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2006 Pilgrim Stats by month & Country


Veteran Member
Time of past OR future Camino
2002 CF: 2004 from Paris: 2006 VF: 2007 CF: 2009 Aragones, Ingles, Finisterre: 2011 X 2 on CF: 2013 'Caracoles': 2014 CF and Ingles 'Caracoles":2015 Logrono-Burgos (Hospitalero San Anton): 2016 La Douay to Aosta/San Gimignano to Rome:
2006 Pilgrims stats:

January, 314;
February, 351,
March, 1,093;
April, 7,438;
May, 9,992;
June, 12,946;
July, 18,560;
August, 25,968;
September, 13,451;
October, 7,661;
November, 1,755
December, 848.

Countries: (2005 numbers in parenthesis) :

Argentina 347 (278)
Australia 730 (666)
Austria 1,422 (1,470)
Belgium 1,443 (1,283)
Brasil 1,172 (1,163)
Canada 1,546 (1,420)
Chekoslovakia 399 (330)
Colombia 131 (148)
Denmark 801 (698)
Finland 408 (272)
France 6,791 (5,909)
Germany 8,097 (7,155)
Holland 1,633 (1,610)
Hungary 609 (326)
Iceland 22 (10)
Ireland 849 (622
Israel 42 (31)
Italy 10,013 (7,430)
Japan 282 (278)
Mexico 484 (473)
New Zealand 138 (125)
Norway 373 (278)
Poland 600 (422)
Portugal 3,365 (2,574)
Slovakia 198 (174)
Slovania 140 (128)
South Africa 222 (162)
Sweden 411 (340)
Switzerland 780 (726)
United Kingdom 1,541 (1,512)
United States 1,909 (2,047)
Venezuela 177 (135)
Pilgrims also came from Mauricio (?), the Feroe Islands (?), Iran, Israel and even Pakistan.
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Faroe islands are between scotland and iceland (!) and I guess the other one must be Mauritius but the numbers from spain would have been interesting. Looks daunting fro july/august this year!
Thanks Sil,
Very interesting statistics but, like Omar, I too am curious about the number of Spaniards walking. Also, are there any statistics for the Camino Aragonés route? Am wondering who will be walking from Somport towards end of April. Wish I had some e-mail addresses for some of those 800 odd Irish people. I'd like to talk.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
More on Pilgrim Stats for 2006

These stats were posted by Rosina Lila on the St James and GoCamino forums:

There were 100,377 Compostela recipients in 2006 (about 6,500 more than in 2005).
40,961 were women and 59,461 were men.
Purely religious pilgrims were 41,793; religious-cultural were 41,793, and purely cultural 8,858.
18,289 went by bike, 294 rode horses, 81,783 walked and 11 went by wheelchair.
930 were under 12 years of age, 9,780 were between 13 and 18, 12,546 were between 19 and 25, 22,720 between 26 and 35, 16,005 between 36 and 45, 17,681 between 45 and 55, 15,872 between 56 and 65, 4,606 between 66 and 75 and 237 between 76 and 90 (!).
82,407 followed the French Way,
804 the English Way,
5,378 the Northern Way ,
6,467 the Portuguese Way,
1,588 the Primitive Way,
3,523 the Via de la Plata and 210 other routes.
In summary, 267 pilgrims were from Africa, 3,976 from North America, 2,226 from South America, 504 from Asia, 868 from Oceania (?) and 92,536 from Europe.
(Because there are so many countries listed, please let me know the particular country that you may be interested in and I'll post the relevant figures. I can tell you, meanwhile, that 1,546 came from Canada and 1,909 from the United States).
Also, let me know if you would like to have the month-by-month figures and information on the professions of the pilgrims. I can tell you here that there were 3 oikoten (there hadn't been any for a while)
The precise point at which pilgrims commenced the pilgrimage, in the various routes, is now also available.

