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Camino de Madrid

The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
There are several recent threads here in the Madrid section of the forum.

If you look at the Comentarios on Gronze, you'll find that in July, someone said the albergue in Añe was closed, but the bar offers rooms with a kitchen.

Buen Camino! I hope you'll post here on the forum. The Camino Madrid is at the top of my list for the fiture.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
There are several recent threads here in the Madrid section of the forum.

If you look at the Comentarios on Gronze, you'll find that in July, someone said the albergue in Añe was closed, but the bar offers rooms with a kitchen.

Buen Camino! I hope you'll post here on the forum. The Camino Madrid is at the top of my list for the fiture.
Thanks, in the meantime we’ve send a mail to the ayuntamiento. Today we received a postive answer, they are open. (Alb is closed in Santa Maria la Real de Nieva and Hotel Avanto was complete). I also will post info !
There are several recent threads here in the Madrid section of the forum.

If you look at the Comentarios on Gronze, you'll find that in July, someone said the albergue in Añe was closed, but the bar offers rooms with a kitchen.

Buen Camino! I hope you'll post here on the forum. The Camino Madrid is at the top of my list for the fiture.
Halo here an update of the camino Madrid = beautiful camino and good accomodations.
1) Flyght to Madrid, than we walked from Tres Cantos - Colmenar Viejo 11 km - Hostel Alojamiente HC
2)Colmenar - Manzanares 15 km - Hostal La Pedriza (acc by Rayyrosa was not available at this date)
3)Manzanares - Cercedilla 21 km- Hostal Aribel Longinos ( restaurant closed at 16h, walk 10’ walk to the centre)
4)Cercedilla - Segovia - 31 km - Hosteria Natura ( booking in advance !)
5)Segovia - Añe 22 km - Albergue
6)Añe - Nava de la Asuncíon 25 km - Alb in Deportivo ( basic ) 722314392
7)Nava de la Asuncíon - Villeguillo 16 km - Alb municipal 64576728 ( keys in bar )
8)Villeguillo - Alcazarén 18 km - Alb municipal 671545168
9)Alcazarén - Puente Duero 25 km - Albergue 678318188
10)Puente Duero - Peñaflor de Hornija 28 km - alb 675156711
11)Peñaflor - medina de Rioseco 25 km - Hostal Duque de Osuna
12)Medina de Rioseco - Cuence de Campos 26 km - Alb municipal 983761131
13)Cuenca de Campos - Santervás de Campos 22 km - Albergue donativo
14)Santervás - Grajal de Campos 16 km - Albergue (Plaza Mayor) 987784506. (we choosed for this option because Sahagun is on the camino Francés and difficult to fin a sleeping place)
15)Grajal de Campos - Sahagun 6 km (+ train back to Madrid)

List with closed albergues you will find on the site rayyrosa.com

Buen camino !
Starting to walk on 3/9. Does anybody walk this camino recently ? And is the Albergue in Añe iopen ?

Passed through Añe today and the Albergue is closed. The Albergue at Santa Maria is also closed. Next available accommodation is Hostal Avanto 2km from Santa Maria.

Starting to walk on 3/9. Does anybody walk this camino recently ? And is the Albergue in Añe iopen ?
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Starting to walk on 3/9. Does anybody walk this camino recently ? And is the Albergue in Añe iopen ?
I started this Camino de Madrid on April 28 and it took me 17 days. There is no Albergue in Añe, only a bar. After 24 km we were allowed to add another 10.
I started this Camino de Madrid on April 28 and it took me 17 days. There is no Albergue in Añe, only a bar. After 24 km we were allowed to add another 10.
And, for what it's worth, as I pass through now, at 9:35 am, a great time for first or second breakfast, the bar is closed, apparently for some sort of restoration.20230612_094755.jpg
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Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Your two Polish pilgrims passed me yesterday and we shared the night together in Alcarzarén.

If you are stopping here then despite what it says on the Albergue door, come to Hogar del Jubilado to pick up the key and to register.

