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LIVE from the Camino The Adventures of Dani7 on the Camino Francés

Very important when entering Sarria: Do not find a place to stay upon entering the town. Walk into the town (it is some way to go) until you have walked the steep steps up to the centre of the town. otherwise, you will be on the outskirts of the town, and missing the town itself completely. It is a lovely town, but you should reserve a place there to stay. As for the days onwards from Sarria, judge the traffic and book forward if you want to walk in peace. Or stay in between the guidebook recommendations.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Samos walk ❤️


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More of yesterday ❤️


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Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Day 33 - Samos to Barbadelo approx ?? Kms

Woke up at 3am unable to sleep. I hurt my left shoulder as it turns out when I had my fall a couple of days ago. Could not sleep on that side. Finally fell back asleep until 6:50 😳 and on the road. Most pilgrims had already left so I had a very quiet walk to Sarria where I am having my lunch right now.

Preparing myself mentally and spiritually for the atmosphere and tone to change moving forward.

So I’ve picked the perfect song for this midday. Going to practice what I’ve been working on: non-judgement, tolerance and stay true to who I am. 😀

See you soon ❤️

End of day 33 - 19.5 kms and walked another 2lms around town/albergue

Walking through the pristine forests going to and from Samos has been breathtaking at almost every turn. So so beautiful!!

My application to the Mensa group has been declined. I’m just not swearing anymore. 😇😂 and therefore don’t qualify 🤨. When I see a hill to climb now I say “bring it on” or “let’s do this” or nothing at all. I just take my time and climb. Feeling strong and in control (except when I fall and end up on my back lol 😆 ).

Beautiful albergue here. Small village with nothing to do and I’m liking that.

Following the stages now until Santiago. I’ll arrive on the 30th. I’m ok with that. Everything in life has a beginning, a middle and an ending. I’m savouring even more each precious moment of beauty and joy.

Life is not complicated. We just sometimes do that ourselves.

Whatever comes up, whether it’s the energy or the different vibes, the music or the sheer increase of people or whatever may temporarily disrupt my senses or my own vibe….I’ll let it flow ❤️. Each Camino has its own meaning, it’s own purpose. all that matters to me is…I know mine. 🥰

…and all I need to do is be a good duck 😊 and let it all roll off my back like beads of water.



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Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Day 34 - Barbadelo to Portomarin - 20.5 kms

Already in my pensión. Left at 7:15 and the people who had walked from Sarria were already pushing past the albergue. I slept 9 hrs last night 😮 and had the most vivid dream of my life. Felt so real that in the dream I had to say “this is a dream Dani. Just wake up.” I dreamt I was back home, leaving the Camino without walking the last five days. I kept saying: “why did you do that?! What were you thinking?!!!” 🤨 it was the most awful feeling. Maybe my psyche working overtime because the end of the journey is near 😢.

Beautiful walk today but a few treacherous sections like that descent before crossing the bridge into Portomarin 😬 and then the wind was so strong on the bridge it kept pushing me against the railing. I’m mortified of heights so I kept looking down and ahead…but still feeling as if I was being pulled down. My sun hat tie was on so tight I’m sure I looked like a chipmunk lol. Then those stairs…that last little challenge of the day. 💪

Just talked with my sister and we laughed because she woke up at 4am and wanted to read my morning post and there wasn’t one. She felt cheated 🥹 so she made me promise there would still be two entries for today. ❤️

Since this is what I sang out loud after the stairs, it’s only fitting this be first song of the day, 😂 because I feel like a champion 👍!

Below are more pics from yesterday.



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End of day 34 - total kms 22.5 kms

This is the first time since I started my Camino that I did absolutely nothing for the rest of the day except chill in my room. The only time I went out was to buy my supper. Being a vegetarian has been somewhat of a challenge but thanks to a well stocked little supermercado here I bought all the fixings to make myself some wraps. I bought an avocado. tomato, Gouda slices, green pepper and sweet onion with mixed lettuce, and tortillas.

Add a small bottle of wine (180 ml) and a small package of Pringles for crunch and I had an amazing meal. Oh and for dessert, dark chocolate of course. So good! I’ll have to make that again. 😊.

It was busy on the Camino but not as much as
I thought it would be. Had some quiet moments walking by myself as well and nature did not disappoint. Came across two herds of cows being moved to a pasture. They had the right of way 😗.

Arriving in Santiago next Tuesday. Some rain in the forecast. Rained hard here twice today. So needed.

For now just want to focus on one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

We will soon gather together…our common goal achieved. Don’t know if I’ll be ready. One of my favourite quotes of all time was said by Norman Vincent Peale…”Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.” ❤️



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Day 35 - Portomarin to Palas del Rei approx 24.6 kms

Isn’t that the way…one night you sleep almost 9 hrs straight. Other nights not so much. Heard doors opening and closing and pilgrims leaving at 4:30 this morning 😳. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Tonight I’m sure I’ll sleep better.

Cloudy today for most of the day but not cold this morning, 11C right now.

Off we go and see what the Camino brings. I hear the birds singing their little hearts out this morning. Impossible not to be happy when you hear that.

Still…need a pick me up song. Here it is. ❤️ see you on the other side.

Pictures from yesterday…😊


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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Day 35 - Portomarin to Palas del Rei approx 24.6 kms

Isn’t that the way…one night you sleep almost 9 hrs straight. Other nights not so much. Heard doors opening and closing and pilgrims leaving at 4:30 this morning 😳. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Tonight I’m sure I’ll sleep better.

Cloudy today for most of the day but not cold this morning, 11C right now.

Off we go and see what the Camino brings. I hear the birds singing their little hearts out this morning. Impossible not to be happy when you hear that.

Still…need a pick me up song. Here it is. ❤️ see you on the other side.

