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Planning to undertake the Camino Lusitano in August 2005


New Member
Two friends and I are planning to travel from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela. Any suggestions for guides, places to stay, state of trails ?
There seems to be almost no information on this route.
Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks. Cheers.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
ivar said:
I would try to look for some information on some of the Portugese pilgrim sites, like:

they must have been listening, as they've just put up mapping for the entire route from Lisbon! I've updated my own webpage accordingly. In fact, it looks like we may be about to get 2 routes from Lisbon, as the Porto-Fatima route is supposedly going to be marked by May, blue arrows to Fatima, yellow to Porto/Santiago. The Amigos route goes via Tomar not Fatima.

Current guides are either from Porto or from the border at Tui. Most pilgrims on this route (inc me) start at the border.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Just read with interest that you are going to do the Portugues route. I am walking it with a fellow pilgrim in late April early May and will then be able to, hopefully, give some help. I am interested to hear, from Peter's reply, that the waymarking of the route exists. I am using the Confraternity of St James guide to the route from my starting point which is to be Porto. Ryanair, the cheap Irish airline flies to Porto and also to Santiago which is convenient for me keeping travel costs to a minimum. Wishing you good luck with your plans. Ultreya! PILGRIM
Oporto to Santiago

Thanks so much for all the websites you listed. Will start reviewing them right now. I will start in Oporto. It is good to know that there are good markings throughout, since I am a pretty poor map reader....

Hello Pilgrim,
Great to follow your progress through this site. Just read Mrs. Pilgrims' first report on your start from Oporto. It would be great to get more detailed insights from you upon your return. I will also start in London, after a week's visit with family in Highgate. Will take Ryanair to Oporto, and again back from Santiago to London, quite convenient. I have the 1998 guide from CSJ. Updates are in progress, but it is not certain whether the new guide will be ready by early September. Thus, I am particularly interested on whether it is possible to do shorter stretches, than for example the first 24 km that you did. Are there any in between little villages where it is possible to overnight, details of that nature.
Ultreia. Uruguayayo
Re: Oporto to Santiago

uruguayayo said:
I have the 1998 guide from CSJ. Updates are in progress, but it is not certain whether the new guide will be ready by early September. Thus, I am particularly interested on whether it is possible to do shorter stretches, than for example the first 24 km that you did. Are there any in between little villages where it is possible to overnight, details of that nature.

that CSJ guide is quite a bit out-of-date by now, though they have updated their factsheet which gives you some info on accommodation. See my previous post for links to detailed info, though the maps of the Ponte de Lima Amigos are difficult to read. The main Porto Amigos site seems to be off-air at the moment, promising a PDF archive guide, presumably to the entire route from Lisbon, on 'May 1'. I assume May 1 will have arrived by the time you set off ;-)
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Hi Peter:
Thanks for all the websites you had included. I had thought Ivar had sent it, and now I see that you had done it. Definitely helpful data even if the principal Porto Amigos site is not ready yet. I took down all the distances between towns in Spain. It will be wonderful if this info will also be available for Portugal. I would definitely prefer to do about 20 km a day on average, and have an opportunity to enjoy village life at each stop. Thanks. Cheers.
Hello Peter,
Thanks for the info.
You know, I just ordered a guide from Steiner books, it is called "A pilgrim's guide to the camino portugues" by John Brierley, dated 2005. Will be receiving it next week by parcel post. Have no idea of how good it is, but will let everybody know once I compare it to all the online info, and I then check it out on the road in September. Thanks. Cheers.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Hello Peter,
Thanks for the info.
You know, I just ordered a guide from Steiner books, it is called "A pilgrim's guide to the camino portugues" by John Brierley, dated 2005. Will be receiving it next week by parcel post. Have no idea of how good it is, but will let everybody know once I compare it to all the online info, and I then check it out on the road in September. Thanks. Cheers.
He gave a talk at the Confraternity's Practical Pilgrim last year, with slides taken from his walks along the route. I would guess this is the most uptodate guide in English, but can't be sure as I haven't actually walked any of the Portuguese part myself :) According to the Centro Nacional de Cultura who are developing the Fatima routes, the marking Fatima-Porto will be completed 'shortly'.
uruguayayo said:
Two friends and I are planning to travel from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela. Any suggestions for guides, places to stay, state of trails ?
There seems to be almost no information on this route.
Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks. Cheers.

Dear friend..
Eccoti some information on the tappes Lisbon-Fatima-Porto-Santiago

Excuse if I don't write in English, but I am not very good...

Here are the enclosures:

Buena Camino

solitary hawk

Caro amico..
Eccoti alcune informazioni sulle tappe Lisbona-Fatima-Porto-Santiago

Scusa se non scrivo in inglese, ma non sono molto bravo...

Ecco gli allegati :

Buena Camino

falco solitario
Caminho Portuguese de Peregrinação
-seguendo in buona parte l’itinerario descritto da Giovanni Battista Confalonieri (1594)-
Dove pernottare:

1°giorno. Lisbona 1- Ostelli privati nella zona della piazza del Marchese Pombal. 2-Ostello della Gioventù al parco delle Nazioni di Lisbona (zona nord-est), proprio da qui inizia il Caminho. 3- dai frati minori conventuali della chiesa di Santa Clara (tel.00.351.21.837.69.69), a Chelas, zona nord di Lisbona.

