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March or April - Seville to Mérida


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started in 2012, hooked ever since.
When planning to walk part of the VdlP this year, I was aware of many comments about how hot it can be starting In Seville in Sept/Oct. So I walked from Mérida to Zamora just returning on the 8th October. Strange thing was this year, it was hotter in Mérida than in Seville on my start date of 18th Sept! Now I am thinking of going back to walk the first part Seville to Mérida in March or April and although I know there will never be any guarantees regarding weather these days, I just wanted to know from those who have walked this part, if March is a recommended month for walking or is April better?
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
When planning to walk part of the VdlP this year, I was aware of many comments about how hot it can be starting In Seville in Sept/Oct. So I walked from Mérida to Zamora just returning on the 8th October. Strange thing was this year, it was hotter in Mérida than in Seville on my start date of 18th Sept! Now I am thinking of going back to walk the first part Seville to Mérida in March or April and although I know there will never be any guarantees regarding weather these days, I just wanted to know from those who have walked this part, if March is a recommended month for walking or is April better?

This morning I was thinking the same thing about the same time period. The only difference being I'm thinking Sevilla to Salamamca.

I'm leaning towards mid- April after reading the blogs by other people.

Hope you don't mind if I piggy-back your post and watch what replies you get?

Buen (getting the time right) Camino
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Easter 2019 falls on the 21st of April, you should factor that into your plans re accommodation, it might be advisable to book in advance where you can, also Seville spring fair starts on the 4th of May, we went this year before starting the VdeLP an experience not to be missed.
Thanks George, I was thinking about that as Semana Santa is 14th to 21st April in 2019. I have never walked in Spain in the Spring or around Easter. I was initially thinking about the weather.
Easter 2019 falls on the 21st of April, you should factor that into your plans re accommodation, it might be advisable to book in advance where you can, also Seville spring fair starts on the 4th of May, we went this year before starting the VdeLP an experience not to be missed.
Good points George,
Thank you so much for telling us.
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My first camino was the vdlp in 2006 and i left sevilla mid may. The weather was good with only one rainy afternoon in galicia. Since then ive walked in every month from may to october and was never troubled by the heat but there again i prefer to crowds and i hate the cold so pick times when others are less likely to be walking.I'd say mid april would be better than march...if you leave in march you'll be in galicia when it could still be cold and wet.
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Easter is supposed to be fabulous in Seville, but you might want to book your accommodation now, if you want to stay for a couple of days at the start. I have passed through several towns (including Salamanca, but not Seville) during Easter week and it is a great experience.
Thanks @C clearly I love Seville, having just spent a day there this year on the way to Mérida, so yes as you say it must be amazing at Easter. Did you find the walk out of the city to the Camino easy enough?
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Hi we found the route easy enough, from Triana backpackers, through Camas to Santiponce, mostly on the road, you have to be vigilant the arrows are on street furniture or on the pavement and can tend to disappear into the background. You will find lots of reference to people being robbed on the way out of Seville, I’m fairly sure that was a few years ago, but in April you will find any number of pilgrims starting their Camino so company should be easy to find.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Now I am thinking of going back to walk the first part Seville to Mérida in March or April and although I know there will never be any guarantees regarding weather these days, I just wanted to know from those who have walked this part, if March is a recommended month for walking or is April better?

Hi, lainey
I’ve started twice from Sevilla, once in mid April and once in early May. My May start had colder weather, go figure. In fact, I found I was wearing my lambswool gloves till ten or eleven most mornings for the first few weeks.

I have never started any camino with a southern starting point before mid April. And the weather has always been just what I had been hoping for — little rain, no temps too high, and lots of wildflowers. I’ve started in Valencia in early May, Almería in mid April, Delta del Ebro in mid May, Madrid in early May. My reason has been trying to outsmart the rain. This year a start before mid April anywhere in southern Spain (or maybe almost anywhere in Spain for that matter) would have brought with it endless days of continuous rain. The amigos in Almería told us that the rain in Almería had essentially stopped the day we arrived (April 13), but that is probably a bit of exaggeration. I did hear of many pilgrims who left the camino in March and early April because of non-stop hard rain, but my impressions are general and I can’t tell you if one camino or another got more rain.