Pictures from yesterday…😊
Thank you so much for your really interesting posts! Can I ask you a big favour please: You should be seeing some very good friends (Àngel and Florence) of mine who are walking in reverse, easily recognisable with 3 horses, 1 dog . Will you tell them hello from Susan! It will surprise them. I had to leave them on the Sanabres but walked from all the way from Almeria (Mozarabe, VdlP)with Àngel. They will arrive in Melida today.
Anyone else meeting them, please also say hello from Susan!
Thank you so much! And buen camino. Susan
End of day 35 - 26.7 kms, 28.3 total

Today was the never ending day it seemed. Long and hard walk today. Up and down all day. Usually you see the end destination at some point and your mind sees it getting closer. Today…Palas de Rei appeared around a corner. I think I heard « one more km to go! » about 5 of 6 times 🤪 from other pilgrims.

Everything hurt with two hours more walking. My feet are throbbing tonight.

Stopped to see the Castro ruins. Over 2,400 years old. You could see where there could have been a hearth and places to sit made out of slabs of rock, where potentially they would have stored food. It was a well thought out village. Very humbling to be there.

I also felt like the karate kid today with the « wax on, wax off » but this time with my rain gear or puffer jacket. The minute I put my raincoat, it stopped raining and the minute I put my jacket on because I was cold due to the misty fog…along came a big hill that warmed me up. 🤨

…however I did have my best pasta night at a little place called « Pasta » that opened up only a week ago. Homemade fettuccine with arrabiata sauce. Ate early for a lunch/supper meal. And yes…ate chips. Gotta stop it with the chips. My withdrawal back home may be significant 😢.

I’ll be in Santiago on Tuesday. That’s incredible. Lots of people on the way today but by the end of the day most everyone was walking with a slower gait. I wasn’t the only one dragging her feet.

Rained real hard here about 30 minutes ago. Thunder…did not see lightning, but I’m on my bed eating you know what.

This walk today was among the hardest for me. Another big day tomorrow. More climbing 😬. I’ll need a good morning song for sure. Listened to this morning’s song a few times while climbing.

Part of me is tired and ready for the end and the other is ambivalent. Regardless of how I feel, the end is inevitable.

May this journey continue in my heart, long after I’m back home…way over yonder ❤️



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Day 36 - Palas de Rei to Ribadiso approx 26.3 lms

Just trying to muster up the energy for a long walk today. Need a really good song to get me going. Don’t know if this is normal at this stage but I feel I’m losing some juice here..less wind in my sails.

See you on the other side. ❤️

Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
End of day 35 - 26.7 kms, 28.3 total

Today was the never ending day it seemed. Long and hard walk today. Up and down all day. Usually you see the end destination at some point and your mind sees it getting closer. Today…Palas de Rei appeared around a corner. I think I heard « one more km to go! » about 5 of 6 times 🤪 from other pilgrims.

Everything hurt with two hours more walking. My feet are throbbing tonight.

Stopped to see the Castro ruins. Over 2,400 years old. You could see where there could have been a hearth and places to sit made out of slabs of rock, where potentially they would have stored food. It was a well thought out village. Very humbling to be there.

I also felt like the karate kid today with the « wax on, wax off » but this time with my rain gear or puffer jacket. The minute I put my raincoat, it stopped raining and the minute I put my jacket on because I was cold due to the misty fog…along came a big hill that warmed me up. 🤨

…however I did have my best pasta night at a little place called « Pasta » that opened up only a week ago. Homemade fettuccine with arrabiata sauce. Ate early for a lunch/supper meal. And yes…ate chips. Gotta stop it with the chips. My withdrawal back home may be significant 😢.

I’ll be in Santiago on Tuesday. That’s incredible. Lots of people on the way today but by the end of the day most everyone was walking with a slower gait. I wasn’t the only one dragging her feet.

Rained real hard here about 30 minutes ago. Thunder…did not see lightning, but I’m on my bed eating you know what.

This walk today was among the hardest for me. Another big day tomorrow. More climbing 😬. I’ll need a good morning song for sure. Listened to this morning’s song a few times while climbing.

Part of me is tired and ready for the end and the other is ambivalent. Regardless of how I feel, the end is inevitable.

May this journey continue in my heart, long after I’m back home…way over yonder ❤️

My little question is pure curiosity and nothing to do with the wonderful thread you began. Except, yes, you mention chips rather a lot. I see you come from way over there, in relation to where I am from - where the rain - among many things - caused many to move to where you are from - but please: do you mean chips as in crinkly things in a crinkly bag, or (real) chips from an Italian chip shop, with salt and vinegar? 😈

Edit: I know I am revealing a cultural bias regarding meaning of chips. For those not familiar with West of Scotland culinary treats in the days of relative enclosure and relative poverty of epicurean delights, the chipper was the height of sophistication for youngish teenagers spending their few pennies on a Friday night, with the juke-box where you could put a few pennies in to hear the latest number one in the charts.
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My little question is pure curiosity and nothing to do with the wonderful thread you began. Except, yes, you mention chips rather a lot. I see you come from way over there, in relation to where I am from - where the rain - among many things - caused many to move to where you are from - but please: do you mean chips as in crinkly things in a crinkly bag, or (real) chips from an Italian chip shop, with salt and vinegar? 😈

Edit: I know I am revealing a cultural bias regarding meaning of chips. For those not familiar with West of Scotland culinary treats in the days of relative enclosure and relative poverty of epicurean delights, the chipper was the height of sophistication for youngish teenagers spending their few pennies on a Friday night, with the juke-box where you could put a few pennies in to hear the latest number one in the charts.
Chips in a crinkly bag. Tomato flavour ❤️👍
Thank you so much for your really interesting posts! Can I ask you a big favour please: You should be seeing some very good friends (Àngel and Florence) of mine who are walking in reverse, easily recognisable with 3 horses, 1 dog . Will you tell them hello from Susan! It will surprise them. I had to leave them on the Sanabres but walked from all the way from Almeria (Mozarabe, VdlP)with Àngel. They will arrive in Melida today.
Anyone else meeting them, please also say hello from Susan!
Thank you so much! And buen camino. Susan
Saw them and said hello. ❤️ They were so nice. At first they did not know who I was talking about but I made myself understood when I spoke French. Here is Angel and Florence.


