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What is your main reason to participate on the Camino?

What is your main reason to participate on the Camino?

  • Meet People

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Health & Exercise

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Learn About Culture

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Connect With Nature

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spiritual Reasons

    Votes: 9 26.5%
  • Religious Reasons

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • For the Challenge

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • Food & Drink

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • All of the Above

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


A journey of 500 miles begins with one step!
Time of past OR future Camino
Caminho Da Fe(01/2019)
SJPdeP- SANT(09/2019)

Firstly let me begin by thanking everyone who have contributed to my preparation on this Forum and for alleviating any fears or concerns that I hadn't known existed until reading the varied and wonderful posts and threads on caminodesantiago.me and thanks for the late nights glued to the screen awaiting the newest threads to see if it relates to the next thread of inquiry that offered more insight than I already had or would ever need;)

My Donegal Granny once said, 'son there is no such thing as luck simply preparation meeting opportunity' and like many have suggested on this forum my own Journey has already begun, the very same day I decided to participate on the Camino de Santiago so its time to let go and 'go with the flow'.

My physical journey starts 09/09/18 from SJPdP and although my destination is open to wherever the wind takes me, my intention is to pass through Santiago de Compostela and travel west to the 'Edge of the world' and beyond. My understanding from reading others wisdom is that two different types participate on/in 'The Way', Destination people? or Journey people? I think I know which applies to me but I wouldn't be surprised to discover its not as clear a choice as it may appear to me now in my ignorance.

The reason I am participating is because I Can!, I Want to! and I Need to!.
I can
because I am lucky to have the greatest of wealth's, my good health (apart from a right ankle which causes pain after a few Km's but it has focused my attention and developed an awareness to listen to my body and if I change my attitude towards it and offer the intention for the pain to subside it diminishes as quickly as it appears). I'm also fortunate to have the financial means necessary to realise this intention and I do not take that for granted.

I want to ever since watching the film 'The Way' and reading Keith Foskett 'The Journey in Between' and all the interesting stories, revelations and insights on this forum. Other reasons relate to running a tour guide business and being guided, meeting a white wicca and too many coincidences and insightful teachings from strangers to ignore so since April this year I've been writing my memoir or rather its been writing me which will be a best selling book on Amazon and with 60,000 words already written it will form the foundations of my book on the Camino de Santiago. I intend recording my experience on a video camera and uploading weekly Vlogs too my social media @Derrybiketours. Please be aware that if we meet on the way and I receive an insight I will be asking for permission to include this in my memoir and for those that do will receive a free E-book, my thanks and be invited to a friends of the Camino event in Derry which I will be setting up on my return to help celebrate the book launch and a short film about my upcoming Journey. If it's really insightful I intend to offer a guided bike tour of my wonderful city:) (Apologies for the promotional rant but I am a business man and my intention is too return again and again on bike with others)

NB: I am not intending to film other pilgrims. My intention is to record the terrain, topography, trees (my favourite) views and vistas. Purpose being to show and tell for family, friends and followers. I have seen others carry out similar activities and if a revelation comes my way that offers a personal insight, with permission my intention is too record it in my memoir. These revelations to date have been very personal to me and have included reference to specific names, numbers, birds, buttons, affirmations, lessons, crystals, stones and shells. The universe has been playing a magical game and I'm just participating and keeping a record. There will be a book available at the end but as I've never written anything before I expect it will have limited appeal and if it makes money it will facilitate future Camino's with others less fortunate.

I need to, now having thought about this question posed in the subject title this is the main reason that I am participating on the Camino. My wife left me after only one year of marriage citing the reason was that 'she loved me but is no longer in love with me as I have changed and that I wasn't the person she married'. Initially I was in shock and couldn't understand as had expected that we're all in a constant state of flux and the first year of marriage can be challenging but throughout the months that have passed I have begun to realise what she has been revealing to me. I need to become a better version of myself and my hope is that this experience will provide the opportunity for personal growth, insightful reflection, spiritual growth and for me to find my calm. I am not focusing on salvaging the marriage as my wife is on her own journey and again wisdom from my wise grandmother would suggest that if 'it's for you then it'll not pass you by' and my hope is that all our paths might cross someday and I include you and wish everyone, past, present and future Buen Camino!

What's your main reason to participate on the Camino?

I look forward to your insights and seeing the results of our poll!


