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Valcarlos mid Sept

Annie Little

Active Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Frances Sept-Oct 2016
Hello :)

I am planning to start St Jean Sept 20th via Valcarlos- staying overnight - have booked accommodation. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has similar plan .
I will be taking it very slow as due to work and life have not been able to fit in training program.
Have done long hikes in the past but not in recent years. :cool:
I guess being flexible with my expectations will be my key although I would like to walk the pyrenees ( I know I don't have to ).

Cheers and thanks
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Hello :)

I am planning to start St Jean Sept 20th via Valcarlos- staying overnight - have booked accommodation. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has similar plan .
I will be taking it very slow as due to work and life have not been able to fit in training program.
Have done long hikes in the past but not in recent years. :cool:
I guess being flexible with my expectations will be my key although I would like to walk the pyrenees ( I know I don't have to ).

Cheers and thanks

Great to learn that you will be following the Valcarlos route!
Be sure to read what other pilgrims have posted re the praises of this way in this earlier Forum thread.

After leaving Valcarlos there are neither services nor water along the route until Roncesvalles monastery; do be prepared!

Good luck and Buen camino!
Great to learn that you will be following the Valcarlos route!
Be sure to read what other pilgrims have posted re the praises of this way in this earlier Forum thread.

After leaving Valcarlos there are neither services nor water along the route until Roncesvalles monastery; do be prepared!

Good luck and Buen camino!

thanks so much for your reply .... was wondering if I had made right decision .... but just want to take my time enjoy the journey.... clear my head ... have nothing to prove ......have read the thread you mention .. thanks ...

The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hi Anne, I loved the Valcarlos route. It was a beautiful sunny day in June and all the hordes had gone over the mountain. It was so quiet and peaceful. Just a handful of us in the albergue. Next morning I was surprised to get to Roncesvalles before lunchtime! So kept going, and stayed at Corazon Puro in Viskarret (24 kms from Valcarlos). Jill
... I am planning to start St Jean Sept 20th via Valcarlos- staying overnight - have booked accommodation. ...

You might want to rethink that booking - the albergue has normally enough beds for everybody that shows up ...
Buen Camino, SY
You might want to rethink that booking - the albergue has normally enough beds for everybody that shows up ...
Buen Camino, SY

Thanks for the tip but I am an extroverted introvert ;) .... I look forward to walking with others and sharing the experience BUT I need my own space at night to debrief.... I get to a point where I say to myself 'ok that 's enough for now'...only others who are the same would understand.
Also feel I would like to support the locals by paying my way since they so kindly allow so many hoards to tramp all over their country.
That's just my thinking . Of course I fully understand that the Camino has "her" own plans for me :rolleyes:
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Hi Anne, I loved the Valcarlos route. It was a beautiful sunny day in June and all the hordes had gone over the mountain. It was so quiet and peaceful. Just a handful of us in the albergue. Next morning I was surprised to get to Roncesvalles before lunchtime! So kept going, and stayed at Corazon Puro in Viskarret (24 kms from Valcarlos). Jill
LOL Jill :).... Roncesvalles before lunch I would think myself a champion if I do that . However I just want to take my time . My life is so chaotic and torn between so many commitments and responsibilities to others.. which I don't begrudge ... just need a break from it ... walk , take my time , clear my head . One step at a time .

I am happy with my decision to go via Valcarlos

Hi Annie, I walked via Valcarlos in Sept 2012 on my lonesome and it was actually the most uplifting, meaningful and pleasurable part of my Camino. There is something special about those fields and locale. I wrote a post about it afterwards called 'in praise of the lower route' later in 2013 (it's somewhere here on the forum). The countryside is beautiful and I only passed 2 other walkers - bliss for someone, like yourself who needs alone time, meditation and processing. I stayed the night at a beautiful pensione, Hotel Maitena which does not look like it is still open (I hope it is) - I was the only guest and my room opened onto the street, juliette balcony and a view of the church. I was in heaven. It's good you know what's right for you - you will come across many 'shoulds'/'this is how you do it' but walk your own path and do whatever you want! I did and I stayed at pensiones about 1-2 nights per week, interspersed with albergues for a good sleep and some space. And I walked very slowly. Best wishes for your walk and Beun Camino!
Thanks Faith .... I turn 60 on the camino .... am wondering if I should give up my "previous Life" on my return .... work etc ...... I like work BUT it is restricting my LIFE :rolleyes:.... and I want to spend more time with ..... family ... walk, eat, wash ,walk ,eat ,wash .... family :cool: .... you get it !!!
I feel solo Damn Happy right now .... 5 weeks to go .... hoping to give up the red wine while away ;) hahahaha
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
I am planning to start St Jean Sept 20th via Valcarlos- staying overnight - have booked accommodation.
I turn 60 on the camino ....
I feel solo Damn Happy right now .... 5 weeks to go .... hoping to give up the red wine while away ;) hahahaha

