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Training plan help - 10weeks from starting!


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Time of past OR future Camino
Sept Oct - Camino Francis
Hello -Opps I’ve done it again…I have another small overuse injury. 🥲so am reaching out hoping someone has a training plan that they have used that they can share? A day by day plan that has the detail I think I must need to help me not push it? I used to run and be more active and I remember that and instinctively think I can do more - I must be pushing it a bit and keeping it too casual as I have had set backs. first knee pain three weeks ago and now ankle pain - that force me to stop training for 3-5 days. I am working full time but currently do manage to walk 3-4 short stints during the day - right now this totals 9km per day I do this for 4 days per week and then have 2 - 10-12 km days (2-3 hrs walking continually w short break) I have been unable to increase past this need to get the distance up to 20km. I start walking Sept7. I am also increasing pack weight weekly up to around 8lbs (my full pack will be around 14-15lbs) - so do appreciate any day by day plans you could share that you used or have seen? I work well with examples and need the help so I can avoid doing too much too soon 😊! Want to avoid singing that Britney song to myself! Thx Jen from 🇨🇦
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I have been unable to increase past this need to get the distance up to 20km.
Do you mean you have been physically unable, or that you can't make the time? If physical, what happens - does pain stop you? Perhaps you should see a physiotherapist to get some advice to address your specific problem. People can suggest all variety of day-by-day schedules and plans, but what matters is what is stopping you from increasing your walking distances.
Do you mean you have been physically unable, or that you can't make the time? If physical, what happens - does pain stop you? Perhaps you should see a physiotherapist to get some advice to address your specific problem. People can suggest all variety of day-by-day schedules and plans, but what matters is what is stopping you from increasing your walking distances.
@C clearly -thx for the Q. It’s mainly the joint swelling that has me stopping to recover. Have had a few running injuries in the past and know -I just push it a bit more than I should! Thx for the good advice I see a physio in two weeks and believe they will confirm overuse. In the mean time hoping someone might have a day to day plan that I could review - that would help me not push myself…as I think I am being a bit too casual with my trading approach?
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
@C clearly -thx for the Q. It’s mainly the joint swelling that has me stopping to recover. Have had a few running injuries in the past and know -I just push it a bit more than I should! Thx for the good advice I see a physio in two weeks and believe they will confirm overuse. In the mean time hoping someone might have a day to day plan that I could review - that would help me not push myself…as I think I am being a bit too casual with my trading approach?
My physio told me ´if it hurts, stop doing it´, which is the kind of thing only a health professional can say after a face to face consultation. I would try and bring your physio appointment forward.
Hello -Opps I’ve done it again…I have another small overuse injury. 🥲so am reaching out hoping someone has a training plan that they have used that they can share? A day by day plan that has the detail I think I must need to help me not push it? I used to run and be more active and I remember that and instinctively think I can do more - I must be pushing it a bit and keeping it too casual as I have had set backs. first knee pain three weeks ago and now ankle pain - that force me to stop training for 3-5 days. I am working full time but currently do manage to walk 3-4 short stints during the day - right now this totals 9km per day I do this for 4 days per week and then have 2 - 10-12 km days (2-3 hrs walking continually w short break) I have been unable to increase past this need to get the distance up to 20km. I start walking Sept7. I am also increasing pack weight weekly up to around 8lbs (my full pack will be around 14-15lbs) - so do appreciate any day by day plans you could share that you used or have seen? I work well with examples and need the help so I can avoid doing too much too soon 😊! Want to avoid singing that Britney song to myself! Thx Jen from 🇨🇦
Unless you are planning 35-40km every day you don’t need to train as if it’s a marathon. Ease off, recover, walk /train 5 days out of 7, only train with a bit of weight every second day once healed. Your body needs rest days to heal and build the new or stronger structures.
You can also choose to ship your rucksack ahead to your next accommodation on the odd day to give you a lighter day and recovery time.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
If you have pain I would strongly state do not listen to anyone who is not a medical professional. I would go to an orthopedic doctor and let him do a complete checkup to see what the issues are and are the underlying causes, not just the symptoms. Then go to a physical therapist . You have no idea if what you are doing is causing more serious issues or if the advice on training that someone gives is absolutely the wrong thing for you to be doing. If it is not a trained professional it makes no sense.
Hello -Opps I’ve done it again…I have another small overuse injury. 🥲so am reaching out hoping someone has a training plan that they have used that they can share? A day by day plan that has the detail I think I must need to help me not push it? I used to run and be more active and I remember that and instinctively think I can do more - I must be pushing it a bit and keeping it too casual as I have had set backs. first knee pain three weeks ago and now ankle pain - that force me to stop training for 3-5 days. I am working full time but currently do manage to walk 3-4 short stints during the day - right now this totals 9km per day I do this for 4 days per week and then have 2 - 10-12 km days (2-3 hrs walking continually w short break) I have been unable to increase past this need to get the distance up to 20km. I start walking Sept7. I am also increasing pack weight weekly up to around 8lbs (my full pack will be around 14-15lbs) - so do appreciate any day by day plans you could share that you used or have seen? I work well with examples and need the help so I can avoid doing too much too soon 😊! Want to avoid singing that Britney song to myself! Thx Jen from 🇨🇦
Hi Jen
I wanted to add my support to everyone recommending professional help. There are so many elements and variables to consider that are unique to each of us.
My heart goes out to you as I have experienced chronic pain and numerous injuries in my previous two Camino Frances in 2016 and 2018 - tendinitis, bursitis, shin splints, stress fractures, etc. BUT I am currently in Spain having just completed a pain free and injury free Camino Frances.
I’d always walked a lot. The difference, for me, was 18 months of consistent weight training prescribed by a physio to strengthen my whole body but especially my legs. Secondly was addressing my dislike of peeing on the trail and being properly hydrated. Stupidly I used to avoid drinking so I wouldn’t need to pee. I’m amazed what my body can do when I address my unique needs properly!
Please don’t forget that walking the Camino is first and foremost an opportunity for a pilgrimage, not a sporting event. Most reasonably healthy adults can walk the camino without extensive training. I walked the Camino Frances in my early fifties with no special training. I had never before walked more than 8 miles (I am/was a weekend hiker) and within a week on the Camino I was walking 12 miles easily and 12-20 miles on occasion. I did take a rest day every 4-5 days. I am not a woo woo kind of person, but there is a magic on the Camino and many people are able to walk much further than they ever imagined. My advice is follow the advice of your medical professionals. Hard training is not necessary to walk the Camino. Being in fabulous shape, while a good thing, is optional.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I agree wholeheartedly with those advocating getting and listening to professional advice.
Secondly, there are no rules on a Camino. If your body is telling you 10kms a day, listen to it and plan accordingly.
In the mean time hoping someone might have a day to day plan that I could review - that would help me not push myself
This reads like you are looking for a stranger to tell you what to do and how much of it, despite what your own body is telling you?
That strikes me as odd and perhaps something that could become a useful focus of your own Camino.