2°giorno. Alverca dai Bombeiros (=Pompieri). Vila Franca de Xira dai Bombeiros (tel.263.280.650),

3°giorno. Azambuja dai Bombeiros (tel.263.401.144),

4°giorno. Santarém 1-dai Bombeiros o 2-nell’Ostello della Gioventù o 3-nel suo sobborgo nord di Portela das Paderias (che è sempre lungo il Caminho), dove i Comboniani hanno una casa (tel.243.351.331)

5°giorno. Arneiro das Milharicas esiste una sola possibilità di alloggio in una bella casa rural, costa 25 €. Alcanena dai Bombeiros

6°giorno. Fatima 1-chiedere all’ufficio informazioni del santuario per dormire (max 3 giorni) nella associazione Pão da Vida (Pane di Vita), e per avere indicazioni per il percorso fino a Coimbra e Porto. 2- in caso di necessità chiedere a Dona Ivone tel. 917.823.557 o a Dona Ilda tel. 965.686.562.

7°giorno. Pombal, al posto di polizia vicino alla stazione ferroviaria mi indicano ciò che a loro risulta più conveniente: è la pensione Pensão Verdelago, 15€. (I Bombeiros non mi possono accogliere)

8°giorno. Condeixa-a-nova dai Bombeiros

9°giorno. Coimbra 1-Ostello della Gioventù 2-S.Antonio dos Olivais, parrocchia dei frati minori conventuali, Rua(=via) Brigadeiro Correia Cardoso 18 – tel. 00.351. – htpp:// 3-ad Areeiro, qualche km a nord di Coimbra, casa dei Comboniani, tel.

10°giorno. Sulla statale, oltre Malaposta e a 12 km da Agueda, c’è un buon alberghetto per camionisti (10€)

11°giorno. Albergaria-a-Velha. 1-dal parroco 2-motel economico sulla statale appena fuori dal paese. 3-i Bombeiros accolgono i pellegrini solo in occasione dei pellegrinaggi annuali.

12°giorno. Arrifana. Dai Bombeiros.

13°giorno. Porto 1-al n°38 di via Avenida dos Aliados c’è la stanza n° 604 (sottotetto pulito, 10€) della Pensão Universal. 2-Ostello della Gioventù. 3- cappuccini della “igrexa (chiesa) Ameal”. 4- a Maia, 8 km a nord di Porto, in via Augusto Simoes 108, c’è una casa Comboniana, tel.

14° giorno. 1-Vilarinho (d’estate qui è aperta la Casa Salesiana) – 2-ostello a San Pedro de Rates

15° giorno: Barcelos (1-dai Bombeiros, 2- nel Centro de Saude)

16 °giorno. Ponte de Lima, ostello della Gioventù

17° giorno. São Roque, ostello privato. Tuy (Spagna), ostello spagnolo (gratuito come i successivi).

18° giorno. Ostelli a O Porriño e poi a Mos

19° giorno. Ostelli a Redondela e a Pontevedra

20° giorno. Ostello parrocchiale a Caldas de Reis
21° giorno. Ostelli a Padron e a Teo/Rua de Francos (Santiago)

Prezzi: 1-Ostelli della Gioventù, sui 10 €. 2-Alberghetti/Pensioni, 10-15 €. 3-Bombeiros/ Parrocchie/ Centro de Saude, ostelli pubblici: gratis o offerta libera.

Ostelli della Gioventù (Pousada Juventude ) a:
Internet per iniziare vedere: ... Portug.htm su questo sito portoghese ora hanno messo le cartine militari da Lisbona a Tuy.
Inoltre in addentrandosi in “Altri cammini” c’è il mio diario con tante altre informazioni.
Per il tratto spagnolo del Cammino Portoghese vedere
L'unica guida che son riuscito a trovare (l'anno scorso) consiste in un ricco opuscolo gratuito che si trova nel primo ostello spagnolo ( a Tuy), ovviamente riguarda solo il tratto spagnolo.
Per 2005 dovrebbero essere segnati interamente i tratti "Lisbona-Fatima" e "Coimbra-Santiago".
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Caro Falco Solitario,
Muchisimas gracias por toda la informacion. Yo no se escribir en italiano, pero entiendo todos los datos que enviastes.
Comenzamos a caminar en septiembre y toda esta informacion es muy bien venida. Nuevamente gracias.
uruguayayo said:
Caro Falco Solitario,
Muchisimas gracias por toda la informacion. Yo no se escribir en italiano, pero entiendo todos los datos que enviastes.
Comenzamos a caminar en septiembre y toda esta informacion es muy bien venida. Nuevamente gracias.


Querido amigo..
También yo inicio el camino portugués a septiembre, pero con salida de Lagoso / Faro..
Son etapas señaladas y espero lograr encontrar informaciones...
Si tú tienes algunos info sobre la etapa FARO/LAGOS-LISBOA te ruego dar noticia...

Deseándote buen camino...


halcón solitario

Caro amico..
Anch'io inizio il cammino portoghese a settembre, ma con partenza da Lagoso / Faro..
Sono tappe non segnalate e spero di riuscire a trovare informazioni...
Se tu hai qualche info sulla tappa FARO/LAGOS-LISBONA ti prego di darmene notizia...

Augurandoti buen camino...


falco solitario

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