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Flights to/from the Portuguese Camino


Time of past OR future Camino
Camino Frances - May (2019)
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I'm assuming that you are planning to start your walk from Lisbon, not Porto?
Check out the costs of "multi-city" tickets. For example fly into Lisbon and home from Santiago, Porto, or Madrid. Multi-city tickets are often comparable in price or not much more than a round trip.
I use Google Flights to search for flights and there is a drop down menu to pick round trip, one way, or multi-city tickets.

I'm assuming that you are planning to start your walk from Lisbon, not Porto?
Check out the costs of "multi-city" tickets. For example fly into Lisbon and home from Santiago, Porto, or Madrid. Multi-city tickets are often comparable in price or not much more than a round trip.
I use Google Flights to search for flights and there is a drop down menu to pick round trip, one way, or multi-city tickets.

View attachment 136986
Yes, I will be starting from Lisbon. Thank you for that information, I wasn't even aware "multi-city" was an option.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Our flights are with Air Transat from Toronto to Lisbon, walking to Santiago. and return by Asla bus to Porto with return to Toronto. Our plans for 2023 April will be walking the Fishermen's trail with flights to Lisbon.
Wife and I recently completed our Lisboa to SDC Camino Sept/Oct and we arrived in Lisboa, Walked to SDC then flew from SDC back to Lisboa. Our original flight booking was Charlotte to Lisboa and return. We made certain that we had enough time to make the Camino to SDC from Lisboa when we booked our round trip ticket with extra days. Ended up that we had plenty of extra days so rather then buying a ticket from SDC to Lisboa which was our original plan, we flew to Bilbao and bused to Logrono for a 4 days vacation doing wine tours. It was marvelous as the Camino not only made a wine drinker out of me it made a into a Rioja drinker. I send two cases directly to my home in Florida from the Bodegas!!!

For the two flights, SDC to Bilbao and Bilba to Lisboa we found a local travel agent who arranged our flight for us. For some reason we were not able to find any carriers at the airports that would sell us a plane ticket???

Enjoy your Camino as we did ours walking from Lisboa north. The farms were harvesting Tomato's and corn for many miles between Lisboa and Porto. We also veered to walk to Fatima which was precious for us and strayed for three nights!!
Wife and I recently completed our Lisboa to SDC Camino Sept/Oct and we arrived in Lisboa, Walked to SDC then flew from SDC back to Lisboa. Our original flight booking was Charlotte to Lisboa and return. We made certain that we had enough time to make the Camino to SDC from Lisboa when we booked our round trip ticket with extra days. Ended up that we had plenty of extra days so rather then buying a ticket from SDC to Lisboa which was our original plan, we flew to Bilboa and bused to Logrono for a 4 days vacation doing wine tours. It was marvelous as the Camino not only made a wine drinker out of me it made a into a Rioja drinker. I send two cases directly to my home in Florida from the Bodegas!!!

For the two flights, SDC to Bilboa and Bilboa to Lisboa we found a local travel agent who arranged our flight for us. For some reason we were not able to find any carriers at the airports that would sell us a plane ticket???

Enjoy your Camino as we did ours walking from Lisboa north. The farms were harvesting Tomato's and corn for many miles between Lisboa and Porto. We also veered to walk to Fatima which was precious for us and strayed for three nights!!
Sounds wonderful! Thank you for that. Did you find walking out of Lisboa dangerous? It has been suggested that I skip walking the first day because of the highway.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Sounds wonderful! Thank you for that. Did you find walking out of Lisboa dangerous? It has been suggested that I skip walking the first day because of the highway.
I believe you are thinking of the first day walking out of Porto which follows a very busy commercial street. If so, plenty of suggestions in other posts on alternatives.
Sounds wonderful! Thank you for that. Did you find walking out of Lisboa dangerous? It has been suggested that I skip walking the first day because of the highway.
I believe you are thinking of the first day walking out of Porto which follows a very busy commercial street. If so, plenty of suggestions in other posts on alternatives.
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
Bus travel from SdC to Porto and Lisbon is inexpensive, pleasant, and easy to book. Rome2Rio website or google maps directions will give you all of those options.
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
I believe you are thinking of the first day walking out of Porto which follows a very busy commercial street. If so, plenty of suggestions in other posts on alternatives.
That is so weird to hear. I requested an itinerary from one of the popular companies that pre-book everything for you and the first day out of Lisbon has me taking the train to Vila Franca de Xira and when I asked why, I was told it was because: "when you walk out of Lisbon you'll essentially be walking along the highway with cars speeding by you. We can arrange for you to walk this portion but don't advice it."
So, then I YouTubed someone's first day out of Lisbon and she was seriously walking in the middle of the road on a small raised sidewalk thing. (sorry for the poor description) with cars passing her in both directions.
Now I am really confused lol
"when you walk out of Lisbon you'll essentially be walking along the highway with cars speeding by you. We can arrange for you to walk this portion but don't advice it."
So, then I YouTubed someone's first day out of Lisbon and she was seriously walking in the middle of the road on a small raised sidewalk thing. (sorry for the poor description) with cars passing her in both directions.
That wasn't my experience at all. @jungleboy lives in Lisbon, and he walked with me that first day to Alpriate, perhaps he will give you a better idea of what that day is like - it's all kind of a blur to me now!