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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Day 36 - Palas de Rei to Ribadiso approx 26.3 lms

Just trying to muster up the energy for a long walk today. Need a really good song to get me going. Don’t know if this is normal at this stage but I feel I’m losing some juice here..less wind in my sails.

See you on the other side. ❤️

Yes, on my first Camino, I was quite ready to be done by this point! Not everyone is sad for the journey to end, but it doesn't keep me from coming back regularly for more Camino spirit! Physically my feet hurt for a few months before my plantar fascitis and sprained ankle finally healed after that first Camino. Loved the journey, but I was ready for the physical suffering to end!
End of day 36 - 25.7 kms, 26 kms total

Had a better day today. Early into my walk the lightbulb turned on. I’ve been feeling sluggish and low energy in part because I’ve been carrying extra weight….it’s called tomorrow (or the future).

I’ve been planning my last days in Spain and my return home and it’s been keeping me from enjoying the moment. Wasting precious time wondering, and questioning and not being present. Perhaps this is a normal phase at this point on the Camino. Two days before arriving in Santiago. Surreal!!!

Once I realized this…my pack got lighter and my feet did not hurt as much (although they are not happy tonight 😖).

The walks since before Samos, in the lush green forests, have been nothing short of spectacular! Back home at this time the mosquitoes and black flies would be so dense in these forests you would not be able to walk in them without being eaten alive.

Very very muggy all day today. Thunderstorms again tonight. I’m happy for the farmers.

So…until I arrive I’m going to stay in the moment and soak in all that I see, hear and smell (even the cows). Tomorrows will become today soon enough.

Time to get back sailing. The wind has picked up ❤️



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Edit: I know I am revealing a cultural bias regarding meaning of chips. For those not familiar with West of Scotland culinary treats in the days of relative enclosure and relative poverty of epicurean delights, the chipper was the height of sophistication for youngish teenagers spending their few pennies on a Friday night, with the juke-box where you could put a few pennies in to hear the latest number one in the charts.
My entire knowledge of Scottish chips is from the movie Gregory's Girl, one of my all time favourites despite no mention of the Camino.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Day 37 - Ribadiso to Pedrouzo approx 23.7 kms

Slept ok but a bit of tossing and turning. I suspect another muggy day as more thunderstorms are expected in the region over the next few days.

Wow 😮. Only two more days before I am in front of the cathedral. I’m going to do my utmost to stay present and enjoy each step despite starting with a steep climb today 💪😬. One small step at a time.

Need something slow and steady with a LOT of groove to give this day and that hill…the best of my love ❤️ see you on the other side.



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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
End of day 37 - 22.5 kms, 23.5 total

What a beautiful day in the different forest pathways. Day flew by talking with a pilgrim from Florida, despite the muggy heat. 23C right now but was 25C less than an hour ago. With lively and interesting conversation I felt no usual pain anywhere from my bag which I usually do last couple of hours of my walks. Just goes to show if you distract the mind, the rest follows.

The early morning sun was spectacular! And this morning I was taking a layer off when a cat lay beside my poles as if to say “you’re in my spot” and proceeded to wash himself literally top to bottom, that’s how I found out he was a male 😂. And…I followed pilgrims who were following a herd of cows, heading out to some pasture, and they were following their herders. As perfect a morning as one could wish for😊.

Maybe it’s because I wasn’t in Sarria on the weekend but the throngs of pilgrims I was expecting last 4 days are less than imagined. Many more Spaniards but we are walking quietly for the most part and despite the increase in pilgrims, I’ve been able to walk early mornings with no one in front or behind me. Still able to have some quiet moments with nature. Probably because most people pass me during the day 😆.

I’m going to research where there is a Correos office near the pilgrim office where you get your credentials. I want to buy a tube to put my certificates in…one for completion and one for distance. Pre-registered and I have my QR code.

There’s a kitchen where I am and I went to buy all the fixings for a humongous salad with mixed lettuce, red pepper, avocado, walnuts, cheese, apple and for salt…olives. Really enjoyed it. The pizza I’ve been craving will have to wait because I needed vegetables, healthy carbs, protein and fat more.

I hope I can sleep tonight. My nervous system is excited and anxious all at the same time. Will cherish this walk into Santiago, regardless of the numbers of pilgrims, the airport, the different city noises, and leaving the forest.

So….I’m all set for the BIG day tomorrow!! I think…🧐 … but am I ready for the joy and sadness felt at the same time? Not even close.

This Camino has been a long time coming…and a change did come. My heart is so full…it may burst!❤️



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The Pilgrim Office is selling tubes for your Compostela etc. If you want to ship anything, there is a Correos office in Rua do Franco (main pedestrian street at the end of the Cathedral Plaza 5 mins. walk from the PO.) Try the tapas place Do Bispo in the same street. The best there is.
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
End of day 37 - 22.5 kms, 23.5 total

What a beautiful day in the different forest pathways. Day flew by talking with a pilgrim from Florida, despite the muggy heat. 23C right now but was 25C less than an hour ago. With lively and interesting conversation I felt no usual pain anywhere from my bag which I usually do last couple of hours of my walks. Just goes to show if you distract the mind, the rest follows.

