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18 too young?


Time of past OR future Camino
Francés, Norte
Hello all! It has been a dream of mine for many years to walk the Camino! Come September 2017 I will be begining college in Spain for the next five years.. I strongly want to walk the Camino next summer before I begin university in Spain but I will be only 18years old by then. Should I perhaps wait until I'm older to walk or would 18 years old be appropriate to walk the Camino? I'm just worried that if I don't do it this summer I won't be in a financial situation to walk at any other point during my years at university... Any guidance would be much appreciated!!!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hello all! It has been a dream of mine for many years to walk the Camino! Come September 2017 I will be begining college in Spain for the next five years.. I strongly want to walk the Camino next summer before I begin university in Spain but I will be only 18years old by then. Should I perhaps wait until I'm older to walk or would 18 years old be appropriate to walk the Camino? I'm just worried that if I don't do it this summer I won't be in a financial situation to walk at any other point during my years at university... Any guidance would be much appreciated!!!
Welcome to the forum!
Just do it if you really wish that. I'm so sorry now that I went for my first Camino when I was already 39 y/o :)

Buen Camino!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
No, don't wait until you're older! You don't know what's around the corner, you may not be able to walk it for many, many years if you miss this opportunity! Sometimes life gets in the way ;)
I met a few 18 years old on the Camino: One in Larrasoaña who had walked from Northern France the minute he had finished his Bac. (End of secondary school exams). He told me his parents were really worried about it but...he wanted to do it so...he went. I was in awe of that young man, took everything in his stride and loved it.
A couple of cyclists in Astorga albergue. They weren't having such a great time as I was the only person they'd actually talked to since leaving! I learnt then that cycling can be very lonely. But otherwise they were so pleased they were doing it.
A lovely young woman from the Czech Republic. She had the time of her life.
Another 18 yr old, German and frankly a pain! :D But it's a long story and to keep on topic, walking the Camino was a great experience for her.

And then there are all the 20 me just as young as 18! (I'm old! :D) . Too many to mention but I smile as I remember them fondly. They were the same age as my youngest children.

Go for it!

Oh, and I forget one met on the Via de la Plata, only he was going in Laurie Lee's footsteps....
Didn't have a clue but went nevertheless, again, parents very worried and I wish I could have told them: 'He's fine! And what a good job you've done!' :)

So, since you're asking for guidance, I'm saying Go, go go! And buen camino !
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I hitchhiked alone around Spain when I was 18 (Franco was in power then, so that gives you an idea of how old I am now...). I believe it was a riskier thing to do, but it was a life-changing experience and the best time I had ever had. I think age 18 would be the PERFECT age to walk the Camino. You'll learn a ton - about yourself and the world - and you'll have a blast. Do it. And tell us about it along the way or afterwards, too.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Go for it! I met a 16 year old girl in 2012 who walked from Leon to Santiago. Everyone looked out for her and she was never alone. She then met her mother in Santiago when she arrived. If it's what you want to do, do it.
One more voice adding to the "do it" chorus. My son walked alone at age 18 and he would tell you today (at age 31, as a lawyer and father of two) that it was the most "profound" (not sure that's the right word) thing he had done up until that time and remains one of his great life experiences.

As others have said, you are so lucky to be starting so early -- I didn't walk my first Camino till age 50, so every year I feel a sense of urgency to walk, since you never know how much longer I will be able to do this. Maybe you're just setting yourself up for a life-long addiction. :)
I walked my first Camino in 2013, at age 59, and celebrated my 60th birthday at the noon Pilgrim Mass. They even trotted out the Botafumeiro...just for me! Hey, that's MY story and I am sticking to it! But, it WAS my 60th birthday, and they DID use the Botafumeiro. I was seeing it for the first time, so the association is logical.;)

Along the Way, on my first go, I met men and women of all ages walking solo and in groups...all the way from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago, and from all starting points in between. From age 7 (walking with parents) to age 75 (retired priest) walking with a friend, you will meet all sorts of folks.

