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The second time around...why am I nervous?

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Don't worry. For me my second Camino was also the Primitivo (no Frances or Salvador) from Oviedo.
It was same, yet different, it even rain the day before my walk.
The moment you put on your shoes (boots) and start to walk, everything worries will just melt away. I am very sure that within the hour you will be walking and grinning like the Chelsea Cat with all the memories and feelings of the previous year coming back to you. ;)
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Hi Trecile,
Imagine someone told you that your trip was cancelled and you are not going to Spain. How would you feel? How would that feeling compare to your feelings of nervousness? Sometimes when I have feelings I would rather not have I try and put them in perspective. It does not make the unwanted feelings necessarily go away, but it sure helps me cope with them. Good luck and enjoy your next Camino.
I guess even going for the second time will make you feel nervous. My camino went without a hitch and I had a magical time. I'm not going again until March 2018 but I'm still feeling apprehensive, will it go like last time, what hidden catastrophes are there waiting for me. I know it will be alright once I have my feet on the ground in Spain, but hay ho who knows.
Like Wayfarer also said: I feel the same before any big hike. A little nervous and slightly anxious (have I really got all I need and did I think of everything?). I like the feeling, to be honest. I prefer it over feeling indifferent. That would really be worrisome.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
@trecile I have been reading this forum most everyday for a while in preparation for my first camino. I have not read a single negative post of your camino experiences. It seems that you enjoyed your camino, and acquired a lot of experience. You have supported others on this forum by sharing your experience and wisdom. I am sure you will be prepared, and will adapt to what the camino offers. I think anxiousness can be a positive if it is kept in check by the more rational parts of our brain. Anxiousness may motivate you to double check your kit before you leave the house to ensure that you have everything including plane tickets, and a passport. Anxiousness may stop you from drinking out of water source that may not be potable. Anxiousness may provide a balance to excessive optimism, and mitigate risk. Lastly, anxiousness may actually be excitement for an upcoming trip that will turn out GREAT!
I did feel nervous leading up to my second camino. But once I started walking I relaxed so much more so than I did the first time.
Each camino is different, but with my second time there was a feeling of familiarity that was welcoming and comfortable.
Maybe channel your nervous feeling into excitement! How wonderful to be walking the camino again!!

buen camino
Trecile, I think that is a reflection of what this Camino means to you. I welcome those feelings and try to value every step along the way. (Spiritual, mental, physical, etc.)

Buen Camino!

Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Since returning from Spain in early October I've been constantly thinking about returning, but now that I've booked my flights I'm suddenly nervous about it.
Has anyone else felt the same way?


I think of it more as excitement than nervousness. The anticipation of the knowns and unknowns of the journey ahead.

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I don't know if what I feel is anticipation, anxiety, nervousness, or excitement, but after 17 years of doing this, I still get butterflies as the date gets nearer. I have never tried to define it, but now that I think about it, it feels physically a lot like how I feel before I go to the dentist-- but with a very different emotion accompanying the physical symptoms. Like others have said, whatever it is, you can be sure that it falls away as soon as the first steps are taken. Buen camino, Laurie
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Someone suggested to me that it could be the same kind of nervous that you feel when you are expecting a second baby. You pretty much know what lies ahead, the good and the bad. And you also know that the same way each baby is different, so is each Camino. But you also know that it will bring you joy. :)
I think that's probably the closest to how I feel.
In late 2015 i did the Camino Frances .next Wednesday i fly to Lisbon to do the Caminho Portuges
At present I too am nervous/anxious but after a day in Lisbon the next morning i will set off put one foot in front of the other and yesterdays worries will be history and quickly forgotten.
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Someone suggested to me that it could be the same kind of nervous that you feel when you are expecting a second baby. You pretty much know what lies ahead, the good and the bad. And you also know that the same way each baby is different, so is each Camino. But you also know that it will bring you joy. :)
I think that's probably the closest to how I feel.

I think this is great, and just about spot on!

Buen camino @trecile
Thank you @trecile for posting your feelings and to all of you who have responded.
I woke at 2am with the feeling of nervousness for my upcoming Camino and couldn't rationally explain it. Then, this morning I find some answers here.
Thank you all :)
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I've not yet walked a complete camino Frances, as I'm doing it in short stages, each between 5 and 12 days. One day I hope to walk it in its entirety - and I'm sure I will be nervous then.

What I wanted to say is, each time on the Camino is different. And I am always nervous before setting out and taking those first steps...

My first time from SJPdP to Puente la Reina was fantastic, because I was with wonderful people I met at Orisson. It even ended with a 'wedding ceremony' in the centre of the bridge, and I'm still in touch with all those involved.

My second time, back in Puente la Reina I felt so lonely without my 'family' and support group. But as I walked on, I met people yet still felt alone; then I met and made some more great friends once I reached Torres de Rio. Sadly I had to leave them after Navarrete. We are still in touch.

My last time, I made friends quickly, but lost them in Burgos. They weren't meant to be, obviously. Then I met more lovely people at my next stop who are coming to visit with me in the UK later this year, and I walked one day with two elderly Frenchmen who I will never see or hear from again, but they totally made that one day so memorable for me.

I'm going back in March to walk for another 8 days. In fact, I'll be starting out with the person who made that second child analogy! We'll meet at Madrid airport and travel on to Astorga together. But we will only walk a day and a bit because she wants to go further and faster than me.

