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Packing List & Schedule - any comments ??


New Member
Hello ! :D

I have made up a list of what I will take and my approx. walking schedule (thanks to godesalco.com)

If there is anything I have forgotten would be grateful for the advice :?:

Thanks again
Andy F :D

Packing list (in no particular order)

Walking boots
Walking jacket
Ear Plugs
Leather bum bag/money belt
EHIC European Health Insurance Card
Travel Insurance
“diaralyte” rehydration mixture
1st aid kit
2nd pair of shoes for evenings (lightweight)
Animal wool (for blisters)
Needle and thread
Anti inflammatory cream
Bin liners
Breathable waterproof trousers (Rohan)
Camera (disposable?)
Clothing thin layers (2 x T shirts , 1 x long sleeve shirt, fleece (l’weight) , 1 X lightweight trousers for evenings)
Compeed /blister kit (Spenco blister pack)
Guide book, maps, pilgrim guide, pilgrim passport, passport, airline tickets,
Money (approx. 150 Euros ? ), 1 X debit card
Herbal tea bags
High factor sun cream
Broad rimmed hat
Inner socks (Coolmax) (socks with terry lops inside)
Jagged edge knife
Lightweight bottle of deodorant powder
Mobile phone
Lightweight sleeping bag
Muscle spray – small aerosol
Pan/plate/mug/knife/fork /spoon
Poncho waterproof
Safety pins
Salt tablets
Small pillow ??
Small torch (wrapped in plastic bag)
Cats flea collars (bed bugs!)
Super lightweight clothes pegs (4-5 qty)
Swimming trunks
Swiss penknife with built in scissors/tin opener
Thermarest insulating mat
Toilet roll
Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss , soap
Vaseline (for blisters)
Walking stick (extending lightweight)
Water bottle (2 litres daily)
Zinc oxide tape

Itinery (provisional, things will no doubt change – that is part of the experience!)

Thurs 6/9/07 Fly East Mids to Santiago Arrive 21:40

Stay overnight Hotel Husa Cuidad de Compostela (nr Bus Station)

Fri 7/9/07 am Bus to Astorga – stop Piedrafita – TAXI TO Triacastela ??? OR START FROM SARRIA IF HAVE PROBLEMS GETTING TO TRIACASTELLA – SAVES 1 DAY

Fri 7/9/07 Triacastella – Sarria (via Samos) 22.1 km
Sat 8/9/07 REST DAY at SARRIA (lazy sod) (optional day)

Sun 9/9/07 Sarrai - Ferreiros 13.6 km

Mon 10/9/07 Ferreiros – Eirexe 26.4 km
Tues 11/09/07 Eirexe – Cassanova 13.2 km
Weds12/9/07 Cassanova – Ribadiso de Baixo 19.9 km

Thurs 13/9/07 Ribadiso de Baixo – Santa Irene 19.6 km

Fri 14/9/07 Santa Irene - Santiago de Compostela23.6 km

Find a Hostal in Santiago for 1 night

Sat 15/9/07 Sightseeing day then Fly back to E Mids depart 22:05 arrive 23:20

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
this really is so over the top - since you're only going for a week and walking such short distances each day, you could do without half the items

That's why I asked the question
There's a fair bit of safety stuff in the list that doesnt take up much volume or weight but I can whittle it down, I intend to whittle the list down to "essentials" anyway (easier said than done!)

As for the cat's flea collars - a friend once told me he used these whilst travelling in Nepal and never got bitten! - I havn't really looked into the "bed bug " problem yet but it might be an answer :?: (or most likely i am deluded)

Andy Faint
If you're happy to carry it then take it. But where did you find the salt tablets? I've tried to find some with no luck whatsoever.

Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!

2 t-shirts
2 undies
2 pairs of socks
1 spare pair of shorts
sleeping bag
shower gel
waterproof jacket
fleece (smallish)
water bottle/Camelbak
safety pins
paper and pencil

Wear - zip off trousers, 1 t-shirt, 1 pair of undies, 1 pair of socks, boots.

Anything else is optional
Cat’s flea collars! That seems an ingenious solution.
Did your friend actually WEAR it? Don’t they stink? Are they safe for humans (not toxic)?
I’m off to the pet shop to ask
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
no need for

sunglasses or suncream (hat and long-sleeved shirt will do)
fleece (waterproof jacket should provide some warmth)
I personally prefer sunglasses and it's not as if they take up masses of space and suncream? Depends when you're walking and what the weather's like, I guess... Again, doesn't take up much room.