Hogar del Jubilado seems to be a bar for retired people and is open when most other places are closed.

The wonderful lady who runs the bar serves very large cold beer, almost by default to tired looking pilgrims and cooks a great selection of food that you can order at any time of the day regardless of Spanish tradition.

I highly recommend it even if you don't stay.

My GPS track has the Camino going directly passed the bar but the arrows go a slightly different route.

Edit: My GPS track goes around the back of the church and circles back to pick up the Golden arrows again.

Buen Camino
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Your two Polish pilgrims passed me yesterday and we shared the night together in Alcarzarén.

If you are stopping here then despite what it says on the Albergue door, come to Hogar del Jubilado to pick up the key and to register.

Hogar del Jubilado seems to be a bar for retired people and is open when most other places are closed.

The wonderful lady who runs the bar serves very large cold beer, almost by default to tired looking pilgrims and cooks a great selection of food that you can order at any time of the day regardless of Spanish tradition.

I highly recommend it even if you don't stay.

My GPS track has the Camino going directly passed the bar but the arrows go a slightly different route.

Edit: My GPS track goes around the back of the church and circles back to pick up the Golden arrows again.

Buen Camino
We had a fabulous night at that bar @DoughnutANZ especially at the end when the place was closing and their 3 year old was helping her dad wipe down all the tables. Such a family effort!! 😊
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I also loved the Hogar del Jubilado in Alcazaren! I was there on a Monday - the rest day for the other two bars in the village. I had the mandatory post-walk clara and a great lunch surrounded by people playing cards. Later in the afternoon I went back with a Danish peregrino, who was the only other walking pilgrim I saw on the whole Camino de Madrid. We knew the kitchen in the bar would be closed in the evening, so we had bought some food at the supermarket. But as we were sitting having a drink outside, the woman who runs the bar came out and asked us if we wanted/needed dinner. It was very good and very generous! And yes - her little girl was helping her! and then her parents. It was a really great evening. The albergue in Alcazaren was also fantastic -- spotless, with very sweet touches like these crocheted curtains:

Day 7: Los Huertos to Santa Maria la Real de Nieva
25 km including the 2 back to the hostal, which will also be added to tomorrow's distance

"And on the seventh day He rested."

I know today says Day 7, but yesterday was really the seventh day, considering the 20 km I walked on Day 0. So under 11 km yesterday and an early bedtime and over 9 hours of sleep before I headed out this morning at about 7 am.

I stopped (and found a little geocache) at a little Ermita out of town. The Ermita was locked up but you could get a glimpse of the fancy altarpiece through a tiny window in the door.

I thought it would be mostly flat wheat fields today, like yesterday, but there were a few things, beyond some spectacular skyscapes, to break up the day. There were a few kms walked along the Camino Verde, a former railway line where they took away the rails and ties and replaced it with a leisure path for cyclists and bicyclists. Because it used to be a rail line, it was very flat and straight. There was a forest beside it for much of the way where the trees had also been planted in straight, even rows.

A little bit further on, the Camino passes through pine forest being harvested for resin. Then it was back to flat fields for a while before arriving in the day's first village, Añe. There was supposed to be an open bar there, but the bar was closed, possibly for renovations according to the sign. So I sat in the shade in the square, took off my shoes and socks, and finished my chorizo and cheese for breakfast, accompanied by some water.

Then it was back to the road. I crossed a nice river and saw some nice storks. I passed through another pine woods (unharvested). Then there was a lot of walking though wheat fields. At one point I checked my phone to discover I had missed or misunderstood a Camino marker and wandered off on a non-Camino trail. At first I was going to turn around and go back, but it didn't take me too long to figure out it would be faster just to press forward as the track I was on would eventually merge with the Camino. Shortly after that I arrived at the second village of the day, Pinilla Ambroz. There was no bar here, either, but there was a water fountain (three actually) so I stopped for a rest and a drinking and refilling of water and an airing of feet and socks.