PS: Oikoten (a Greek word with a double meaning - ‘away from home, away from your native country’ and ‘by your own force or by your own means’) is also the name of an organisation in Belgium that deals with troubled teenagers and juvenile delinquents.
In 1982 Oikoten introduced pilgrimage to Santiago as an alternative of incarceration of minor delinquents. The Oikoten pilgrimage gave these youngsters the opportunity to prove that they could be released by the juvenile court integrated into normal society.
You can find more here:
http://jeffer-london.com/ultreia/eng/ul ... or_en.html
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Dear all

It was nice to read the number of pilgrims from all over the world. I wonder how many of the from India and curacao (in the Dutch ANtilles) did.

Hope me and my partner are not the only ones (me from India and she from Curacao).

Maybe its because the numbers are so small, probably they dont report it. A pity

2006 Stats

Here are some more stats from Rosina:

Now.... to answer your questions, here is further information on 2006 pilgrims, with the (2005) figures in patenthesis.
Spain 52,248 (52,928)
Andorra 66 (30)
Chile 84 (77)
South Korea 69 (24)
North Korea 18 (4)
Cuba 25 (17)
Lithuania 18 (7)
Morocco 20 (12)
India 12 (6)
Puerto Rico 37 (49)
Rumania 45 (41)
Thanks for all the figures, I love stats.

Also glad to know that I reached Santiago with 1545 of my countrymen in 2006.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.

It's interesting to note than nearly as many Canadians did the Camino as Americans, especially in light of the relative size of our two nations.
Quite true JustRob but I don't know why.

One thing I can tell you though is that, as my wife and I travel quite a lot in the world, we seem to meet less and less people from the USA in the last few years. Years ago we used to bump into these busloads of american tourists in all parts of the world. Now we meet more Germans, French and Canadians wherever we go. 911 syndrome ?

Maybe the Camino is also a reflexion of the fact that your countrymen seem less prone to go outside of their national boundaries.

This is based on my own observations, not based on scientific methods. :wink:
Impressive stats. BTW, I know for sure there were at least 5 Filipinos who walked the final 100k in 9/2006 (namely, me and my siblings!)... plus I ran into a group of 6 more Filipinos in Santiago who started in O Cebrero.... so that's at least 11 of us who have to be added to the 2006 stats :)
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
For a long time I was wondering why there's no info on Filipino pilgrims. I walked SJPP to Santiago April-May 2006, and never met a fellow countryman on the road, although I saw 2 signatures of Filipinos on that world map in the shop-by-the-stairs in Sarria.

Do these published stats come from the cathedral authorities, or are they compiled from camino-related associations?

Itaas ang bandila ng Pilipinas.


The stats are usually posted on the http://www.archicompostela.org website,

Click on the colourful shell and then on the English flag (if you want the English pilgrim page). When you click on statistics you'll find that they haven't posted past June as yet. They are very short staffed and their computer systems were in a sad state last year.


The stats are usually only those who arrive at the pilgrim office and register for a certificate.
ivar, impressive layout/statistics. What's the source? Buen Camino :arrow: xm 8)
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Eleanor, good point about there not being statistics re: the Camino Aragones. It was, historically, after all, the second Camino de Santiago, after the Primitivo. Continues to be the forgotten one... Buen Camino :arrow: xm 8)
You are a peceptive man, Ulysse, when u say "...meet less people from the USA in the last few years." :(

I concur with you. :oops:

I'd say it's due more to the past seven year's US gvt track record of bad bad :shock: bad international politics that have placed us folks from the US in a terrible world light :oops:.

I believe that most people all over the world tend to travel within their borders than abroad.

But :idea: if only we had a few more people from the States go a little bit further than our borders, see some of the totally unacceptable things we've been directly (i)responsible for, to then come back home and share it, maybe things would change.

Maybe :roll:

I don't know :?

All's I know I wanna retire and become an expat :!:

Buen Camino :arrow:

xm 8)
... hi there xm and all. Let's try not to get into politics... we all have our opinions and since this is a pilgrim forum, let's try to stay on topic. :)

Greetings from what seems to be another sunny and warm day in Santiago,

(Yesterday 23c in the shade)
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