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pilgrim meltdown


gosh i'm such a mess...
although i long to be on the camino, i have two months yet to go and sometimes all this planning is starting to feel more like a form of escapism. the excitment over going is such a contrast from my 'real life' where day to day i'm moody and full of self doubt, fighting with my boyfriend (& extremely saddened by our likely breakup that will precede my camino). instead of checking this forum incessantly i should be packing for my trip to CA tomorrow, my move to a GA the day i return (my life is one move after another), preparations for graduate school, or a million other things. instead i'm an emotional wreck unable to do anything. i'm not sure why i'm writing this, but thanks for listening.

not-so-buena! today :?
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Hi Buena! I understand completely. Until earlier this week, I hadn't spent too much time planning my Camino (including training for it :shock: ), but now that some things have cleared up at work, all I want to do is look up plane fares & plan my route to StJPdP.

I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with your boyfriend & worried about grad school, but perhaps the time you spend on the Camino will help you sort it all out. :)

When are you starting? I'll be flying out on May 1, arriving in SJPdP on May 3.

Dear Buena

Hello Dear One,

If it is any consolation, you are not alone. I'm sending out a wish for your steady and sweet transition. And here's a pilgrim hug.

(Go slowly Sis)

Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Buena, sad one. If you are unhappy with him and he won't support you in this, and be there when you return - he is not the one.

When you are on the Camino you will find and make deep good friends you will stay in contact with for years to come.

When you return your priority, surely, will be your graduate school - few years of that and you will be truly launched.

How hard it is to be a good human, how painful - be patient Buena, you will love the Camino, the Camino will love you.

It's natural to feel a bit overwhelmed by all the planning that goes into preparing for the Camino but trust me, it's worth it. You will have time and space to think as you experience this amazing journey and you will find yourself well prepared for the new challenges you face in your life when you get back.
I'm sorry to hear it's putting your relationship with your boyfirend under strain and I hope you manage to work things out.

Buen Camino

Hola Buena

I, like you am doing the camino in two months. I've been finding that a number of things, events, thoughts have been coming up for me to experience. I had a thought today that possibly I'm clearing my cup and doing what I need to do so as I can refill it from the river of the Milky Way...

Peace is your mind realising what your heart and soul already know. May your peace be gift wrapped with the colours of the rainbow. And when you see a rainbow, allow it to remind you of the special colours of life you share and have.

Bless your grand journey ahead and enjoy each moment you have.

Buen Camino
The stars shine upon you.

€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.

I truly hope you find peace on the Camino.

If it's any consolation (and it usually isn't in the moment) many have passed through what you're going through (including myself) and come out the other end intact!

Hang in there. You're going to meet some wonderful people on the Camino and between them and you, some very rewarding insights will come to you.

Buen camino.
The weeks before the Camino aren´t easy. Just one year ago, we were finishing our months of training and arguing over what bare necessities would go into the packs.
But it is worth all the effort. Believe, me, all the people we met along the Camino, the sights, and finally entering Santiago, all make it something fantastic and wonderful. Hang in there. Steve
I feel like you could have written that for me today. I've been so obsessed with all the planning, I feel like I'm trying to escape the rest of my life that's falling apart. I told my boss officially today that I'm leaving in two months to walk the Camino, and since then I have felt so sad and been honestly a nervous wreck. It;s lke now that it's official I'm freaking out. I feel like I'm allready mourning all the parts of my life (relationships, etc) that aren't working because I know somehow that once I leave for the camino I will not come back the same. I feel sort of stuck between two minds. It' comforting to know that others have gone through this too. Best of luck to you. When are you walking? I'll be leaving StJPP mid-May.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!

it's an amazing thing to cast out your broken little self into a group of strangers and be received with such grace. many many heartfelt thanks to each of you... again WOW.. i am truly touched.

i almot didn't submit my post, for fear i'd be quickly embarrassed or regretful as soon as the tide turned... but i'm glad i did. you've shown me i'm not alone or crazy, and your gifts of wisdom have allowed me to feel accepted in my state of uncertainty.

with thanks,


i will commence my camino approx may 10th, probably a few days out from St Jean. looking forward to meeting other may babies as well.
Hola Buena
You have already shown a lot of courage by posting your message and seeing what happens. That is what your camino will be, setting out and opening yourself to all the experiences that will happen to you. Yes you will change, but only for the better, it is a wonderful adventure that will expand your life, your mind and your understanding of many things. Be excited. Be courageous. You have the support of so many of us as you step out, and you are walking in the steps of millions over the last 1000 years. Afterwards you will be amazed at the understandings you have gained and the peace you will have found. (Go for it girl!)
Buen Camino
hey, not to worry, not long to go now! im sure the camino will give you a chance to clear your mind, i leave on may 7th so might see ya along the way lol
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Transport luggage-passengers.
From airports to SJPP
Luggage from SJPP to Roncevalles

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