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Lent on the Camino - what would you give up?


Veteran Member
Time of past OR future Camino
First one in 2005 from Moissac, France.
Hi all, here we are at the start of Lent again - for those who don't know Christianity Lent is a period of spiritual preparation for Easter. Traditionally one gives something up as part of a process of self-denial. This is runs in parallel with scripture readings, meditations, etc. The period of Lent is some six weeks.
One isn't allowed to give up what one doesn't like!!

So - if you were on Camino now and giving up something for Lent, what would that be?

stop wearing and looking at your watch? Alcohol? Coffee? Meat? Washing clothes? Shaving? Washing hair?

I am not out on Camino but have given up eating meat for Lent.

so ...... ????
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I gave up TV for lent (was going to give up the internet, but then couldn't be on this forum :) ), but if I was on Camino, giving up TV would be like cheating (not much TV on the Camino). So, I would probably give up Vino if I was on Camino right now. Good luck with no meat, David. Being Catholic, we do not eat meat on Fridays of Lent anyway, so why is it I could go for a nice juicy cheeseburger when Friday comes around ? :confused:
So - if you were on Camino now and giving up something for Lent, what would that be? stop wearing and looking at your watch? Alcohol? Coffee? Meat? Washing clothes? Shaving? Washing hair?
Give up WEARING? David? Too cold for that!
If I were on camino, I might just give up walking - and catch a bus. Walking can be such a joy [;)] and I have to give up something I enjoy.
Mind you, I'd only do it for a day, not for the whole of Lent!
Buen camino!
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I would give up being anxious about the distance I walked that day...some days that was a bit of an obsession.
I would give up those yummy Spanish breakfast pastries for a more nutritious breakfast.
I would try to trust more in God's Providence leading and guiding my journey on and off the Camino.
For us Catholics Lent requires three areas of action: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The Camino is a place of prayer anyway, and it would be foolish to fast while walking so far, but it could be interpreted as giving up wine, for example, or chocolate (or long showers - see other posts!). I see the almsgiving as doing something positive for someone else, helping someone in need, sharing your food or your money. The Camino and Lenten observation have great similarities - preparation and moving towards the joy of Easter - or Santiago.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Give up WEARING? David? Too cold for that!
If I were on camino, I might just give up walking - and catch a bus. Walking can be such a joy [;)] and I have to give up something I enjoy.
Mind you, I'd only do it for a day, not for the whole of Lent!
Buen camino!

Haha! You have to check the punctuation Stephen ... I don't think wearing a watch keeps you very warm!! :):)
The idea of a lent is to to live more sober and by doing that, experience what is really important in life. To experience again what is all around you, the cosmos, the spirits or as you want god, Allah or Santiago. Isn't it?
Any pilgrimage is a lent to me, probably the idea of a pilgrimage is a kind of lent, isn't it? Going on a Camino is getting me out of a comfort zone. I live more sober, what is a part of what makes me so happy and thankful with simple things as water and bread. I experience what is really important in life.
My struggle at the moment is how to connect the Camino life with my daily life, I still don't find the connection. In my daily life like I'm in right now, I feel stressed. No connection to what I experience on the Camino. For the time being I lurk around this lovely forum...:oops:
But that's what lent probably is for anyway, isn't it?

Another thing is that I noticed the use of the word 'allowed'. Why is this word so much used when something is described about Christianity and most other religions? As an ex-christian, in that I hear such a disregard of mankind. To me it is also such a contrast with what is so much said about Camino: walk your own Camino. There is nothing that one has to do. It's not about being allowed of must do's. Even more, all the things which people think they have to do on Camino often turns out to be a burden.
Thomas1962, your English is very good, very fluent indeed, but I do need to point out that what I meant when I wrote the word 'allowed' in a sentence was that it was from me to those who will respond to the post - "One isn't allowed to give up what one doesn't like!!" In this sentence it isn't the Christian churches saying that things are not allowed, but me, setting up an informal rule for this fun thread. I apologise for not writing more clearly.
All is well ;)
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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Thomas1962, your English is very good, very fluent indeed, but I do need to point out that what I meant when I wrote the word 'allowed' in a sentence was that it was from me to those who will respond to the post - "One isn't allowed to give up what one doesn't like!!" In this sentence it isn't the Christian churches saying that things are not allowed, but me, setting up an informal rule for this fun thread. I apologise for not writing more clearly.
All is well ;)

