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Falling in love on Camino


New Member
Can anyone help out with the 'folklore' or walking mythology surrounding 'falling in love while on Camino'? There's a quote, or train of thought that has something special to say about what it means to find love while walking to Santiago? I can't for the life of me remember where I know about this from or if I just made it up?

Call me a romantic fool... But I met my partner on the way to Santiago in 2005 and we are in the process of trying to justify our relationship in the name of a spousal visa application. I thought a quote regarding the special significance of our meeting would be a useful way of wooing the authorities.

Would be extremely grateful if anyone could help.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
During last years (since 1,996) I've found several couples born in the Camino. One of those, who live in Madrid and is actually waiting their second child, met one to each other about 5-6 years ago.

Buen Camino,

Javier Martin
Madrid, Spain.
yet another way to build up expectations.

I´ve heard about Spanish women hitting the trail to "find a husband," and I´ve met a few actual men who were hoping to spark something (or just "get lucky") out on the Way... It´s all inevitable, eh? My best friend had a flaming romance during her camino. I kinda hoped to find some wonderful guy out there when I walked in 2001, and no luck!

It´s like anywhere else, I guess, but with a certain commonality: maybe you get lucky, maybe you don´t, maybe while walking you´ll realize someone back home is The One.
The couple operating a gite in St. Privat d'Allier met on the Camino, married, and opened an "albergue" in St. Privat:

Babelfish (French then translation):

Our first letter published on the Internet

Chers amis pèlerins, Dear friends pilgrims

Peut-être serez-vous surpris par notre lettre et peut-être pas ?… Maybe you'll be surprised by this letter and maybe not ...

La raison qui nous pousse à vous écrire aujourd'hui est simple : notre histoire jacquaire commence au printemps 1998. The reason that drives us to write to you today is simple: our Jacquaire story begins in spring 1998.

Jean-Marc (alors 50 ans), parti du Puy-en-Velay, rencontre Marie (alors 38 ans), partie de Saint Jean Pied-de-Port, quelque part, sur le Camino espagnol. Jean-Marc (then 50), from Le Puy-en-Velay meets Marie (then age 38), part of Saint Jean Pied de Port, somewhere on the Spanish Camino. Au fil des étapes, des certitudes se sont fait jour. Over the steps certainties emerged. Le 1er juillet à Santiago, après la messe des pèlerins, nous avons su que nous ne nous quitterions plus. On 1 July in Santiago, after the mass of pilgrims, we knew that we are left. Depuis, nous avons fondé une famille et vu naître notre petit garçon en juin 2001, Thibault. Since then we have a family and saw our little boy born in June 2001, Thibault.

Aujourd'hui, le Chemin reste ancré dans notre vie et nous souhaitons apporter à d'autres le soutien et l'assistance dont nous avons pu nous-même bénéficier lors de notre pèlerinage. Today, the path remains rooted in our life and we want to give to others the support and assistance that we could enjoy ourselves during our pilgrimage. C'est pourquoi nous voulons nous installer sur le chemin du Puy ou celui d'Arles afin d'y établir une halte et un accueil, comme il en existe en Espagne et aussi quelques-uns uns en France. That is why we want to install it on the path of Puy or Arles to establish a break and a home, as there are in Spain and also a few in France. Nous souhaitons pouvoir accueillir pour la nuit et le petit-déjeuner, offrir la possibilité de trouver de quoi préparer le repas du soir, laver le linge…, dans un esprit pèlerin, en laissant à chacun la possibilité de donner ce qu'il veut ou peut… We wish to host the night and breakfast, offering the possibility of finding how to prepare the evening meal, washing machine ... in a spirit pilgrim, allowing everyone the opportunity to give what he wants or can ...

Actuellement en activité dans la région parisienne (fonctionnaires), nous aurons la chance, dès 2006, de pouvoir bénéficier de revenus suffisants (retraite) pour ne pas avoir besoin de l'accueil pour vivre. Currently active in the Paris region (the officials), we will have the chance in 2006 to benefit from sufficient income (retirement) for failing to require the host to live. Par ailleurs nous disposons d'un petit pécule pour investir. We also have a small nest egg to invest.