In 2014, second Camino, and after Sarria, I even met a young couple with a newborn baby (less than 4 months old). The woman had planned and dreamed of walking the Camino for years, and she said that she was not about to let something like a new baby get in the way. So, the infant was carried in a hooded rucksack-like carrier, facing the mother or the father, in shifts. I later saw them in Santiago. So, no, 18 is definitely NOT too young to walk a Camino.

This year, while working as a volunteer at the Pilgrim Office, I met a South Korean family of four who had walked from St. Jean Pied de Port in France (775 km). The mom and dad were likely in their mid to late 30s. The son was 8 and the daughter 6. Yes, they walked the entire way! There was no carrier or stroller for the little girl. The boy had used a push scooter with skateboard wheels and a vertical handle - ALL THE WAY. He swapped off with his sister...

I gave them one of my red foam clown noses that I use to take group photos of pilgrims outside the office. They were thrilled and the parents relieved that the kids could entertain themselves. I customarily bring a dozen or so each year and give them away to young kids who are fascinated by them.

Given that your family and friends will naturally be concerned for you, PLEASE leave a contact plan with them. Tell them you will call home on a certain day, at a certain time (+/-) and STICK TO THAT PLAN. If you have a smart phone. Free Wi-Fi is commonly available in cafes, hostals, and many albergues.

I do NOT recommend using social media for this, unless you are writing a blog. I DO recommend simple text messages, e-mails, or perhaps a weekly phone call. Personally, I must call my mid-80s mother at 10:00 EDT in the US from wherever I am in the world every Sunday, without fail. it can be a nuisance. But to her it means everything. Simply set an alarm on your mobile and you will not forget.

About 99.99% of the times we read about "lost pilgrims" on the Forum, it is from the family of a pilgrim who failed to let their family know where they were and that they were fine. It is simple to do, and allays a lot of anxiety back home.

As it sounds, from your OP, that you will be in Spain, you should already have a SIM in your phone that provides voice, text, and data capabilities. USE THEM.

If you are a young woman, the easiest way to stay safe is to walk with or near others. After all, you are all headed the same direction...

As you stop each day, assess who walked around you that day. Meet people. Chat them up. Ask seemingly reliable and mature people (any age will do) if you can "tag along" with them tomorrow. You do not need to become their "best friend forever (BFF)." Just walk so they are within 50-100 meters or so, in front of or behind you. That, and carrying a loud police or referee type whistle on a cord, will certainly keep you safe.

The VERY few assaults that do occur, very infrequently, always occur when a pilgrim (usually a woman) walks solo, in a secluded area, without other pilgrims within visual or shouting distance. Other pilgrims will ALWAYS come to your aid if you whistle loudly or shout "HELP" or "AYUDA."

All of this said, please understand that walking a Camino is safer, much safer than being in most any large city on this planet, except maybe Singapore, which is really REALLY safe.

I hope this helps.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Who has been telling you that you aren't old enough to do things? Just forty or so years ago young people left school at fifteen and went to work. Of course you are old enough! You go out there and enjoy yourself :)

In Romeo & Juliet Shakespeare has Juliet at just two weeks before her fourteenth birthday.
In the First World War over 250,00 of the British soldiers were under eighteen.
Pablo Picasso entered the Barcelona Art School at fourteen.
Joan of Arc was inspired at thirteen and changed the history of France.
At fifteen Tiger Woods became the youngest U.S. Junior Amateur Champion in golf history
Ann Frank began her diary when she was thirteen.
At eighteen Augustus Octavian Caesar took over the Roman Empire by force.

So you should just ignore people who tell you you aren't old enough and go and do it!!

p.s. Back in 1964, when I was fifteen my school burned down and I took the opportunity to leave and go to sea, in the Merchant Navy - I was fifteen and nine months .... sure, you are plenty old enough.

Buen Camino!! ;);)
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A selection of Camino Jewellery
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
Hi Pcav, I walked for a time with 19 year old woman from Korea and a 21 year old German woman enjoying her "gap" year. Lots of young people walking during the
summer. Take care of yourself, be aware of your surroundings, keep in touch with home and enjoy.
Buen Camino.
Go. It sounds like the Camino is calling you. You will not be the only 18 year old walking the Camino. I met a few who just graduated high school and were doing the camino during their gap year before they started college. Wishing you all the best.
Buen Camino !
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I'll add to the chorus... GO FOR IT! I walked for the first time at 27... again at 29... and will again in the Spring, now at 31. If you want to do it and the Camino is calling, I say absolutely don't hesitate. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could change your life! If you can, make it happen :)
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
I can only add to the growing chorus : Go!
Wish I had had your courage and wisdom at that age. I had to become 41 to put on my pack and travel to Roncesvalles to begin.