You probably gently put your finger on my over-sensitiveness on this subject... :rolleyes:

All is well ;)
Yes, all is well!
David –

As I’ll be on Camino for the bulk of Lent, here’s what I am giving up:

- A shower with reliable hot water supply.

- A comfortable bed with sheets and pillow.

- The companionship of my sweetie.

- Sleeping with a maximum of one other person in proximity.

- Feet, legs and hips that are free of pain.

- Coffee first thing in the morning, most often past Burgos.

- Meals at reliable times.

- Smelling reasonably good at the end of the day.

- Waiting for the weekend to do laundry.

- Being clean-shaven every day.

- Conversing in only one language every day.

I am sure there are a few others I am missing.

Being a wimp, these are about as far as I am willing to go in Lent 2014. All the saints out there can add whatever else you want!;)

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I did not intend to open up on the forum like this but am going to give it a whirl. I long to walk away from the luxuries, the things we take for granted each day, including the love I get from all my family. I walk to be by myself, to pray, even to suffer. I have suffered a great loss in recent weeks and in grieving (day by day) have realised that the last 5 years have been a lead up to "today". BUT I have had little opportunity and could not allow myself deal with all the pain, issues, suffering, feelings the last 5 years have brought. So for Lent, for the Camino I am going to "be kind" to MYSELF. I also hope that I can be kind to others, pray each day, be mindful that each step I take is my choice. We are lucky to be able to walk, slowly, quickly, any way at all. I walk to say Thanks. And if I cry a little or a lot I hope that will help heal me. Semana Santa should be a good one for me, near Merida, if the Camino is kind.
I would make the supreme sacrafice after weeks of white asparagus in perigrino meals, I would not get Bacon Eggs and Chips in the wee cafe in Santo Domingo I can still taste it after three years and in about 13 weeks time I will have it again cause lent will be over
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Well if we are to get all theological traditionaly you take up something for everything you give up so lets change tack what would you take up? What would you do extra to make yourself more aware of God and don't forget it is a reflecton of Christ's time in the wilderness and whilst He certainly did not have bacon eggs and chips he did have a few meals with friends along the Way.
I originally planned to walk from April 2nd, but realised that during Lent it would be cruel on my fellow walkers if I went without chocolate and haribo sweets, i'm moody enough when tired and hungry on a normal day let alone after walking 25k..
Fantastic opening post David and terrific responses from everyone ...
If I was on Camino now I would find it impossibly difficult to give up anything, for I'd want to make the most of every day that I have and be able to say "yes" wholeheartedly to all that's offered.
As I'm at home in Sydney for Lent, I've given up alcohol this year. The first test of my resolve was last night at our regular Pilgrims' get together ... usually it's vino tinto all around, but last night I stuck to the Lemon, Lime and Bitters. Saint Mike II lived up to his name and kept me company with the soft drinks - thank you Mike!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Can I give up my new boots? :p