Since the only place to stay in Alpriate is a municipal albergue that the tour companies can't book you into, perhaps that's why they suggest skipping two stages and taking the train - not anything to do with walking along a highway.
I just checked my blog, and this is what I wrote about the walk from Lisbon to Alpriate:
I didn't take many pictures today, but it was a pleasant walk mostly along the Tagus River and a tributary.

For my second day from Alpriate to Vila Franca da Xira I wrote:
Today was a pretty pleasant walk. The Camino went along the river and a estuary for a good part of the day, but also near some industrial areas. But even near those industrial areas I found lots of pretty wildflowers.

My third day from Vila Franca da Xira to Azambuja:
Today was shortish, but kind of a slog. No nice riverside trail. Lots of walking on the road or alongside railroad tracks.

Although I was walking along a road, it was not what I would call a highway.

All that said, the Camino between Lisbon and Porto is very different than the Camino Francés.
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
Our flights are with Air Transat from Toronto to Lisbon, walking to Santiago. and return by Asla bus to Porto with return to Toronto. Our plans for 2023 April will be walking the Fishermen's trail with flights to Lisbon.
Thank you. I'm from BC and don't think Air Transat flies from the closest airport, but I could always check in Vancouver.
With Air Canada you can book a multi stop flight from Vancouver to Lisbon, returning from Santiago to Vancouver. The returning flight is not available everyday of the week, but it has the advantage of a through ticket. Air Canada does not have the same reputation as some of the European airlines, but the flight times and price are good.
If you have extra time taking the bus and spending a few days in Porto is an enjoyable option
A selection of Camino Jewellery
From Gronze:
“The yellow arrows start at the door of the Sé-catedral de Lisboa. From there we will cross the popular Alfama neighborhood and then the modern Parque das Nações, built for the 1998 International Expo. After passing under the Vasco da Gama bridge we will follow the banks of the Tejo River –the Tagus in Spain– along wooden footbridges and dirt roads between pleasant riverside landscapes.”
That is so weird to hear. I requested an itinerary from one of the popular companies that pre-book everything for you and the first day out of Lisbon has me taking the train to Vila Franca de Xira and when I asked why, I was told it was because: "when you walk out of Lisbon you'll essentially be walking along the highway with cars speeding by you. We can arrange for you to walk this portion but don't advice it."
So, then I YouTubed someone's first day out of Lisbon and she was seriously walking in the middle of the road on a small raised sidewalk thing. (sorry for the poor description) with cars passing her in both directions.
Now I am really confused lol
I think I know the Youtube video you are referring to. ( Irish woman?) I watched it before my Portuguese Camino and the scenes bear no relation to the first days walk out of Lisbon. I can only think that she followed a different route instead of the one along the river.
Wasn't it because a few years ago a peregrina was attacked in that part after the highway.
I am due to walk out from Lisbon on the 13th April to stay at Alpriate so I'm hoping for a safe passage.
It would be nice to have someone to walk it with.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
That wasn't my experience at all. @jungleboy lives in Lisbon, and he walked with me that first day to Alpriate, perhaps he will give you a better idea of what that day is like - it's all kind of a blur to me now!
I agree with trecile that there isn’t highway walking on the first day out of Lisbon.

