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Movies on Santiago de Compostela


Do any of you have recommendations for films/specials about the camino? Fiction, documentaries, tv specials - I'm interested in seeing how the camino is perceived by the film and television industry.....

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check on Google Videos Compastelle de santiago! they have a 90 spanish film of santiago 100%free!!
or check the same thing on YOUTUBE.COM :wink:
There is a wonderful film about the real life experiences of three different pilgrims walking in Winter, Spring and Summer. It's called "Within The Way Without" and is available from the Confraternity of St. James in the UK. Very moving and highly recommended!

See http://www.csj.org.uk/bookshop.htm

Japanese Madoka Mayuzumi walked from St Jean Pied-de-Port in the spring; Brazilian Milena Salgado went in the summer; and Rob Jorritsma left his native Holland to walk from Saint-Jean in the winter. Larry Boulting filmed all three - often at the same series of places along the Camino - to make this profound and delightful film. All pilgrims seeing it will begin by envying these pilgrims the chance they have had to tell their story to so sympathetic an ear and to so wide an audience; but on more mature reflection, will realise that these stories are in fact their own. Madoka, Milena and Rob represent the more sensitive and the more articulate parts of ourselves. Each is special, each is unique, as all pilgrims are; but in the end, this film tells us, we have more in common, across nationality, age, background and belief than we could imagine possible.
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Within The Way Without is a good film but not many people seem to realise that it is a fictional movie with the main protagonists being actors.
Camino Films

I know that there are dozens of foreign films on the camino but here is a list of Video and DVD's I have on my bookshelf.

La Meta del Camino - CD Rom :
Camino de Santiago: by Everest in Spanish. Video
El Camino de Santiago – English cartoon Video
The Naked Pilgrim – English: CTV Programme. DVD
Santiago de Compostela: Art and History – English. Video
Oh Ye of Little Faith - Paul Tobey DVD
Las Peregrinas - Sue Kenney DVD
Within the Way Without - Laurence Boulting DVD
The Pilgrims' Route to Santiago - Consejo Jacobeo DVD
El Camino de Santiago no un camino de rosas - Freehighway
Camino de Santiago (Paso a paso por la ruta Jacobea (Step by step on the Xacobean Route). RED ES

The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I've seen most of a recently made movie called Americano that referenced the Camino. It's about a young American man spending time in Spain while waiting for a job offer that will signal his transition from youth and adventure into maturity and responsibility.

He runs with the bulls in Pamplona, hangs out in a crazy bar (which, I believe, shares its name with the movie's title) run by an expat played by Dennis Hopper, and then winds up spending time with a beautiful, vivacious Spanish woman and another young couple on the road (one of whom is Dennis Hopper's daughter in real life).

All four of them head out in the countryside to do some camping, and one evening our hero ends up walking alone with the Spanish woman. She informs him that they are on the Camino, and proceeds to explain it. Her explanation of the Way dovetails with the movie's themes of journey and self-discovery. Hearing her description before I did the trek made me anticipate it that much more, and listening to it after I returned home made me miss and appreciate my experience.

Americano pops up on US satellite TV once in awhile, so I've watched it in bits and pieces. It's kind of an odd movie, and I'm not sure all of it works for me. But it does reference the Camino in a cool way, and I identified with the movie's themes. I think I'll have to get the DVD and spend some time with it.
I've just posted this elsewhere but the best I've seen is 'The Naked Pilgrim', a documentary presented by historian Brian Sewell. Very moving and often very funny, it's definitely worth a watch!
sillydoll said:

A German woman who works at a local vino store I frequent recommended this movie to me just last night. It's available at Amazon.com, so I put it on my wish list. I guess it's sort of a skeptical take on religion, so it may not be to everyone's liking.

And Americano has grown on me after another viewing - good stuff... :arrow:
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Downloading the Google "free" 47 min video on the Camino as I write. Since my spanish is very limited, let's see how I do. I'll write a short review!

Thanks vey much!
Can anyone remember the title or address for the YouTube video that was listed on here last year. Just a very simple but evocative series of Black and White stills (starting at Roncesvalles in the snow) accompanied by Galician bagpipe music, increasing in tempo? It was great - made me weep each time I watched it.

Cannot find it - anyone remember?
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Sorry Sil, it isn't - though I might put a link to that one on my website.
It was Spanish, (actually Galician I think), started with a still of Rolands's tomb at Roncesvalles covered in snow and by a series of black and white stills worked its way along the Camino - the Galician bagpipe music getting louder and slightly faster - or more urgent - it was wonderful.
Mind you, was it wonderful only because it brought up my own emotional memories?
Posted up on here as a link about a year back I think.
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Found it! Went back into archive postings and found it - a year and a week ago. Now know that what makes it special for me is that I stood in just about most of the pics ... and the music is great ... there is one image of a fork in the road (well, in a field really) I took the right fork and was lost for hours ...
Within the Way Without

Just got my copy and wanted to share my reflections on “Within the Way without”

As I said previously, normally, I stay away from emotional films or music. As a veteran of the Viet Nam conflict, I still find myself avoiding movies that “say” they portray “how it was”. I’ve found that deep inside…no one really knows...so why tramp go over an icy surface one already recognizes as rotten. When I get tricked into remembering…or as some say…”reliving” it all comes out in a rush that’s nearly uncontrollable.

“Within the Way Without” did exactly the same thing to me.

When it arrived this afternoon, I made a sandwich, a drink (adult beverage) and made a fire. I sat down for an enjoyable afternoon ready for a travel log about the Camino.

The sandwich is nearly untouched…the drink long gone and the fire burns hotter than ever!

Sil wrote: I enjoy it more each time I watch it and this time it had me reduced to tears.

If it doesn’t “reduce one to tears”…I believe there’s something missing in your life!

Call it religion, empathy, understanding or an awakening. Call it what you will. If there’s no realization within you that you’re not alone…then bunky, you’re truly lost.

To me, a public display of affection is nearly as anathema as crying.

At times, I was shaking in concert with the inner person I was privy to in each of the pilgrims as they fought to first control, then confront and finally collapse in the realization that there’s more to the Camino and life than just walking the Milky Way. Each had their vulnerabilities, strengths and inner conflicts to deal with. And, it’s in the way each makes peace with themselves that rings true.

Previously, I wrote, flippantly: I've sent for the DVD...maybe it will prepare me better for My Camino. I sure hope the vinotinto helps too.

Please, if you haven’t seen the DVD…do so! And if you have…now you know!

Buen Camino,

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