When I was about 8 years old my sister (10) and I gave up sugar for lent and all the money we saved went in the little boxes given to us from church... after lent we both hated sweetness of things and found we couldn't ever go back to our pre-lent sugar levels. We both still have hot drinks without and neither of us have a sweet tooth... and we're both in out 50's and have no fillings.
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I have deprived myself of my beloved G&Ts for Lent, but as wayfarer said earlier the need to give something back, I agree. This reminded me humbly how much I learn on this Forum. I am going to learn how to dance!
Life is a dance, one has to develop the steps of both giving and receiving. The balance is crucial - - being able only to give and not receive may be pride, only wanting to receive and not give could be greed.
Thank you 'simply b' for this wonderful lesson for my Lent.
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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I gave up TV for lent (was going to give up the internet, but then couldn't be on this forum :) ), but if I was on Camino, giving up TV would be like cheating (not much TV on the Camino). So, I would probably give up Vino if I was on Camino right now. Good luck with no meat, David. Being Catholic, we do not eat meat on Fridays of Lent anyway, so why is it I could go for a nice juicy cheeseburger when Friday comes around ? :confused:

Exactly! Why is only during Lent I crave cheeseburgers? I usually give up sweets and I fast but on the Camino (I start April 8) I might give up my watch until Easter. For a former Marine officer and retired teacher not having the exact time all the time,would be huge.
Exactly! Why is only during Lent I crave cheeseburgers? I usually give up sweets and I fast but on the Camino (I start April 8) I might give up my watch until Easter. For a former Marine officer and retired teacher not having the exact time all the time,would be huge.

I took an old watch on Camino just in case I lost it so it wouldn't matter 24hrs in it stopped wouldn't start again. So I walked without any knowlege of the time or in the end even what day it was. I asked a girl from Texas what day it was even she took several moments to answer.
It was a wonderful thing to live without time to think about, no hurry and only time to smell the flowers.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Gin... Wine... Beer... I live on the doorstep of some of the most famous wines in France and can't drink a drop... I stopped drinking alchol when I was pregnant and haven't been able to drink since... my son is 16 in a few months! I'm told I can't metabolise alcohol and it's unlikely I ever will :confused::eek:
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Gin... Wine... Beer... I live on the doorstep of some of the most famous wines in France and can't drink a drop... I stopped drinking alchol when I was pregnant and haven't been able to drink since... my son is 16 in a few months! I'm told I can't metabolise alcohol and it's unlikely I ever will :confused::eek:

Metabolise, Oh gosh I've been drinking it !!!!! ;)
I stopped drinking alchol when I was pregnant and haven't been able to drink since..
In danger of being a bit off-topic here: I didn't stop drinking during our pregnancies but the kids turned out fine: They have the looks of their mother, but I am happy as long as they are in good health. I have been drinking since.
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Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Thank you 'simply b' for this wonderful lesson for my Lent.

You are most welcome, 'pilgrim b'. I am most pleased, and very humbled, to be able to rise above my usual role of "bad example".;)

The Forum brings out the best in folks - - just like the Camino.

Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Well I am now on day 9 of my AFD (Alcoholic Free Days) - not claiming that I will do it for the whole of Lent but I think it's a good start. As an aside I even managed to refrain during my attendance at the season opener of the local rugby competition. Can anyone claim similar dedication? I can not imagine our friends at Real Madrid or Barcelona being similarly dedicated!!
[BTW - My team won hansomly, maybe it was reward for my sacrifice, but I think it was more the pre-season training by the players.] Cheers:D
I'm finding this difficult enough without all this talk about alcohol free days anyone hear a friend of …..now who was it? a friend of Bills !!! Help !;)
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
You all know, don´t you, that when you´re on pilgrimage you are officially relieved of all the usual required fasts. You need to keep your strength up, and your spirits nourished, and all that!