"Research from the website caminoways showed that just 28% of walkers today do the Camino for religious or spiritual reasons. 17.8% of Camino walkers hit the trail to get away from their daily life and connect with nature.
The most popular reason for walking the Camino was people looking for a new challenge, 28.2% of walkers wanted to test themselves physically and mentally along the way. 10.8% of people walk the trail specifically for health and exercise.
The diverse experiences along the route convinced 4.6% of those surveyed to complete the Camino to learn more about culture. The pilgrimage is also a social experience and some people walk it for that reason. infographic displays findings to survey carried out May 2017" https://caminoways.com/7-reasons-why-people-walk-camino


  • WhatReasonImage.jpg
    149.3 KB · Views: 11
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Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
If there's any other reasons or options I may have missed and you feel ought to be included in this poll feel free to include in the comments and i'll add it to our poll:)
I'm doing it after finishing 1.5 years treatment for cancer and then being dumped by my boyfriend of 8 years immediately after. No job no house no relationship. It's as good a reason as any to do this journey. Just hope I'm able for it physically as it's 6 months since I've finished treatment but it's nice to finally be choosing to do something with my life for the first time in a while rather than being forced down a road of hardship. Hopefully I'll find the strength to rebuild my life. Good luck to you on your journey x
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The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Thank you for sharing Wandalina, you sound like a courageous, wonderful women and keep up the good fight. It's humbling to hear about your very personal reasons and offering you my greatest intentions for your journey and Buen Camino
What's your main reason to participate on the Camino?
To find trust in me and my body, my capability to walk a long distance. Day after day, week after week - as far as my body will take me. Reaching borders, maybe sometimes crossing them, but always being in harmony with one's self / myself.

My mind, my knowledge, my faith have never ever let me down so far, my physical stamina unfortunately has never been that reliable.

As it is for the moment: I can't start my Camino Francés on Tuesday at Pamplona - flight already cancelled - because first I had problems with my feet, at the moment I've an infection which has to be treated with antibiotic ...

But my belief that I'm now going to start my spring-Camino in May/June 2019 does not waver ;) ...
But my belief that I'm now going to start my spring-Camino in May/June 2019 does not waver ;) ...[/QUOTE]

Sugargypsy, thankyou for sharing and agree body and mind in unison is key. Keep believing your feet will carry you'll be having a Spring in your step in more ways than one
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Interesting question Kevin.

Firstly I would say that I do not participate on the camino. I don't see it as a group exercise.

I do my own Camino, for me.

People, situations etc come and go, thats life, and it is condensed on the camino. I like to go and walk alone, so there is only me at the beginning, at the end, and to rely on in between.

Don't get me wrong I also love the camaraderie on route and in the evenings, I have met absolutely wonderful people, will happily help and be helped, but at the end of the day, I do it for me.

Reasons to do it? Well life doesn't always go as planned and sometimes you need to take time out, reason, reevaluate and refocus. In my case it was heart attack at 39, depression, unexpected separation, divorce, ( 20 years married), lone parent to 3 kids, near financial ruination, and home repossession. Stress stress stress, but hey shit happens. The only person you can control is yourself, and the only person you are responsible for, is yourself (well ur kids too!!)

Initially my motivation was to get away from it all, and to prove to myself that I could do it, or die trying. Foolhardy? Maybe.

Instead, I had a wonderful journey, sometimes hard, that revealed things about me to myself,, about others, maybe even about the universe, an epiphany if you like. Or maybe just a realisation of what is important and what is not.

Kevin, do your Camino for you , this time, , with no expectations. Be kind to yourself. Forget the business side of it for now. Make time to walk alone, to sing, to laugh, to cry, to be angry. This will make ur next camino more of an opportunity to focus on the business side of things, with a clearer mind,if that is what you want.

Best of luck to you.
Welcome to the forum and all the best for your Camino.

You will find that this question has been asked and polled many times on the forum and of course the pilgrim office compiles stats on reasons which make for intersting analysis.

Perhaps it would have been more useful for you to poll opinion after having completed the Camino yourself as you may have had a greater understanding of what it can mean.

I am pleased you will be asking for permission before publishing your recordings on your blog, but I would be careful where you point your camera while on the way, many pilgrims don't appreciate being unexpectantly filmed and may not wish to take part in promoting your commercial interests.
The only person you can control is yourself, and the only person you are responsible for, is yourself (well ur kids too!!)

Initially my motivation was to get away from it all, and to prove to myself that I could do it, or die trying. Foolhardy? Maybe.

Instead, I had a wonderful journey, sometimes hard, that revealed things about me to myself,, about others, maybe even about the universe, an epiphany if you like. Or maybe just a realisation of what is important and what is not.