The early morning sun was spectacular! And this morning I was taking a layer off when a cat lay beside my poles as if to say “you’re in my spot” and proceeded to wash himself literally top to bottom, that’s how I found out he was a male 😂. And…I followed pilgrims who were following a herd of cows, heading out to some pasture, and they were following their herders. As perfect a morning as one could wish for😊.

Maybe it’s because I wasn’t in Sarria on the weekend but the throngs of pilgrims I was expecting last 4 days are less than imagined. Many more Spaniards but we are walking quietly for the most part and despite the increase in pilgrims, I’ve been able to walk early mornings with no one in front or behind me. Still able to have some quiet moments with nature. Probably because most people pass me during the day 😆.

I’m going to research where there is a Correos office near the pilgrim office where you get your credentials. I want to buy a tube to put my certificates in…one for completion and one for distance. Pre-registered and I have my QR code.

There’s a kitchen where I am and I went to buy all the fixings for a humongous salad with mixed lettuce, red pepper, avocado, walnuts, cheese, apple and for salt…olives. Really enjoyed it. The pizza I’ve been craving will have to wait because I needed vegetables, healthy carbs, protein and fat more.

I hope I can sleep tonight. My nervous system is excited and anxious all at the same time. Will cherish this walk into Santiago, regardless of the numbers of pilgrims, the airport, the different city noises, and leaving the forest.

So….I’m all set for the BIG day tomorrow!! I think…🧐 … but am I ready for the joy and sadness felt at the same time? Not even close.

This Camino has been a long time coming…and a change did come. My heart is so full…it may burst!❤️

I have been enjoying each one of your posts. And your photos. Usually I have not had time to pay attention to your music. Now, I just decided I had to, because Sam Cooke is irresistible. Thanks. And you are brave.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
End of day 35 - 26.7 kms, 28.3 total

Today was the never ending day it seemed. Long and hard walk today. Up and down all day. Usually you see the end destination at some point and your mind sees it getting closer. Today…Palas de Rei appeared around a corner. I think I heard « one more km to go! » about 5 of 6 times 🤪 from other pilgrims.

Everything hurt with two hours more walking. My feet are throbbing tonight.

Stopped to see the Castro ruins. Over 2,400 years old. You could see where there could have been a hearth and places to sit made out of slabs of rock, where potentially they would have stored food. It was a well thought out village. Very humbling to be there.

I also felt like the karate kid today with the « wax on, wax off » but this time with my rain gear or puffer jacket. The minute I put my raincoat, it stopped raining and the minute I put my jacket on because I was cold due to the misty fog…along came a big hill that warmed me up. 🤨

…however I did have my best pasta night at a little place called « Pasta » that opened up only a week ago. Homemade fettuccine with arrabiata sauce. Ate early for a lunch/supper meal. And yes…ate chips. Gotta stop it with the chips. My withdrawal back home may be significant 😢.

I’ll be in Santiago on Tuesday. That’s incredible. Lots of people on the way today but by the end of the day most everyone was walking with a slower gait. I wasn’t the only one dragging her feet.

Rained real hard here about 30 minutes ago. Thunder…did not see lightning, but I’m on my bed eating you know what.

This walk today was among the hardest for me. Another big day tomorrow. More climbing 😬. I’ll need a good morning song for sure. Listened to this morning’s song a few times while climbing.

Part of me is tired and ready for the end and the other is ambivalent. Regardless of how I feel, the end is inevitable.

May this journey continue in my heart, long after I’m back home…way over yonder ❤️

That song!!! One of my favorite ❤️ wow Danielle...can't believe you are at the end. I hadn't read your last few days while at camp...was looking forward to catching up when I got home today. You're like a good Netflix series now lol ...but better because you are real and your posts and pics snd music have created such an entertaining inspiring and most certainly moving story ...ha pardon that pun. You are a force Danielle 😘
Day 38 - Pedrouzo to Santiago approx 20 kms

Slept straight through. Good sleep despite the dreams. Been dreaming more last few weeks.

Nervous stomach this morning. Need a calming song that’s meaningful ❤️ I’m already crying. It’s going to be quite an emotional day 😔

More pictures from yesterday.


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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Day 38 - Pedrouzo to Santiago approx 20 kms

Slept straight through. Good sleep despite the dreams. Been dreaming more last few weeks.

Nervous stomach this morning. Need a calming song that’s meaningful ❤️ I’m already crying. It’s going to be quite an emotional day 😔

More pictures from yesterday.
Feeling all emotional with you this morning hermanita…SO SO PROUD of you!!! We are going to miss your daily posts and music! Can’t wait to welcome you back home with a big hug!
So Wonder-Full...and emotional. Can only attempt to imagine through your words and your song picks. If you had any doubts in and of Your Self...this journey likely has had much to say to your Self...the wise beautiful Self. I look forward to hearing you speak about it...hoping to in person when I drive out to see you this summer ❤️
End of day 38 - 20 kms, total 24.6 kms

Day started out in the dark. Left at 6:15 realized after an hour that I wanted to take my time today. Let the wave of pilgrims (and there were more than any other day since Sarria) go by.

I arrived at noon having cried on and off for the first two hours. Stopped in the last little church that was open in San Palo. Had to sit to compose myself. Last pictures of little streams and gurgling brooks. Last forest walks with birdsong. I thought “Well good. That’s out of me. I’ll be fine getting into Santiago.” And I was…until I heard the bagpipe…then I totally lost it. Had three friends in the square waiting for me. They arrived yesterday.

