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SdC recce

Joe Harkon

New Member
Hi all.
I have a cheap return flight to Santiargo from Liverpool over 3 days late Nov, I really only have one full day in the area and I am considering if it would be of benefit to walk the last lap of either the Camino Frances or the Via de Plata, it is my intention to cycle the full length of the VdP next April/May. Or would my time be better spent in seeing SdC.
Any comments / suggestions would be most appreciated.
(Time spent on a recce's is never wasted)
Best wishes Joe
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
i would personally take the time to see the city. walk the streets and people watch, since you'll be back later.

nothing about the camino nor santiago de compostela should be rushed. :o) but that's just me. if you can do a leisurely bike trek in a day, that would have it's rewards as well.

bom caminho,
Enjoy the city - there is so much to see, do and eat that you will have plenty to do and not enough time. In addition, the last 5-10 kms into Santiago are city, urban walking - going by tv and radio stations, round abouts, etc.

Have Fun!
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