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My first SPRINGTIME days on the Camino Francés 🎉
A couple of interesting tidbits.


I just left Foncebadón yesterday. See photo.
By the way, it's really not busy at all on my "wave". Plenty of spare beds.

1) I passed Manjarín. It was a beautiful, clear and mild morning. Tomás (looking in fine form) at Manjarín greeted us :)

2) I heard from two different sources (who didn't know each other) in two different towns that two people (walking separately) were fined €12,000 early last week for crossing the Route Napoleon!
Of course, more could have been fined but what I know for sure too is that other folk crossed without being greeted by unimpressed police officers.
So I don't know if the police only waited for transgressors at certain times (?)

I'm from Scotland and know what a risk it also is to OTHERS (i.e rescuers) when people ignore warnings.
And how costly a rescue can be...

3) I just want to warn students and those on a budget:
A very small salad (with cheese but no meat) in a plastic box at León train station costs €7.50. More expensive than Madrid bus station and even many Parisian transport hubs.
Obviously tourist prices but a jolt back to reality after the "community/trust experience" of Camino life...

PS It calls me a "new member". Maybe I left the forum for a while (I can't remember) but I've been following this page for some time, at least a few years.
My first Camino was SJPdP to SdC in 2006.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
PS It calls me a "new member". Maybe I left the forum for a while (I can't remember) but I've been following this page for some time, at least a few years.
My first Camino was SJPdP to SdC in 2006.
The different labels for members is a function of how many posts you have made, not the length of time that you have been on the forum. You can change this label yourself in your account settings under "account details."
Yes, I think like the airport, the bus or train station might not be the cheapest places to buy something. you can go to the grocery store and get a baguette, cheese, ham, maybe butter pats. This could be a meal for more than one person.

I am aware of that, clearly. But there are circumstances (eg a late arriving train, sore feet etc) where a pilgrim arrives at the station expecting something to eat at a half decent price. If the person is gluten-free or coeliac, sandwiches are not an option.
The salad is tiny (a few mouth fulls).

I feel there's an over eagerness to correct people and/or add pointless add-ons (i.e mentioning that a city has grocery stores!) on this forum. It's why I rarely post...
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
No intent here on my part to correct you. Just agreeing that some meals can be more expensive depending on location and that students and those on a budget can still find a less expensive place for provisions while on the Camino. I apologize if you felt that the intent was otherwise. Enjoy your walk and thank you for posting the photos.
As I said in my post, my first Camino was in 2006.
I know how to stock up on food.
I think it's obvious that I mentioned the (very surprising) prices at the only place to get something to eat in León station in case pilgrims arrived or departed from there (or the nearby bus station).
It's clear as day that I wasn't suggesting pilgrims aim for train stations in cities to stock up on food.

My point regarding unhelpful add-ons, "know better" comments, vain corrections and endless self-righteousnessness still stands. It's very tiresome.
Others have noticed it too, judging by their regular "please don't answer with snarkiness" etc etc caveats in their questions.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Yes, one may be an experienced pilgrim with multiple treks under the belt, but this is a forum where "past pilgrims share and future pilgrims learn" and those future pilgrims may see a comment and not understand the context. They might be very concerned to read of an inflated price for an item at a train station and surmise, albeit incorrectly, that that is applicable Camino-wide.

On public forums it's good to check one's ego at the door.
I am aware of that, clearly. But there are circumstances (eg a late arriving train, sore feet etc) where a pilgrim arrives at the station expecting something to eat at a half decent price. If the person is gluten-free or coeliac, sandwiches are not an option.
The salad is tiny (a few mouth fulls).

I feel there's an over eagerness to correct people and/or add pointless add-ons (i.e mentioning that a city has grocery stores!) on this forum. It's why I rarely post...

I am aware of that, clearly. But there are circumstances (eg a late arriving train, sore feet etc) where a pilgrim arrives at the station expecting something to eat at a half decent price. If the person is gluten-free or coeliac, sandwiches are not an option.
The salad is tiny (a few mouth fulls).