Having said all that, of course, you can never tell about the weather these days!
Thanks so much for that @peregrina2000 ! You and the other comments have made up my mind that I shall walk in April, in fact I shall walk part of the route during Semana Santa (Easter week) with a treat of spending Good Friday in Seville, whatever the weather it is bound to be a fantastic experience. Also I have never walked a camino in Spring as I always walk in September, so again a new treat in store!
Thanks for all the suggestions.
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I'm walking from Seville to Salamanca April (just before Easter to mid-May), and the accomodations are already filling up for Easter week in Seville. Not too tight as yet but starting there.
Yes, John that´s what I am finding and also the prices in Seville are very high, but there are several hostels which still seem reasonable.
@peregrina2000 you were kind enough to send me last year, your stages of the VdlP and you mentioned that in Monesterío, the village priest was in the process of converting his home into an Albergue, do you know the name of this as I assume it is up and running now?
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
@peregrina2000 you were kind enough to send me last year, your stages of the VdlP and you mentioned that in Monesterío, the village priest was in the process of converting his home into an Albergue, do you know the name of this as I assume it is up and running now?
Yes, it is the parochial Albergue. The town won’t let the priest advertise, I’ve been told, so it’s kind of a secret. There is a Canadian pilgrims group that supports this Albergue with an annual donation. @karenhypes is a member of the group I believe. It’s this one:
Hi Laurie.
Would that be the Albergue that is the upstairs apartment at about number 218 Paseo de Extramadura which is the main through road, if it is I’ve stayed there a couple of times, very well kept Albergue, all facilities, super clean, one of the very best, and If you haven’t been, a visit to the Museo de Jamon is a must!
The Monesterio refugio is fantastic and has everything a pilgrim could need. Very well thought out and definitely worth supporting.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Started March 1 from Seville in 2017. It was absolutely perfect weather for most days. From what I read this March was quite wet. So it is hard to say for certain. Buen Camino!
Hi Laurie.
Would that be the Albergue that is the upstairs apartment at about number 218 Paseo de Extramadura which is the main through road, if it is I’ve stayed there a couple of times, very well kept Albergue, all facilities, super clean, one of the very best, and If you haven’t been, a visit to the Museo de Jamon is a must!