Hi Annie, I'm leaving St Jean on the 19th September - via the Napoleon route and am booked in at Orrison. I'm not nearly trained up as much as I'd hoped, but have my heart set on the 'high road'. Will be taking it very easy (slow). I'll turn 60 a few days after returning home. Probably see you along the way. :)
Hi Annie, I'm leaving St Jean on the 19th September - via the Napoleon route and am booked in at Orrison. I'm not nearly trained up as much as I'd hoped, but have my heart set on the 'high road'. Will be taking it very easy (slow). I'll turn 60 a few days after returning home. Probably see you along the way. :)
:) I turn 60 on the camino
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Hello :)

I am planning to start St Jean Sept 20th via Valcarlos- staying overnight - have booked accommodation. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has similar plan .
Cheers and thanks
Hi Annie -- You must have already stayed in Valcarlos - and I hope you're able to get onto internet to see this. Where did you book & stay in Valcarlos? Is Maitena still open? And how was your walk from Valcarlos the next day? Did you stay at Roncesvalles? Was it crowded?
I'm starting from SJPP via Valcarlos a week from today - on the 29th - 2nd time thru Val, 4th time on the Frances. Am SO looking forward AGAIN!
Have a wonderful Camino, Annie!! And Happy Birthday!
Terry (will celebrate my birthday on 10 Oct -- #72!)
Hi Annie -- You must have already stayed in Valcarlos - and I hope you're able to get onto internet to see this. Where did you book & stay in Valcarlos? Is Maitena still open? And how was your walk from Valcarlos the next day? Did you stay at Roncesvalles? Was it crowded?
I'm starting from SJPP via Valcarlos a week from today - on the 29th - 2nd time thru Val, 4th time on the Frances. Am SO looking forward AGAIN!
Have a wonderful Camino, Annie!! And Happy Birthday!
Terry (will celebrate my birthday on 10 Oct -- #72!)
Will be a week behind you, starting on the 6th of October, SJPP thru Valcarlos, my 2nd CF. And my 72nd birthday will be on the 10th as well.
Hi Annie -- You must have already stayed in Valcarlos - and I hope you're able to get onto internet to see this. Where did you book & stay in Valcarlos? Is Maitena still open? And how was your walk from Valcarlos the next day? Did you stay at Roncesvalles? Was it crowded?
I'm starting from SJPP via Valcarlos a week from today - on the 29th - 2nd time thru Val, 4th time on the Frances. Am SO looking forward AGAIN!
Have a wonderful Camino, Annie!! And Happy Birthday!
Terry (will celebrate my birthday on 10 Oct -- #72!)
:cool: Ummm should I be embarrass to say I am staying in private accommodation .... I stayed at the Apartmentos in Valcarlos and hotel Rocessvailles .... I have lots of reflection on that but too tired to go into now .... Just arrived at Akerreta .... Pamplona tomorrow ..... Slow first week I don't regret .... The weather has been good .... Each day has had its challenges .... Walked for 6 hrs on my own today

Buen Camino
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Should you be embarrassed to admit you are staying in private accommodations? Absolutely not. So am I, a mixture of dorms and private rooms. And I will be enjoying every minute.
I walked the Valcarlos route a couple of days ago. Having walked the Route Napoleon twice I thought it was time for a change. A beautiful route in its own right. Less challenging physically, less spectacular in scenery, but perhaps richer in contact with village life. As a lover of the wild and solitary I prefer the Napoleon but that reflects on me and not the route itself.

For the worried first timer I think I should mention Christopher. An older (70-ish?) English gentleman I had the pleasure of meeting in St Jean. Clearly a fit and healthy specimen but he had never walked long-distance before and was anxious about his ability. Plan A was to stop in Valcarlos. Although we left St Jean at much the same time I reached Valcarlos at 11am to find Christopher outside a cafe with coffee and a newspaper. I would not have caught up with him again before Roncesvalles if he had not stopped to wait for a young German man half his age struggling with heat and the water shortage. To say I was impressed would be the understatement of the month. Not with Christopher's performance - though that was impressive by any measure. But with his quiet humility and compassion. Truly inspiring.
Mmmm BUT truly there is no lower route .... I was joking with someone I met ( who by the way lurkes somewhere in thus forum ) as we heavy breathed our way over the Pyrenees from Valcarlos ..... What lower route ... It was tough and he a bloke so not just me ;);):rolleyes:
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Will be a week behind you, starting on the 6th of October, SJPP thru Valcarlos, my 2nd CF. And my 72nd birthday will be on the 10th as well.
OK well my 60 th is on the 8 th soooo if you RUN I will shout you a drink somewhere .... Heading to Pamplona tomorrow .... No idea where I will be on the 8 th...... Feeling my bliss today .... :cool:..... 6 hrs on my own....
@Bradypus , wonderful post!! :) I'm looking forward to doing the Valcarlos route again because I'd like to see the lovely scenery again, and would love to meet up with this fabulous dog (see photo) about 2 miles beyond Valcarlos.
Buen Camino!