Kevin, do your Camino for you , this time, , with no expectations. Be kind to yourself. Forget the business side of it for now. Make time to walk alone, to sing, to laugh, to cry, to be angry. This will make ur next camino more of an opportunity to focus on the business side of things, with a clearer mind,if that is what you want.

Best of luck to you.[/QUOTE]

Interesting perspective James, thank you for sharing and I'm grateful for the valuable life lesson, especially not too create expectations and park the business dimension for now. Although I agree another time may be a better time my business is an extension of my personality and it's the proceeds of the business that has facilitated this opportunity. I was going to brand my clothing but having received your advice instead I will the go gently and be marketing through word of mouth. I can't imagine what you have been through and I'm glad you had your ephipany. I wish you all the preparation and opportunity going forward and the very best of health and happiness.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Welcome to the forum and all the best for your Camino.

You will find that this question has been asked and polled many times on the forum and of course the pilgrim office compiles stats on reasons which make for intersting analysis.

Thank you helScott and I expect it has been asked many times before and there is duplication of subject matter and topics throughout the posts and threads on this valuable resource.

Perhaps it would have been more useful for you to poll opinion after having completed the Camino yourself as you may have had a greater understanding of what it can mean.

I take on board your view but can't see why it can't be polled before experiencing also. I felt it pertinent to my own reasons and expect the same reason I am doing this will remain the same before, during and after. It will be interesting to poll again and I will follow your advice on my return. Thank you

I am pleased you will be asking for permission before publishing your recordings on your blog, but I would be careful where you point your camera while on the way, many pilgrims don't appreciate being unexpectantly filmed and may not wish to take part in promoting your commercial interests.

Thank you helScott and I expect it has been asked many times before and there is duplication of subject matter and topics throughout the posts and threads on this valuable resource.

I take on board your view but can't see why it can't be polled before experiencing also. I felt it pertinent to my own reasons and expect the same reason I am doing this will remain the same before, during and after. It will be interesting to poll again and I will follow your advice on my return. Thank you

I am not intending to unexpectedly film other pilgrims. My intention is to record the terrain, topography, trees (my favourite) views and vistas. Purpose being to show and tell for family, friends and followers. I have seen others carry out similar activities and if a revelation comes my way that offers a personal insight, with permission my intention is too record it in my memoir. These revelations to date have been very personal to me and have included reference to specific names, numbers, birds, buttons, affirmations, lessons, crystals, stones and shells. The universe has been playing a magical game and I'm just participating and keeping a record. There will be a book available at the end but as I've never written anything before I expect it will have limited appeal and if it makes money it will facilitate future Camino's with others less fortunate.
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I'm doing it after finishing 1.5 years treatment for cancer and then being dumped by my boyfriend of 8 years immediately after. No job no house no relationship. It's as good a reason as any to do this journey. Just hope I'm able for it physically as it's 6 months since I've finished treatment but it's nice to finally be choosing to do something with my life for the first time in a while rather than being forced down a road of hardship. Hopefully I'll find the strength to rebuild my life. Good luck to you on your journey x

Walk the way, walk this way!

To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.

May your pilgrimage open a vista of new ways and means!

Buen camino.
I'm doing it after finishing 1.5 years treatment for cancer and then being dumped by my boyfriend of 8 years immediately after. No job no house no relationship. It's as good a reason as any to do this journey. Just hope I'm able for it physically as it's 6 months since I've finished treatment but it's nice to finally be choosing to do something with my life for the first time in a while rather than being forced down a road of hardship. Hopefully I'll find the strength to rebuild my life. Good luck to you on your journey x
You’ve got more than enough reasons to walk. Wishing you loads of strength and peace! Buen Camino.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Interesting question Kevin.

Firstly I would say that I do not participate on the camino. I don't see it as a group exercise.

I do my own Camino, for me.

People, situations etc come and go, thats life, and it is condensed on the camino. I like to go and walk alone, so there is only me at the beginning, at the end, and to rely on in between.

Don't get me wrong I also love the camaraderie on route and in the evenings, I have met absolutely wonderful people, will happily help and be helped, but at the end of the day, I do it for me.

Reasons to do it? Well life doesn't always go as planned and sometimes you need to take time out, reason, reevaluate and refocus. In my case it was heart attack at 39, depression, unexpected separation, divorce, ( 20 years married), lone parent to 3 kids, near financial ruination, and home repossession. Stress stress stress, but hey shit happens. The only person you can control is yourself, and the only person you are responsible for, is yourself (well ur kids too!!)