From Gronze:
“After passing under the Vasco da Gama bridge we will follow the banks of the Tejo River –the Tagus in Spain– along wooden footbridges and dirt roads between pleasant riverside landscapes.”
This is not really correct though. After passing under the bridge you turn left away from the Tejo and pick up the trail alongside another, much smaller river for a time. It’s going to be moot soon though, as the new exit from Lisbon which will continue along the Tejo after the bridge and skip Alpriate entirely will be ready soon, as early as next year (if I understand correctly).

Wasn't it because a few years ago a peregrina was attacked in that part after the highway.
I am due to walk out from Lisbon on the 13th April to stay at Alpriate so I'm hoping for a safe passage.
It would be nice to have someone to walk it with.
Yes, there have been at least two reports of attacks in the same spot around Sacavem, IIRC the last one was a couple of years ago. Thankfully the new path will not pass this area.
It’s going to be moot soon though, as the new exit from Lisbon which will continue along the Tejo after the bridge and skip Alpriate entirely will be ready soon, as early as next year (if I understand correctly).
What town will the endpoint of that stage be? Are there accommodations there?
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Sounds wonderful! Thank you for that. Did you find walking out of Lisboa dangerous? It has been suggested that I skip walking the first day because of the highway.
The only danger we found was on day 1 where was a three step down, step along the sidewalk leaving the Se Catadral. I was incredibly excited on day one and after leaving the Catadral early morning and walking about 3 KM, I was looking around and enjoying everything, not paying attn and fell down these steps injuring my left knee. I battled that knee the entire way to SDC.

Otherwise, we had read about it being dangerous with vehicles as you exit the city. We never really felt or saw any area we thought was dangerous. Of course, as long as you kept your attention on where you were going. There is no reason for us to skip the first leg except it is a long way to walk on day 1 before you can find a place to stay. There are many long walks before you get to Porto as well.
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
I am glad that this was brought up as I am planning to do the route from Porto my nearest airport Bristol flies to Porto , then on arrival into Santiago I found that Alsa coaches go to Porto airport to c9nnect with my flight home , otherwise flying back from Santiago would mean an extra 6 hours to get home from Gatwick compared to an hour from Bristol
A selection of Camino Jewellery
I too am from western Canada and the method I am getting to Lisbon is booking a round trip ticket direct to London where I have a night or two layover to get over jet lag. From London I then buy a one way to Lisbon, there are lots of direct flights available from Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton and Stansted all fairly cheap. From SdC another one way to Stansted, another night in London then home. Altogether four flights plus and 2 nights in London, as the saying goes, you never get tired of London
I think I know the Youtube video you are referring to. ( Irish woman?) I watched it before my Portuguese Camino and the scenes bear no relation to the first days walk out of Lisbon. I can only think that she followed a different route instead of the one along the river.
Yes, that is the same video I watched which is why this whole conversation just got more confusing to me. She was literally walking in the middle of the road :p
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I too am from western Canada and the method I am getting to Lisbon is booking a round trip ticket direct to London where I have a night or two layover to get over jet lag. From London I then buy a one way to Lisbon, there are lots of direct flights available from Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton and Stansted all fairly cheap. From SdC another one way to Stansted, another night in London then home. Altogether four flights plus and 2 nights in London, as the saying goes, you never get tired of London
Will you be flying out of Vancouver?
The Air Canada flight also works from Calgary
With Air Canada you can book a multi stop flight from Vancouver to Lisbon, returning from Santiago to Vancouver. The returning flight is not available everyday of the week, but it has the advantage of a through ticket. Air Canada does not have the same reputation as some of the European airlines, but the flight times and price are good.
If you have extra time taking the bus and spending a few days in Porto is an enjoyable option
the Air Canada flight also works from Calgary
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Thank you. I'm from BC and don't think Air Transat flies from the closest airport, but I could always check in Vancouver.
Air Transat flies from YVR to Toronto and Montreal, and from those two hubs on to Lisbon. We like to go via Montreal, but it usually requires an over-night in Montreal. I think they have more flights via Toronto. They're a very comfortable airline to fly with!
From BC but much closer to Calgary.
Then I think you're out of luck on Air Transat all the way. You could fly Westjet to Montreal or Toronto, and then transAtlantic via AT, who provide very comfortable service. Their economy section seems to have more legroom than many airlines.
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
We just completed the Portuguese and flew into and out of Porto. Getting back to Porto from SDC was super easy using Alsa or Flix buses. Not expensive and only a few hours. Can drop at the airport for a flight or spend the night for a flight home next day.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
We did the Portuguese camino from Lisbon in 2017. We are from Vancouver Island so also from the west coast of Canada.
We flew from Victoria to Toronto by air Canada and then from Toronto to Lisbon via TAP air. For our return trip from Santiago, we took a bus to Braga, then the train to Lisbon. Then we flew home TAP air to Toronto and Air Canada to Victoria. There was a long layover in Toronto flying to Portugal because TAP air flights leave Toronto at 11:30 pm. I would do it differently next time to make sure I didn't have the long layover both ways.
We spent a couple of days in Braga and did a tour of the city which was very interesting. Braga used to be on the Camino route. I don't know why that changed. A further note: there is a Basic hotel a 2 minute walk from the train station and we were also able to find a laundromat not too far away from the hotel so it worked out very well.
Brags is a great bonus destination after walking a Camino! And it’s still on the Camino Torres or a short detour off the Portuguese
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
Five years ago I took a fifteen minute walk from my hostel in Santiago to the train station and hopped a train to Vigo and from there a ten minute taxi ride to the Vigo airport. I had tickets with TAP for the short flight to Lisbon before getting my homeward flight to Canada. It was all very easy although the Vigo airport is really small and may no longer offer that flight it worked for me. If you are not familiar with the site Rome2rio it is a wonder, you can easily Google it and then put in where you are and where you want to go and it will give you all the possibilities, train, bus, taxi, private car, flights etc. I use it all the time when trip planning. Buen Camino and enjoy your adventure
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I think I know the Youtube video you are referring to. ( Irish woman?) I watched it before my Portuguese Camino and the scenes bear no relation to the first days walk out of Lisbon. I can only think that she followed a different route instead of the one along the river.