I feel there's an over eagerness to correct people and/or add pointless add-ons (i.e mentioning that a city has grocery stores!) on this forum. It's why I rarely post...
Not as an add on or anything other than the fact that I don't think anyone who has ever walked into a bus, train and especially an airport, especially in a city, expects to pay a fair price for food. As you have stated and what is proven is the odds of any morsel of food in one of these transportation hubs being fairly priced is miniscule, whether or not you have any dietary restrictions.
The next time any of us should expect to see fair pricing at an airport is the day we witness the sun rising in the west and setting in the east. ;)
Unless you are in Seattle, Washington:

Port of Seattle Policy on Airport Concessionaire Pricing​

Starting January 1, 2020 eligible ADR program concessionaires may charge approved “street pricing,” the cost of an item purchased outside of the airport, plus up to a maximum of five percent. Concessionaires may charge street pricing plus 10 percent in 2021.

Each year the Port assesses concessionaire pricing for their products/services as well as pricing for comparable street-side locations. If tenants wish to change their prices during the year, they must submit these requests to the ADR staff along with pricing from comparable street-side locations to support their requested changes.

The Port conducts periodic audits to ensure products and services provided at the airport are consistent with the pricing policy. If you have questions about the price of an item, please email
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
My first SPRINGTIME days on the Camino Francés 🎉
A couple of interesting tidbits.

View attachment 167942View attachment 167943

I just left Foncebadón yesterday. See photo.
By the way, it's really not busy at all on my "wave". Plenty of spare beds.

1) I passed Manjarín. It was a beautiful, clear and mild morning. Tomás (looking in fine form) at Manjarín greeted us :)

2) I heard from two different sources (who didn't know each other) in two different towns that two people (walking separately) were fined €12,000 early last week for crossing the Route Napoleon!
Of course, more could have been fined but what I know for sure too is that other folk crossed without being greeted by unimpressed police officers.
So I don't know if the police only waited for transgressors at certain times (?)

I'm from Scotland and know what a risk it also is to OTHERS (i.e rescuers) when people ignore warnings.
And how costly a rescue can be...

3) I just want to warn students and those on a budget:
A very small salad (with cheese but no meat) in a plastic box at León train station costs €7.50. More expensive than Madrid bus station and even many Parisian transport hubs.
Obviously tourist prices but a jolt back to reality after the "community/trust experience" of Camino life...

PS It calls me a "new member". Maybe I left the forum for a while (I can't remember) but I've been following this page for some time, at least a few years.
My first Camino was SJPdP to SdC in 2006.
By the way, I read some fair and interesting comments on another thread begun by someone regarding the "€12,000 fine" reported here.
Sadly, as usual, there were also a couple of patronizing and frankly rude comments too. And a slanderous one.
I wish people would realize how they come across. Would you speak to someone like that in person??
I'm seriously telling you that you are PUTTING PEOPLE OFF posting on here.
If you want it to become a closed, exclusive group where only the elite, chosen few are welcome to post - and only THEY are taken seriously and valued - then you're on the way to becoming that.
Ponder on the fact that (according to this Le Figaro article) there were 183 fines given out in 2023 and that was ONLY in the Pyrenees National Park.
If news websites reported on every fine, there'd be no space for anything else!
(Maybe those fined told family and friends and weren't believed, eh?)

By the way, I read some fair and interesting comments on another thread begun by someone regarding the "€12,000 fine" reported here.
Sadly, as usual, there were also a couple of patronizing and frankly rude comments too. And a slanderous one.
I wish people would realize how they come across. Would you speak to someone like that in person??
I'm seriously telling you that you are PUTTING PEOPLE OFF posting on here.
If you want it to become a closed, exclusive group where only the elite, chosen few are welcome to post - and only THEY are taken seriously and valued - then you're on the way to becoming that.
Ponder on the fact that (according to this Le Figaro article) there were 183 fines given out in 2023 and that was ONLY in the Pyrenees National Park.
If news websites reported on every fine, there'd be no space for anything else!
(Maybe those fined told family and friends and weren't believed, eh?)