Initially my motivation was to get away from it all, and to prove to myself that I could do it, or die trying. Foolhardy? Maybe.

Instead, I had a wonderful journey, sometimes hard, that revealed things about me to myself,, about others, maybe even about the universe, an epiphany if you like. Or maybe just a realisation of what is important and what is not.

Kevin, do your Camino for you , this time, , with no expectations. Be kind to yourself. Forget the business side of it for now. Make time to walk alone, to sing, to laugh, to cry, to be angry. This will make ur next camino more of an opportunity to focus on the business side of things, with a clearer mind,if that is what you want.

Best of luck to you.
Such a powerful story! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing Wandalina, you sound like a courageous, wonderful women and keep up the good fight. It's humbling to hear about your very personal reasons and offering you my greatest intentions for your journey and Buen Camino
Thank you. I feel there's so many brave people out there who don't get any attention or praise. We are all brave, we are all heroes in our own way. The strength to get yourself out of bed and say a kind word to someone else when you are feeling like crap... that is brave. Taking some sort of action, propelling yourself forward or even just stumbling forward as I feel I am doing, is brave. Good luck with your project
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Interesting question Kevin.

Firstly I would say that I do not participate on the camino. I don't see it as a group exercise.

I do my own Camino, for me.

People, situations etc come and go, thats life, and it is condensed on the camino. I like to go and walk alone, so there is only me at the beginning, at the end, and to rely on in between.

Don't get me wrong I also love the camaraderie on route and in the evenings, I have met absolutely wonderful people, will happily help and be helped, but at the end of the day, I do it for me.

Reasons to do it? Well life doesn't always go as planned and sometimes you need to take time out, reason, reevaluate and refocus. In my case it was heart attack at 39, depression, unexpected separation, divorce, ( 20 years married), lone parent to 3 kids, near financial ruination, and home repossession. Stress stress stress, but hey shit happens. The only person you can control is yourself, and the only person you are responsible for, is yourself (well ur kids too!!)

Initially my motivation was to get away from it all, and to prove to myself that I could do it, or die trying. Foolhardy? Maybe.

Instead, I had a wonderful journey, sometimes hard, that revealed things about me to myself,, about others, maybe even about the universe, an epiphany if you like. Or maybe just a realisation of what is important and what is not.

Kevin, do your Camino for you , this time, , with no expectations. Be kind to yourself. Forget the business side of it for now. Make time to walk alone, to sing, to laugh, to cry, to be angry. This will make ur next camino more of an opportunity to focus on the business side of things, with a clearer mind,if that is what you want.

Best of luck to you.
Wonderful advice and beautifully encapsulated I can't wait for my first Camino
Thank you. I feel there's so many brave people out there who don't get any attention or praise. We are all brave, we are all heroes in our own way. The strength to get yourself out of bed and say a kind word to someone else when you are feeling like crap... that is brave. Taking some sort of action, propelling yourself forward or even just stumbling forward as I feel I am doing, is brave. Good luck with your project

Thanks a million Wandalina for your kind intentions and congratulations on moving forward and sometimes you can visualise the steps on your journey without having to go anywhere
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Routine has its appropriate place, but for me, routine is lethal. When given the gift of being 100% free to elect in what one is going to invest their time and attention, one should feel the added responsibility of choosing well. To have this freedom yet not live freely - is just sad.

The Camino is there, why wouldn't one walk it?
Routine has its appropriate place, but for me, routine is lethal. When given the gift of being 100% free to elect in what one is going to invest their time and attention, one should feel the added responsibility of choosing well. To have this freedom yet not live freely - is just sad.

The Camino is there, why wouldn't one walk it?
Itaintarace, thank you for your contribution but I'm not quite sure if your simply expressing a personal view or referring to point of view already expressed?
Totally a personal view based on my opinion about me exclusively. Wasn't offering any judgments about any of the previous posters, I apologize for any confusion. I appreciate your thread and your follow up question, thank you.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Totally a personal view based on my opinion about me exclusively. Wasn't offering any judgments about any of the previous posters, I apologize for any confusion. I appreciate your thread and your follow up question, thank you.

Thank you for elaborating and no apology necessary ItAintARace and wishing you a Buen Camino:)
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
I'm doing it after finishing 1.5 years treatment for cancer and then being dumped by my boyfriend of 8 years immediately after. No job no house no relationship. It's as good a reason as any to do this journey. Just hope I'm able for it physically as it's 6 months since I've finished treatment but it's nice to finally be choosing to do something with my life for the first time in a while rather than being forced down a road of hardship. Hopefully I'll find the strength to rebuild my life. Good luck to you on your journey x
Buen Camino, Wandalina. May the road be light on your feet and bring you joy and peace.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I have a variety of reason for walking that include multiple checks from the list above...
I have a variety of reason for walking that include multiple checks from the list above...