That’s the address that Gronze gives. When I was in Monesterio there were no albergues, but the priest told me he was going to open one in his home. He has walked some Caminos and is a lovely man.
Just chiming in with another vote for an April start. I did the whole VdlP this spring, starting in mid-April, and know that the rains wreaked havoc for many who started in March. This year may have been worse than usual for the rains, but it typically is wetter in March regardless. Buen camino!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I have been in Sevilla for Feria and Semana Santa. Semana Santa is spectacular. There is a website with details of all the processions. Feria I felt was also spectacular but I didn't really feel part of it - most of the casetas in Sevilla are private (unlike Cordoba or Malaga ferias for example), and you feel a bit of a flaneur, walking about watching people dance in pretty dresses in tents. The few public casetas didn't look half as much fun to me. I have been to other fairs like the Romeria in Fuente de Cantos where it was much less spectacular and vast but much more welcoming. Both times I stayed at Triana backpackers, I was able to get a bed but they put the price up.
Thanks for that. I am looking forward to being in Seville again, it's such a beautiful city. I love how the Spanish celebrate, even just Sunday lunch!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Also started the vdlp in mid-April this year. As an alternative to Albergue or Hostel/Hotel lodging in Seville, you might consider VRBO, or Airbnb. When I need a couple of extra days, or more, to adjust to local time zone, ir touring, that choice works for me. Cost per night can be very competitive, and usually comfortable apartment amenities. Beware of price per night bumps during Farie de Sevilla & Easter week. I concur, Spring weather in southern Spain this year was spectacular, no rain until Galicia. Buen Camino!
Thank you for that Greg. I have heard of air b&b. Actually one of the places in Castilblanco only uses Airb&b as a booking method - lovely place recommended by @peregrina2000 . Never heard of VRBO, but thanks for that suggestion. But you and a couple of others are so right, I think it may be necessary to book accommodation over Easter and certainly the prices jump a bit especially in Sevilla, but that's okay because it's a special holiday time of year. I am so looking forward to walking a bit of Spain in Spring and hopefully having time to explore Sevilla a bit more.
Thank you for that Greg. I have heard of air b&b. Actually one of the places in Castilblanco only uses Airb&b as a booking method - lovely place recommended by @peregrina2000 . Never heard of VRBO, but thanks for that suggestion. But you and a couple of others are so right, I think it may be necessary to book accommodation over Easter and certainly the prices jump a bit especially in Sevilla, but that's okay because it's a special holiday time of year. I am so looking forward to walking a bit of Spain in Spring and hopefully having time to explore Sevilla a bit more.
Vacation Rental By Owner(VRBO) provides the same services, and functions similarly as Airbnb.
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
I have started in March and the weather was fine. But, as others have noted, nothing is guaranteed, especially these days!
Easter 2019 falls on the 21st of April, you should factor that into your plans re accommodation, it might be advisable to book in advance where you can, also Seville spring fair starts on the 4th of May, we went this year before starting the VdeLP an experience not to be missed.
Hi, My first entry on this forum and VDLP will be my first camino. I am booked in Seviile April 1st and 2nd 2019, beginning my camino the the 3rd. It will be Good Friday when I predict I will be somewhere around Embalse de Alcantra and then Easter Sunday perhaps in Galisteo. Are the albergues typically open on these holidays?
Oh and are there others out there thinking of starting around the same time? I know so many folks that encountered very few other pilgrims on this route. I am avoiding the busyness of CF but I do not wish to be completely alone either. Thanks.
Hi, My first entry on this forum and VDLP will be my first camino. I am booked in Seviile April 1st and 2nd 2019, beginning my camino the the 3rd. It will be Good Friday when I predict I will be somewhere around Embalse de Alcantra and then Easter Sunday perhaps in Galisteo. Are the albergues typically open on these holidays?
Oh and are there others out there thinking of starting around the same time? I know so many folks that encountered very few other pilgrims on this route. I am avoiding the busyness of CF but I do not wish to be completely alone either. Thanks.
Hi there
There will be 3 Canadians 1 day ahead of you. We will start on April 2nd. We plan to walk short distances. We night bump in each other then. :)
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Hi, My first entry on this forum and VDLP will be my first camino. I am booked in Seviile April 1st and 2nd 2019, beginning my camino the the 3rd. It will be Good Friday when I predict I will be somewhere around Embalse de Alcantra and then Easter Sunday perhaps in Galisteo. Are the albergues typically open on these holidays?
Oh and are there others out there thinking of starting around the same time? I know so many folks that encountered very few other pilgrims on this route. I am avoiding the busyness of CF but I do not wish to be completely alone either. Thanks.
HI there, welcome to the forum! I cannot be sure but from what I read and hear about walking in April on the VdlP, I don't think you will be alone. I start a week after you and am only walking to Mérida. Buen Camino.
Easter is supposed to be fabulous in Seville, but you might want to book your accommodation now, if you want to stay for a couple of days at the start. I have passed through several towns (including Salamanca, but not Seville) during Easter week and it is a great experience.
Hi Clare
I’m arriving in Sevilla mid afternoon of Friday 5 April. I decided to arrive earlier in the month (before Semana Santa ) to avoid rush on booking accommodation.
I have been to Sevilla before (tourist ) and stayed in Hotel Simon and found it was well situated but I’m thinking of looking at other recommendations on this forum for 2019.
However ., although I won’t be in Sevilla for the busiest time over Easter etc ., I will still be on camino further along. Did you find when you travelled over Easter., that it was necessary to book ahead further up ? I really didn’t want to preset my walking days this time but will take advice on whether I should.

I’m thinking of walking later in afternoon on Saturday 6/4 and book at the place opposite Italica ., then look around Italica on Sunday morning and walk on ... I haven’t looked into where to from there yet. So many threads and blogs to work through .. other forum members have left so much info.
I have noted that Italica is closed on Monday so will be there for Sunday.
Thanks to all.