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Mmmm BUT truly there is no lower route .... I was joking with someone I met ( who by the way lurkes somewhere in thus forum ) as we heavy breathed our way over the Pyrenees from Valcarlos ..... What lower route ... It was tough and he a bloke so not just me ;);):rolleyes:
I quite agree with you - this is not necessarily a walk in the park... I had to wait for walking partners to talk me over the mountain to Ibañez!
Enjoy it all, Annie, and Happy Birthday in advance!
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OK well my 60 th is on the 8 th soooo if you RUN I will shout you a drink somewhere .... Heading to Pamplona tomorrow .... No idea where I will be on the 8 th...... Feeling my bliss today .... :cool:..... 6 hrs on my own....
Not one to turn down a drink...:) but running at my age is not in the cards .. ;) Keep the reports coming. You are doing great.
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Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles
It was funny because in so far as identifying forum members in the walk I thought it's a bit like a needle in a hay stack BUT low and behold ..,.. I was walking , talking and heavy breathing with someone over the Pyrenees and mentioned something I had read on a forum ... He said which forum is that ? And then he showed me his forum badge on his pack .... I think his name is Christopher if I remember correctly ...

If you happen to read this Chris , I hope you are feeling ok . Try and catch up mate so I can buy you a drink . :cool:

Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
It was funny because in so far as identifying forum members in the walk I thought it's a bit like a needle in a hay stack BUT low and behold ..,.. I was walking , talking and heavy breathing with someone over the Pyrenees and mentioned something I had read on a forum ... He said which forum is that ? And then he showed me his forum badge on his pack .... I think his name is Christopher if I remember correctly ...

If you happen to read this Chris , I hope you are feeling ok . Try and catch up mate so I can buy you a drink . :cool:

Hi Annie

I'm a couple of hours behind you in a lovely pension which I have just for myself, no other pilgrims showed up. Probably because is not in one is the regular stages.
I will get to Pamploma today, not sure where I'll stay. I have not made any reservation, just on god good humour, he has been good so far.

I agree with you regarding the Valcarlos way, is no picnic so I can only imagine how tough the Napolion way is. Thanks to your encouragement I made it up that hill ;)

Well, 6 days difference -- not so much since I'm not in a hurry. So if you catch up about Torres del Rio or Logroño, we can share a birthday!
That would be great way to spend the day. I expect to be there about the 14th. Probably still a ways behind you. We can still have a toast and meet up at some future date.
That would be great way to spend the day. I expect to be there about the 14th. Probably still a ways behind you. We can still have a toast and meet up at some future date.
Keeping in touch by the Forum, might work. I have no plans to be at certain places at specified times. We'll undoubtedly run into each other at some point -- but wouldn't it just be a Camino thing to meet on the 10th!!
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Hi anne
Optimized just leaving los Arcos , planning to get to Viena today, where you at?

Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
I'm at Los Arcos .... Also the Dutch couple .... Going to Viana tomorrow ... Then Ligrono Friday .. First blister today :(.... And I got NOONE to complain to are doing OK for an old man :cool:
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hello :)

I am planning to start St Jean Sept 20th via Valcarlos- staying overnight - have booked accommodation. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has similar plan .
I will be taking it very slow as due to work and life have not been able to fit in training program.
Have done long hikes in the past but not in recent years. :cool:
I guess being flexible with my expectations will be my key although I would like to walk the pyrenees ( I know I don't have to ).

Cheers and thanks

Dear Anne

Don't worry ... You will have a fabulous time in so many ways and meet great people .
The daily routine / meditation of waking at 5.30 am eager to get in the track even in the dark will awaken your spirits in so many ways .... Even with blister and head cold you will rejoice and sing along the way ...
Your greatest concern will be that you don't have time to do all 800 kms ... But you know you WILL be back

Your new favourite word will be ULTREIA and that will become your mantra for the remainder of your life ...

Dear Anne

Don't worry ... You will have a fabulous time in so many ways and meet great people .
The daily routine / meditation of waking at 5.30 am eager to get in the track even in the dark will awaken your spirits in so many ways .... Even with blister and head cold you will rejoice and sing along the way ...
Your greatest concern will be that you don't have time to do all 800 kms ... But you know you WILL be back

Your new favourite word will be ULTREIA and that will become your mantra for the remainder of your life ...


. M:(I miss those days ....
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