No need to answer here but why do you push yourself to the point of injury or pain? I have a feeling that the answer to that might be more important than a training plan.

Good luck!
Relax…..you will be a success…….just stringently walk SYMPTOM free from now on…..whatever distance without a break or a meal on homesoil is a daily average times two…..times three under pressure or in contingency…..start early around 05:00 and complete half days walk before 11:00…..midday at the latest…..thereby you can walk slower , more brakes and still do absolutely fine……

Ultreia 🙏🏼!
Hello -Opps I’ve done it again…I have another small overuse injury. 🥲so am reaching out hoping someone has a training plan that they have used that they can share? A day by day plan that has the detail I think I must need to help me not push it? I used to run and be more active and I remember that and instinctively think I can do more - I must be pushing it a bit and keeping it too casual as I have had set backs. first knee pain three weeks ago and now ankle pain - that force me to stop training for 3-5 days. I am working full time but currently do manage to walk 3-4 short stints during the day - right now this totals 9km per day I do this for 4 days per week and then have 2 - 10-12 km days (2-3 hrs walking continually w short break) I have been unable to increase past this need to get the distance up to 20km. I start walking Sept7. I am also increasing pack weight weekly up to around 8lbs (my full pack will be around 14-15lbs) - so do appreciate any day by day plans you could share that you used or have seen? I work well with examples and need the help so I can avoid doing too much too soon 😊! Want to avoid singing that Britney song to myself! Thx Jen from
My physio told me ´if it hurts, stop doing it´, which is the kind of thing only a health professional can say after a face to face consultation. I would try and bring your physio appointment forward.
Immediately: If you are overweight, lose it. 10 weeks is plenty of time to lose 20 lbs or more if you put your mind to it. Amazing how much that reduces all forms of joint pain. Get trekking poles and learn to use them properly-today! As others said, immediately see an orthopedic doctor (I saw both surgical and nonsurgical docs+ an additional for second opinion + a podiatrist + a physical therapist). Arrange ASAP for Xrays/MRI etc, because these things tend to take a lot of time to schedule. Read and heed the book, "Fixing Your Feet" You may be prescribed: medications, stretching exercises, strength building exercises, prescription/nonprescription footwear, taping methods, physical therapy, braces/supports, special equipment. Non of my medical professionals told me to lose weight because I appeared to be in great shape, but I dropped 15 lbs in the two months prior to my CF and CI earlier this year. Drink lots of water. Then develop your training plan. Get your pack baseweight down to 10 lbs or less; it is doable without huge expense. I wish you the best of analysis, skill and persistence in your preparation and successful completion of your Camino.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
You don't need to get to 20km. a day in training. If you can walk 10 to 12km. in 2 to 3 hrs. on a regular basis, your ready to go! 20 to 25km will just take you twice as long. Leave at 8am and you will be done around 1:30 to 2:30pm The first couple of weeks that might be 3 or 4pm., but you will get into your own comfortable pace, and enjoy the day. It's not a lot more complicated than that. Slow down, relax, and just go. You will find your way.
Stop training :rolleyes:
Go see a physio....
Thanks Robo Already have it booked but my routine physio aptm is around 10days out. I’ll wait to see my practitioner who has supported me thru some running over use issues and hip replacement It’s overuse - nothing to major - I know what that’s about😊
If you have pain I would strongly state do not listen to anyone who is not a medical professional. I would go to an orthopedic doctor and let him do a complete checkup to see what the issues are and are the underlying causes, not just the symptoms. Then go to a physical therapist . You have no idea if what you are doing is causing more serious issues or if the advice on training that someone gives is absolutely the wrong thing for you to be doing. If it is not a trained professional it makes no sense.
@It65ny thx for the reply and advice! Swelling has gone down and now pain free but in support of my training I have aptm precooked with my physio and osteopath/athletic therapist. I know they will help determine the underlying cause which I know is I pushed it - did too much. They are my first line of defence here. Unfortunately it will take months to get a Dr referral to a specialist in Canada 🙃
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Unless you are planning 35-40km every day you don’t need to train as if it’s a marathon. Ease off, recover, walk /train 5 days out of 7, only train with a bit of weight every second day once healed. Your body needs rest days to heal and build the new or stronger structures.
You can also choose to ship your rucksack ahead to your next accommodation on the odd day to give you a lighter day and recovery time.
Ahh - I am a former runner and am training for this as if it was a marathon - even got some of my old resources out - hence my ask for others plans 😊 For me my first purpose for walking is a spiritual eons however my second is to rebuild trust in what my body can do ( as I am still figuring out post hip replacement limits and opportunity). I admit I am impatient so thanks for your advise.J
Ahh - I am a former runner and am training for this as if it was a marathon - even got some of my old resources out - hence my ask for others plans 😊 For me my first purpose for walking is a spiritual eons however my second is to rebuild trust in what my body can do ( as I am still figuring out post hip replacement limits and opportunity). I admit I am impatient so thanks for your advise.J
Not a problem. Last year I walked with a man who had 2 new hips, one new knee and a quad bypass all done in the preceding 5 years. My plan was to avg. 20 km a day. He he did 20km on his good days and only 10km on his bad days, but at his pace and not ours.
People run because they are in a hurry or they want to get fit (mainly). People walk to get from A to B, to relax, because they like the scenery, they want to talk to other people at the same time, they want to meditate or stop and take photos or just stare into the distance. Walking is a very different activity and requires a very mentality. But please talk to your doctor and physio.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
OMG! Am I supposed to be training? I plan to saunter the camino. Other than a few walks with the backpack on and shoes I plan to wear to make sure everything is good to go I've been doing nothing. My back up plan if I get injured and unable to complete the Camino on foot is to buy or rent a bike. And no training on that either. I'm no extreme cyclist but I have gone off the road on my bike and am confident I can ride a bike or push it in the parts where walking is safer than biking. Biking is actually planned for the next camino but I'll adapt if I need to.
This is an old book but it is a classic. It has a number of training plans.

