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Search 69,459 Camino Questions


  1. Goldenfrapucino

    Camping on a Camino Portugues route.

    Hello, I have a question as a female traveler new to this whole thing. Me and my mother will be starting this summer our first ever Camino. We were thinking about camping in a small tent instead of sleeping in accommodations ( to enjoy the nature and night sky more). Is it relatively safe for...
  2. M

    Camping along the coastal route

    Hello, my son and I are planning to walk from Porta along the Coastal Route in June. Can anyone recommend any campsites along the way please? Thank you in advance.
  3. L

    Hiking with a tent

    Hi Guys, I will be hiking the camino frances starting in June. Who has already done it with a tent? I have read that other people asked in albergues for permission and put up their tents in the gardens. Can you give me some advice in this area? Do most of the albergues have a suitable garden...
  4. D

    tenting allowed in Asturias areas? or in el norte generally...

    I"m hiking mostly in Asturias, seaside. Is tenting allowed there.... by trail, or some park/forest areas? Very simple one person tent, and quick jet boil for food, no fires. Experienced packer here. That's just In case an Albergue isn't open....there may be long stretches without albergue or...
  5. Tagmonkee

    Tent in December

    Hi gang, I’m planning to walk the Frances this month. I am considering using a high quality, one man tent that will afford me shelter if weather gets too miserable but also, a place to sleep, if on any given night, I struggle to find anywhere open at this time of year. Does this sound like a...
  6. A

    Light tent vs Bivy bag

    Hi everyone! I will walk the Camino for the first time next August. I will leave from my city in Italy, near Bologna, and hope to make it to Santiago in about 3 months (maybe splitting the trip in two because of other commitments I will have between August and October). I will follow part of...
  7. ScotsWanderer

    Wild camping

    Hello , I have a question to everyone relating to camping. I am starting the Camino del Norte on September 6th by foot. I am wanting to bring my small hiking tent to save money. I've been reading that I may not be allowed to wild camp along the Norte route. Is this a fact ? Can you still pay a...
  8. Frogatthefarriers

    Camping on VDLP: Feasible or not?

    Another question. Camping. I’ve been bikepacking for a few years now, but only in UK and max for four days, but thought to extend this to my Camino in September. My thought was to try to camp out every other day, and albergue the others to wash my kit and meet fellow Peregrinos. Is that...
  9. F

    Camping along Le Puy en Velay October/ November?

    Hello! I am planning to start walking from Le Puy en Velay in mid/ late October with my partner. We're getting very excited! We normally camp when walking but we aren't able to walk until the autumn due to work. Does anyone have any advice on taking camping gear on this route, particularly at...
  10. G

    charity shop, thrift store, etc. for cheap/free camping gear?

    ¡Hola peregrinos! I'll probably walk the Camino Inglés in late Augist. Afterward, I am thinking of camping for a few days in the Cíes Islands and will need a tent and ideally a sleeping mat. Wondering if there is somewhere in Santiago de Compostela offering free/cheap camping gear? Just need...
  11. Ge1ert

    Hello. A perhaps common question re camping and what you carry

    Hi Apologies for my naievity. I have only just started posting here after 2 years, but I now have enough free time to 'walk'. For people who carry a tent and backpack, can anyone please recommend a past thread (if such a one exists), where people have compared or recommended backpack and...
  12. Fromista

    Camping in the Portugal Camino

    I am planning to walk from Porto to Santiago in April (Portugal Camino, coastal path). I would like to take my tent and camp, wherever it is possible. If you were camping along the coastal way, please share your experience - any list of camping's, place recommended to stay, or anything you might...
  13. good_old_shoes

    Campsite list Germany - Finisterre

    For my Camino last year I created a list of campsites for the complete way from Germany (Cologne) to Finisterre. The list covers the way from Cologne via Koblenz, Trier, Metz, Langres, Dijon, Cluny and Le Puy. So it can be used for - part of "linksrheinischer Jakobsweg" from Cologne (along...
  14. M

    Safe Camping and private rooms

    I did Frances last June and never really booked ahead. Just called places around lunch time to check on private rooms or the possibility to camp in the hostels yard. I was wondering if the coastal way in Portugal is about the same. I saw there are many camp grounds near the coast. If anyone...
  15. Larkan

    Allowed to use Camping stove?

    Im heading out on my first Camino (Frances) at the start of April. Initially I was planning on bringing my Trangia/alcohol fuled camp stove with me but now I feel very nervous about it. Reasons for bringing it: Budget is going to be one of my pilgrim struggles. Also, i have a few...
  16. F

    My ideal Camino... is it possible?

    I plan to walk the Francis in May, 23... this being my first Camino. A friend, who has walked it several times, recently told me that preparing for the journey would be nearly as much fun as the actual walk. He was so right! I've begun to look at what I would want for me. I've budgeted to stay...
  17. W

    Camping on the Camino?

    I imagine That some people on the Camino de Santiago might actually be camping out in a tent along the route to Santiago. I saw on a few maps an indication of “” camping “. So what are the guidelines on a trail of this nature which permit Pilgrims to be independent of available housing be at a...
  18. F

    Camping stove, Trangia

    Hello! Currently cycling the Norte. I brought my Trangia for cooking when camping or when the Albergues dont have a kitchen. I prefer to eat vegan so value the dietary autonomy this option gives me, however I’ve reached a conundrum. We are obviously still in wild fire peak times so I feel...
  19. K

    Camping, Money and Walking Intensity

    Bonjour! My friend and I are doing 9 days on the Chemine Le Puy, starting in Le Puy, and hopefully getting as far as Conques. I have read through many of these threads, and they are super helpful! I have a few questions for anyone who has done this route: 1) I am a little intimidated by the...
  20. Chris2017uk

    Camping and food

    Hello, I’m hoping to start on the via Francigena in September, my question is - are there many camping options and small food supermarkets for supply in France ? Thanks in advance

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