Very fair points. I disengaged from the thread well before Ivar or one of the mods shut it down, because of offensive comments and tones deployed by a handful.
Very fair points. I disengaged from the thread well before Ivar or one of the mods shut it down, because of offensive comments and tones deployed by a handful.
Thank-you. I know for a fact that people are put off (even scared of) posting because of the condescending tone employed by a few because they have told me in person.
But thanks for publicly stating it on here.
I pray that these few will take some time for self-reflection because it's obvious that there is partiality in the forum (the elite are treated with awe, the unknown often with disdain) and there's an evident smug, superior attitude at times.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
By the way, I read some fair and interesting comments on another thread begun by someone regarding the "€12,000 fine" reported here.
Sadly, as usual, there were also a couple of patronizing and frankly rude comments too. And a slanderous one.
I wish people would realize how they come across. Would you speak to someone like that in person??
I'm seriously telling you that you are PUTTING PEOPLE OFF posting on here.
If you want it to become a closed, exclusive group where only the elite, chosen few are welcome to post - and only THEY are taken seriously and valued - then you're on the way to becoming that.
Ponder on the fact that (according to this Le Figaro article) there were 183 fines given out in 2023 and that was ONLY in the Pyrenees National Park.
If news websites reported on every fine, there'd be no space for anything else!
(Maybe those fined told family and friends and weren't believed, eh?)

I gave you a like because you are spot on...well done.
Perfectly worded and accurately observed.
Edit: on second reading and reflection I upgraded my reaction.
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it's obvious that there is partiality in the forum (the elite are treated with awe, the unknown often with disdain) and there's an evident smug, superior attitude at times.

There is and they are, but you're on a hiding to nothing going against the conservative values of those in power, don't waste your energy.
If your ego can handle it, hang back and don't take any of it personally or too seriously.
Thank-you. I know for a fact that people are put off (even scared of) posting because of the condescending tone employed by a few because they have told me in person.
But thanks for publicly stating it on here.
I pray that these few will take some time for self-reflection because it's obvious that there is partiality in the forum (the elite are treated with awe, the unknown often with disdain) and there's an evident smug, superior attitude at times.
Forgive me, please, in advance.
I was alerted to this thread and have not read it all.
I have no idea - well, only my own skewed idea!😈- of who is in or out. Just tell me: where is your anchor? Here? Or in your real life?
Do not be duped. To thine own self be true. I cannot count the number of magnificent ! Posts I have constructed, only to dump them - and rightly so!
Breathe in and out. The sun will rise again tomorrow. Somewhere. 😇
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
4it's obvious that there is partiality in the forum (the elite are treated with awe, the unknown often with disdain) and there's an evident smug, superior attitude at times.
As a moderator, all I can say is that we do our best to be generally fair and allow people to be themselves, as long as they stay within reasonable bounds. All of us can be annoying at times, all of us make mistakes and say imperfect things daily. We try to accept the quirks and flaws of the members. I certainly have my share of personality defects, and sometimes think I should not be putting them on display on the forum. On the other hand, I have some useful strengths. That is what we see, especially over time.

There is a strong effort by longtime members, including those criticised on this thread, to provide information and help, even when it becomes extremely repetitive.

The urge not to post goes both ways, so be careful what you wish for!
Thank-you. I know for a fact that people are put off (even scared of) posting because of the condescending tone employed by a few because they have told me in person.
But thanks for publicly stating it on here.
I pray that these few will take some time for self-reflection because it's obvious that there is partiality in the forum (the elite are treated with awe, the unknown often with disdain) and there's an evident smug, superior attitude at times.

There is always the possibility of using the ignorefunction here on the forum.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
It seems to me that people have had an opportunity to express their opinions on the posting habits of others on the Forum. I may be alone in this, but I would appreciate it if this thread could return to "news from the Camino", as advertised. Not meaning to be dismissive.
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles

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