The tears just wouldn’t stop. Then I thought “I’ll be ok going to the pilgrim’s office”…nope. Cried waiting in line (took less than 5 minutes). I had translated the following:

“I wish to dedicate my Compostela to my mother who passed away last September. She was my best friend.” ❤️ and then…another well of tears came up…the young man stood up from behind his desk and came around to me and took me in his arms and hugged me so tight. I could not stop. He brought my distance credential and Compostela to the cashier because my hands were full of tears from wiping my eyes. And then…the cashier put them both in a tube for me otherwise they would have gotten so wet. So many kind people at the pilgrim’s office.

I’m so humbled by all of it.

Went outside to the fountain to collect myself and then the chapel to give thanks.

Met up with two of the friends who has greeted me at the square and we had a couple of drinks (I had some sangria). Actually made me tipsy…as I had some challenges walking to where I was staying. Then had dinner with them and two other pilgrims.

A lovely time with people who shared something very special together these challenging and oh so memorable weeks. What are the chances we meet three tour guides there also having dinner. One Spaniard, one Australian and a Canadian living in southern Spain for over 20 years. They paid for the botafumeiro tomorrow at the noon mass for their group. ❤️ I am beyond happy…so wanted to experience that.

It’s been an incredible day, one I will never…ever…forget. Feeling raw and lost a little bit. This song is dedicated to our little Mom…our sweet, funny and incredible little Meemer. ❤️



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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Well done!

It is quite normal to be very emotional when reaching the cathedral, not least the first time: The end of your walk. Or maybe not. After all, you are one of us few (comparatively) who have crossed Spain by foot.

But maybe the spirit of the Camino will continue into your daily life: Many lessons must have been learnt.

You have hopefully had your reflections along the way about yourself, future, relations, what to do and not in the future, reflections, and much more. Maybe the saying is true: The Camino will give you what you need; not necessarily what you want.

It has been nice following your walk: Good luck with the rest of your (maybe new) life!
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Congratulations, ya done it. Embraced it all, from the good to the great to the painful to the mundane. Swallowed it whole, just the way it should be done. Today is a triumph, tomorrow you're a tourist. In the months to come, when you are safe back home in your old life and your feet have completely recovered, you may come to look at the old saying "it's the journey, not the destination" a little differently. I wish you Buen Camino for all the roads that lay ahead.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I have two days left of walking. The last one, Finistère to Muxia will be especially difficult. It’s where I’m planning my own little ceremony…for my two rocks. And for me, this camino will end when I reach my front door. And then…who knows what the future holds.
Just wonderful, Dani.
Congratulations!!! 😍

I take it you will be in Santiago tomorrow?
Two suggestions.
Breakfast at Tertulia.
(Rúa do Pombal, 2)
Then the English Mass with Fr Manny. He is an Angel.
Life is not complicated. We just sometimes do that ourselves.
Best thing I've read here today. Seriously.
Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow
A very good thing it didn't go over the bridge railing....🙃
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Just wonderful, Dani.
Congratulations!!! 😍

I take it you will be in Santiago tomorrow?
Two suggestions.
Breakfast at Tertulia.
(Rúa do Pombal, 2)
Then the English Mass with Fr Manny. He is an Angel.

Best thing I've read here today. Seriously.

A very good thing it didn't go over the bridge railing....🙃
The tradition continues. No English mass on Wednesday’s 🤪
Oh Dani! You have moved me so much along the way. I cried when I read your post about dedicating to your mom. My mom died when I was 10 and altho the grief is MUCH less than years ago, I still miss her.
What a trip for you! Thanks for sharing and yet a few more days. Kat
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Rest day in Santiago

Slept fitfully despite the comfortable bed. Maybe that’s the problem or maybe too many things jumbling inside. Today I’m meeting up with a fellow pilgrim I walked with two days ago and we will go to the pilgrim mass at noon, have a quick bite and go to the cathedral plaza to watch pilgrims arrive.

Said goodbye to my little Canadian friend who I met at the Montreal airport and we connected again in Triacastela. We’ve been staying in touch. She is walking on to Finistere. Met at 7am at the cathedral and had a coffee. I got emotional.

The connections you make on the Camino are so hard to explain. The depth of companionship has surely something to do with the shared goal…experiencing the challenges of the Way together.

This journey came at exactly the moment I needed it most. It came in…

More pictures from yesterday and this morning.


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3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I have two days left of walking. The last one, Finistère to Muxia will be especially difficult. It’s where I’m planning my own little ceremony…for my two rocks. And for me, this camino will end when I reach my front door. And then…who knows what the future holds.
Internet is really slow. Will post the amazing pictures tomorrow. ❤️
Speaking of your pictures, which I really love. What are you using to take the pictures. And how are you measuring your distances. I would love to do that when I make it.
Really inspired by your walk. Thank you for putting in the effort to let us know how it is going and being willing to share a part of your self. Thanks.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
End of day in Santiago - walked 11.7 kms

Went to the noon pilgrim mass and was blessed to see the botafumeiro ceremony. There were so many countries mentionned at the beginning of the mass of pilgrims who had arrived yesterday. I lost count at 28. It is absolutely incredible to know that I walked with people from all over the world…all doing this incredible journey.

Only had a coffee for lunch with my friend and his two friends as I had made myself a huge omelette mid morning.

Before that went to Casa Ivar to pay for the storage of my sleeping bag with I donated. It’s a really good marmot mummy bag. I don’t like mummy bags and did not want to take it back home. He was not there 😢 but a lovely young lady answered the door.

Walked over to the bus station to see exactly where it was and just go for a walk. Bought my bus ticket to Cee tomorrow and will walk to Finisterre from there.

I shed tears here and there throughout the day. I did not feel at all like a tourist. I was a pilgrim without a path to walk on today. For those that stay two days or so in Santiago and then go home, I don’t know how they do it. I’m so glad that I have a couple more days of walking to start the process of integrating what I’ve just lived through.