Thanks for reply, it is noted variety is the spice of life, Stivandrer, do you care to share the main reason, if not Buen Camino

Firstly let me begin by thanking everyone who have contributed to my preparation on this Forum and for alleviating any fears or concerns that I hadn't known existed until reading the varied and wonderful posts and threads on this forum and thanks for the late nights glued to the screen awaiting the newest threads to see if it relates to the next thread of inquiry that offered more insight than I already had or would ever need.

My Donegal Granny once said, 'son there is no such thing as luck simply preparation meeting opportunity' and like many have suggested on this forum my journey has already begun the very same day I decided to participate on the Camino de Santiago so its time to let go and 'go with the flow'.

The physical journey starts 09/09/18 from SJPdP and although my destination is open to wherever the wind takes me, my intention is to pass through Santiago de Compostela and travel west to the 'edge of the world' and beyond. My understanding from reading others wisdom is that two different types participate on/in 'The Way', Destination people? or Journey people? I think I know which applies to me but I wouldn't be surprised to discover its not as clear a choice as it may appear to me now in my ignorance.

The reason I am participating is because I Can!, I Want to! and I Need to!.
I can
because I am lucky to have the greatest of wealth's, my good health (apart from a right ankle which causes pain after a few Km's but it has focused my attention and developed an awareness to listen to my body and if I change my attitude towards it and offer the intention for the pain to subside it diminishes as quickly as it appears). I'm also fortunate to have the financial means necessary to realise this intention and I do not take that for granted.

I want to ever since watching the film 'The Way' and reading Keith Foskett 'The Journey in Between' and all the interesting stories, revelations and insights on this forum. Other reasons relate to running a tour guide business and being guided, meeting a white wicca and too many coincidences and insightful teachings from strangers to ignore so since April this year I've been writing my memoir or rather its been writing me which will be a best selling book on Amazon and with 60,000 words already written it will form the foundations of my book on the Camino de Santiago. I intend recording my experience on a video camera and uploading weekly Vlogs too my social media @Derrybiketours. Please be aware that if we meet on the way and I receive an insight I will be asking for permission to include this in my memoir and for those that do will receive a free e-book, my thanks and be invited to a friends of the Camino event in Derry which I will be setting up on my return to help celebrate the book launch and short film about my upcoming journey. If it's really insightful I intend to offer a guided bike tour of my wonderful city. (Apologies for the promotional rant but I am a business man and my intention is too return again and again on bike with others)

I need to, now having thought about this question posed in the subject title this is the main reason that I am participating on the Camino. My wife left me after only one year of marriage citing the reason was that 'she loved me but is no longer in love with me as I have changed and that I wasn't the person she married'. Initially I was in Shock and couldn't understand as had expected that we're all in a constant state of flux and the first year of marriage can be challenging but throughout the months that have passed I have begun realize what she has been revealing to me. I need to become a better version of myself and my hope is that this experience will provide the opportunity for personal growth, insightful reflection, spiritual growth and for me to find my calm. I am not focusing on salvaging the marriage as my wife is on her own journey and again wisdom from my wise grandmother would suggest that if 'it's for you then it'll not pass you by' and my hope is that all our paths might cross someday and I include you and wish everyone, past, present and future Buen Camino!

What's your main reason to participate on the Camino?

I look forward to your insights!


"Research from the website caminoways showed that just 28% of walkers today do the Camino for religious or spiritual reasons. 17.8% of Camino walkers hit the trail to get away from their daily life and connect with nature.
The most popular reason for walking the Camino was people looking for a new challenge, 28.2% of walkers wanted to test themselves physically and mentally along the way. 10.8% of people walk the trail specifically for health and exercise.
The diverse experiences along the route convinced 4.6% of those surveyed to complete the Camino to learn more about culture. The pilgrimage is also a social experience and some people walk it for that reason. infographic displays findings to survey carried out May 2017" https://caminoways.com/7-reasons-why-people-walk-camino
For me its the chance to be totally .completely. with GOD. Just the quiet peace, the chance to love and be loved, the chance to talk to him and with him, I find myself in another world, its what I feel heaven is like. God Bless.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Thanks for reply, it is noted variety is the spice of life, Stivandrer, do you care to share the main reason, if not Buen Camino

1) an old promise to go Camino before my 60th birthday..heard of the Camino through my father in 1968 !
2) A prostate cancer operation made that very pertinent to ever happen....
3) getting fit through walking to work, convalescence made that possible and made it
a physical challenge, pure & simple..
4) the challenge was to simply make it happen ...
5) wanted a spiritual quest for meaning for my existence
6) and to test my religious beliefs, being a Protestant and a Pastor´s son ( 5 generations of them !)
7) being a political youth, I never visited Spain during ther reign of the Generalissimo...
hence my thirst for meeting people in Spain, eat food of an unheard of quality and meeting people I will never ever forget...