For anyone who has watched this particular video - read the comments section. She did not follow the official Camino when leaving Lisbon, that's why she was walking along the highway.
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
We use an ap called Rome2Rio and it gives you all sorts of travel options from place to place ....it could help you fly, train or bus back to Lisbon.
Five years ago I took a fifteen minute walk from my hostel in Santiago to the train station and hopped a train to Vigo and from there a ten minute taxi ride to the Vigo airport. I had tickets with TAP for the short flight to Lisbon before getting my homeward flight to Canada. It was all very easy although the Vigo airport is really small and may no longer offer that flight it worked for me. If you are not familiar with the site Rome2rio it is a wonder, you can easily Google it and then put in where you are and where you want to go and it will give you all the possibilities, train, bus, taxi, private car, flights etc. I use it all the time when trip planning. Buen Camino and enjoy your adventure
If you like trains, you also can take the train from Santiago to Vigo, and then take the train from Vigo to Porto. We took the Vigo > Porto train earlier this year. It's a bit tricky since the train to Porto goes from the very small, downtown Vigo train station rather than the big new one for the high-speed Spanish trains, further up the hill in Vigo.

The train line ends at Porto Campagna train station, which is adjacent to a big bus station. So you can easily get a bus to Porto airport, or take the train onwards into downtown Porto or transfer trains to go on to Lisbon.

The train trip is quite short with only one stop along the way. The Portuguese rail service is working on a high-speed connection from Lisbon > Porto > into Galicia.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into flights for my Camino Portuguese and would like some input. I will be travelling from Western Canada to Lisbon and, because I will end up in Santiago de Compostela, I thought I would just fly home from there. Not only is booking "one way" flights super expensive but the return home flight is a nightmare. Round trip from Lisbon would be so much cheaper but getting back there - fly? train? bus? Other suggestions? I would love to hear what others did.
Thank you :)
We flew Westjet from BC and then we flew Ryan Air. Though I had my return flight booked I did not book my flight from SdC until a few days before we reached there as I didn’t know when or if we would finish the Camino.

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