Hi Andy,
I think it is more important how much your fully packed backpack weighs than what you have inside it.
If your pack weighs about 10% of your bodyweight then it is fine!
I also think that you need the same things whether you are walking for a week or for 5 weeks: unless you don't intend washing your shorts for a week you will need spares!
Your itinerary looks good too. Enjoy it!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hi Andy,
Just a comment on you itinerary. I notice that your schedule has you staying in small hamlets most nights. This may be exactly what you want.
Last year my wife and I walked from O'C in Oct. We intentionally stayed in the larger towns for two reasons. First, your distances will allow you several hours of free time each day. There is more to explore and see in the larger towns, as well as have more choices as to food, groceries etc. Secondly, for us the pilgrimage was religious and we chose towns that had an evening mass. The planning is a wonderful part of the camino experience. Enjoy it all. Ultreya John
Oh, one more thing (I promise!)... About the staying in Santiago thing... I stayed in a nice, yet basic hotel just down the steps from the square outside the Cathedral for one night at a cost of 12€ per night (sharing). Turn your back on the cathedral and there are steps diagonally left of the town hall and it's just on the left. :arrow:
Yes, you don't need to take suncream if you wear a long-sleeved shirt
You don't need to wear a long-sleeved shirt if you take suncream
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Yes, like backpack weights etc it's horses for courses. I only get sunburnt if I'm very silly exposing flesh to hot sun. In contrast my husband once got burned at Easter on a beach because - although covered up - the sun got at his toes and feet through the holes in his sandals. And as for my daughter - she once got sunburned in February in Newcastle, UK!

Very fair skinned people burn THROUGH clothes. Last summer on holiday in France, to my shame, I persuaded my husband to sit by the pool one day under an umbrella. He carefully stayed beneath the umbrella and he made sure he was in the shade all the time. He got horribly sunburned and it made the next few days extremely painful.

Sunburn/sunstroke is no joke so I would advise anyone who knows they burn easily to bring/buy plenty of suncream. My daughter uses factor 60.
Piz Buin do a really good factor 30 that needs only to be applied once a day. I tend to do my Caminos starting in mid-August so I'd say for someone like me, it's absolutely imperitive. I'd rather have a small tube of goo than get sun stroke (suffered once, never again)
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
There are some things on your list I'd say you could do without. I'm a big fan of traveling light. Everything's nicer when your back doesn't hurt. :D

The only thing I might add is a very small bottle of shampoo. You can use it to wash hair and clothes, and refill it as necessary. Maybe also add some first aid tape if it isn't in your first aid kit.

Some things I'd say you can get by without are:

“diaralyte” rehydration mixture - you can buy sports drinks in any bar that will do the same thing - I don't remember the name of the Spanish drink offhand (starts with an A, I think), but it's easy to find

Anti inflammatory cream

Bin liners - maybe take one if rain is likely

Camera (disposable?) - if you take a camera, keep it small and lightweight

Guide book, maps, - the pilgrim guide should be enough - paper is heavy

Herbal tea bags

“immodium” - almost every town has a pharmacy if you need it, and you're not likely to have problems with the food or water in Spain

Jagged edge knife - what for?

Mobile phone - optional - you can manage without it, and it's kind of nice to be out of touch for a while - if you take it, put it in a ziplock bag (rain and electronics don't mix terribly well)

Muscle spray – small aerosol -


Pan/plate/mug/knife/fork /spoon - you definitely don't need these

Scalf - scarf? you probably don't need one - check the weather forecast before you leave - you definitely don't need both a scarf and swimming trunks

Super lightweight clothes pegs (4-5 qty) - safety pins work just as well, weigh less, and take up less space

Swimming trunks

Thermarest insulating mat - can be nice to have, but optional

Vaseline (for blisters) - optional, depending on how you want to deal with blisters - I never used vaseline

Zinc oxide tape

Minkey said:
Erm... Yeah. Sadly I'm the traditional pastey white boy, so get burnt even thinking about the sun.

Minkey, greetings from another member of the "pastey white" club. I blame my Irish ancestry, and never travel without sunblock. And in fact I have just been told by the doctor that I need to wear a moisturiser with SPF all year round, not just in summer.
I agree with summer 2005 - you don't need swimming trunks when you've got underwear. However, if you're prone to burning a light scarf/neckerchief (or better still, a Buff) will protect the back of your neck from sunburn
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
I like the list - nice to see one fairly completely written down -

I don't think items should be removed because of the length of journey - they could all be needed on the second day for instance (now that would be a rotten day wouldn't it). I sort of agree about shirts and suncreams but my ancestry is freckles and the problem I occasionally had was with my neck.
Those lightweight shoes for evenings - I'd say go for flip-flops so you can use them in the shower as well.

Cat flea-collars - fantastic idea! Now were you to wear one on each ankle, each wrist, and two joined together to fit around the neck I'm sure you would get lots of protection ... though you might not want to visit the bathroom during the night - and God help you if there's a fire and you have to get out quickly.....

oh yes, what's the jagged edge knife for?
Welcome Back

Where have you been Br David?
I was beginning to worry that you were caught a snow blizzard like poor old Santos.
Good to see your peregrino marching across the posts again.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Ha! humour! yes, back online again and posting. As this isn't the first "where have you been" have posted a short descript.

