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Getting to Sarria from Liverpool or Manchester


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Future September 10th to 17th 2023
Hi everyone, myself and a friend are walking from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in September.
Wondered if anyone has any advice about the best route from either Liverpool or Manchester airport.
I’ve been looking at either Barcelona or Madrid as places to stop and change flights or get a train.
Any advice would be appreciated thank you.
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I think your best bet is flying to Madrid and taking the train from Chamartin train station directly to Sarria it takes nearly five hours
Definitely not Barca unless you love train travel and enjoy complicated logistics. The easy route is flight to Santiago and bus to Sarria but that would probably involve you getting to/from Stansted. Erehwon has better accessibility. Madrid and various train combinations is likely your best bet. There is one direct train per day but other routes are available.
Happy planning and buen Camino
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Hi everyone, myself and a friend are walking from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in September.
Wondered if anyone has any advice about the best route from either Liverpool or Manchester airport.
I’ve been looking at either Barcelona or Madrid as places to stop and change flights or get a train.
Any advice would be appreciated thank you.
My nearest airports are the same as yours; although I’m in South Cumbria.

When I’ve done that route in the past I’ve flown to Madrid and taken the train direct to Sarria (actually to A Coruña which is a couple of stops later). Back in the day there was an overnight sleeper train.

If I were to do it again I’d probably drive to Edinburgh and fly to Santiago, then take the bus.
If I were to do it again I’d probably drive to Edinburgh and fly to Santiago, then take the bus.
@debbo15, it's now time for my mention of an alternative to walking from Sarria. If you do want to fly into Santiago and bus to Sarria you are most likely going to have to bus to Lugo first and connect to Sarria as there are many of these buses a day but only one direct bus. You can get a compostella by walking from Lugo and you avoid the Sarria crowds for a couple of days. Here is a clip from another post of mine.

I often suggest walking the last part of the Camino Primitivo from Lugo for folks wanting to do 100 km to Santiago. The Primitivo joins the CF at Melida but there are alternative ways to Santiago. I say suggest instead of recommend because I've not done this walk myself. Lugo has a two kilometer walkable on top Roman wall encircling the old city.

Details at this forum thread: https://www.caminodesantiago.me/community/threads/lugo-to-santiago.77492/
Definitely not Barca unless you love train travel and enjoy complicated logistics.
I know the OP is aiming for Sarria but it is surprising how many people fly into Barcelona to start a Camino from SJPDP. And only realise after they have booked their flight that it is on the wrong side of the country (and in the wrong country too) and several train/bus journeys away!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Last time I returned home from Sarria to Manchester I had to get a lot of trains to catch my boat (I try not to fly nowadays). Because it was Sunday it was more tricky. So my advice is just to try avoiding Sunday if you can

It's an easy 1 or 2 km walk from Sarria train station to albergues

I have previously flown Santiago - Dublin - Manchester but it was ages ago! But that could be your best bet

Buen camino fellow Mancs!
Hi everyone, myself and a friend are walking from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in September.
Wondered if anyone has any advice about the best route from either Liverpool or Manchester airport.
I’ve been looking at either Barcelona or Madrid as places to stop and change flights or get a train.
Any advice would be appreciated thank you.
Hi everyone, myself and a friend are walking from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in September.
Wondered if anyone has any advice about the best route from either Liverpool or Manchester airport.
I’ve been looking at either Barcelona or Madrid as places to stop and change flights or get a train.
Any advice would be appreciated thank you.
We found easiest and most direct route. Train from Madrid to Sarria via Orense. Dont miss Parque Buen Retiro in Madrid.
Hi everyone, myself and a friend are walking from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in September.
Wondered if anyone has any advice about the best route from either Liverpool or Manchester airport.
I’ve been looking at either Barcelona or Madrid as places to stop and change flights or get a train.
Any advice would be appreciated thank you.
Hope you had the best time👍…I’m hoping to attempt Sarria/Santiago in April on my own…(67 year old, fairly fit female)…I live in Lancashire & was wondering which route you decided upon to get to & from? Also, would you recommend it or an alternative route. Thank You.
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