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Getting from Bordeaux Airport to SJPP late arrival


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Last camino CF, March 2020
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Hi all, I've been trying to figure out the best plan for getting from Bordeaux Airport to SJPP. I land at 15:10 on 17th May. I know there are frequent trains to Bayonne, but I'm trying to figure out if I can make it to SJPP by evening time, before everything closes, or if I should book a hostel in Bayonne and head to SJPP on the morning of the 18th.

I'm planning on starting slowly due to an old injury, so I only plan to walk from SJPP to Orisson on the first day. So my thinking is that if I can make it to SJPP by late morning on the 18th, that still gives me plenty of time to walk to Orisson. But ideally I'd like to wake up in SJPP on the 18th if time allows.

I should also mention that I haven't booked anything yet, which from the sounds of it could be an issue as it's supposed to be really busy on the CF right now. But it's hard to know when to book for as I'm not sure if I can make it to an albergue in SJPP on the same day I land. I know getting from Bordeaux airport to Bayonne should be straightforward, but getting from Bayonne to SJPP at say 7:30pm or 8pm may be cutting it a bit fine? Then of course there's always the possibility of flight or train delays.

I have another couple of related questions too if anyone can help....

1. Do I need to prebook my train from Bordeaux to Bayonne, or can I just buy my ticket at the station when I arrive?

2. Does anyone know of way to contact Refuge Saint Jaques in Bayonne to see about booking a bed for the 17th? I found their number but my phone won't allow international calling and they don't seem to have whataspp. Failing that, does anyone have any other recommendations for a cheap hostel or alternative albergue that allows prebooking in Bayonne?

3. What would be the quickest and most economical way of getting from Bayonne to SJPP, either the evening of the 17th, or the morning of the 18th?
Thank you in advance everyone!
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Hi there . In theory you can make it to SJPP the same day, ie 17th but it would be quite a late arrival and I see that some of the journeys are sold out. Bordeaux to Bayonne is a good option, with an early train to SJPP on the 18th (see 3 below).

Re your 3 questions.

1.yes I would definitely book the Bordeaux to Bayonne train. It’s a popular route. I see some trains are already sold,out.

2. There is an email address and phone number for Refuge Saint Jaques - I’ll try to find the threads. In any case, we will be staying at the refuge this coming Friday night 12 May. Happy to reserve for you then if you like. We’ve visited before. The volunteers are very kind. It would just be a matter of us giving them your name. Let me know if you’d like me to do that. But might need to check how late you can arrive. I can also ask that on Friday and let you know.

Or, try Chez Veronique which is popular. It’s listed on Gronze - inc email address - as are some other places.

3. I see there’s a train at 8.16am on 18 May from Bayonne to S JPP - it takes about an hour. I would book that too. Arriving by 9.20 would give you plenty of time to stroll around SJPP, go to the pilgrims office and walk up to Orisson.

Have you booked at Orisson? Both the albergue at Orisson and nearby Borda book out quickly for this time of year. And they are not large Albergues.

All the best @caminograce - and with your knee injury (I recall from another thread).

Let me know if you’d like us to reserve a bed for you at Refuge Saint Jaques in Bayonne?

Buen camino 😎

PS Success. I found the earlier threads

@Monasp said this
‘You can call the hostel on +33 5 59 25 71 33. We take reservations by phone. The person who answers speaks very good English.’

And another forum member received a prompt reply by using this email. caminopa@hotmail.com
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Hi there . In theory you can make it to SJPP the same day, ie 17th but it would be quite a late arrival and I see that some of the journeys are sold out. Bordeaux to Bayonne is a good option, with an early train to SJPP on the 18th (see 3 below).

Re your 3 questions.

1.yes I would definitely book the Bordeaux to Bayonne train. It’s a popular route. I see some trains are already sold,out.

2. There is an email address and phone number for Refuge Saint Jaques - I’ll try to find the threads. In any case, we will be staying at the refuge this coming Friday night 12 May. Happy to reserve for you then if you like. We’ve visited before. The volunteers are very kind. It would just be a matter of us giving them your name. Let me know if you’d like me to do that. But might need to check how late you can arrive. I can also ask that on Friday and let you know.

Or, try Chez Veronique which is popular. It’s listed on Gronze - inc email address - as are some other places.