A few more days with my pack that’s become such a part of me, before it comes off for good, is what I need right now. Had a laugh with my sister today. She lives 9kms from me so walking there and back (on secondary rural roads) is something I plan on doing. Said I’d pack the fixings for supper in my mochila, just to feel connected to it now and then. 😆.

Did not visit anything today or buy anything. As luck would have it, Pilgrim House was closed today 😢… I would have benefitted from that support.

However the Camino did provide for me today. I had walked back to the cathedral to light a few candles and say a prayer of gratitude. Walking back to my place, I felt sad and alone in this busy city full of pilgrims and tourists. My friends were all gone. Then I see this young pilgrim that I’ve been meeting up with, here and there for my whole time on the Camino. He was with friends at a cafe and when he saw me, he jumped up and gave me the biggest hug. He was there at both Granon and Tosantos donativos as well as other albergues at the same time as I (including Samos). I immediately started to cry in his arms. He asked if I wanted to join them and I replied that his hug and smiling, familiar face was exactly what I needed to end my time in Santiago. I’m crying as I write this because I’m amazed and humbled by all the serendipity moments I’ve had on the Way.

So…enough crying for now. I’ll let tears flow as needed but now what I need is to end this day with joy and a dance. That’s why I picked this song. It’s perfect ❤️.



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End of day in Santiago - walked 11.7 kms

Went to the noon pilgrim mass and was blessed to see the botafumeiro ceremony. There were so many countries mentionned at the beginning of the mass of pilgrims who had arrived yesterday. I lost count at 28. It is absolutely incredible to know that I walked with people from all over the world…all doing this incredible journey.

Only had a coffee for lunch with my friend and his two friends as I had made myself a huge omelette mid morning.

Before that went to Casa Ivar to pay for the storage of my sleeping bag with I donated. It’s a really good marmot mummy bag. I don’t like mummy bags and did not want to take it back home. He was not there 😢 but a lovely young lady answered the door.

Walked over to the bus station to see exactly where it was and just go for a walk. Bought my bus ticket to Cee tomorrow and will walk to Finisterre from there.

I shed tears here and there throughout the day. I did not feel at all like a tourist. I was a pilgrim without a path to walk on today. For those that stay two days or so in Santiago and then go home, I don’t know how they do it. I’m so glad that I have a couple more days of walking to start the process of integrating what I’ve just lived through.

A few more days with my pack that’s become such a part of me, before it comes off for good, is what I need right now. Had a laugh with my sister today. She lives 9kms from me so walking there and back (on secondary rural roads) is something I plan on doing. Said I’d pack the fixings for supper in my mochila, just to feel connected to it now and then. 😆.

Did not visit anything today or buy anything. As luck would have it, Pilgrim House was closed today 😢… I would have benefitted from that support.

However the Camino did provide for me today. I had walked back to the cathedral to light a few candles and say a prayer of gratitude. Walking back to my place, I felt sad and alone in this busy city full of pilgrims and tourists. My friends were all gone. Then I see this young pilgrim that I’ve been meeting up with, here and there for my whole time on the Camino. He was with friends at a cafe and when he saw me, he jumped up and gave me the biggest hug. He was there at both Granon and Tosantos donativos as well as other albergues at the same time as I (including Samos). I immediately started to cry in his arms. He asked if I wanted to join them and I replied that his hug and smiling, familiar face was exactly what I needed to end my time in Santiago. I’m crying as I write this because I’m amazed and humbled by all the serendipity moments I’ve had on the Way.

So…enough crying for now. I’ll let tears flow as needed but now what I need is to end this day with joy and a dance. That’s why I picked this song. It’s perfect ❤️.

pilgrim office, upstairs, room 6, cup of tea and all the welcome you need, plus a mass elsewhere, in English. Hope you can avail of it... sorry, need to go to a zoom...
Day 39 - bus from Santiago to Cee - walking Cee to Finisterre approx. 16 kms

I remember when I was training at home how everything felt foreign with my pack and all the tweaks I had to make to make it feel right on my back regarding weight distribution and all the straps. Wasn’t sure at all how this long walk was going to turn out as I felt so out of my element.

Now my pack feels like a second skin, a familiar and comfortable friend.

I’m on the first bus out at 9am arriving in Cee at 10:50. Should take me no more than 4 hours max to get to Finisterre. Haven’t seen the ocean in a long time.

No rain in the forecast. High of 19C. Great walking weather. I hope these next two days of walking ease me into the reality of transitioning into my life back home. Let’s hope ❤️ … and I’m ready to leave my two rocks. More than ready I think.

Going to walk these little ‘ole blues away 😊!



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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Speaking of your pictures, which I really love. What are you using to take the pictures. And how are you measuring your distances. I would love to do that when I make it.
Really inspired by your walk. Thank you for putting in the effort to let us know how it is going and being willing to share a part of your self. Thanks.
I wanted a bigger phone screen wise and better camera so I upgraded my iPhone 12 Pro for an iPhone 14 Pro Max. I’m not disappointed. I simply zoom in and out and take the picture I want. I’m sure I have no idea of all the camera and phone features 😜.

Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read my posts. 👍
I wanted a bigger phone screen wise and better camera so I upgraded my iPhone 12 Pro for an iPhone 14 Pro Max. I’m not disappointed. I simply zoom in and out and take the picture I want. I’m sure I have no idea of all the camera and phone features 😜.

Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read my posts. 👍
Totally enjoyed following your path. Someday I hope to follow in your foot steps. Thanks for the info on the phone, you took a lot of wonderful pictures. Best wishes for your return to Canada. We say buen Camino for the walk, I imagine we need a phrase for the return home. For now have a safe and smooth journey.
End of day 39 -14.4 kms

Soooo…ended up straight to Fisterra. Despite buying a ticket for Cee, despite the bus driver seeing my ticket and despite being at the right time, at the right bay, I was told when I said my stop was coming up that no, no, no…this bus was going direct to Fisterra. So made the best of it and walked up to the lighthouse with my pack, took my time, and made the day my own.