All is well - and nice to read your posts too

Ah yes, poor Santos - turned left and went to the mountains of Mordor instead of the Pyrenees I think. Damn good try though, and I am so glad he survived during that deadly weather.
Is a "Small torch (wrapped in plastic bag)" the same as a small, super light, flashlight? If affirmative, I'd add it to the list. Best, xm 8)
A selection of Camino Jewellery
No answers only more questions

Dear All
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread- I've picked up some great tips

"there are no answers only more questions" - I think that has something to do with Taoist philosophy (at least that's what my T'ai Chi instructor always says)

One more question (sorry!):

I was shocked at the price of walking gear - approx. ÂŁ100 for Gor Tex breathable walking trousers when I went into the high street the other day

I have an old pair of zip off trousers that I am considering using and just take off the bottoms if it rains, a waterproof jacket (expense again!) could be long enough to keep my shorts dry.

Buen camino

Andy F

Can anyone recc. a good website for buying gear online at a discount
Waterproof trousers

If you are in the UK, you can get cheap waterproof overtrousers for c. 20 pounds. I bought mine in a sale for cycling to work a few years back and they are indispensable for that.

I think Regatta or Gelert do them - try the cheaper stores. I have also found them useful for walking when the weather turns very nasty - they also helps protect your under trousers from the mud (and you can remove them before going in somewhere for refreshment rather than coat their seats with mud). Of course if the weather is warm it is probably better just to wear shorts, get wet and dry off quickly. But my shorts-wearing days are long over so I will be taking the over-trousers. They will get ditched though if they prove a burden.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
They tend to a) get very sweaty and b) they take up room. If you've got some decent zip off trousers, I recko you could dry them off overnight if needs be.
“immodium” - buy it if you need it
Inner socks (Coolmax) (socks with terry lops inside)
what are these?
Iodine - no need, all the albergues carry this
Jagged edge knife -can't take it on the plane
Lighter -can't take it on plane
Lightweight bottle of deodorant powder
Mobile phone
Lightweight sleeping bag
Muscle spray – small aerosol -don't bother
Nailbrush -forget this
Painkillers if you use regularly, sore muscles use valtarin
Pan/plate/mug/knife/fork /spoon -take a plastic cup and a sppon
Poncho waterproof
Safety pins
Salt tablets - what for?
Scalf - what is a scalf,
Small pillow ?? -pillows everywhere
Small torch (wrapped in plastic bag) flashlight necessary
Cats flea collars (bed bugs!) don't worry
Super lightweight clothes pegs (4-5 qty)
Swimming trunks - underwear works
Swiss penknife with built in scissors/tin opener
Thermarest insulating mat-not necessary

Water bottle (2 litres daily) consider taking a water bladder
Zinc oxide tape
...shocked at the price of walking gear

Really, when u look at it, it's surprising how pricey some things can be. I look at it as an investment, with a future. I've been having to buy shoes every time I walk, that's how worn out they remain. I recycle them here in "reality time," they don't go to waste :!: Best, xm 8)
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Excellent list Dawn. The only thing I'd nix would be: Zinc oxide tape (what for?). I like to take disposable, .5L, plastic, bottles, sometimes two, sometimes a larger, plastic, bottle, like the one u mentioned, depending on the length of the road, discarding them as I go along the route & use them up, thus contributing to the littering, giving pilgrims an opportunity to pick them up and work on improving their kindness, humility, and help for Mother Earth, re-filling them as needed in fountains along the way, replacing them as I go along, or at the next place where I stay overnight. Best, xm 8)
Salt tablets are only useful when you're sweating a lot. I'm sure there's enough salt in food to keep you from cramping.

I'd take Vaseline. Good for stopping any rubbing of toes/other body bits and it's good for blisters. I'm not a fan of blister plasters, just use vaseline.
Vaseline never worked for me, iach for the gooeyness (is there such a word :!: ), though I know it works for a lot of people. But then again I don't tend to have sweaty feet and/or blisters (so far/fingers crossed). In my case, it's more good for nothing weak knees...serves me right for being a professional couch potato :!: Best, xm 8)
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Go a running store and get body glide.(anti blister and chafing stick. Works better than vaseline. looks like deoderant. i used it last year and had NO problems with my feet.
Well one week to go, would you believe i have purchased 3 NEW PACKS. now the decision, i love mine from last year , however at 5 pounds i am wanting to cut the weight.
happy camino
I just saw xm's comment about weak knees. I had an athletic type elastic knee support in the cupboard, and took that just in case. I ended up wearing it every day, often alternating , as it was very supportive. I would take two next time, and wear them every day on both knees. Especially up and down steep slopes it felt great and also gave me the comforting feeling that it probably would be a preventative against injury. My knees held up well. (I'm 60)
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Hi, Magnamara, am doing likewise, taking with me two knee-pads for when I need them. I agree, the support is awesome :!: BTW, 60 here, 2 :D


xm 8)

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