Did you find when you travelled over Easter., that it was necessary to book ahead further up ?
I suggest looking at your expected itinerary and figuring out where you are likely to be on the Thur-Fri-Sat (April 17-19 in 2019) of Holy Week. I think that is likely to put you in Merida on April 16 and walking to or through Caceres 3 or 4 days later. Personally, I would book something (that can be cancelled) in both those cities now, since they do tend to attract a lot of tourists. I might be walking on the Sanabres at that time, and am thinking about doing this.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Thanks Clare. Good advice ! If I end up far from there ., as you say, I can cancel if decent notice given.
Buen camino for Sanabrés.. so you’ll be further ahead.
@OzAnnie , I agree with @C clearly about booking around Easter. I have booked Seville for both starting and returning on Good Friday. Unfortunately Hotel Simon was already booked out. If you use you can usually cancel within 24hours of arrival without penalty, but then it can be a bit more expensive than booking direct. I have found prices higher over Easter but that's only to be expected.
However if you are not walking in the Easter week, other forum members have suggested it's not necessary to book ahead on the VdLP. Have a look at Gronze for accommodation along the route you are walking. I would be happy to send you the names of the places I stayed this September on my walk from Méridato Zamora.
Feliz Navidad
@OzAnnie , I agree with @C clearly about booking around Easter. I have booked Seville for both starting and returning on Good Friday. Unfortunately Hotel Simon was already booked out. If you use you can usually cancel within 24hours of arrival without penalty, but then it can be a bit more expensive than booking direct. I have found prices higher over Easter but that's only to be expected.
However if you are not walking in the Easter week, other forum members have suggested it's not necessary to book ahead on the VdLP. Have a look at Gronze for accommodation along the route you are walking. I would be happy to send you the names of the places I stayed this September on my walk from Méridato Zamora.
Feliz Navidad
Thanks @laineylainey
I have been reading all the threads...every little ounce of one does when you're just wanting to get back there - 'anything' connected with the Camino is digested.
I had read in another thread that you were returning to do the first section in the spring and will be in Sevilla for Easter festivities.. I won't be in Sevilla but I will still be walking over Easter... just a bit further North by then. I intend to leave Sevilla before Easter... (expecting to leave Sat 6th April).. So I will need to book places further north on the plata for that Easter period.. I just haven't sat down and worked out where.. although Clare (C Clearly) has calculated approximate position I will be then... between Merida and Caceres.... so I would be interested in where you stayed in that zone.
I would love to take up your offer of sending me the names of the places you stayed at when you walked to Zamora either here or another thread or PM...whichever suits. It certainly helps decision making if someone recommends a place.... I'd appreciate it.
Last edited:
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Annie, of course I will send you a PM with my accommodation from Mérida to Zamora and will include places I wish I had stayed at!
Yes, I am hoping to finish the VdlP next year. Sevilla to Mérida at Easter and the Zamora to Santiago vía the Sanabres in September, so techically not finishing the VdLP at Astorga!
Give me a couple of days to PM you as I am away at the minute.
Annie, of course I will send you a PM with my accommodation from Mérida to Zamora and will include places I wish I had stayed at!
Yes, I am hoping to finish the VdlP next year. Sevilla to Mérida at Easter and the Zamora to Santiago vía the Sanabres in September, so techically not finishing the VdLP at Astorga!
Give me a couple of days to PM you as I am away at the minute.
It’s 12.32am Christmas morning here now in Sydney .. please take your time

Merry Christmas
When planning to walk part of the VdlP this year, I was aware of many comments about how hot it can be starting In Seville in Sept/Oct. So I walked from Mérida to Zamora just returning on the 8th October. Strange thing was this year, it was hotter in Mérida than in Seville on my start date of 18th Sept! Now I am thinking of going back to walk the first part Seville to Mérida in March or April and although I know there will never be any guarantees regarding weather these days, I just wanted to know from those who have walked this part, if March is a recommended month for walking or is April better?

Lainey and others:

I am 95% sure I will be walking the VdlP this Spring, probably starting Mid-March. The biggest question for me is whether to start in Cadiz on the Augusta or Sevilla.

I have walked all my Camino's between March 23rd and April 11th and learned not to concern myself with weather. There is no way to predict so why bother.

Semana Santa is definitely something that should be factored, imo. While I have enjoyed some of the festivities, in general I avoid this Holiday.

Thinking right now is a March 18th start.

Happy planning.

Regards and Merry Christmas to all,
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Has anyone walked from Seville in Easter week. The more I think about next April I think it would be great to experience Easter on the Camino?
We started walking on 15th April, 2017. We experienced 4 nights of Semana Santa in Sevilla and left on Easter Saturday. Semana Santa in Sevilla is amazing and an experience that I will never forget.
Hello Everyone
I'm starting VDLP on March 2nd. Glad to see @MileHighPair also started in early March and it was ok for them...sounds like last year was pretty difficult with weather and I'm hoping that because last year was so wet this year might not be...however as @jpflavin1 has said you never can tell and maybe best not to worry too much about the weather - I just try to be prepared for as many situations as possible.
Not seen anyone else starting as early as I am so far but hoping to meet a few fellow walkers along the way.
Hello Everyone
I'm starting VDLP on March 2nd. Glad to see @MileHighPair also started in early March and it was ok for them...sounds like last year was pretty difficult with weather and I'm hoping that because last year was so wet this year might not be...however as @jpflavin1 has said you never can tell and maybe best not to worry too much about the weather - I just try to be prepared for as many situations as possible.
Not seen anyone else starting as early as I am so far but hoping to meet a few fellow walkers along the way.


Probably starting a couple of weeks after you. I will look for your footprints along the way.

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
thanks Joe...I'll be pretty slow for the first days and so you are likely to pass me...I'll look forward to catching up with you

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What follows is my personal view on the last part of the Sanabrés that I started on Wednesday the 4th of September. Tuesday before was used for traveling from Belgium to Ourense. Btw I can advise...

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