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Backpacks... What else?

Everyone on this forum seems to obsess about pack weight. Go light! everyone says, because every bit of weight counts. And there's even brands that specialise in superlight things.

Well, that might be ok for people who live in big cities and near retailers where they carry those sorts of brands. For someone like me, who lives in regional NSW in Australia, 900km from Sydney, there's quite a small range of retailers and brands and packs to choose from. While I can manage going up the coast a bit, I'm not about to fly down to Sydney just for a pack. Plus, I'm a student, and on a budget.

I'm also not going to buy a pack off the internet, because buying something like a pack, that you're going to wear for five weeks of hiking and then for four months in Europe afterwards, you want to actually try something on before you buy it.

Now that that's settled, it can be established that people telling me to get a golite pack or some other brand that is popular on this forum aren't going to help me in the least.

(Sorry about the rant, but I get frustrated with the lack of choice here and the obsession about lightweight things when it's just not resonable.)

I'd like opinions on this pack:
http://www.deuter.com/products/34278_Fu ... 08_DEU.php

I know that it's heavy, at 1660 grams. But the size seems right for me, and it's available for me to buy and try on. It's comfortable, and the lady in the shop put a 5kg sandbag in the back and it felt as if I could walk with it for ages. It wasn't a ok-maybe-I-can-get-used-to-this feeling but a this-isn't-really-that-hard/heavy feeling.

So, anyone worn one, hiked with one? Experiences?

(I don't mean to be attacking in this, even though I've just realised that it may come across like it. So apologies - don't take this as an attack.)
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I´ve planning to buy Deuter Futura 32. I agree it´s "heavy" but one of the most comfortable backpacks I´ve ever carryed/tryed. Last year this model won the European hiking journalists prize. Absolutely creme de la creme. Remember that you could need the pack somewhere else too. There are hikes where you don´t allways count the grams.
Hi Artemis,
Anything to do with equipment is always contentious here! Go with what you think is best in your circumstances..... I had a Deuter 45l pack. It was not the lightest pack around, but it was very comfortable, and by the time I had finished and adjusted all the various straps to fit me, it fitted like a glove. I quite understand that you wouldn't want to buy something off the internet without fitting it on: some quite popular packs didn't feel comfortable to me at all.

When you get onto the Camino, you will see that there are a zillion different kinds of packs, some light, some not. Another thing you will need to carefully consider is whether your chosen pack will be big enough for your travel in Europe after the Camino. Albergues have laundry facilities, even if they are mostly just a basin and a simple clothesline - but I found it harder to do laundry in some of the more 'ordinary' hostels in Europe. Chances are you will need/want more clothing in your pack after your Camino than while you are on it.
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Artemisofephesus said:
I'm also not going to buy a pack off the internet, because buying something like a pack, that you're going to wear for five weeks of hiking and then for four months in Europe afterwards, you want to actually try something on before you buy it.

Now that that's settled, it can be established that people telling me to get a golite pack or some other brand that is popular on this forum aren't going to help me in the least.

Smart thinking...not to buy a popular brand on the internet.

I bought the GOLITE Jam2 online, it was so uncomfortable, it didn't matter that it was a feather weight. I tried everything ...packing, repacking, adjusting. Nothing helped.

So the golite went back and I am back a square one.

But a good lesson learned.

Good luck with your choices
Have a wonderul Camino

brand names aren't important. Weight is only important relative to comfort. Find a pack that is comfortable for you with some weight in it and will work for the Camino and your other travels and go and have a good and memorable time. Buy your pack and yuor footwear early and get used to them before you go.

Have a great camino!


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