The New Aerobics by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper

He also wrote The New Aerobics for Women.
Hi Jen
I wanted to add my support to everyone recommending professional help. There are so many elements and variables to consider that are unique to each of us.
My heart goes out to you as I have experienced chronic pain and numerous injuries in my previous two Camino Frances in 2016 and 2018 - tendinitis, bursitis, shin splints, stress fractures, etc. BUT I am currently in Spain having just completed a pain free and injury free Camino Frances.
I’d always walked a lot. The difference, for me, was 18 months of consistent weight training prescribed by a physio to strengthen my whole body but especially my legs. Secondly was addressing my dislike of peeing on the trail and being properly hydrated. Stupidly I used to avoid drinking so I wouldn’t need to pee. I’m amazed what my body can do when I address my unique needs properly!
How wonderful for you! I am hoping
My physio told me ´if it hurts, stop doing it´, which is the kind of thing only a health professional can say after a face to face consultation. I would try and bring your physio appointment forward.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Not a problem. Last year I walked with a man who had 2 new hips, one new knee and a quad bypass all done in the preceding 5 years. My plan was to avg. 20 km a day. He he did 20km on his good days and only 10km on his bad days, but at his pace and not ours.
Thanks you these are the stories that are so inspiring to me! One of the learnings I am hoping for on the Camino is to make friends and thank my body ( with artificial hip!) and make friends with my new abilities 🙏
People run because they are in a hurry or they want to get fit (mainly). People walk to get from A to B, to relax, because they like the scenery, they want to talk to other people at the same time, they want to meditate or stop and take photos or just stare into the distance. Walking is a very different activity and requires a very mentality. But please talk to your doctor and physio.
Thanks - yes I am now trying to become a walker- my running days are over but trying to adjust my head is taking a bit more time! I do love stopping to smell the flowers though!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
OMG! Am I supposed to be training? I plan to saunter the camino. Other than a few walks with the backpack on and shoes I plan to wear to make sure everything is good to go I've been doing nothing. My back up plan if I get injured and unable to complete the Camino on foot is to buy or rent a bike. And no training on that either. I'm no extreme cyclist but I have gone off the road on my bike and am confident I can ride a bike or push it in the parts where walking is safer than biking. Biking is actually planned for the next camino but I'll adapt if I need to
@VintageCowgirl - ❤️the name by the way! Thanks for making me smile! Good idea! All the best to you! J

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