The water is beautiful here. And…despite two vegetarian restaurants being closed when the internet said they were open, I had a really delicious salad with goat cheese and dried nuts. One of the best on the Camino.

I got to the lighthouse just in time as four different tour groups arrived, as well as pilgrims and tourists in general. It got really busy, so I was happy I had arrived early felt good to be near the ocean again although it was extremely muggy today and hazy.

Tomorrow is my last long walk. Day 40 as if turns out. Six weeks ago today I started my Camino. Time stood still for such a big part of this long walk. My feelings are all over the place so won’t even try to describe where my heart is at.

This song is one of my favourites and suits the kind of day I had. It was pretty smooth.



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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Day 40 - Fisterra to Muxia approx 29 kms

This will be one of my longest days walking and perhaps fitting as it’s my last day on the road. Weather is on my side and if muggy I’ll take it. It’s better than rain.

Will do my utmost to stay in the moment and not think about what lies ahead. Life is just too fragile and short to be elsewhere.

There are many words to this song that touch home for me today. ❤️ see you on the other side



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End of day 40 - total 32.1 kms and total 37 kms

Incredible day! Longest walking day for my last day and I feel good about all of it.

The day started with lots of emotions coming up. Sadness, joy, gratitude, and wonderment at all that I had done these last 40 days. The last 3 kms was challenging to finish but I’m none the worse for wear tonight but parts of the walk were a different story.

It was a beautiful walk through forests and fern corridors leading the way. Ocean views, waves along the beach and rocks and birdsong everywhere.

I’m so incredibly happy that I had planned such a long last day of walking. Ending my journey in Santiago wasn’t right for me. Too sudden a break.

Also today showed me that although my mind and spirit are stronger than ever…my body told me it was time for it to rest now.

Went for dinner with pilgrims from New Zealand that I had met on my other long walk of 29.5 to Villavante (I think). Met them again today as I was having coffee. Then we went to see the sunset near la Virxe da Barca sanctuary. It was magnificent. Clear skies. A great ending to such a special day.

Tomorrow morning, my two rocks will be placed where every sunset will shine down on them. It’s time and I’m ready. My morning post will talk about that.

I’m replete and oh so fortunate to end my walk this way.

Perhaps an Angel was watching over me. For sure my Mom and Dad were. ❤️



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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
More pictures from yesterday


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I walked around beaches and along the coastline. Found a spot here to write.


At 3pm I take the bus back to Santiago for the night. I may try to go to mass. I’ll see how I feel as I’ll get to my room about 5:30 pm. It’s a 42 min walk from the bus station. A hop, skip and jump for us peregrinos right 😁. Tomorrow at 9:30 am, I take the 4 hr bus ride to Porto where I fly out at 12:35 pm Monday to go back home. I’ll arrive in Montreal same day (June 5th) at 7pm where my dear friend who picked me up at the train station on April 17th, will pick me up at the airport. Staying at her house and then I take the 9:30 train June 6th to Ottawa where my sister will pick me up. Full circle. My friend wanted to drive me home but in my heart I had to finish the way I started (which will be 7 weeks plus a day since I left home).

I’m so glad I finished my Camino in Muxia. Because of the fog that settled back in…I hear the man I met this morning coming down from the hill top (after my rock ceremony), ringing the bells. The ocean sounds, the bells…the breeze…it is so peaceful here right now.

Tears well up easily, but my heart finds solace sitting bere.

Below is my post for my rock ceremony. It will be my last post on this thread until I get back home where I will do a retrospective of this incredible journey. Too many feelings today to do that now. ❤️


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Rock ceremony

Slept well but woke up preoccupied. Where would I hold this important moment?

After breakfast I decided I would just walk around and let the universe guide me. And it most surely did. I could not have imagined a more perfect spot. There is a stone cross a little further up above it. It sits where sunrises and sunsets will shine their light to cleanse and heal. The rain will wash these sorrows and burdens clean and the sun will then warm them and watch over them.

Bought the candle in Santiago and the wild roses were growing by the church that sits below.

The grey rock on the right represents my sorrows. They will always be with me as they are part of my history. They are also a part of my growth as a human being. The brown rock to the left represents burdens I’ve been carrying that are not mine to carry. Never were…but carry them I did. A dear friend reminds me “the great news is…we are empaths. The bad news is…we are empaths.” ❤️

I was working on not carrying these burdens before my Camino. This long walk gave me so many gifts. But the greatest of all was teaching me how to be even stronger while still being kind and loving. How to say “no” and feel at peace with that. I’ll get better at it because I am the main actor in my own life. I write the scenes and edit as needed. I am in charge of set design and production. I am it’s creative director.

So now I will practice being a spectator in other people’s lives, people that are very very dear to me. They are in charge of their own story. As a spectator, if asked…I can offer advice to help move the story along…and that is all I wish to do. That’s all I can do. That’s all I will do.

This song was picked long ago to be the last song of my time here. I sang it at my mother’s service.

It is a very special song to me. I do not count or fear the time ❤️

PS. The candle is coming home with me. I will light it when my heart and soul need it most.


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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Oh my, one one my favorite songs. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It has been so honest and meaningful. You have helped more than you know
I begin my Camino journey in 3 days. You have been the friend I have not yet met on the journey.
May your Camino never end♡♡♡
Oh my, one one my favorite songs. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It has been so honest and meaningful. You have helped more than you know
I begin my Camino journey in 3 days. You have been the friend I have not yet met on the journey.
May your Camino never end♡♡♡
You will have one of the most meaningful and impactful experiences of your life. You will meet so many kind and thoughtful people. We check up on each other so even if you walk alone, you have a family behind you and in front of you.

