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The Contray Way - An inspirational Guide - Day 10


A pilgrim in life.
Time of past OR future Camino
Frances solo (2001).
Guided Groups Frances (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and plans for 2014.)
Portuguese (2004).
English solo (2005).
Frances el contrario (2010)
The Contrary Way
An 30 day Inspirational Guide to the journey back to yourself.
Day 10 Keeping a promise.

Up until this point of the return journey I hadn't actually committed to walking the entire 800 kilometers. I had led a small group from Villafranca to Santigo and we stayed in the holy city for a few days. They went home and I started walking again. I thought maybe...
Read more http://mycaminojourney.blogspot.com/

Day 11 Walking as a state of being.

Love and light,
Author of My Camino.
Facebook Suseya/My Camino
Twitter Caminoperegrina
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Anniesantiago said:
...Am I just being cranky?


I don't think so! Personally, she lost me after the second post.

I thought I perceived a commercial intention behind all of those ''free'' advises, enticing you to read further on her blog and to visit her site, as quoted in the signature block.

Am I just being suspicious?

The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Annie and Canuk...it seems I've given the wrong impression.

If you are cautious about my intentions, ease up. Life is too short to be second guessing a woman putting herself out there, writing about and sharing the Camino from a place of love.

Since I walked in 2009 I made a promise to live the Camino everyday and use my voice to share it. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people write to me to share their stories, ask for advice, to be heard, guided, loved. Is it a bad thing to make money off the Camino? Yes, I wrote a couple of books about it. All you authors out there know you don't make money from writing a book. Yes, I made a documentary film, but I couldn't get funding. Too many people (like you)worried that I might make money from it (or not), I guess. When it was launched in 2006 it was screened on 5 continents to 2000 people and we all raised $16,000.00 for various charities. Now that felt really good. Yes, I've co-written a screenplay adaptation of my story for a feature film. So did Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. I donate money every year from any sales I have back to the Camino organization in Canada. I speak for free (sometimes businesses pay me-God forbid!), I guide small groups (oh yeah, now they pay me too) I offer my services to underprivilaged/Camino groups/women's groups etc, give away books/DVD's. In fact, I've gone into debt to do all this. Ok. I'll stop defending myself.

Ask yourself: What are you doing in the world to give back?


Author of My Camino and Confessions of a Pilgrim
Facebook Suseya/My Camino
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.

I do my best...quietly. No blog, no web site, no fuss.


Also known as Ockham?
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,"
nellpilgrim said:
Also known as Ockham?
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,"

Indeed Nell,

''Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri par pauciora.''
Guillaume d'Ockham.

KISS! Author unknown. :mrgreen:

Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Sue Kenney is a North American extrovert, a person who puts herself right out there, using all the media and lights and cameras to get her message across to people who expect messengers to arrive in that way. She gets the Camino noticed in places that quiet, Ockham´s Razor-quoting self-congratulating introverts would never go.

She offers bold support that gets scared people with self-image issues to at least get out there and see if the camino is something they can consider... people who might never otherwise take a chance. Like Jesus said, "by their fruits you shall know them." And as shiny and bright as Sue´s pitch may shine, she does bear fruit. Dozens of people will say so.

Sue is kinda the Canadian Oprah of the Camino. Her razzmatazz approach may not appeal to some people. But her motives are clean and sweet and fine, so far as I am concerned. To each his own.

Leave her alone. She´s doin´ good. You just don´t speak her language is all.

Let us be kind. We are kind on the Camino, let us be kind here.

Sue's posts include an invitation to visit her blog, on which her days are written out in full, there is no baited hook to pass over money ... but even if there were .., well, how many of us use the John Brierley guidebook?
I have a copy and I rather like it. This book is also full of spiritual thoughts .. is this wrong? In the end John receives royalties for each book sold, is this wrong?

I have a pilgrimage website upon which I advertise scallop shells and shell jewellery. Profits from this go into the Pilgrim Friars Camino fund and is put towards annual visits to the Caminos where first aid, tea and sympathy - as well as laughter are given freely - for free. Is this wrong?

