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Plastic Bags


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Several people have complained about others using plastic bags at ungodly hours and waking everyone else up. Why don't they use something else-like the clip lock bags which don't make such a noise? Come to think of it why do they have to separate everything into plastic bags?. And here's a radical thought-pack the night before.
My question is: can someone who rustles these things in the middle of the night and wakes everyone else up explain why they think it's ok?
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:) ...that's a dilly...but then it's not only the plastic bags' noise, it's the overall noise that humans make when we wake up prior to the time we want to wake up, that's a bother!

For me, it's come down to get up when the noise awakens me.

I've tried going back to sleep lots of time and it hasn't worked.

Maybe it's a case of "when in Rome..."

Buen Camino :arrow:

As I'm sure you know the plastic bags are a secondary defence against the dust and rain. You are quite right in saying that not all plastic bags make so much noise and I wish people would try not to use the cheap brittle noisy rubbish sacs when a slightly thicker bag can be much quieter.

But as xm says it's not just the bags and once someone gets up is seems to create the need for everyone else to do the same.
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Thanks for your input-it also begs the question as to why people get up hours before it's light-how can you enjoy the scenery/atmosphere etc when everyone else is asleep? Maybe it's the ridiculous race to the next alberque so you can claim a bed at noon and nothing.
Personally I think plastic bags are an unfortunate, but necessary evil. helps when compartmentalising the stuff in your bag, but... and it's a big but... I think people should prepare their stuff at a reasonable hour the night before. Then all you have to do is pop your clothes on a head out of the door. Easy!
omar504 said:
... Maybe it's the ridiculous race to the next alberque so you can claim a bed at noon and nothing ...
That's one of the reasons for me to consider prebooked accommodation in hotels along the Camino Francès. I bought and read a lot of books about the Camino and the way people handle things on their way. One guidebook states (translated form german): "... so you better get up at about at 4 of the clock (sic!) and start walking with the light of a headlamp or a torch ...". Headlamp. Torch. My foot. I'm no speleologist! I just can't. Be. Bothered. With. This.

And re plastic bags: there are much worse things in life to get exited about. The most annoying thing ever to me are people in motels/hotels (most likely during a trade fair of some sort), coming home late. Drunk as a skunk and at four in the morning (the time when one should walk the Camino...) having a leisurely (drunk) conversation in front of my door or (better) man & wifey having a (drunk) argument right there on my footmat. Beats plastic bags, folks...

Face it. Stupid and/or reckless people (cum/sans plastic bags) will always be around - as long as this planet is turning...

As will there be warthogs.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

it is sad there is such noise in the early am, however we cannot judge others for there actions. Perhaps they have limited time to do the walk. Something may have happened. Who knows. I really enjoy getting up early, ok headed out at 6am, NOT TO RACE for a BED, ( I always got one) but to enjoy the sunrise. i usually walked till 2. Do nothing, not likely, the drill is check in, shower, do laundry, go get a pilgrims meal, (some people sleep) i just went site seeing, a small snack, time for bed, and do it all over again the next day. When one goes to bed early, it is VERY EASY to get up early.

Out of curiosity I tried waking up really early in San Martin del Camino just to see what it's like to walk in the dark. It was an experience hearing those wild fowl sounds and seeing the light come up. Needless to say I got lost in a village 6 km away from the 'real' camino. I asked the old farmer if I was on the right camino and he said "There is no right or wrong camino. This is the path you chose." He wasn't being sarcastic, more like philosophical. Of course I found my way back to Puente de Orbigo, but I will always remember that encounter. If I hadn't got lost I wouldn't have met him.

There are lessons to be learned in an un-planned walk. I admit being a control freak when planning the journey, but once on the road, I felt liberated by not knowing what will happen for the rest of the day: where will I rest my head that night, where will I eat, will I have enough water...the camino takes care of that eventually.

I use albergues all the way. Yeah, there are some irritating people out there but I think their noises are more associated with ignorance, rather than malice. during the summer I'll always aim to be out by about 6-6.30am and love being on the road for sunrise.

St. Martin ws one of the easier places to start in the dark as it was following the road for a while before you turned off (if I remember rightly!) and the worst place for me was the wooded bit on the last day... Wish I could remember where I stopped! Doh!
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HI all,
Surely the issue is not plastic bags but people.
Poeple make noise, thats a fact. If its not plastic bags its
snoring or generally being out of bed before you.
I used plastic bags as an emergency measure on my camino and was acutely concious of the noise to the point of embarassment.
I made alternative arrangments ( a new pack).
I got up early every morning as I have only a specific time for my camino.
This for me was unavoidable and onfortunate for others but nonetheless it is part of the whole people experience on the camino.
There are far more other irritating things to get pi**ed off about such as
tendonitis etc.

Lets just chill an be happy that our load is not too heavy.


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