Did I write that you should : Go! :)

Enjoy it to the fullest....
Hello all! It has been a dream of mine for many years to walk the Camino! Come September 2017 I will be begining college in Spain for the next five years.. I strongly want to walk the Camino next summer before I begin university in Spain but I will be only 18years old by then. Should I perhaps wait until I'm older to walk or would 18 years old be appropriate to walk the Camino? I'm just worried that if I don't do it this summer I won't be in a financial situation to walk at any other point during my years at university... Any guidance would be much appreciated!!!
Welcome to the forum.
Go for it if it's in your heart. I realise 18 is young but what a perspective you may gain on life. You could also consider volunteering to serve for a couple weeks in a confraternaty albergue. I have waited for more than 30 years to walk the Camino and just completed my first last year. Research well and be safe.
James P
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Would be interesting to know at what age one is legally an adult in Spain, does anyone know?

Good question -- I had an idea that there were different cut offs for different issues, and found that, at least if this article is right:

13 to have sex, 14 to shoot a gun, 16 to have an abortion or to work, 18 to drink alcohol (yeah, we know that's enforced) or drive a car.

But the article also repeats a common misperception in Spain, that people over 70 cannot be put in jail. That is not true, so maybe none of these things are true either. But in any event, assuming the question was for purposes of determining whether an 18 year old can legally walk the Camino unaccompanied, I think it's pretty clear that's not an issue.
Would be interesting to know at what age one is legally an adult in Spain, does anyone know?
18 is legally adult in most (I think all) EU countries which means parents are no longer responsible for your acts whichever they might be. Also when 18 you can get your driving license (depends on the country), can buy/drink alchohol etc. All in all by 18 you are responsible for yourself ;)
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Youth is wasted on the young.
Perhaps. I was blessed to meet a group of young people on camino last year. They were so helpful to me when I was struggling. I had the privilege of hearing their challenges and questions and confusions. I am multiples of their age and learnt a lot from their youth. They were my angels
James P
Would be interesting to know at what age one is legally an adult in Spain, does anyone know?

With 18 you are legally an adult in Spain, you might have some duties/rights/etc earlier, as outlined above by others, but after 18 there are no more "stages" of coming of age and you are fully responsible for you life ;-) Buen Camino, SY
Hi Pcav182

Good luck on your travels. I really like that you're asking for advice (unless it's to prove something to your mother:)...if that's the case any mother trumps all forum advice). No one knows your particular level of maturity and past behavior but since you will be starting college in Spain and I assume leaving your home, it seems you're old enough for that. I liked t2andreo's advice---and I'm happy to see you want to walk the Frances. Please stick to that plan, avoid the less travelled routes and try to walk with others. Please do have a plan for your folks where you will be each day, and a regular system to check in. It's not that you would do something foolish, but accidents can happen so think of how much your family would worry. One last note:alcohol. I don't know what the legal age is where you live, but I'd strongly encourage you NOT to drink alcohol on the Camino. Anyone's judgment is clouded with alcohol, but especially a young person whose brain is still developing and who may not be used to drinking. In addition, thieves etc will target young people, solo walkers, or those drinking alcohol --someone who hits all three marks will be very tempting
Buen Camino
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
One last note:alcohol. I don't know what the legal age is where you live, but I'd strongly encourage you NOT to drink alcohol on the Camino. Anyone's judgment is clouded with alcohol, but especially a young person whose brain is still developing and who may not be used to drinking. In addition, thieves etc will target young people, solo walkers, or those drinking alcohol --someone who hits all three marks will be very tempting
Buen Camino

