours at 10 percent the total distance = 125 km.
This may bring the total distance to 1379 km.

Thus formulated as 1254 km < total distance > 1379 km for Barcelona-Finisterre
@25km/day = 50 < days > 55 nonstop. Add rest days as needed.
If you're going to start near the Mediterranean, I say go the whole hog and start up north at St. Pere de Rodas. It's an amazing romanesque monastery/church perched high up on a rock overlooking the ocean. I don't know where the camino goes from there, but if it goes along the coast at all, and hits the Greek/Roman ruins at Ampuries, you are in for a real treat.

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