Cheers Rebekah!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
To change the thread slightly but remain about Lent, Pope Francis asks us to Pray an hour a day to allow ourselves be open to God's presence (or something like that) he talks about the prayer of conversation?. From 8th April on the Camino I hope to have long conversations (prayer), maybe I will raise the lenten topic? Thanks Rebekkah for your encouragement, on St Patrick's day tomorrow I will raise a glass to you all here on this Forum.
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Only Six Days left then ! Well, what are you looking forward to then?
I have to confess I'm counting the days too, pilgrim b! Easter is almost here and Pancake Day seems so long ago.
After Vigil Mass on Easter Saturday, I'll be back into my normal routine of a glass of shiraz/tinto/rioja - anything 'red' - while I prepare dinner, and then it will be another glass or two with dinner.
I hope there'll be a Happy Easter thread ... I have a really interesting photo to contribute !!! :D
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hola - today is Good Friday and after almost 40 days of rain since Christmas its a beautiful sunny day in Eastern Australia. Best wishes to all pilgrims for a very happy, holy, Easter.
For those who abstained during the 40 days of Lent have a great Easter Sunday lunch - but take it easy with the vino tino - your liver will not like you if you overload it!! Buen Easter Camino for those on the road.:D
Yes yes yes a very happy Easter to one and all on the forum. If anyone has a problem with beer, wine, roast lamb or in fact anything in the food and drink line, please please let me know. My mother always said Keith be a good boy and never waste food and drink. Mums know best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hola - today is Good Friday and after almost 40 days of rain since Christmas its a beautiful sunny day in Eastern Australia. Best wishes to all pilgrims for a very happy, holy, Easter.
For those who abstained during the 40 days of Lent have a great Easter Sunday lunch - but take it easy with the vino tino - your liver will not like you if you overload it!! Buen Easter Camino for those on the road.:D
It must be good everywhere because here in Ireland the sun has got his hat on as well 40 days rain is nothing in Ireland we can have that in a week!
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Re. Unadara's comment above, about the pope calling prayer being a 'conversation with God':
When a muslim prays, the first physical movement is to put both hands up to the ears., palms forward.
For many this is an automatic gesture - one day I suddenly realised it's supposed to remind us that conversation is a TWO-WAY thing.
How much do we LISTEN and how much is talk? If we listen, perhaps we will one day hear?

One day I heard this ..... "prayer is this; you breathe in and I breathe out."
It was many years ago, but each time I reflect on it I perhaps get a little closer to the fuller meaning.
Hola - today is Good Friday and after almost 40 days of rain since Christmas its a beautiful sunny day in Eastern Australia. Best wishes to all pilgrims for a very happy, holy, Easter.
For those who abstained during the 40 days of Lent have a great Easter Sunday lunch - but take it easy with the vino tino - your liver will not like you if you overload it!! Buen Easter Camino for those on the road.:D

Hi Mike - Easter greetings and best wishes to you and to those reading this thread.

Thoughts of Easter and all its traditions came to me very early this year. I stayed in London for a couple of weeks back in early February and while there took a meander through Harrods Food Hall. This whopper egg stopped me in my tracks!

harrods egg small photo.jpg

It's just as well you can't see the price - it was £1,149 !!! - more than my return airfare between Sydney and London!

Back home in Australia we lucky ones on the Forum had Lent and Easter highlighted through pilgrim b's Pancake Day thread and then David's Lent thread (still running) - both of which have been wonderful.

This year it's been a privilege for me to observe all the Lenten and Easter traditions with my Forum mates.

Happy Easter Everyone!
Hi Mike - Easter greetings and best wishes to you and to those reading this thread.

Back home in Australia we lucky ones on the Forum had Lent and Easter highlighted through pilgrim b's Pancake Day thread and then David's Lent thread (still running) - both of which have been wonderful.

This year it's been a privilege for me to observe all the Lenten and Easter traditions with my Forum mates.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Official News G&T is back on the menu, Meat is on for David, Wayfarer has been giving, now he can give up(if he wishes too which I doubt) JennieH94 is falling asleep after the evening meal with the comfort of her red nectar !;) Marjm007 can start worrying again or choose to live in the present moment Alexwalker can metabolise alchohol again while Anniesatiago can start texting again on her Iphone Ipad . Forgive me if I missed anyone out but if I kept going I would be back in Lent again!!;) So all of us can remember as Simply b said, "Life is a dance, one has to develop the steps of both giving and receiving. "
Lent is over yes Happy Easter Everyone!
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.

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