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reading during camino


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As I prepare for my camino after Easter, I'm thinking about reading material to take with me on pilgrimage. What do you think? I shall definitely be taking a small and light Bible. I usually find when walking that I want something I can dip into and which is nourishing. At the moment I'm wondering about the one volume version of the Philokalia which is physically light.

Before the Camino: Your Pocket Guide to Prepare Your Body and Mind for the Camino
Andy, you could take the "Roads to Santiago - A Spiritual Companion" - published by the Confraternity of St James (with a lot of help from our Forum member John.)

Available from http://www.csj.org.uk - Bookshop
Thanks Sil,

this is on my Christmas list and I may well take it.
I'm walking from Valencia, so I should be on pilgrimage for about 8 weeks.

3rd Edition. Vital content training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
A lightweight, pocket-size translation of the Tao Te Ching is a traveling companion I won´t be without. The Stephen Burroughs version is nonpariel. Simple poems, but toothsome!

The Spiritual Companion is small and lightweight. Nicely done.
You might consider taking a blank book and journal yourself.
Some people took one of those books that give you some kind of daily message or affirmation, et al. and can be used to reflect and /or use in their daily journaling.
It is a long way from Valencia, so War and Peace could be an option. <rolling eyes>

Lillian (who did a Sudoku puzzle each day and tore out the page)

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