Nous souhaitons donc, dès le printemps 2003, nous mettre en quête d'un lieu à acquérir, où le besoin d'un accueil pèlerin soit présent, sans porter préjudice à ce qui existe déjà. We therefore hope, from the spring of 2003, putting us in search of a place to build, where the need for a pilgrim is home now, without prejudice to what already exists.
Nous entrons en contact avec tous les acteurs du Chemin de Compostelle afin d'essayer de faire connaître notre objectif, d'être à l'écoute du besoin, de pouvoir poser notre petite pierre dans l'histoire de ce grand pèlerinage et pouvoir aussi rendre à St-Jacques un peu de tout ce qu'il nous a apporté depuis quatre ans. We come in contact with all players Chemin de Compostela to try to promote our goal, to be attentive to the need to ask our small stone in the history of this great pilgrimage and also can make St-Jacques in a little of everything he has given us for four years.

Toutes les informations que vous pourriez nous communiquer (villages ou mairies ayant exprimé des demandes dans ce sens, notaires en relation avec votre association, particulier vous ayant signalé un bien à vendre…) nous intéressent, ainsi que tout ce que vos amis et adhérents pèlerins peuvent avoir relevé comme difficultés de couchage, manque d'accueil etc… Any information you could give us (village or city councils have expressed an application in this regard, notaries in connection with your association, especially you have reported a good to sell ...) we are interested in, and that all your friends and members pilgrims may have identified as problems sleeping, lack of home etc ...

Seriez-vous, à l'occasion, disposés à nous rencontrer pour que nous puissions faire connaissance et vous parler de notre projet ? Would you, on occasion, prepared to meet us so we can get to know and tell you about our project?

Nous sommes conscients que notre démarche est difficile et que les obstacles à franchir seront nombreux. We recognize that our approach is difficult and that the hurdles are many. Mais notre projet, longuement réfléchi depuis notre retour de Santiago, s'inscrit dans le cadre de notre "Chemin de vie", celui qui "Commence à Compostelle…". But our project, much thought since our return from Santiago, is part of our Way of Life ", who" Begins to Compostelle ... ". Cela nous donne une grande confiance dans son avenir. It gives us great confidence in its future.

Nous avons d'ores et déjà remis notre choix entre les mains de la Providence et nous espérons que vous réserverez un accueil bienveillant à notre demande. We have already given our choice in the hands of Providence and we hope that you book a warm welcome to our request.

Marie-Christine COUSINEAU Jean-Marc LUCIEN Marie-Christine Jean-Marc COUSINEAU LUCIEN

Dimanche 16 Octobre 2005 Sunday 16 October 2005
Jean-Marc LUCIEN Jean-Marc LUCIEN

The Lucien's gite has been in full operation since the spring of 2006 with several parts of the house renovated into very comfortable pilgrim facilities.

A Second Tale: My brother walked his first Camino in 2005 with his college roommate. That roommate is now married to a German woman he met on the trek.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
One moving conversation I remember having along the way was with an older French couple who described how the Camino helped them fall 'back' in love.

I met this couple in the gite in Miramont-Sensacq on the Le Puy route, which they were walking after having walked the Camino Frances a previous time. They described their arrival in Santiago, and how they entered the Cathedral together, arm in arm, with tears rolling down their cheeks. They said they had not in fact realised that they had 'lost each other', but walking the Camino together had helped them 'find each other' again. It was truly a privilege to hear them recount this experience.

In the albergue in Melide my walking buddy Annelise was most indignant when, after lights out, an Italian fellow tiptoed over to her bunk and climbed up to share the top bunk with a French woman. Finn and I who were in the bunk opposite were in hysterics. Anneliese is a Dominican nun and we could just imagine the couple's confessions the next day had they known!

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