3. I see there’s a train at 8.16am on 18 May from Bayonne to S JPP - it takes about an hour. I would book that too. Arriving by 9.20 would give you plenty of time to stroll around SJPP, go to the pilgrims office and walk up to Orisson.

Have you booked at Orisson? Both the albergue at Orisson and nearby Borda book out quickly for this time of year. And they are not large Albergues.

All the best @caminograce - and with your knee injury (I recall from another thread).

Let me know if you’d like us to reserve a bed for you at Refuge Saint Jaques in Bayonne?

Buen camino 😎

PS Success. I found the earlier threads

@Monasp said this
‘You can call the hostel on +33 5 59 25 71 33. We take reservations by phone. The person who answers speaks very good English.’

And another forum member received a prompt reply by using this email. caminopa@hotmail.com
Hi Pelerina, thank you so much for this, you've answered pretty much all of my questions in one post! 🙏 🙂 Based on this I'll pre-book my train from Bordeaux to Bayonne and plan to stay the night in Bayonne. It's really kind of you to offer to reserve for me at Refuge Saint Jaques when you visit later this week, I would really appreciate it, if it doesn't put you out. My full name is Grace Plant. I will also email them now on the email address you found, so hopefully by the time you get there they'll have already confirmed the reservation with me. There is a train from Bordeaux- Bayonne that would get me in at 19:18, so as long as the station isn't too far away, I could check in before 8pm. If and when I hear back from them I'll let you know. I did try calling them earlier however my UK phone isn't letting me dial international, so email will be my best bet.
I'll also prebook the train from Bayonne to SJPP, and try to reserve a bed at Orisson (if there are beds left!) for the 18th.
Thank you for the well wishes regarding my knee 🙂 after the advice I received on here I'm feeling much more confident and my knee is already stronger just over a week later, so onwards and upwards! And again, thank you for the tips above. I've been a bit overwhelmed searching for ways to get to SJPP and I'm feeling more confident now thanks to your help! Buen camino to you 🙏:)
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
That’s great. And yes we will check that they have you in the book for night of 17th. And I will confirm to you. It’s an easy 15-20 min flat walk from Bayonne station. If the train arrives at 7.18pm you would easily get to the Refuge before 8pm.

And yes, good idea to get on to those train bookings as soon as you can.

If Orisson albergue is full, try Albergue Borda but it’s also likely to be booked. If no bed available in either, another option is to book transport back to SJPP from Orrison, stay an other night in SJPP and the next morning transport back up to Orrison to continue. That may all sound complicated but, due to the limited accommodation in Orrison and Borda, people often take that transport option if they want to split the stage between SJPP and Roncesvalles.

This transport can be arranged with Express Bourricot. See this page for information. Scroll down to the section with the heading Navette de la Montagne .

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That’s great. And yes we will check that they have you in the book for night of 17th. And I will confirm to you. It’s an easy 15-20 min flat walk from Bayonne station. If the train arrives at 7.18pm you would easily get to the Refuge before 8pm.

And yes, get on to those train bookings

If Orisson albergue is full, try Albergue Borda but it’s also likely to be booked. If no bed available in either, another option is to book transport back to SJPP from Orrison, stay an other night in SJPP and the next morning transport back up to Orrison to continue. That may all sound complicated but due to the limited accommodation in Orrison and Borda, people take that transport option often if they want to split the stage between SJPP and Roncesvalles,

This transport can be arranged with Express Bourricot. See this page for information. Scroll down to the section with the heading Navette de la Montagne .

Awesome, thank you! I have emailed the Refuge in Bayonne, and will let you know if they get back to me before Friday :)
I've just booked the train from Bordeaux to Bayonne (arriving 7:18pm) and the morning train to SJPP so I can begin walking on the 18th. Both Orisson and Borda are indeed booked up, so I have been trying to contact the albergue in Valcarlos with the thought of taking the alternative route via there. But the transport via Express Bourricot sounds like a great backup option, thank you for that! 🙏:)
Of course, Valcarlos route - that's an excellent option. I forgot about that. I have walked and very much enjoyed the Valcarlos route though haven't stayed in Valcarlos - but have heard good reports of the albergue. It's all coming together Grace.
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