I think I have ticked every box, really...
- I think I would call it a cascade effect rather than a choice of any one thing...
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1) an old promise to go Camino before my 60th birthday..heard of the Camino through my father in 1968 !
2) A prostate cancer operation made that very pertinent to ever happen....
3) getting fit through walking to work, convalescence made that possible and made it
a physical challenge, pure & simple..
4) the challenge was to simply make it happen ...
5) wanted a spiritual quest for meaning for my existence
6) and to test my religious beliefs, being a Protestant and a Pastor´s son ( 5 generations of them !)
7) being a political youth, I never visited Spain during ther reign of the Generalissimo...
hence my thirst for meeting people in Spain, eat food of an unheard of quality and meeting people I will never ever forget...

I think I have ticked every box, really...
- I think I would call it a cascade effect rather than a choice of any one thing...

WOW, that is indeed a magnificent seven and appreciate your sharing. it strikes me that having read your's and other replies that my marriage break-up and quest to understand a little bit more about our source energy and the universe is relatively less to the healing journey that others find themselves on. I wish you many life's/lives in your years:)

Firstly let me begin by thanking everyone who have contributed to my preparation on this Forum and for alleviating any fears or concerns that I hadn't known existed until reading the varied and wonderful posts and threads on caminodesantiago.me and thanks for the late nights glued to the screen awaiting the newest threads to see if it relates to the next thread of inquiry that offered more insight than I already had or would ever need;)

My Donegal Granny once said, 'son there is no such thing as luck simply preparation meeting opportunity' and like many have suggested on this forum my own Journey has already begun, the very same day I decided to participate on the Camino de Santiago so its time to let go and 'go with the flow'.

My physical journey starts 09/09/18 from SJPdP and although my destination is open to wherever the wind takes me, my intention is to pass through Santiago de Compostela and travel west to the 'Edge of the world' and beyond. My understanding from reading others wisdom is that two different types participate on/in 'The Way', Destination people? or Journey people? I think I know which applies to me but I wouldn't be surprised to discover its not as clear a choice as it may appear to me now in my ignorance.

The reason I am participating is because I Can!, I Want to! and I Need to!.
I can
because I am lucky to have the greatest of wealth's, my good health (apart from a right ankle which causes pain after a few Km's but it has focused my attention and developed an awareness to listen to my body and if I change my attitude towards it and offer the intention for the pain to subside it diminishes as quickly as it appears). I'm also fortunate to have the financial means necessary to realise this intention and I do not take that for granted.

I want to ever since watching the film 'The Way' and reading Keith Foskett 'The Journey in Between' and all the interesting stories, revelations and insights on this forum. Other reasons relate to running a tour guide business and being guided, meeting a white wicca and too many coincidences and insightful teachings from strangers to ignore so since April this year I've been writing my memoir or rather its been writing me which will be a best selling book on Amazon and with 60,000 words already written it will form the foundations of my book on the Camino de Santiago. I intend recording my experience on a video camera and uploading weekly Vlogs too my social media @Derrybiketours. Please be aware that if we meet on the way and I receive an insight I will be asking for permission to include this in my memoir and for those that do will receive a free E-book, my thanks and be invited to a friends of the Camino event in Derry which I will be setting up on my return to help celebrate the book launch and a short film about my upcoming Journey. If it's really insightful I intend to offer a guided bike tour of my wonderful city:) (Apologies for the promotional rant but I am a business man and my intention is too return again and again on bike with others)

I need to, now having thought about this question posed in the subject title this is the main reason that I am participating on the Camino. My wife left me after only one year of marriage citing the reason was that 'she loved me but is no longer in love with me as I have changed and that I wasn't the person she married'. Initially I was in shock and couldn't understand as had expected that we're all in a constant state of flux and the first year of marriage can be challenging but throughout the months that have passed I have begun to realise what she has been revealing to me. I need to become a better version of myself and my hope is that this experience will provide the opportunity for personal growth, insightful reflection, spiritual growth and for me to find my calm. I am not focusing on salvaging the marriage as my wife is on her own journey and again wisdom from my wise grandmother would suggest that if 'it's for you then it'll not pass you by' and my hope is that all our paths might cross someday and I include you and wish everyone, past, present and future Buen Camino!