This is a forum of those connected to the Caminos, to the pilgrimage, and we all come from different backgrounds and have different reasons for being here - let us be kind, let us be generous, let us be family.

If a member has a problem with a post from Sue could they not write a personal message to her rather than confusing and deteriorating the thread?

I have visited her blog and rather like it. I have met her on the Camino and rather like her - she is a nice person. So she invites others to visit her blog, is this wrong?
I have two websites which I mention now http://www.donoharm.co.uk and http://www.pilgrimsupplies.org - is it wrong for me to mention them in a thread?

Come, let us be kind, let us be family.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Rebekah Scott said:
She gets the Camino noticed in places that quiet, Ockham´s Razor-quoting self-congratulating introverts would never go.

How do you know?

The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Canuck said:
Rebekah Scott said:
She gets the Camino noticed in places that quiet, Ockham´s Razor-quoting self-congratulating introverts would never go.

How do you know?


We know because we know Sue and the huge amount of work she does to promote the Camino and a wider understanding of pilgrimage. Last year she joined me and other guests for a splendid lunch on the feast of St James in Santiago and she proved to be hilariously self deprecating. The Camino needs more friends like Sue - even although we don't all share the same language or concepts.


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Since this discussion is continuing...

This all started because I posted a very simple question about whether or not it might be prudent for Sue to post one continuous thread about her book instead of having to open up my screen to see a brand new post each and every day, all leading back to her blog about her book, which felt VERY commercial to me. I asked, "Is it just me?" I was having a bad week, and it's certainly possible that it WAS just me.

A couple of people responded that they agreed with me.

That's all.
The end.
Sue could have chosen not to reply.
She could have replied, "Nope, I want to post every day."
Or she could have said, "Sure! That sounds like a great idea!"

People could have said, 'Yup, Annie, you're being unfair. Back down."
Instead, a few folks spoke up

And instead of a simple message BACK, I got a long tirade from Sue about her many accomplishments, and then a challenge asking me what I had done for the world!

I never implied she had done anything or nothing for the world. I had simply asked if it was just ME who thought her one post every day pushing her agenda was annoying as heck!?

To her tirade, I again answered quietly and politely and got bonked by you, Rebekah.

And since you are quoting Jesus, I'll also quote,

Matthew 6:
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."

In response to my refusal to engage in shouting out my accomplishments, you resorted to name calling. What was it you called me... "self-applauding introvert?" I had to laugh out loud... I've only one other time in my life been called an introvert! :roll: and that was because I refused to take off my clothes and dance naked at a party!

I agree we should play nice and keep the peace, but there have been hotter discussions than this one on this forum .

You can love Sue Kenney or hate her,
I'm on my own path, and choose what I read carefully.

Everyone on here walks for their own reason.
Everyone here has their own brand of spirituality... or none.

Maybe it's from growing up with a father who was an abusive salesman, but my hackles go up when someone tries to push their agenda down my throat, and I was beginning to feel pushed.

I went to Sue Kenney's website and listened to one of her interviews. She seemed nice, and sweet, and all the love and light adjectives she's been described as... I'm sure she's an angel...

Someone asked if I thought it was wrong to make money on the Camino... nope... not at all.
Lots of folks do it. Heck, I've thought of doing lightweight needle felted shells and selling them on my Etsy website.

But the bottom line (for me) is if everyone who has written a book or had an idea on how to make money on the Camino got on this forum and posted one new post every single day leading back to their financial enterprise under the guise of giving a gift, it would certainly clog up the works, wouldn't it? Lots of people write books to "help people" and they're not everyone's cup of tea.

Now, I've posted, deleted, posted, deleted, posted, and deleted on this thread at least 20 times and I think I've deleted anything that might be unkind or mean, and still said what I wanted to say.

So, Sue Kenney, I apologize if I hurt your feelings.
It was never my intention.

I was asking a question, letting you know my comfort level was being breached.
Nothing more, nothing less.

In response, I was attacked and as a result, learned much more about you.

Rebekah, please don't call me names.
It's not nice! :lol:
Rebekah Scott said:
She gets the Camino noticed in places that quiet, Ockham´s Razor-quoting self-congratulating introverts would never go.