Then it was on through the final five or six km of meseta to the day's destination, Santa Maria la Real de Nieva. I stopped at a pharmacy to pick up some better bandages for my toes. The main sight, however, is the wonderful Romanesque cloister with the sculpted capitals. There was much taking of photos, which can be found here. Information about the cloister can be found here.

The travel day ended with a menu del dia dinner in Santa Maria, followed by the 2 km walk back to the hostal (hotel) as there is no albergue in this town.

Photos below:
- Camino Verde
- Resin tree
- Stork
- Fields of wheat
- Santa Maria la Real de Nieva
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Your two Polish pilgrims passed me yesterday and we shared the night together in Alcarzarén.

If you are stopping here then despite what it says on the Albergue door, come to Hogar del Jubilado to pick up the key and to register.

Hogar del Jubilado seems to be a bar for retired people and is open when most other places are closed.

The wonderful lady who runs the bar serves very large cold beer, almost by default to tired looking pilgrims and cooks a great selection of food that you can order at any time of the day regardless of Spanish tradition.

I highly recommend it even if you don't stay.

My GPS track has the Camino going directly passed the bar but the arrows go a slightly different route.

Edit: My GPS track goes around the back of the church and circles back to pick up the Golden arrows again.

Buen Camino
I should be staying there the day after tomorrow. Good reminder to let them know I'm coming. I've also updated my notes to indicate that the keys are no longer at Bar Real or the tourist office but at the highly recommended Hogar. As recently jubilado, it sounds like the place for me. :)
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
FYI, I picked up the Albergue key at the tourist office, where I also got a stamp. But the key didn’t work on the albergue lock! Fortunately a couple of gentlemen were working in the shed next door to the albergue, and one of them had a key that opened the keybox where you drop your key when you leave. So it’s really best to pick up the key at El Hogar.

Note: Contrary to advice provided by a local man I met at the rest area just outside f town, the bar nearest the albergue (Bar Albino) doesn’t have keys for the albergue. But the beer there is cold.😉
The hostal Avanto in Santa Maria was also a very interesting and comfortable night! (40 euros for bed and dinner)

In case anyone is walking there straight from Segovia and wants to shorten a long day a bit (to avoid backtracking from Santa Maria) -- there is a small road (very easy to see on Mapy.cz) that you can take from Pinilla Ambroz to the bigger road where the Hostal is located. You can avoid walking on that bigger road by taking a dirt track when you get to Pascuales; it runs parallel to the carratera and goes directly to the back of the Hostal. The Hostal is very obvious - and is also marked with a sign on the track. In the morning, you can take that same dirt track into Santa Maria.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
The hostal Avanto in Santa Maria was also a very interesting and comfortable night! (40 euros for bed and dinner)

In case anyone is walking there straight from Segovia and wants to shorten a long day a bit (to avoid backtracking from Santa Maria) -- there is a small road (very easy to see on Mapy.cz) that you can take from Pinilla Ambroz to the bigger road where the Hostal is located. You can avoid walking on that bigger road by taking a dirt track when you get to Pascuales; it runs parallel to the carratera and goes directly to the back of the Hostal. The Hostal is very obvious - and is also marked with a sign on the track. In the morning, you can take that same dirt track into Santa Maria.
That's where I am right now! I did go to Santa Maria first, though. It was worth the extra kms to see the cloister (for me). I wasn't sure the cloister would be open when I left in the morning.
That's where I am right now! I did go to Santa Maria first, though. It was worth the extra kms to see the cloister (for me). I wasn't sure the cloister would be open when I left in the morning.
The Gastrobar Cafe España in the town centre is also fabulous. We ended up having lunch and dinner there (with a break in between 🤣).
The woman behind the bar was so friendly. Her mum was the cook and her partner the chef. The food was excellent she kindly provided very good local red wine for us from her own pocket as we were pilgrims she had enjoyed chatting with throughout the day.
We had a lovely night right in town at Casa Rural Rincón Naïf complete with buffet breakfast and beautiful art. (There was also an indoor swimming pool that we didn’t use on February 🤣). Rooms were immaculate.

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