What's your main reason to participate on the Camino?

I look forward to your insights and seeing the results of our poll!


"Research from the website caminoways showed that just 28% of walkers today do the Camino for religious or spiritual reasons. 17.8% of Camino walkers hit the trail to get away from their daily life and connect with nature.
The most popular reason for walking the Camino was people looking for a new challenge, 28.2% of walkers wanted to test themselves physically and mentally along the way. 10.8% of people walk the trail specifically for health and exercise.
The diverse experiences along the route convinced 4.6% of those surveyed to complete the Camino to learn more about culture. The pilgrimage is also a social experience and some people walk it for that reason. infographic displays findings to survey carried out May 2017" https://caminoways.com/7-reasons-why-people-walk-camino

I think what I really wanted was an "all of the above" choice. I began with only a compulsion. Had to go, without really knowing just why. Along the way I recognized it was touching me spiritually, but there were all those other things going on as well...... Perhaps Dan's song is my answer.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
this is what I mean,
it seems like a chain reaction.
.....oh and I just noticed that you have a date too! Less than a week to go. Well, buen camino to you too. We'll be on the trail at the same times but I doubt I will catch you.

Ian you'd be surprised I'm not in hurry and plan to get lost and wander aimlessly 'off the beaten track' and won't have the benefit of a pogo stick so you may even pass me by;)
I think what I really wanted was an "all of the above" choice. I began with only a compulsion. Had to go, without really knowing just why. Along the way I recognized it was touching me spiritually, but there were all those other things going on as well...... Perhaps Dan's song is my answer.

Thank you for sharing WalkingJane and be careful what you wish for and was going to add Dans song as an option but only you and Dan would have understood the answer;)
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
this is what I mean,
it seems like a chain reaction.

No pun intended Stivandrer although on this occasion I will be on two wheely comfortable Merrels ;)
I felt I had to go. There was no clear answer as to why. I thought ," Well, when the Camino calls...you listen" and I went. I had never even enjoyed walking, never backpacked, never climbed a mountain, never traveled abroad alone, had never been to Europe, has a house and a business to tend to with no one to tend to it, I did not speak Spanish, did not have any familiarity with metrics, sucked at doing math, was overweight and 9 months post mastectomy. My children thought I was insane and everyone I disclosed my plan to tried everything in their power to dissuade me.
I was miserable walking most of the first two weeks, thinking that I needed to tend to a hateful, high maintenance old lady from Canada, who arrived alone, with no phone or means of making daily arrangements for her bag and bed. She had numerous physical ailments and made sure everyone knew about it. She was rude and disrespectful in all of the churches and cathedrals, often eating food and yawning out loud or letting out heavy sighs to let everyone know she was not at all interested nor impressed with anything religious. Indeed, SHE was my first camino lesson. I had to cut her loose. Being a registered nurse, a licensed mental health counselor and certified sexual assault nurse examiner...it went against everything I ever did to give up on someone so needy. The lesson is we cannot fix those who don't acknowledge they are broken or don't want to do better. And trying only depletes us until we aren't able to help anyone.

After parting ways and walking on my own a day, I met numerous others who restored my faith. I found pleasure in even the minor things and it was as if I was skipping weight free after leaving the anchor behind.

Then the truly miraculous happened...each day I was meeting people who I had not set eyes on in days prior who seemingly appeared out of nowhere...walking wounded. Pilgrims suffering from blisters, ulcers, bad sunburns, dehydration, a bug in an eye, a tooth needing removal, a toenail that needed to be yanked, the hungry....and many many telling stories of pain in their lives that resulted from being sexually abused...as children as teens, as adults, in their marriages, incest...It was incredulous . Broken hearts , heavy with anger, shame, guilt, depression....

No one will be able to tell me that it was coincidence that these lovely souls just happened to walk beside me, a specialist trained in sexual trauma, in the middle of nowhere in Spain. They came from many different countries, were all ages, both genders, and remarkably, there was no language barrier despite speaking different languages. It was only after I completed my first camino and returned home that I realized I had been compelled to go....but not for me. I felt I had to walk , in a sense, to be there for those who needed to make peace with their pain. I've walked every year since. I make no announcement that I am a medical & mental health professional...and yet they find me.