Buen Camino. Once you make this journey I don’t think it ever ends. ❤️🤗
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Home is where the heart is….❤️

Real life back home…no surprise to anyone who has walked a camino how challenging that can be the first few days and even weeks. I’m so happy I have written about my journey. It will keep those memories fresh, especially the many feelings experienced along the way.

My last supper in Santiago on June 3rd was such a feast. Finally got to eat in a vegan/vegetarian restaurant called Al Porto. The food was amazing but the company even better, laughing and enjoying two bottles of Rioja with friends from New Zealand and Australia. We were five. I was afraid I would be alone my last night in Spain but the Camino provided one last time. On the way to the bus station to go to Porto, I stopped in at the Cathedral to say a prayer of thanks and light a candle as well as one last visit with Saint James.

Many times I lost faith in my capabilities along the way on those especially hard days. Somehow, unknown to me at the time, a little fire burned inside me propelling me forward. My time walking allowed me to have the most beautiful experience in my grieving process for the loss of my mother. She was with me for every step, every stumble, every single swear word 🤬…every joyous, sad and moving moments…every flower seen and every bird heard. She was my Camino angel 😇.

June 2nd was my last long walk from Finistere to Muxia, 32 kms. Now at home my entire journey feels like I was in a dream. We’ve had very bad air quality my first week back with smog and smoke due to forest fires, therefore was unable to go out walking until a week later last Friday. I walked 20.7 kms and my body felt like sludge. Everything hurt except my feet, my legs felt like lead and my feet encased in cement…all this without a pack. I stopped in to a local church that I thought for sure was closed but to my surprise it was open. I was able to sit and reflect, let gratitude overcome my feelings of being uprooted and disconnected to all that was familiar to me. Read about this happening all too often on this forum so I was not surprised about going through exactly the same thing. My birthday, although celebrated with family, with many birthday wishes from friends, was very low key. I was still in the "numb" phase of transitioning from Camino life to home life.

My coffee, which I so loved before, is now tasteless and weak. I just bought a large quantity of it so until I use that up, I'm making it much stronger. Lost 12 lbs which makes me very happy. Been trying to lose 10 lbs for years lol…so…no more chips despite buying a couple of bags when I got home. Cold turkey on the potato chips would have been too cruel 😜. Slowly but surely life will resume at a normal beat. For now I am enjoying these next weeks off before returning to work next month.

My pack weighed 16 lbs before adding any water and snacks (so add another 2.5 lbs approx). I ended up carrying one extra pair of lightweight pants (which I ended up not really needing), two extra pairs of socks (which I did not need) and two extra pair of insoles. Rotating out the insoles was a game changer for my feet, it really helped. Despite getting blisters on my heels from one pair of insoles (which I kept and brought back home despite not using), and two small blisters in the early days on my second toes from all the sharp decline walking, my feet had no issues and once home, did not give me any "post camino" problems. Today, I have no aches and pains to speak of. I walked 95% of the time on my own and stayed 75% of the time in albergues and 25% in pensions/hotels. The three donativos I stayed in (Granon, Tosantos and Samos) were by far my most special evenings of all.

The beauty, smells and sounds I was privileged to experience are now deeply rooted in my spirit. I will draw on these feelings and images as I continue my journey in life. I saw parents with their children on this walk, some carrying them on their backs. I saw many people in their 70's and early 80's do the entire Camino Frances which made me realize that aging is such a personal experience where what we think and do can so influence how we feel as we age.

I wish to thank all those who helped me on this forum (members, family and friends) make my own Way with your suggestions, recommendations and support. Your presence was felt and appreciated…it was as if you were with me on this incredible walk!

And of course…like many thousands before me…my walk is not done…40 days was just not enough. I decided this week that for my 70th birthday (spring of 2026) I will be back on the Camino. My goal this time is to walk Le Puy en Velay and the Frances combined, a three month, 1,600 km walk. What better way to keep me engaged in my daily life, to care for myself and stay strong and healthy…something to look forward to and a goal to achieve.

Life is fleeting…and time seems to pass much more quickly as we get older. We wonder where the time goes and our mortality looms closer as the years go by. There is nothing we can do to change that reality, but how we spend our last years on this earth, how we care for our bodies, minds and spirits are things we can still choose, if we are among the lucky who get to do that. I plan on living and dreaming and setting goals for myself for as long as I am blessed to do so.

I will throw my heart over the bar and my body will follow. Helen Keller once said: "I will not just live my life. I will not just spend my life. I will invest my life." As my own lighthouse and caretaker, doing another camino is one of the wisest investments and gifts I can give myself….

…so I'll be seeing the Camino again and bringing my mom…because home is where the heart is ❤️ and our hearts are big enough to be at many places at once 🥰.

PS The pictures below are from my last night in Santiago and my walk at home.



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What beautiful song and lyrics to honour the spirit of your maman throughout your life-changing journey. 🤍 It also reflects the beautiful woman that you are, inside and out, Danielle.
Until you walk again (and so will I too, being 2 years older than you) we can help in here by sharing our knowledge about the Camino we love with new people, like you were in here, and on your Camino, only less than 2 months ago. Amazing!

Well done, and you go (again), girl!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Until you walk again (and so will I too, being 2 years older than you) we can help in here by sharing our knowledge about the Camino we love with new people, like you were in here, and on your Camino, only less than 2 months ago. Amazing!

Well done, and you go (again), girl!
Thank you Alex. 🙏I will help whenever I can. Paying it forward. This forum helped me so much. I’m forever grateful ❤️
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.

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