Just a P.S. to this post. My son did not drink any alcohol while he was 18 and walking the Camino, and an unexpected benefit was that he became a very popular dinner companion since there would be more wine for everyone else!
My daughter walked with her mother the 800 miles from John o' Groats to Lands End at the age of 11. Probably the youngest girl ever to walk the whole route. I was impressed! At 18 I walked the West Highland Way in Scotland solo. I add my voice to the "go for it" camp. Modern technology makes it very easy to keep the worried relatives at home from panicking, and there is probably no easier long distance route on earth when it comes to support when anything goes pear-shaped: both official and from your fellow pilgrims who are almost without exception kind and considerate human beings. Ultreia!
Go for it! My daughter did the Camino Ingles with me when she was 14 and really enjoyed it.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Hello all! It has been a dream of mine for many years to walk the Camino! Come September 2017 I will be begining college in Spain for the next five years.. I strongly want to walk the Camino next summer before I begin university in Spain but I will be only 18years old by then. Should I perhaps wait until I'm older to walk or would 18 years old be appropriate to walk the Camino? I'm just worried that if I don't do it this summer I won't be in a financial situation to walk at any other point during my years at university... Any guidance would be much appreciated!!!
I walked with an 18 and 19 year old part of my Camino. I say do it when you can and when you want.
Wow! I guess the answer is obvious! Summer 2017 I'll be walking the Camino de Santiago! Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. I'm so happy that I found this forum community..
I have felt a calling to the Camino for a while now and that call has only been getting stronger and stronger. I feel that this is the perfect way to start my independent life. It will broaden my perspective and give me a multitude of incredible experiences. Thank you all so much for your guidance on what will be a life changing adventure.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hello all! It has been a dream of mine for many years to walk the Camino! Come September 2017 I will be begining college in Spain for the next five years.. I strongly want to walk the Camino next summer before I begin university in Spain but I will be only 18years old by then. Should I perhaps wait until I'm older to walk or would 18 years old be appropriate to walk the Camino? I'm just worried that if I don't do it this summer I won't be in a financial situation to walk at any other point during my years at university... Any guidance would be much appreciated!!!
Any age is a good age to walk the Camino! Do you have common sense? Do you have good instincts and the sense to use them (I only ask because sometimes we need to be polite and sometimes we need to tell someone to shove off, or just keep walking...)? Do you have a sense of humor? Do you have some good walking shoes? Then go! You may even discover that it is a perfect way to prepare for starting college. You will have more experience, become comfortable meeting new people, build confidence and be in good physical shape, all positive for a freshman.
18 is definitely not too young! I myself will be turning 19 while on the Camino Frances next year. I, like yourself, have wanted to walk the Camino since I was very young and I have decided to see my age as an advantage as opposed to a hindrance. I agree with the chorus of voices telling you to follow your dreams and do it, I also fully believe that when you hear the call of the Camino, no matter your age, you should follow it. I hope you have the most amazing experience next year
Buen Camino!
Another supporter to GO NOW. BUT be warned - you may never get to your university course!! This Camino walking can become very addictive - and I believe that after the Frances there are another 11 Caminos to walk. So even if you do get to university there will be lots of opportunities to discover both yourself and Espanole (?) Sincerely; Buen Camino!:):Do_O
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
I first responded to this post on 26th September last. I am happy to say that since then I have walked the Primitivo from Oviedo to Santiago and onward to Finisterra. This was my second Camino. In my wildest imaginings I did not expect to have an experience to match my first. However, it was magical, wonderful and so fulfilling. I encountered pilgrims as old as 9 (yes nine years old) travelling with his parents to people as young as 74. My life has been enhanced by so many young people in their early 20's who welcomed me to share their company on 'my' Camino.
Follow your heart and dream 18 years old, and my sincerest Buen Camino to you.
James P
Wow! I guess the answer is obvious! Summer 2017 I'll be walking the Camino de Santiago! Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. I'm so happy that I found this forum community..
I have felt a calling to the Camino for a while now and that call has only been getting stronger and stronger. I feel that this is the perfect way to start my independent life. It will broaden my perspective and give me a multitude of incredible experiences. Thank you all so much for your guidance on what will be a life changing adventure.
When you know, you've gotta go!

Buen camino!

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