I no longer say that the Camino is not mine to walk, because in walking a camino of service to others, I am filled with great joy.

" it is in giving that we receive".

So I guess none of the options listed by the OP apply to why I walk, but my reasons couldn't be more clear.
I leave in 4 days for the next ! Bom Caminho !
"Research from the website caminoways showed that just 28% of walkers today do the Camino for religious or spiritual reasons. 17.8% of Camino walkers hit the trail to get away from their daily life and connect with nature.
The most popular reason for walking the Camino was people looking for a new challenge, 28.2% of walkers wanted to test themselves physically and mentally along the way. 10.8% of people walk the trail specifically for health and exercise.
The diverse experiences along the route convinced 4.6% of those surveyed to complete the Camino to learn more about culture.

Camino Ways is a tour company, and as such may attract people seeking a different kind of experience.

Polls are always interesting here on the forum, but will often raise more questions than answers ;)
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
" Well, when the Camino calls...you listen"

SHE was my first camino lesson. I had to cut her loose. The lesson is we cannot fix those who don't acknowledge they are broken or don't want to do better. And trying only depletes us until we aren't able to help anyone.

After parting ways and walking on my own a day, I met numerous others who restored my faith. I found pleasure in even the minor things and it was as if I was skipping weight free after leaving the anchor behind.

No one will be able to tell me that it was coincidence that these lovely souls just happened to walk beside me, It was only after I completed my first camino and returned home that I realized I had been compelled to go....but not for me. I felt I had to walk , in a sense, to be there for those who needed to make peace with their pain.

I no longer say that the Camino is not mine to walk, because in walking a camino of service to others, I am filled with great joy. " it is in giving that we receive".

So I guess none of the options listed by the OP apply to why I walk, but my reasons couldn't be more clear.
I leave in 4 days for the next ! Bom Caminho ![/QUOTE]

KJFSophie that's an inspirational insight into the Camino and life in general and I'm deeply affected by the lessons that you have been kind enough to share here and my hope is that I can experience half of what you have and 100% agree that "it is in giving that we receive". I look forward to receiving my 'anchor' moment or some kind of epiphany as I've been flowing through life up until now without any real purpose but maybe I'm one of the lucky ones and all is well in my world in comparison to other insights and I feel like I'm already receiving lessons from 'the way'. Wishing you the very best intentions for your future Caminos callings, Bom Caminho:)
Camino Ways is a tour company, and as such may attract people seeking a different kind of experience.

Polls are always interesting here on the forum, but will often raise more questions than answers ;)

Robo, Thank you for your informed opinion. I totally agree but would add that caminoways tour company claim there information is coupled with statistics from the Pilgrims office in Santiago. One difference I felt was to distinguish between the Religious and Spiritual and this differentiation is proving to be an interesting observation. My understanding is that caminoways own survey combined religious and spiritual reason as one and arguably they are intrinsically linked or are they?
I'm doing it after finishing 1.5 years treatment for cancer and then being dumped by my boyfriend of 8 years immediately after. No job no house no relationship. It's as good a reason as any to do this journey. Just hope I'm able for it physically as it's 6 months since I've finished treatment but it's nice to finally be choosing to do something with my life for the first time in a while rather than being forced down a road of hardship. Hopefully I'll find the strength to rebuild my life. Good luck to you on your journey x
That's a good reason to do it. You'll be ok, just go slowly, carefully look after your feet, don't carry too much weight in rucksack, take a break now and then to rest and explore some of the beautiful towns along The Way. Most people, if not all, will have a story or two to tell. Some are funny, others more serious, but all are unique and special to the people you meet. Enjoy every moment of the journey, and be patient with others and yourself. A big Camino embrace awaits the open heart.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
That's a good reason to do it. You'll be ok, just go slowly, carefully look after your feet, don't carry too much weight in rucksack, take a break now and then to rest and explore some of the beautiful towns along The Way. Most people, if not all, will have a story or two to tell. Some are funny, others more serious, but all are unique and special to the people you meet. Enjoy every moment of the journey, and be patient with others and yourself. A big Camino embrace awaits the open heart.
Thank you mark for your lovely message
For me its the chance to be totally .completely. with GOD. Just the quiet peace, the chance to love and be loved, the chance to talk to him and with him, I find myself in another world, its what I feel heaven is like. God Bless.

Heaven on Earth, that's beautiful sentiments Ian & Helen, thank you for sharing, let me guess... Helen

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