And at the end of April I will return to Spain to walk from Sarria to Santiago planning to arrive on my 60th birthday, and will be walking with my daughter who will be flying from Tokyo to join me. That will be a different Camino for sure!

This doesn't really answer your question, but maybe shows you that it will be different every time, because of the people you meet along the way. I think, just don't expect it to be the same, but be open to a different experience. Whatever happens, you'll still have a blast!

Buen Camino x
Yes, different each time - I walked the whole of the Frances in 2013 with a friend from the US, in 2015 I walked SJPP to Burgos with friends (a married couple) who wanted to camino and I walked with them for 18/19 days I felt nervous and a bit responsible because I wasn't really doing it "for me" but all went well, I set them on their way and they walked all the way to SdC and I felt so proud of them, they overcame a lot of problems along the way but persevered.

Now i'm all booked up (flights and accommo in SJPP anyway) for walking in September 2017, all on my own - so I can empathise with your nerves and trepidation @trecile - i'm asking myself "why am I doing this?" (OK so deep down I know why) "can I do this on my own?" (yes, you are never really on your own for long on the Frances) "will I avoid bed bugs three times in a row?" (hmmm probably the biggest unanswered question :D). But seriously, I know where you are coming from... And I know that feeling that the camino is calling you - the number of times over the last three and a half years that i've dreamed that I was on the camino - I don't know, it gets under your skin somehow!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
I walked in Oct./Nov. and I think I know how you feel. I think it's a combination of feelings. I watched the Shawshank Redemption again not long ago, and Morgan Freeman (Red) said something near the end that resonated with me. (My apologies to Freeman and Stephen King for embellishing a bit!)
" I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a truly free person can feel. A free person at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is certain, but, to a great extent, uncertain. I hope I can make it safely to the French border to start my Pilgrimage. I long to see and recognize my friend, the Camino, and embrace him again. I hope to meet new pilgrims and share our World for a time. Mostly; I Hope."
I won't have the opportunity to return until next year, but I get excited/nervous every time I consider the possibilities. The comfortable, satisfying world I left to make my first walk doesn't seem the same anymore. I'm thankful, but there's so much more out there. I think the Camino gives you the chance to open new doors. Or maybe it's just me! You'll do fine. Buen Camino!
Since returning from Spain in early October I've been constantly thinking about returning, but now that I've booked my flights I'm suddenly nervous about it.
Has anyone else felt the same way?
Because our mind knows. It knows the real difficulty of our dreams. The mind knows we will struggle and succeed. Focus on the success.
I wanna wish you a wonderful Camino, Trecile. Do what you have yo do. Just breath and let 'it' happen
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Are you nervous because your first trip was so gosh darn excellent that a second one couldn't possibly compare?

I'd say, embrace the nerves! You'll never know 100% what to expect from a big trip like this; isn't that the best part? And the Camino is such a flexible adventure.

Buen 2nd Camino :)
Bought all the tickets and made reservations for first few days.
This is not my first camino, and I travel many times to Europe.
But for April journey, I feel anxious.
Can't tell why, I nervous about plane delay, worry about my health, dream about getting lost....
Like now, almost midnight, I worry about not enough time from CDG to catch the train from Gare Bercy.
Only carry on luggage, WOW airline from New York to CDG, arrive 11:30 am.
Need to catch 14:00 train from Gare Bercy.
Do I have enough time ? 2.5 hours ? With non EU passport
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Since returning from Spain in early October I've been constantly thinking about returning, but now that I've booked my flights I'm suddenly nervous about it.
Has anyone else felt the same way?

I have completed three Caminos and going the Portuguese route soon and I am also nervous wandering if the Portuguese route will be as rewarding as the Francés,Primitivo,and Norte were
Since returning from Spain in early October I've been constantly thinking about returning, but now that I've booked my flights I'm suddenly nervous about it.
Has anyone else felt the same way?
Oh yes, We have made our plans to start from SJPdP on April 21st, and are just as nervous as when we started in Sarria in June of 2016, but it is a good feeling, can't wait to catch that flight
Since returning from Spain in early October I've been constantly thinking about returning, but now that I've booked my flights I'm suddenly nervous about it.
Has anyone else felt the same way?
I was extremely nervous about my first Camino Frances...can I do it, will I get cold, will it rain for days on end, yikes what have I done.

I was still nervous on my 2nd Camino because I chose the Norte/Primitivo...can I really do all those big ups and downs, will I get injured, am I too old for this, what was I thinking cuz I'm not Superwoman!, will there be heavy rain, and on and on. But, alas, after day one, the worries subsided and I had a wonderful experience filled with great memories, just like the first time. Now I will be returning yet a third time in April....bring it on!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I don't know if what I feel is anticipation, anxiety, nervousness, or excitement, but after 17 years of doing this, I still get butterflies as the date gets nearer. I have never tried to define it, but now that I think about it, it feels physically a lot like how I feel before I go to the dentist-- but with a very different emotion accompanying the physical symptoms. Like others have said, whatever it is, you can be sure that it falls away as soon as the first steps are taken. Buen camino, Laurie
Wow, Laurie...17 years of Caminos! That is really amazing. No wonder I always really like your postings/comments/advice!

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