Good grief :? ... before I scuttle off back to my lonely little cell to indulge in some introverted self-congratulation :shock: can I point out that I and, by default, poor old Willie of Ockham, was slyly (sorry Jean-marc) poking fun at Canucks laconic post and not making any comment on Sue Kenneys post, life or intentions. I'm Irish for gods sake we have a loquacious gene and, if her surname is anything to go by, it's one I probably share with Sue!
This forums catholic (note the small 'c' please) nature is the very thing that draws me to it and therefore I'm happy to take an 'if it doesn't appeal to you just don't read it' approach to postings by anyone- Camino cognoscenti or otherwise.
Just as I've no doubt that Sue helps many pilgrims and does great work for the Camino cause (& long may she continue to do so) through their contributions to the forum and PMs I've also no doubt about the generosity and integrity of Annie and Jean-marc.
And of course Brother David is right life needs kindness, a little humor and still more kindness to leaven it.
Well, I think "love or hate" might be a little extreme with regard to how one views Sue Kenney. I'll just say "à chacun son goût". We all have our favorite inspirations for our thoughts on the camino, and that's wonderful - diversity makes all things stronger and more interesting. I am grateful for all in the community of camino lovers and addicts. I'm not so sure about the term "promotion", but that's fine. It's all good.

Peace to all.

The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Br. David said:
Let us be kind. We are kind on the Camino, let us be kind here.

let us be kind, let us be generous, let us be family.

If a member has a problem with a post from Sue could they not write a personal message to her rather than confusing and deteriorating the thread?

Come, let us be kind, let us be family.

Hi D, welcome back.

Families? the ones I know have all sorts of differing views; that's what families are often about! Where 'ave you been, me old china? Mars?

PMs? Dave, this is a public forum; if we post we can expect comment.That's what makes the world go round. No-one "confused and deteriorated the thread"; views were expressed, and some were colourful. That's fine. I would find it a dull world if posts were bland and were never disagreed with; it would be a bit of a worry if dissent were suppressed. Various religions have done that over history, and enough is enough :) .

The five mentions about being "kind" are likely to irritate greatly. Careful you don't get a pilgrim stick round the earhole! :wink:

Thank-you for your sensible and to the point comments on Br.David's intervention.

Although not irritated, I must admit I was left with an uneasy feeling, having the impression of being preached at, bordering on infantilisation.

Also, the rebutals made by Sue, Rebekah, Br.David and Johnnie, focusing on Sue's personal qualities, caracter and worthy deeds, were in my opinion unwarranted.
The focus was on the approach and repetitive aspect of her posts, barring any personal attacks and comments to the effect that it was wrong to make money.
They chose to take it to a different level and to make it personal, chastizing in the process those questionning Sue's approach and doubting their abilities to ''give back'' or ''make the camino noticed'' as if that was a mandatory act of faith.

Has ''the camino'' become a sect or religion with its priests and prophets, where dissidents are shot down in flames and summoned to prove their worth?

As for the tongue-in-cheek quotes of Ockham´s Razor, they were just that. Lighthearted!

I am looking for the reference now, but I am sure that Forum laws require everyone to read every post, and everyone must like each post. And everyone must express his opinion, kind or cruel. Freedom of speech, guaranteed by the Constitution applicable to all of us, has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to require speaking out. Silence is simply not an option no matter what the quality of the opinion. All opinions are equal, and we each get to create the facts that would support that opinion. As Lindsay Lohan said at age seventeen, "Don't censor me. I can say what I want."
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Fellow pilgrims,

Just got a chance to read all the posts.
I appreciate all the kind words and the critiques too.

I didn't think to put all the notes in one posting. It's a good idea. I'll need some assistance as I'm not sure the best way to do this...can someone offer help? Please message me privately so we don't carry on with this thread.

Peace on your journey.

3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
falcon269 said:
Americans talk a lot, too.

.....well there you go what with Nature and Nurture stacked against us Sue and I (and every other Irish/Irish American) don't stand a chance in the laconic stakes...(I was going to add in female as another factor..... but decided just this once to STFU :lol:)

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